Introdução: A estratégia terapêutica sistematicamente invasiva das síndromes coronárias agudas (SCA) é actualmente aceite como segura e eficaz, sendo crescentes as evidências da sua superioridade em relação a uma atitude conservadora. O doente idoso, atendendo à sua maior susceptibilidade, é frequentemente excluído deste tipo de abordagem, o que poderá limitar os potenciais benefícios. Objectivo: Avaliar a influência da idade nas características e evolução clínica dos doentes com SCA tratados segundo uma estratégia invasiva, e se esta limita a sua adopção. Métodos: Estudaram-se retrospectivamente 203 doentes internados por SCA (não seleccionados e consecutivos), considerados de risco intermédio/elevado após estratificação e que efectuaram terapêutica com inibidores das glicoproteínas IIb/IIIa. Destes doentes 45 tinham idade 75 anos e constituíram o grupo intitulado de Idoso, os restantes constituíram o grupo Não Idoso. Foram analisadas e comparadas as características dos dois grupos, a terapêutica realizada e a evolução clínica que apresentaram. Resultados: A percentagem de mulheres no grupo idoso é bastante superior, embora a diferença não atinja significado estatístico. Das outras características estudadas as que apresentam diferenças significativas são a existência de história familiar de doença coronária e o tabagismo, que são menos frequentes entre os idosos. Houve uma tendência não significativa para cateterizar menos os idosos, sendo que os dois grupos são semelhantes em relação à terapêutica de revascularização adoptada. No total as complicações hemorrágicas foram mais frequentes no grupo Idoso, mas a diferença em relação às hemorragias significativas não teve valor estatístico. A mortalidade intra hospitalar foi maior nos idosos, mas diminuiu e não teve significado estatístico quando considerados apenas os doentes cateterizados. Conclusão: Nesta população os idosos tiveram um número maior de complicações hemorrágicas não significativas e a sua maior mortalidade não esteve associada à adopção de uma atitude invasiva. Desta forma sugere-se que a idade, por si só, não limita a adopção de uma estratégia sistematicamente invasiva.
The mortality rate is high and prognosis is worse among new-borns with prenatal diagnosis of heart malformation, mainly due to factors such as its association with other malformations, and a range of more severe diseases probably resulting from the predominance of the obstetric use of the four chamber view. In this study we retrospectively assessed the range of cardiopathies diagnosed by foetal echocardiography and their evolution, compared with previous years. From January 1994 to December 1995, 1173 foetal echocardiograms were performed at a gestation age of 24 weeks. Sixty-one foetuses (5.2%) had cardiac anomalies, structural in 56 and arrhythmia in 5. The risks and indications were maternal in 37%, foetal in 31%, familial in 17% and environmental in 15%. Three were false negatives (VSD:2; truncus arteriosus: 1). Five died in utero, and 18 were assessed after birth with a mean gestational age of 37 weeks and birth weight of 3 Kg, a caesarean section was performed in 9. All but one were born in central hospitals. Six children were operated on. Two children died, one after surgery. Compared with the four previous years of activity, indication due to foetal risk rose from 6 to 31%, the number of cases diagnosed with heart disease increased from 14 to 30 per year, and the mortality decreased from 59 to 11%. Despite this, we still observe that the vast majority of new-borns who are hospitalised due to a severe heart disease had no prenatal diagnosis, indicating the need to continue our educational policy in this field.
INTRODUCTION: Conventional risk stratification after acute myocardial infarction is usually based on the extent of myocardial damage and its clinical consequences. However, nowadays, more aggressive therapeutic strategies are used, both pharmacological and invasive, with the aim of changing the course of the disease. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate whether the number of drugs administered can influence survival of these patients, based on recent clinical trials that demonstrated the benefit of each drug for survival after acute coronary events. METHODS: This was a retrospective analysis of 368 consecutive patients admitted to our ICU during 2002 for acute coronary syndrome. A score from 1 to 4 was attributed to each patient according to the number of secondary prevention drugs administered--antiplatelets, beta blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and statins--independently of the type of association. We evaluated mortality at 30-day follow-up. RESULTS: Mean age was 65 +/- 13 years, 68% were male, and 43% had ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction. Thirty-day mortality for score 1 to 4 was 36.8%, 15.6%, 7.8% and 2.5% respectively (p < 0.001). The use of only one or two drugs resulted in a significant increase in the risk of death at 30 days (OR 4.10, 95% CI 1.69-9.93, p = 0.002), when corrected for other variables. There was a 77% risk reduction associated with the use of three or four vs. one or two drugs. The other independent predictors of death were diabetes, Killip class on admission and renal insufficiency. CONCLUSIONS: The use of a greater number of secondary prevention drugs in patients with acute coronary syndromes was associated with improved survival. A score of 4 was a powerful predictor of mortality at 30-day follow-up
Venous ulcers in patients with post thrombotic syndromes are complex situations with multiple therapeutic options. They are responsible for high morbidity rates, conservative treatment is very slow and recurrences are very common. Deep venous reconstructive surgery is an alternative, but it should be based on the morphologic and functional aspects of the venous system and only adopted after a very careful study, including venography. The authors describe a morphological "pattern", found in some of these patients and related to the competence of the saphenous femoral junction, rendering possible to perform a valvular transposition. Seven patients with post thrombotic ulcers who have been treated during the last 6 years in which the pattern already described was detect, underwent a transposition of the superficial femoral vein, to the great saphenous vein and when necessary complemented with skyn grafts. Before the operation all patients had ulcers with more than 3 cm in size (3.2-5.4 cm) and with more than 4 months duration (4-16 months). All ulcers healed in the postoperative period (mean time 28 days). All patients have been reevaluated in 2003 and it was diagnosed the thrombosis of two procedures, one of them with the recurrence of the ulcer who healed with conservative treatment. The authors consider this method as a very easy technique to perform, although rarely used, and a valid alternative in a highly selected group of patients.
OBJECTIVES: Atrio-ventricular septal (AVSD) defects include a variable spectrum of congenital malformations with different forms of clinical presentation. We report the surgical results, from a single institution, with this type of congenital cardiac malformation. Patients with hypoplasia of one of the ventricles were excluded from this analysis. POPULATION: Between November of 1998 and June of 2005, 49 patients with AVSD were operated on by the same team and in the same department. The average age was 37.3 months (medium 6 months) and 31 patients were female. In 38 patients (78%) an inter-ventricular communication was present (AVSD-complete) and of these, 26 were of the type A of Rastelli, being 13 of type B or C. The age for defect correction of the complete form was of 5.5 months, palliative surgery was not carried out on any of the patients. Associated lesions included: Down's syndrome in 22 patients (45%), patent arterial duct in 17 patients (35%), severe AV regurgitation in 4 patients (8%), tetralogy of Fallot in two (4%) and sub-aortic stenosis in one patient (2%). Pre-operatively 10 patients presented severe congestive heart failure and two were mechanically ventilated. RESULTS: Complete biventricular correction was carried out in all patients. The average time on bypass (ECC) was 74.1+/-17.5 min. and time of aortic clamping was 52.0+/-12.9 min. The complete defects were corrected by the double patch technique, and in all patients the mitral cleft was closed, except in two with single papillary muscle. There was no intra-operative mortality, but hospital mortality was 8%(4 patients), due to pulmonary hypertension crises, in the first 15 post-operative days. The mean ventilation time was of 36.5+/-93 hours (medium 7 h) and the average ICU stay was of 4.3+/-4.8 days (medium 3 days). The minimum follow-up period is 1 month and the maximum is 84 months (medium 29.5 months), during which time 4 re-operations (8%) took place: two for residual VSD's and two for mitral regurgitation. There was no mortality at re-do surgery. At follow up there was residual mitral regurgitation, mild in 17 patients and moderate in two. Four other patients presented with minor residual defects. CONCLUSIONS: The complete correction of AVSD can be carried out with acceptable results, in a varied spectrum of anatomic forms and of clinical severity. Despite the age of correction, for the complete forms, predominantly below 12 months, pulmonary hypertension was the constant cause for post operative mortality. Earlier timing of surgery and stricter peri-operative control might still improve results.
The Ross procedure has been used in children and young adults for aortic valve replacement and the correction of complex obstruction syndromes of the left ventricular outflow tract. We report the mid-term results of the Ross procedure in a single institution and performed by the same surgical team. Population: Between March 1999 and December 2005, 18 patients were operated on using the Ross procedure. The mean age at the time of surgery was 12 years, being 12 patients male (67%). The primary indication for surgery was isolated aortic valve disease, being the predominant abnormality in 58% of cases aortic regurgitation and in 42% left ventricular outflow tract obstruction. Associated lesions included sub-aortic membrane in 3 patients (16%), small VSD in 2 patients (11%), bicuspid aortic valve in 4 patients (22%) and severe left ventricular dysfunction and mitral valve regurgitation in 1 patient (6%). Ten of the 18 patients (56%) had been submitted to previous surgical procedures or percutaneous interventions. Results: Early post-operative mortality was not seen, but two patients (11%), had late deaths, one due to endocarditis, a year after the Ross procedure, and the other due to dilated cardiomiopathy and mitral regurgitation. The shortest time of follow-up is 6 months and the longest 72 months (median 38 months). Of the 16 survivors, 14 patients are in class I of the NYHA and 2 in class II, without significant residual lesions or need for re-intervention. The 12 patients with more than a year of follow up revealed normal coronary perfusion in all patients and no segmental wall motion abnormalities. Nevertheless, two of the 12 patients developed residual dynamic obstruction of LVOT and in three patients aortic regurgitation of a mild to moderate degree was evident. Significant gradients were not verified in the RVOT. Conclusions: The Ross procedure, despite its complexity, can be undertaken with excellent immediate results. Aspects such as the dilation of the neo aortic root and homograft evolution can not be considered in a study of this nature, seeing that the mean follow up time does not exceed 5 years.
Introdução: O tratamento das Síndromes Coronárias Agudas (SCA) sofreu várias alterações muito rápidas nos últimos anos, traduzido nas múltiplas propostas de recomendações pelo ACC/AHA/ESC, baseados na evidência clínica. Avaliamos a implementação destas recomendações, comparando uma população de doentes de 2002, com uma população de 2005. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo de 368 doentes admitidos em 2002 e 420 doentes admitidos em 2005 por SCA (com e sem elevação do segmento ST). Analisaram-se características clínicas e estratégias de tratamento. Resultados: Não se verificaram diferenças em termos de idade, sexo masculino, factores de risco para doença coronária ou história prévia de revascularização miocárdica. Verificou-se uma redução de doentes com antecedentes de enfarte do miocárdico e insuficiência renal e aumento da apresentação como enfarte com elevação do segmento ST. O tratamento com clopidogrel (6% versus 87%), bloqueador-beta(54% versus 79%), inibidores da enzima de conversão da angiotensina (72% versus 84%) e estatinas (78% versus 91%) aumentou (para todos p<0,001). Por outro lado, verificou-se um pequeno decréscimo na utilização de ácido acetilsalicílico (98% versus 95%, p=0,039) (com maior utilização de clopidogrel) e a ticlopidina deixou de ser utilizada (46% versus 0%, p<0,001). Os antagonistas dos receptores da glicoproteína IIb/IIIa não se alteraram significativamente (66% versus 67%, p=NS). Aumentaram as intervenções coronárias percutâneas (53% versus 67%, p<0,001). Não se verificou diferença em termos de mortalidade hospitalar (8,2% versus 6,4%) e aos 30 dias (9,0% versus. 8,6%), com redução ao 1ºano de seguimento (17,1% versus 11,7%, p=0,039). As estatinas e os bloqueadores beta são preditores independentes de mortalidade, com efeito de protecção. Conclusões: Entre 2002 e 2005, o tratamento das SCA melhorou significativamente de acordo com as recomendações existentes, traduzindo-se numa melhoria da mortalidade ao 1º ano de seguimento.
OBJECTIVE: Since most centers' experience with Ebstein anomaly is limited, we sought to analyze the collective experience of participating institutions of the European Congenital Heart Surgeons Association with surgery for this rare malformation. METHODS: The records of all 150 patients (median age 6.4 years) who underwent surgery for Ebstein anomaly in the 13 participating Association centers between January 1992 and January 2005 were reviewed retrospectively. Patients with congenitally corrected transposition were excluded. RESULTS: Most patients (81%) had Ebstein disease type B or C and significant functional impairment (61% in New York Heart Association class III or IV) and 16% had prior operations. Surgical procedures (n = 179) included valve replacement (n = 60, 33.5%), valve repair (n = 49, 27.3%), 1(1/2) ventricle repair (n = 46, 25.6%), palliative shunt (n = 13, 7.26%), and other complex procedures (n = 11, 6.14%). There were 20 hospital deaths (operative mortality 13.3%) after valve replacement in 5 patients, valve repair in 3, 1(1/2) ventricle repair in 7, palliative procedures in 3, and miscellaneous procedures in 2. Younger age and palliative procedures were univariate risk factors for operative death, but only age was an independent predictor on multivariable analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Most patients coming to surgery presented in childhood and were significantly symptomatic. More than half underwent valve replacement or repair, but a considerable proportion had severe disease necessitating 1(1/2) ventricle repair or palliative procedures. Operative mortality did not differ significantly among repair, replacement, and 1(1/2) ventricle repair but was associated with palliative procedures for severe disease early in life, young age being the only independent predictor of operative death.
Os autores abordam a anatomia e neuroquímica da placa neuromuscular, a classificação das diferentes entidades, bem como as patologias mais frequentemente encontradas na clínica de adultos. São revistos a fisiopatologia, quadro clínico, diagnóstico diferencial e abordagem terapêutica da miastenia gravis, considerada o paradigma das doenças de envolvimento da placa neuromuscular, da síndroma miasténica de Eaton-Lambert e do botulismo.
The role of cerebral angiography in the diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease is currently being questioned due to both the increasing availability of carotid sonography and the recent introduction of Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA). After a technical foreword about the different modalities available today in Cerebral Angiography, we discuss its present indications (Conventional or Digital subtraction by intra-arterial route), in patients with extra and intra cranial atherosclerotic cerebro vascular disease, subarachnoid hemorrhage and arterial aneurysms, in vascular malformations, particularly arterio-venous malformations (AVM's), in occlusive non-atherosclerotic non hypertensive arteriopathies and in occlusive venous pathology. Although it is possible that the future will show us the progressive replacement of the invasive technologies by MRA, at the present stage of Magnetic Resonance development there is still an important role, if not crucial, for catheter angiography in the diagnosis of most of the diseases producing stroke syndromes.
Microbiota is a set of microorganisms resident in gut ecosystem that reacts to psychological stressful stimuli, and is involved in depressed or anxious status in both animals and human being. Interestingly, a series of studies have shown the effects of physical exercise on gut microbiota dynamics, suggesting that gut microbiota regulation might act as one mediator for the effects of exercise on the brain. Recent studies found that gut microbiota dynamics are also regulated by metabolism changes, such as through physical exercise or diet change. Interestingly, physical exercise modulates different population of gut bacteria in compared to food restriction or rich diet, and alleviates gut syndromes to toxin intake. Gut microbiota could as well contribute to the beneficial effects of exercise on cognition and emotion, either directly through serotonin signaling or indirectly by modulating metabolism and exercise performance.
Introduction:Women with antiphospholipid syndrome(APS) may suffer from recurrent miscarriage, fetal death, fetal growth restriction (FGR), pre-eclampsia, placental abruption, premature delivery and thrombosis. Treatment with aspirin and low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) combined with close maternal-fetal surveillance can change these outcomes. Objective: To assess maternal and perinatal outcome in a cohort of Portuguese women with primary APS. Patients and Methods: A retrospective analysis of 51 women with primary APS followed in our institution (January 1994 to December 2007). Forty one(80.4%) had past pregnancy morbidity and 35.3%(n=18) suffered previous thrombotic events. In their past they had a total of 116 pregnancies of which only 13.79 % resulted in live births. Forty four patients had positive anticardiolipin antibodies and 33 lupus anticoagulant. All women received treatment with low dose aspirin and LMWH. Results: There were a total of 67 gestations (66 single and one multiple). The live birth rate was 85.1%(57/67) with 10 pregnancy failures: seven in the first and second trimesters, one late fetal death and two medical terminations of pregnancy (one APS related). Mean (± SD) birth weight was 2837 ± 812 g and mean gestational age 37 ± 3.3 weeks. There were nine cases of FGR and 13 hypertensive complications(4 HELLP syndromes). 54.4% of the patients delivered by caesarean section. Conclusions: In our cohort, early treatment with aspirin and LMWH combined with close maternal-fetal surveillance was associated with a very high chance of a live newborn.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a genus in the family Herpesviridae that has been associated with gastrointestinal syndromes. In this work we looked for a possible association of CMV infection with colorectal cancer and ulcerative colitis (UC). Blood and enteric tissue samples of 14 patients with colorectal cancer and of 21 with UC were subjected to a nested-PCR that amplifies part of the gB gene of CMV and also to immunohistochemistry using a specific monoclonal antibody to IE 76kDa protein of CMV. CMV was detected by nested-PCR in the blood and/or the enteric tissue of nine (64.3%) colorectal cancer and 16 (76.2%) ulcerative colitis patients. In the immunohistochemistry it was observed that 12 (12/21, 57.1%) positive enteric tissue samples of patients with UC and none from patients with colorectal cancer (0/14) were positive to CMV. The positivity of CMV infections in the UC patient group (12/21, 57.1%) showed by both techniques, was significantly higher (p = 0.015) than that observed for colorectal cancer patients (2/14, 14.3%). These results suggest an association of ulcerative colitis with CMV infection of the enteric tissue.
The insecticidal effect of six commercially available plant oils was tested against 4th larval instars of Culex pipiens. Larvae were originally collected from Meit El-Attar, Qalyubia Governorate, Egypt, and then reared in the laboratory until F1 generation. The LC50 values were 32.42, 47.17, 71.37, 83.36, 86.06, and 152.94 ppm for fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-grecum), earth almond (Cyperus esculentus), mustard (Brassica compestris), olibanum (Boswellia serrata), rocket (Eruca sativa), and parsley (Carum ptroselinum), respectively. The tested oils altered some biological aspects of C. pipiens, for instance, developmental periods, pupation rates, and adult emergences. The lowest concentrations of olibanum and fenugreek oils caused remarkable prolongation of larval and pupal durations. Data also showed that the increase of concentrations was directly proportional to reduction in pupation rates and adult emergences. Remarkable decrease in pupation rate was achieved by mustard oil at 1000 ppm. Adult emergence was suppressed by earth almond and fenugreek oils at 25 ppm. In addition, the tested plant oils exhibited various morphological abnormalities on larvae, pupae, and adult stages. Consequently, fenugreek was the most potent oil and the major cause of malformation of both larval and pupal stages. Potency of the applied plant oils provided an excellent potential for controlling C. pipiens.
Background: Although epilepsy is common in children with cerebral palsy (CP), no data exists on prevalence rates of CP and epilepsy. Aims: To describe epilepsy in children with CP, and to examine the association between epilepsy and neonatal characteristics, associated impairments and CP subtypes. Methods: Data on 9654 children with CP born between 1976 and 1998 and registered in 17 European registers belonging to the SCPE network (Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe)were analyzed. Results: A total of 3424 (35%) children had a history of epilepsy. Among them, seventy-two percent were on medication at time of registration. Epilepsy was more frequent in children with a dyskinetic or bilateral spastic type and with other associated impairments. The prevalence of CP with epilepsy was 0.69 (99% CI, 0.66e0.72) per 1000 live births and followed a quadratic trend with an increase from 1976 to 1983 and a decrease afterwards. Neonatal characteristics independently associated with epilepsy were the presence of a brain malformation or a syndrome, a term or moderately preterm birth compared with a very premature birth, and signs of perinatal distress including neonatal seizures, neonatal ventilation and admission to a neonatal care unit. Conclusions: The prevalence of CP with epilepsy followed a quadratic trend in 1976e1998 and mirrored that of the prevalence of CP during this period. The observed relationship between epilepsy and associated impairments was expected; however it requires longitudinal studies to be better understood.