994 resultados para MG-GD ALLOYS


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The solubility of oxygen in liquid germanium in the temperature range 1233 to 1397 K, and in liquid germanium-copper alloys at 1373 K, in equilibrium with GeO2 has been measured by the phase equilibration technique. The solubility of oxygen in pure germanium is given by the relation R470 log(at. pct 0)=-6470/T+4.24 (±0.07). The standard free energy of solution of oxygen in liquid germanium is calculated from the saturation solubility, and recently measured values for the free energy of formation of GeO2, assuming that oxygen obeys Sievert’s law up to the saturation limit. For the reaction, 1/2 O2(g)→ OGe ΔG° =-39,000 + 3.21T (±500) cal = -163,200 + 13.43T (±2100) J. where the standard state for dissolved oxygen is that which makes the value of activity equal to the concentration (in at. pct), in the limit, as concentration approaches zero. The effect of copper on the activity of oxygen dissolved in liquid germanium is found to be in good agreement with that predicted by a quasichemical model in which each oxygen was assumed to be bonded to four metal atoms and the nearest neighbor metal atoms to an oxygen atom are assumed to lose approximately half of their metallic bonds.


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The Gibbs-Bogoliubov formalism in conjunction with the pseudopotential theory is applied to the calculation of the vapour pressure of eight liquid metals from Groups I to IV of the periodic table and of alloys (Na-K). The calculated vapour pressure of the elements and their temperature dependencies, the partial pressures, activities and boiling points of the alloys are all found to be in reasonable agreement with measured data.


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The microscopic electron theory based on the pseudopotential formalism has been applied to the calculation of the heats of mixing and of activities in liquid Al·Sn alloys. The calculated values for both quantities were found to be in reasonable agreement with ,the experimental data.


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A significant amount of research on the thermodynamic properties of molten alloys is undertaken for obtaining insights into their structure . The partial and integral molar enthalpies, entropies and volumes of mixing provide some general information on the nature and strength of atomic bonds and the distribution of atoms. However, until recently it has been difficult to derive specific quantitative information because the excess entropy of mixing contains configurational , vibrational , electronic , and sometimes magnetic contributions which cannot be easily separated.


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A method of deriving the thermodynamic properties of mixing in liquid alloys Delta G, Delta S and Delta H, from low-Q scattering data has been presented. As an example, the method has been demonstrated with liquid Na-Ga alloys for which both thermodynamic and diffraction data have recently been obtained by the authors.


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Relation between X-ray scattering intensities, mean square thermal fluctuations and thermodynamic properties. High temperature X-ray diffraction study of liquid Fe-Ni and Fe-Si alloys using reflection and transmission geometries. Calculation of the structure factor as a function of wave vector. Extrapolation to zero wave vector. Calculation of the concentration-concentration correlation function defined by A. B. Bhatia and D. E. Thorton. Computation of thermodynamic quantities of mixing A G, LlH and LlS for the binary alloys. Comparison with direct thermodynamic measurements reported in the literature.


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The equilibrium partial pressures of Mn over bcc Cr--Mn alloys have been measured using Knudsen cell technique in the temp. range 1200-1500K. The alloys in particulate form were contained in thoria crucibles inside Knudsen cells made of tungsten. The rates of mass loss of each cell under vacuum was monitered as a function of time at constant temp. using a microbalance. Activities exhibit mild negative deviations from Raoult's law, contrary to indications from an earlier study using a fused salt emf technique. The Cr--Mn system is characterized by negative enthalpy and excess entropy of mixing. There is close similarity between the composition dependence of enthalpy and excess entropy. These findings suggest strong vibrational and negligible magnetic contributions to excess entropy of mixing in bcc phase at high temp. 10 ref.--AA


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The activity of Cr in solid Cr-Mo alloys has been measured at 1873 K using a metal-oxide-gas equilibrium technique. Thin foils of Mo were equilibrated with solid Cr203 under flowing gas mixtures of argon, hydrogen and watervapourof known composition. The equilibrium concentration of Cr in Mo was determined by chemical analysis. These measurements indicate positive deviations from Raoult's law. The activity data obtained in the study at 1873 K are combined with free energy of mixing at 1471 K, calorimetric enthalpy of mixing at 1673 K, and experimental evidence of phase separation at lower temperatures, reported in the literature, to obtain an optimised set of thermodynamic parameters for the Cr-Mosystem in the solid state.


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Titaniuni and its alloys have many applications in aerospace, marine and other engineering industries. Titanium requires special melting techniques because of its high reactivity at elevated temperatures and needs special mould materials and methods for castings. This paper reviews the development of titanium casting technology.


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The standard Gibbs energies of formation of platinum-rich intermetallic compounds in the systems Pt-Mg, Pt-Ca, and Pt-Ba have been measured in the temperature range of 950 to 1200 K using solid-state galvanic cells based on MgF2, CaF2, and BaF2 as solid electrolytes. The results are summarized by the following equations: ΔG° (MgPt7) = −256,100 + 16.5T (±2000) J/mol ΔG° (MgPt3) = −217,400 + 10.7T (±2000) J/mol ΔG° (CaPt5) = −297,500 + 13.0T (±5000) J/mol ΔG° (Ca2Pt7) = −551,800 + 22.3T (±5000) J/mol ΔG° (CaPt2) = −245,400 + 9.3T (±5000) J/mol ΔG° (BaPt5) = −238,700 + 8.1T (±4000) J/mol ΔG° (BaPt2) = −197,300 + 4.0T (±4000) J/mol where solid platinum and liquid alkaline earth metals are selected as the standard states. The relatively large error estimates reflect the uncertainties in the auxiliary thermodynamic data used in the calculation. Because of the strong interaction between platinum and alkaline earth metals, it is possible to reduce oxides of Group ILA metals by hydrogen at high temperature in the presence of platinum. The alkaline earth metals can be recovered from the resulting intermetallic compounds by distillation, regenerating platinum for recycling. The platinum-slag-gas equilibration technique for the study of the activities of FeO, MnO, or Cr2O3 in slags containing MgO, CaO, or BaO is feasible provided oxygen partial pressure in the gas is maintained above that corresponding to the coexistence of Fe and “FeO.”


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The activity of strontium in liquid Al-Sr alloys (X(Sr) less-than-or-equal-to 0.17) at 1323 K has been determined using the Knudsen effusion-mass loss technique. At higher concentrations (X(Sr) greater-than-or-equal-to 0.28), the activity of strontium has been determined by the pseudoisopiestic technique. Activity of aluminium has been derived by Gibbs-Duhem integration. The concentration - concentration structure factor of Bhatia and Thornton at zero wave vector has been computed from the thermodynamic data. The behaviour of the mean square thermal fluctuation in composition and the thermodynamic mixing functions suggest association tendencies in the liquid state. The associated solution model with Al2Sr as the predominant complex can account for the properties of the liquid alloy. Thermodynamic data for the intermetallic compunds in the Al-Sr system have been derived using the phase diagram and the Gibbs' energy and enthalpy of mixing of liquid alloys. The data indicate the need for redetermination of the phase diagram near the strontium-rich corner.


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Sulfur and oxygen dissolved in nickel and cupronickel melts can be remwed as gaseous oxides of sulfur by a vacuum treatment. Presented in this paper is a new matched thermcxhemical disgran~ that permit.. direct evaluation of the equilibrium partial pressure of SO, as a function of temperature wer an alloy of specified compition. The matched thermochemical diagram consists of a central plot which shows the integral Gibbs' energy of mixing for the binary system SO, at different temperatures. The central plot is flanked on either side by terminal plots of the chemical potentials of oxygen and sulfur, as functions of temperature, for different alloy compositions. By projecting the chemical wtentials of oxygen and sulfur from the terminal lots on to the central diagram, ihe equilibrium partial pressure of S0,can be directly ;cad on the nomograms on the central plot at different temperatures. The matched therrnochemical diagrams are useful in assuring the efficiency of vacuum refining.


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An isothermal section of the phase diagram for (silver + rhodium + oxygen) at T = 1173 K has been established by equilibration of samples representing twelve different compositions, and phase identification after quenching by optical and scanning electron microscopy (s.e.m.), X-ray diffraction (x.r.d.), and energy dispersive analysis of X-rays (e.d.x.), Only one ternary oxide, AgRhO2, was found to be stable and a three phase region involving Ag, AgRhO2 and Rh2O3 was identified. The thermodynamic properties of AgRhO2 were measured using a galvanic cell in the temperature range 980 K to 1320 K. Yttria-stabilized zirconia was used as the solid electrolyte and pure oxygen gas at a pressure of 0.1 MPa was used as the reference electrode. The Gibbs free energy of formation of the ternary oxide from the elements, ΔfGo (AgRhO2), can be represented by two linear equations that join at the melting temperature of silver. In the temperature range 980 K to 1235 K, ΔfGo(AgRhO2)/(J . mol-1) = -249080 + 179.08 T/K (±120). Above the melting temperature of silver, in the temperature range 1235 K to 1320 K, ΔfGo(AgRhO2)/(J . mol-1) = -260400 + 188.24 T/K (±95). The thermodynamic properties of AgRhO2 at T = 298.15 K were evaluated from the high temperature data. The chemical potential diagram for (silver + rhodium + oxygen) at T = 1200 K was also computed on the basis of the results of this study.