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Targeting epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) has been one of the most effective colorectal cancer strategies. Anti-EGFR antibodies function by binding to the extracellular domain of EGFR, preventing its activation, and ultimately providing clinical benefit. KRAS mutations in codons 12 and 13 are recognized prognostic and predictive biomarkers that should be analyzed at the clinic prior to the administration of anti-EGFR therapy. However, still an important fraction of KRAS wild-type patients do not respond to the treatment. The identification of additional genetic determinants of primary or secondary resistance to EGFR targeted therapy for further improving the selection of patients is urgent. Herein, we review the latest published literature highlighting the most important genes that may predict resistance to anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies in colorectal cancer patients. According to the available findings, the evaluation of BRAF, NRAS, PIK3CA, and PTEN status could be the right strategy to select patients who are likely to respond to anti-EGFR therapies. In the future, the combination of those biomarkers will help establish consensus that can be introduced into clinical practice.


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Self-amplifying RNA or RNA replicon is a form of nucleic acid-based vaccine derived from either positive-strand or negative-strand RNA viruses. The gene sequences encoding structural proteins in these RNA viruses are replaced by mRNA encoding antigens of interest as well as by RNA polymerase for replication and transcription. This kind of vaccine has been successfully assayed with many different antigens as vaccines candidates, and has been shown to be potent in several animal species, including mice, nonhuman primates, and humans. A key challenge to realizing the broad potential of self-amplifying vaccines is the need for safe and effective delivery methods. Ideally, an RNA nanocarrier should provide protection from blood nucleases and extended blood circulation, which ultimately would increase the possibility of reaching the target tissue. The delivery system must then be internalized by the target cell and, upon receptor-mediated endocytosis, must be able to escape from the endosomal compartment into the cell cytoplasm, where the RNA machinery is located, while avoiding degradation by lysosomal enzymes. Further, delivery systems for systemic administration ought to be well tolerated upon administration. They should be safe, enabling the multiadministration treatment modalities required for improved clinical outcomes and, from a developmental point of view, production of large batches with reproducible specifications is also desirable. In this review, the concept of self-amplifying RNA vaccines and the most promising lipid-based delivery systems are discussed.


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O carcinoma epidermóide de pênis (CEP) representa 95% das neoplasias penianas e afeta quase sempre pacientes não circuncidados estando muitas vezes associado à falta de higiene local adequada e à fimose. No Brasil a sua incidência é de 2,7 % porém em algumas áreas do país pode chegar a 17% dos casos diagnosticados por ano. O tumor pode ocorrer em qualquer parte do órgão sexual masculino e o tipo de estadiamento empregado é controverso. A classificação de Broders é a mais utilizada. Estudos sugerem a relação entre o desenvolvimento do carcinoma de pênis com a infecção por HPV (Papiloma Vírus Humano). O método de avaliação dos linfonodos inguinais permanece controverso sendo difícil a diferenciação entre linfadenomegalia inflamatória reacional e metastática. O exame físico não é um preditor confiável do comprometimento linfonodal pois pacientes com linfonodos palpáveis podem não apresentar metástases. Há poucas publicações sobre os mecanismos moleculares envolvidos na gênese e progressão do CEP. Apesar de vários marcadores terem sido avaliados, atualmente a aplicação clínica destes é limitada. A maior parte dos marcadores estudados requer procedimentos invasivos para obtenção do tecido tumoral. Existe a necessidade de encontrar através de uma técnica pouco invasiva marcadores tumorais circulantes capazes de diferenciar portadores de CEP com e sem envolvimento metastático. Neste tipo de neoplasia, a descoberta de biomarcadores que avaliem o prognóstico é relevante, pois o exame físico não é um indicador confiável do comprometimento linfonodal e da sobrevida.Os objetivos foram 1) revisar e discutir a epidemiologia, a etiologia, os diversos tipos de abordagem cirúrgica e as controvérsias no tratamento cirúrgico do câncer de pênis 2) investigar através da plataforma ClinProt/ MALDI / TOF a presença de marcadores plasmáticos capazes de discriminar indivíduos saudáveis de pacientes afetados por carcinoma epidermóide de pênis (CEP) 3) avaliar a importância destes marcadores na evolução da doença. Foram coletados e analisados pela plataforma ClinProt / MALDI / TOF o plasma de 36 indivíduos saudáveis e 25 pacientes com CEP invasivo, submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico entre junho de 2010 e junho de 2011, nos serviços de urologia do Instituto Nacional de Câncer e do Hospital Mário Kröeff (Rio de Janeiro). Nossos resultados apontaram para um conjunto de dois peptídeos (A = m / z 1897,22 + -9 Da e B = m / z 2021,99 + -9 Da) que foram capazes de diferenciar pacientes com CEP de indivíduos controles. Esses peptídeos foram posteriormente identificados como fragmentos C3 e C4 A/B do sistema complemento. A validação cruzada, utilizando toda casuística apresentou 62,5% e 86,76% de sensibilidade e de especificidade, respectivamente, com uma alta sensibilidade (100%) e especificidade (97%) nos pacientes que morreram pela doença. Além disso, os pacientes com envolvimento ganglionar obtiveram uma sensibilidade e uma especificidade de 80 % e 97%, respectivamente. Ficou demonstrado que à medida que a doença progride mais subexpressos está o conjunto de peptídeos quando comparados com indivíduos saudáveis. Estes resultados podem ser úteis como ferramentas para a avaliação do prognóstico destes pacientes.


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Dentre os diversos tipos de câncer agressivos, o câncer de mama é o mais comum em mulheres. Mutações hereditárias e adquiridas, assim como alterações epigenéticas atuam em sinergia na carcinogênese mamária e na progressão tumoral. A proteína P53 é uma supressora de tumor e possui uma atuação fundamental na integridade genômica. Apesar do vasto conhecimento sobre o controle da P53 a nível de proteína, ainda pouco se sabe sobre o controle transcricional do gene TP53. A série 21T, uma série de 4 linhagens celulares originadas da mama da mesma paciente, representando diferentes estágios de progressão tumoral mamária, é um eficiente modelo para investigação das alterações epigenéticas e suas influências na expressão gênica ao longo da progressão do câncer de mama. Nós analisamos a organização do domínio do gene TP53 através da técnica de arranjo de DNA, em diversas linhagens celulares de câncer de mama e linhagens controle, e realizamos uma tentativa de caracterizar estes elementos de DNA nas linhagens controle não-tumorais HB2 e MCF10A e nas tumorais MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, T47D, através dos marcadores epigenéticos de eucromatina, H4Ac, e heterocromatina, H3K9me3. Ainda analisamos a ligação de proteínas à região associada à matriz nuclear (MAR), denominada MAR 2, e a possível ligação da proteína ligante à matriz nuclear (MARBP), PARP-1, através de ensaios de gel shift (EMSA). Detectamos que na linhagem controle epitelial mamária, HB2, o gene TP53 está posicionado num domínio de DNA relativamente pequeno, aproximadamente 50 kb, delimitado por dois sítios de fixação à matriz nuclear. Interessantemente, esta estrutura de domínio se apresentou radicalmente diferente nas linhagens de câncer de mama estudadas, MCF7, T47D, MDA-MB-231 e BT474, nos quais o tamanho do domínio estudado estava aumentado e a transcrição do TP53 diminuída. Os enriquecimentos com os marcadores epigenéticos de cromatina H4Ac e H3K9me3 estão diferentemente distribuídos nas MARs nas linhagens celulares. Surpreendentemente, a MAR 2 apresentou uma ligação altamente específica, o que poderia representar a atuação de fatores transcricionais envolvidos na organização da cromatina. Através de programas de bioinformática, detectamos putativos sítios para interessantes fatores de transcrição, tais como o c/EBP-beta e c-myb, que poderiam atuar em cis regulando a expressão do gene TP53 e outros flanqueadores. Nós propusemos um modelo para a organização da cromatina na região de domínio do gene TP53 com os genes flanqueadores. Através da série 21T, detectamos uma hipometilação global genômica, nas células cancerosas 21NT e 21MT1. Uma importante diminuição da expressão global do marcador H4Ac nas células metastáticas 21MT1, foi detectada em relação às outras linhagens. Os níveis de RNAm das principais enzimas relacionadas as modificações epigenéticas são consistentes com as observadas hipometilação genômica e hipoacetilação. Através de microscopia confocal, verificamos que o marcador H4Ac está localizado, na maior parte na periferia e o marcador H3K9me3, pericêntrico nos núcleos tumorais. Por fim, verificamos que o promotor P1 do gene TP53 apresenta um estado de cromatina aberta, e a expressão do gene TP53 é similar em todas as células da série 21T.


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Os tumores de mama são caracterizados pela sua alta heterogeneidade. O câncer de mama é uma doença complexa, que possui o seu desenvolvimento fortemente influenciado por fatores ambientais, combinada a uma progressiva acumulação de mutações genéticas e desregulação epigenética de vias críticas. Alterações nos padrões de expressão gênica podem ser resultado de uma desregulação no controle de eventos epigenéticos, assim como, na regulação pós-transcricional pelo mecanismo de RNA de interferência endógeno via microRNA (miRNA). Estes eventos são capazes de levar à iniciação, à promoção e à manutenção da carcinogênese, como também ter implicações no desenvolvimento da resistência à terapia Os miRNAs formam uma classe de RNAs não codificantes, que durante os últimos anos surgiram como um dos principais reguladores da expressão gênica, através da sua capacidade de regular negativamente a atividade de RNAs mensageiros (RNAms) portadores de uma seqüencia parcialmente complementar. A importância da regulação mediada por miRNAs foi observada pela capacidade destas moléculas em regular uma vasta gama de processos biológicos incluindo a proliferação celular, diferenciação e a apoptose. Para avaliar a expressão de miRNAs durante a progressão tumoral, utilizamos como modelo experimental a série 21T que compreende 5 linhagens celulares originárias da mesma paciente diagnosticada com um tumor primário de mama do tipo ErbB2 e uma posterior metástase pulmonar. Essa série é composta pela linhagem obtida a partir do tecido normal 16N, pelas linhagens correspondentes ao carcinoma primário 21PT e 21NT e pelas linhagens obtidas um ano após o diagnóstico inicial, a partir da efusão pleural no sítio metastatico 21MT1 e 21MT2. O miRNAoma da série 21T revelou uma redução significativa nos níveis de miR-205 e nos níveis da proteina e-caderina e um enriquecimento do fator pró-metastático ZEB-1 nas células 21MT. Considerando a importância dos miRNAs na regulação da apoptose, e que a irradiação em diferentes espectros é comumente usada em procedimentos de diagnóstico como mamografia e na radioterapia, avaliamos a expressão de miRNAs após irradiação de alta e baixa energia e do tratamento doxorrubicina. Para os ensaios foram utilizados as linhagens não tumorais MCF-10A e HB-2 e as linhagens de carcinoma da mama MCF-7 e T-47D. Observou-se que raios-X de baixa energia são capazes de promover quebras na molécula do DNA e apoptose assim como, alterar sensivelmente miRNAs envolvidos nessas vias como o let-7a, miR-34a e miR-29b. No que diz respeito à resposta a danos genotóxicos, uma regulação positiva sobre a expressão de miR-29b, o qual em condições normais é regulado negativamente foi observada uma regulação positiva sobre miR-29b expressão após todos os tratamentos em células tumorais. Nossos resultados indicam que miR-29b é um possível biomarcador de estresse genotóxico e que miR-205 pode participar no potencial metastático das células 21T.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Trabalho de Projeto apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Análises Laboratoriais Especializadas, área de especialização em Análise Biomédica


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This thesis investigates the mechanisms by which HRG-1 contributes to the invasive and cytoprotective signalling pathways in cancer cells through its effects on VATPase activity and heme transport. Plasma membrane-localised V-ATPase activity correlates with enhanced metastatic potential in cancer cells, which is attributed to extrusion of protons into the extracellular space and activation of pH-sensitive, extracellular matrix degrading-proteases. We found that HRG-1 is co-expressed with the V-ATPase at the plasma membrane of certain aggressive cancer cell types. Modulation of HRG-1 expression altered both the localisation and activity of the VATPase. We also found that HRG-1 enhances trafficking of essential transporters such as the glucose transporter (GLUT-1) in cancer cells, and increases glucose uptake, which is required for cancer cell growth, metabolism and V-ATPase assembly. Heme is potentially cytotoxic, owing to its iron moiety, and therefore the trafficking of heme is tightly controlled in cells. We hypothesised that HRG-1 is required for the transport of heme to intracellular compartments. Importantly, we found that HRG-1 interacts with the heme oxygenases that are necessary for heme catabolism. HRG-1 is also required for trafficking of both heme-bound and nonheme-bound receptors and suppression of HRG-1 results in perturbed receptor trafficking to the lysosome. Suppression of HRG-1 in HeLa cells increases toxic heme accumulation, reactive oxygen species accumulation, and DNA damage resulting in caspasedependent cell death. Mutation of essential heme binding residues in HRG-1 results in decreased heme binding to HRG-1. Interestingly, cells expressing heme-binding HRG-1 mutants exhibit decreased internalisation of the transferrin receptor compared to cells expressing wildtype HRG-1. These findings suggest that HRG- 1/heme trafficking contributes to a hitherto unappreciated aspect of receptormediated endocytosis. Overall, the findings of this thesis show that HRG-1-mediated regulation of intracellular and extracellular pH through V-ATPase activity is essential for a functioning endocytic pathway. This is critical for cells to acquire nutrients such as folate, iron and glucose and to mediate signalling in response to growth factor activation. Thus, HRG-1 facilitates enhanced metabolic activity of cancer cells to enable tumour growth and metastasis.


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Gene therapy has emerged as a realistic prospect for the treatment of cancer due to its potential for selective tumour cell targeting. The greatest challenge gene delivery vectors face is the ability to safely and efficiently deliver genes into target cells. The overall objectives of this thesis are to evaluate the efficacy of various gene delivery methods in a clinically relevant tumour model and to also investigate potential strategies for tumour selective delivery. We began with the development of a tumour slice model system using patient waste tissue. This model involves the use of fresh human tumour tissue, cut into thin slices and maintained ex vivo and is universally applicable to gene delivery methods, using a real-time luminescence detection method to assess gene delivery. The nature of the ex vivo culture system permitted examination of specific physiological variables, the influence of intratumoural factors and tissue specific effects on vector expression. Adenoviral vectors under the control of the human CXCR4 promoter demonstrated a 'tumour on' and 'normal off' expression profile when compared with the ubiquitously active CMV promoter when tested in patient tumour tissue. In addition, we developed an ex vivo system of changing oxygenation using the hypoxia inducer, cobalt, to mimic the transient hypoxic conditions found in solid tumours. We found that Adenoviral transgene expression was robust in the cycling hypoxic conditions relevant to solid tumours and re-oxygenation of chronically hypoxic tissue enhanced transgene expression. Finally, we demonstrated an AAV-based tumour targeting strategy using a tumour-selective promoter allowing for the efficient targeting of AAV vectors to cancer cells and the sparing of normal tissue in both murine metastatic liver tumours models and patient tissue. The thesis highlights the importance of indepth preclinical assessment of novel therapeutics and may serve as a platform for further testing of novel gene delivery approaches.


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Malnutrition, sarcopenia and cancer cachexia (CC) are prevalent among cancer patients and can have detrimental effects on clinical outcomes such as quality of life (QoL) and overall survival. Cachexia is associated with lower tolerance for chemotherapy, which limits the total dose that can be delivered, the number of symptomatic responses and any survival advantage that might be accrued. Moreover, for the majority who do not respond, cachexia may be exacerbated by systemic chemotherapy, thus increasing the net symptom burden experienced by patients. The multitude of interactions between cancer location, treatments, nutritional status and QoL has never been thoroughly explored in an Irish cancer cohort. The objectives of this thesis were to further understand nutritional status, especially body composition in ambulatory cancer patients and determine the relationship between nutritional status using different assessment criteria and QoL, chemotherapy toxicity and survival among cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Results aimed to identify baseline factors that may be predictive of poor outcome, toxicities to chemotherapy and disease-free and overall survival. This thesis broadly divides into two sections. The first section (Chapters 3 & 4) focuses on improving our knowledge of the nutritional status of Irish cancer outpatients using a cross sectional study design. A study of 517 patients referred for chemotherapy was conducted using computed tomography (CT) imaging (body composition) and a survey that documented oncologic data, weight loss (WL) data and QoL data. We revealed that a significant proportion of Irish cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy experience unintentional WL over the previous 6 months (62%), sarcopenia (45%) and CC (43%), and the distribution of WL and nutritional risk were associated with site of primary tumour and treatment intent. Patients that had sarcopenia, nutritional risk, or CC had significantly reduced functional abilities, more symptoms and adverse global QoL. In the second section of this thesis (Chapters 5 & 6) the potential link between developing toxicity to antineoplastic regimens in patients with sarcopenia was conducted by way of retrospective studies. A retrospective serial CT analysis defined the prevalence of sarcopenia in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) and metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC), which was then correlated with dose limiting toxicities of sunitinib and docetaxel respectively. Sarcopenia was prevalent in patients with mRCC and mCRPC, was an occult condition in patients with normal/high BMI, was associated with less treatment days, was a significant predictor of DLT in patients receiving sunitinib and a significant predictor of neutropenia and neurosensory toxicities in patients receiving docetaxel. This thesis attempted to address the underlying research deficiencies in Irish oncology nutritional data at national level. The findings from this thesis have implications for the planning of cancer care interventions and indicate that further research is required to improve nutritional screening, in particular for CC and sarcopenia, in the hope that timely intervention can improve both patient-centered and oncologic outcomes.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Docetaxel is an active agent in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer. We evaluated the feasibility of docetaxel-based sequential and combination regimens as adjuvant therapies for patients with node-positive breast cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Three consecutive groups of patients with node-positive breast cancer or locally-advanced disease, aged < or = 70 years, received one of the following regimens: a) sequential A-->T-->CMF: doxorubicin 75 mg/m2 q 3 weeks x 3, followed by docetaxel 100 mg/m2 q 3 weeks x 3, followed by i.v. CMF days 1 + 8 q 4 weeks x 3; b) sequential accelerated A-->T-->CMF: A and T were administered at the same doses q 2 weeks; c) combination therapy: doxorubicin 50 mg/m2 + docetaxel 75 mg/m2 q 3 weeks x 4, followed by CMF x 4. When indicated, radiotherapy was administered during or after CMF, and tamoxifen started after the end of CMF. RESULTS: Seventy-nine patients have been treated. Median age was 48 years. A 30% rate of early treatment discontinuation was observed in patients receiving the sequential accelerated therapy (23% during A-->T), due principally to severe skin toxicity. Median relative dose-intensity was 100% in the three treatment arms. The incidence of G3-G4 major toxicities by treated patients, was as follows: skin toxicity a: 5%; b: 27%; c: 0%; stomatitis a: 20%; b: 20%; c: 3%. The incidence of neutropenic fever was a: 30%; b: 13%; c: 48%. After a median follow-up of 18 months, no late toxicity has been reported. CONCLUSIONS: The accelerated sequential A-->T-->CMF treatment is not feasible due to an excess of skin toxicity. The sequential non accelerated and the combination regimens are feasible and under evaluation in a phase III trial of adjuvant therapy.


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BACKGROUND: Docetaxel has proven efficacy in metastatic breast cancer. In this pilot study, we explored the efficacy/feasibility of docetaxel-based sequential and combination regimens as adjuvant therapy of node-positive breast cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From March 1996 till March 1998, four consecutive groups of patients with stages II and III breast cancer, aged < or = 70 years, received one of the following regimens: a) sequential Doxorubicin (A) --> Docetaxel (T) --> CMF (Cyclophosphamide+Methotrexate+5-Fluorouracil): A 75 mg/m q 3 wks x 3, followed by T100 mg/m2 q 3 wks x 3, followed by i.v. CMF Days 1+8 q 4 wks x 3; b) sequential accelerated A --> T --> CMF: A and T administered at the same doses q 2 wks with Lenograstin support; c) combination therapy: A 50 mg/m2 + T 75 mg/m2 q 3 wks x 4, followed by CMF x 4; d) sequential T --> A --> CMF: T and A, administered as in group a), with the reverse sequence. When indicated, radiotherapy was administered during or after CMF, and Tamoxifen after CMF. RESULTS: Ninety-three patients were treated. The median age was 48 years (29-66) and the median number of positive axillary nodes was 6 (1-25). Tumors were operable in 94% and locally advanced in 6% of cases. Pathological tumor size was >2 cm in 72% of cases. There were 21 relapses, (18 systemic, 3 locoregional) and 11 patients (12%) have died from disease progression. At median follow-up of 39 months (6-57), overall survival (OS) was 87% (95% CI, 79-94%) and disease-free survival (DFS) was 76% (95% CI, 67%-85%). CONCLUSION: The efficacy of these docetaxel-based regimens, in terms of OS and DFS, appears to be at least as good as standard anthracycline-based adjuvant chemotherapy (CT), in similar high-risk patient populations.


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Although the management of breast cancer has improved over the past few decades, it remains an important challenge for the clinician. Cytotoxic chemotherapy and hormonotherapy, when given in the adjuvant setting, have a definitive though modest impact on the outcome of early-stage breast cancer. In metastatic disease, these therapies help to provide substantial palliation of symptoms but have a limited impact on survival. The discovery of vinorelbine and the taxanes, paclitaxel and docetaxel, certainly represented the most encouraging clinical development of the 1980s in breast cancer therapy. Several other new cytotoxic agents have been recognised for their potential in the treatment of this disorder. Many of them are only in a very early phase of their clinical development and it remains to be proven that they will have a major role in daily practice in the near future.


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BACKGROUND: Shared decision-making has become the standard of care for most medical treatments. However, little is known about physician communication practices in the decision making for unstable critically ill patients with known end-stage disease. OBJECTIVE: To describe communication practices of physicians making treatment decisions for unstable critically ill patients with end-stage cancer, using the framework of shared decision-making. DESIGN: Analysis of audiotaped encounters between physicians and a standardized patient, in a high-fidelity simulation scenario, to identify best practice communication behaviors. The simulation depicted a 78-year-old man with metastatic gastric cancer, life-threatening hypoxia, and stable preferences to avoid intensive care unit (ICU) admission and intubation. Blinded coders assessed the encounters for verbal communication behaviors associated with handling emotions and discussion of end-of-life goals. We calculated a score for skill at handling emotions (0-6) and at discussing end of life goals (0-16). SUBJECTS: Twenty-seven hospital-based physicians. RESULTS: Independent variables included physician demographics and communication behaviors. We used treatment decisions (ICU admission and initiation of palliation) as a proxy for accurate identification of patient preferences. Eight physicians admitted the patient to the ICU, and 16 initiated palliation. Physicians varied, but on average demonstrated low skill at handling emotions (mean, 0.7) and moderate skill at discussing end-of-life goals (mean, 7.4). We found that skill at discussing end-of-life goals was associated with initiation of palliation (p = 0.04). CONCLUSIONS: It is possible to analyze the decision making of physicians managing unstable critically ill patients with end-stage cancer using the framework of shared decision-making.


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Surgery is one of the most effective and widely used procedures in treating human cancers, but a major problem is that the surgeon often fails to remove the entire tumor, leaving behind tumor-positive margins, metastatic lymph nodes, and/or satellite tumor nodules. Here we report the use of a hand-held spectroscopic pen device (termed SpectroPen) and near-infrared contrast agents for intraoperative detection of malignant tumors, based on wavelength-resolved measurements of fluorescence and surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) signals. The SpectroPen utilizes a near-infrared diode laser (emitting at 785 nm) coupled to a compact head unit for light excitation and collection. This pen-shaped device effectively removes silica Raman peaks from the fiber optics and attenuates the reflected excitation light, allowing sensitive analysis of both fluorescence and Raman signals. Its overall performance has been evaluated by using a fluorescent contrast agent (indocyanine green, or ICG) as well as a surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) contrast agent (pegylated colloidal gold). Under in vitro conditions, the detection limits are approximately 2-5 × 10(-11) M for the indocyanine dye and 0.5-1 × 10(-13) M for the SERS contrast agent. Ex vivo tissue penetration data show attenuated but resolvable fluorescence and Raman signals when the contrast agents are buried 5-10 mm deep in fresh animal tissues. In vivo studies using mice bearing bioluminescent 4T1 breast tumors further demonstrate that the tumor borders can be precisely detected preoperatively and intraoperatively, and that the contrast signals are strongly correlated with tumor bioluminescence. After surgery, the SpectroPen device permits further evaluation of both positive and negative tumor margins around the surgical cavity, raising new possibilities for real-time tumor detection and image-guided surgery.