904 resultados para Lutjanidae. Mutton snapper. Dog snapper. Mitochondrial DNA.Population genetics
Ecological and genetic studies of marine turtles generally support the hypothesis of natal homing, but leave open the question of the geographical scale of genetic exchange and the capacity of turtles to shift breeding sites. Here we combine analyses of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation and recapture data to assess the geographical scale of individual breeding populations and the distribution of such populations through Australasia. We conducted multiscale assessments of mtDNA variation among 714 samples from 27 green turtle rookeries and of adult female dispersal among nesting sites in eastern Australia. Many of these rookeries are on shelves that were flooded by rising sea levels less than 10 000 years (c. 450 generations) ago. Analyses of sequence variation among the mtDNA control region revealed 25 haplotypes, and their frequency distributions indicated 17 genetically distinct breeding stocks (Management Units) consisting either of individual rookeries or groups of rookeries in general that are separated by more than 500 km. The population structure inferred from mtDNA was consistent with the scale of movements observed in long-term mark-recapture studies of east Australian rookeries. Phylogenetic analysis of the haplotypes revealed five clades with significant partitioning of sequence diversity (Phi = 68.4) between Pacific Ocean and Southeast Asian/Indian Ocean rookeries. Isolation by distance was indicated for rookeries separated by up to 2000 km but explained only 12% of the genetic structure. The emerging general picture is one of dynamic population structure influenced by the capacity of females to relocate among proximal breeding sites, although this may be conditional on large population sizes as existed historically across this region.
The purpose of this research was to demonstrate the applicability of reduced-size STR (Miniplex) primer sets to challenging samples and to provide the forensic community with new information regarding the analysis of degraded and inhibited DNA. The Miniplex primer sets were validated in accordance with guidelines set forth by the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM) in order to demonstrate the scientific validity of the kits. The Miniplex sets were also used in the analysis of DNA extracted from human skeletal remains and telogen hair. In addition, a method for evaluating the mechanism of PCR inhibition was developed using qPCR. The Miniplexes were demonstrated to be a robust and sensitive tool for the analysis of DNA with as low as 100 pg of template DNA. They also proved to be better than commercial kits in the analysis of DNA from human skeletal remains, with 64% of samples tested producing full profiles, compared to 16% for a commercial kit. The Miniplexes also produced amplification of nuclear DNA from human telogen hairs, with partial profiles obtained from as low as 60 pg of template DNA. These data suggest smaller PCR amplicons may provide a useful alternative to mitochondrial DNA for forensic analysis of degraded DNA from human skeletal remains, telogen hairs, and other challenging samples. In the evaluation of inhibition by qPCR, the effect of amplicon length and primer melting temperature was evaluated in order to determine the binding mechanisms of different PCR inhibitors. Several mechanisms were indicated by the inhibitors tested, including binding of the polymerase, binding to the DNA, and effects on the processivity of the polymerase during primer extension. The data obtained from qPCR illustrated a method by which the type of inhibitor could be inferred in forensic samples, and some methods of reducing inhibition for specific inhibitors were demonstrated. An understanding of the mechanism of the inhibitors found in forensic samples will allow analysts to select the proper methods for inhibition removal or the type of analysis that can be performed, and will increase the information that can be obtained from inhibited samples.
Body size is a fundamental structural characteristic of organisms, determining critical life history and physiological traits, and influencing population dynamics, community structure, and ecosystem function. For my dissertation, I focused on effects of body size on habitat use and diet of important coastal fish predators, as well as their influence on faunal communities in Bahamian wetlands. First, using acoustic telemetry and stable isotope analysis, I identified high variability in movement patterns and habitat use among individuals within a gray snapper (Lutjanus griseus) and schoolmaster snapper (L. apodus) population. This intrapopulation variation was not explained by body size, but by individual behavior in habitat use. Isotope values differed between individuals that moved further distances and individuals that stayed close to their home sites, suggesting movement differences were related to specific patterns of foraging behavior. Subsequently, while investigating diet of schoolmaster snapper over a two-year period using stomach content and stable isotope analyses, I also found intrapopulation diet variation, mostly explained by differences in size class, individual behavior and temporal variability. I then developed a hypothesis-testing framework examining intrapopulation niche variation between size classes using stable isotopes. This framework can serve as baseline to categorize taxonomic or functional groupings into specific niche shift scenarios, as well as to help elucidate underlying mechanisms causing niche shifts in certain size classes. Finally, I examined the effect of different-sized fish predators on epifaunal community structure in shallow seagrass beds using exclusion experiments at two spatial scales. Overall, I found that predator effects were rather weak, with predator size and spatial scale having no impact on the community. Yet, I also found some evidence of strong interactions on particular common snapper prey. As Bahamian wetlands are increasingly threatened by human activities (e.g., overexploitation, habitat degradation), an enhanced knowledge of the ecology of organisms inhabiting these systems is crucial for developing appropriate conservation and management strategies. My dissertation research contributed to this effort by providing critical information about the resource use of important Bahamian fish predators, as well as their effect on faunal seagrass communities.
Routes of migration and exchange are important factors in the debate about how the Neolithic transition spread into Europe. Studying the genetic diversity of livestock can help in tracing back some of these past events. Notably, domestic goat (Capra hircus) did not have any wild progenitors (Capra aegagrus) in Europe before their arrival from the Near East. Studies of mitochondrial DNA have shown that the diversity in European domesticated goats is a subset of that in the wild, underlining the ancestral relationship between both populations. Additionally, an ancient DNA study on Neolithic goat remains has indicated that a high level of genetic diversity was already present early in the Neolithic in northwestern Mediterranean sites. We used coalescent simulations and approximate Bayesian computation, conditioned on patterns of modern and ancient mitochondrial DNA diversity in domesticated and wild goats, to test a series of simplified models of the goat domestication process. Specifically, we ask if domestic goats descend from populations that were distinct prior to domestication. Although the models we present require further analyses, preliminary results indicate that wild and domestic goats are more likely to descend from a single ancestral wild population that was managed 11,500 years before present, and that serial founding events characterise the spread of Capra hircus into Europe.
The geographic and temporal origins of dogs remain controversial. We generated genetic sequences from 59 ancient dogs and a complete (28x) genome of a late Neolithic dog (dated to ~4800 calendar years before the present) from Ireland. Our analyses revealed a deep split separating modern East Asian and Western Eurasian dogs. Surprisingly, the date of this divergence (~14,000 to 6400 years ago) occurs commensurate with, or several millennia after, the first appearance of dogs in Europe and East Asia. Additional analyses of ancient and modern mitochondrial DNA revealed a sharp discontinuity in haplotype frequencies in Europe. Combined, these results suggest that dogs may have been domesticated independently in Eastern and Western Eurasia from distinct wolf populations. East Eurasian dogs were then possibly transported to Europe with people, where they partially replaced European Paleolithic dogs.
[EN] Despite the considerable population genetic and connectivity research on the hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) and the species being critically endangered, the eastern Atlantic remains understudied. We present the first analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences (n = 28) of hawksbill juveniles in a foraging aggregation at the Cape Verde Islands. Our results showed three haplotypes non-reported in any nesting population to date, with one of them accounting for 68% of the samples. These three haplotypes were closely related to each other but highly divergent from all known Caribbean and Western Atlantic haplotypes.
Since Altmann recognized ubiquitously distributed "bioblasts" in 1890, understanding of mitochondria has evolved from "elementary organisms" living inside cells and carrying out vital functions, over the Harman's "free radical theory" in 1956, to one of the driving forces of aging and cause of multiple associated diseases impacting society today. While a tremendous amount of work has contributed to the understanding of mitochondrial biology in different model organisms, the precise molecular mechanisms of basic mitochondrial function have yet to be deciphered. By employing an RNA interference mediated screen in Caenorhabditis elegans, we identified two transcription factors: SPTF-3, a member of Sp1 family, and an uncharacterized, nematode specific W04D2.4. We propose that both proteins modulate expression of many genes with regard to mitochondrial function including mitochondrial single-stranded binding protein encoded by mtss-1, whose promoter was used as transcriptional reporter in the screen. Further, RNA sequencing data indicate that W04D2.4 indirectly regulates expression of mitochondrial DNA via control of genes functionally related to mitochondrial replication and translation machineries. We also demonstrate that from all interventions targeting cytosolic translation, MTSS-1 levels are elevated only upon knockdown of genes encoding cytosolic ribosomal proteins. Reduction of ribosomes leads to increased sptf-3 translation, most likely in an internal ribosome entry side (IRES) mediated manner, eventually inducing mtss-1 expression. Moreover, we identify a novel role for SPTF-3 in the regulation of mitochondrial unfolded stress response (UPRmt) activation, but not endoplasmatic reticulum or oxidative stress responses. Taken together, this study identifies two transcription factors previously not associated with mitochondrial biogenesis and UPRmt in C. elegans, establishing a basis for further investigation of mito-nuclear interactions.
Le stress oxydatif peut provenir de sources exogènes comme les UVA ou de sources endogènes comme la chaîne respiratoire (OXPHOS). L’oxydation des composants cellulaires a été associée avec la dégénération, des phénotypes de vieillissement et des pertes de fonctionnalités des tissus. Les UVA sont les plus efficaces des rayons UV à induire de l’oxydation, tel que démontré par la formation de dommages oxydatifs à l’ADN et par l’apparition de délétions mitochondriales qui en résultent. La délétion mitochondriale de 4977 pb (ADNmtCD4977), la plus commune, et celle de 3895 pb (ADNmt3895) sont deux délétions reliées au photovieillissement cutané et à l’exposition au stress oxydant. Le phénomène de vieillissement dans la peau est bien documenté et se traduit par une dégradation de la matrice extracellulaire, une perte d’élasticité et la formation de rides. Toutefois, peu d’études portent sur la cornée humaine alors qu’elle est un tissu exposé directement aux rayonnements UV au même titre que la peau. Nous avons donc tenté mieux comprendre l’effet de l’oxydation exogène et endogène sur cette structure. L’analyse de la localisation des délétions ADNmtCD4977 et ADNmtCD4977 dans l’oeil humain a permis de révéler qu’elles se concentrent principalement dans le stroma cornéen et s’accumule avec l’âge. Le stroma cornéen est la couche cellulaire qui confère la transparence et la rigidité à la cornée humaine. Ces résultats nous ont suggéré une implication des UVA dans le photovieillissement de la cornée. Nous avons donc entrepris de vérifier les changements liés à l’exposition aux UVA dans le stroma cornéen puisque les UVA sont connus pour causer des altérations à la matrice extracellulaire (ECM) au niveau cutané. Nous avons donc créé un modèle de photovieillisement par une exposition chronique aux UVA sur des kératocytes avec lesquels nous avons fait sécréter une ECM. Nos résultats nous ont démontré qu’une exposition chronique aux UVA cause des altérations à l’ECM cornéen semblable à des phénotypes de photvieillissement. En effet, nous avons dénoté des changements transcriptomiques et protéomiques pour certains collagènes et protéoglycans. Une atteinte aux collagènes par le vieillissement cornéen se traduit entre autres par une rigidification, une opacification et un changement dans son pouvoir réfractif qui mène à une perte de la vision. Par ailleurs, notre avons également investigué l’implication du stress oxydatif dans la dystrophie cornéenne endothéliale de Fuchs (FECD), une maladie dégénérative de l’endothélium cornéen, qui mène à une perte de vision et est une cause principale de greffe cornéenne. L’étiologie de la maladie est encore inconnue, mais le stress oxydatif est soupçonné de jouer un rôle important dans la pathogenèse. Nos résultats ont amené de nouvelles évidences de l’implication de l’oxydation dans la maladie par l’augmentation de la quantité d’ADN mitochondrial et un raccourcissement des télomères dans des explants de cornées pathologiques. Nos résultats nous ont également démontré que la mise en culture de cellules FECD permettait la sélection de cellules fonctionnelles et comparables à des cellules saines en termes de quantité d’ADN mitochondrial et de son intégrité, de sensibilité à l’oxydation et de longueur télomérique. Les résultats obtenus soutiennent ainsi la possibilité d’employer les cellules FECD fonctionnelles sélectionnées pour utilisation en génie tissulaire afin de créer des cornées autologues pour pallier aux manques de greffes cornéennes. Enfin, nos résultats apportent de nouvelles évidences quant à l’implication du stress oxydatif dans le photovieillissement cornéen et dans l’étiologie de la FECD.
Soybean Stem Fly (SSF), Melanagromyza sojae (Zehntner), belongs to the family Agromyzidae and is highly polyphagous, attacking many plant species of the family Fabaceae, including soybean and other beans. SSF is regarded as one of the most important pests in soybean fields of Asia (e.g., China, India), North East Africa (e.g., Egypt), parts of Russia, and South East Asia. Despite reports of Agromyzidae flies infesting soybean fields in Rio Grande do Sul State (Brazil) in 1983 and 2009 and periodic interceptions of SSF since the 1940s by the USA quarantine authorities, SSF has not been officially reported to have successfully established in the North and South Americas. In South America, M. sojae was recently confirmed using morphology and its complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was characterized. In the present study, we surveyed the genetic diversity of M. sojae, collected directly from soybean host plants, using partial mtDNA cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene, and provide evidence of multiple (>10) maternal lineages in SSF populations in South America, potentially representing multiple incursion events. However, a single incursion involving multiple-female founders could not be ruled out. We identified a haplotype that was common in the fields of two Brazilian states and the individuals collected from Australia in 2013. The implications of SSF incursions in southern Brazil are discussed in relation to the current soybean agricultural practices, highlighting an urgent need for better understanding of SSF population movements in the New World, which is necessary for developing effective management options for this significant soybean pest. © FUNPEC-RP.
Effective pest management relies on accurate delimitation of species and, beyond this, on accurate species identification. Mitochondrial COI sequences are useful for providing initial indications in delimiting species but, despite acknowledged limitations in the method, many studies involving COI sequences and species problems remain unresolved. Here we illustrate how such impasses can be resolved with microsatellite and nuclear sequence data, to assess more directly the amount of gene flow between divergent lineages. We use a population genetics approach to test for random mating between two 8 ± 2% divergent COI lineages of the rusty grain beetle, Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens). This species has become strongly resistant to phosphine, a fumigant used worldwide for disinfesting grain. The possibility of cryptic species would have significant consequences for resistance management, especially if resistance was confined to one mitochondrial lineage. We find no evidence of restricted gene flow or nonrandom mating across the two COI lineages of these beetles, rather we hypothesize that historic population structure associated with early Pleistocene climate changes likely contributed to divergent lineages within this species.
Tropical Australian shark fisheries target two morphologically indistinguishable blacktip sharks, the Australian blacktip (Carcharhinus tilstoni) and the common blacktip (C. limbatus). Their relative contributions to northern and eastern Australian coastal fisheries are unclear because of species identification difficulties. The two species differ in their number of precaudal vertebrae, which is difficult and time consuming to obtain in the field. But, the two species can be distinguished genetically with diagnostic mutations in their mitochondrial DNA ND4 gene. A third closely related sister species, the graceful shark C. amblyrhynchoides, can also be distinguished by species-specific mutations in this gene. DNA sequencing is an effective diagnostic tool, but is relatively expensive and time consuming. In contrast, real-time high-resolution melt (HRM) PCR assays are rapid and relatively inexpensive. These assays amplify regions of DNA with species-specific genetic mutations that result in PCR products with unique melt profiles. A real-time HRM PCR species-diagnostic assay (RT-HRM-PCR) has been developed based on the mtDNA ND4 gene for rapid typing of C. tilstoni, C. limbatus and C. amblyrhynchoides. The assay was developed using ND4 sequences from 66 C. tilstoni, 33. C. limbatus and five C. amblyrhynchoides collected from Indonesia and Australian states and territories; Western Australia, the Northern Territory, Queensland and New South Wales. The assay was shown to be 100% accurate on 160 unknown blacktip shark tissue samples by full mtDNA ND4 sequencing.
To investigate the possible influence of the Siculo-Tunisian Strait on the genetic structure of white seabream Diplodus sargus, 13 polymorphic allozyme loci and a fragment of the cytochrome b mitochondrial DNA were analysed. Allozyme data indicated a moderate but significant differentiation between some north-eastern (Bizerta, Ghar El Melh Lagoon and Mahdia) and southern (Gabes Gulf and El Biban Lagoon) samples. This heterogeneity was also highlighted after removing PGM* and PGI-1* loci which may be under selection. These results can be explained by the chaotic genetic patchiness hypothesis. In contrast, the mtDNA data indicated genetic homogeneity among localities showing the absence of structure in white seabream populations across the Siculo-Tunisian Strait. Historical demography of this species suggests that it has undergone a recent population expansion as a consequence of a bottleneck event during the Pleistocene glaciations.
Coastal lagoons represent habitats with widely heterogeneous environmental conditions, particularly as regards salinity and temperature,which fluctuate in both space and time. These characteristics suggest that physical and ecological factors could contribute to the genetic divergence among populations occurring in coastal lagoon and opencoast environments. This study investigates the genetic structure of Holothuria polii at a micro-geographic scale across theMar Menor coastal lagoon and nearbymarine areas, estimating the mitochondrial DNA variation in two gene fragments, cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and 16S rRNA (16S). Dataset of mitochondrial sequences was also used to test the influence of environmental differences between coastal lagoon andmarine waters on population genetic structure. All sampled locations exhibited high levels of haplotype diversity and low values of nucleotide diversity. Both genes showed contrasting signals of genetic differentiation (non-significant differences using COI and slight differences using 16S, which could due to different mutation rates or to differential number of exclusive haplotypes. We detected an excess of recent mutations and exclusive haplotypes, which can be generated as a result of population growth. However, selective processes can be also acting on the gene markers used; highly significant generalized additive models have been obtained considering genetic data from16S gene and independent variables such as temperature and salinity.
Parastichopus regalis (Cuvier, 1817) is the most expensive seafood product on the Catalonian market (NE Spain), with prices at approximately 130 €/Kg (fresh weight). Despite its ecological and economic importance, biological and genetic information on this sea cucumber species is scarce. Here, we provide both the first insight on the genetic structure of P. regalis using sequences of cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and 16S genes and a morphological description of its population. Individual sea cucumbers were collected in six locations along the Spanish Mediterranean coast, including an area under fishery pressure (Catalonia). We found high haplotype diversity and low nucleotide diversity for both genes, with higher levels of genetic diversity observed in the COI gene. The population pairwise fixation index (FST), AMOVA and correspondence analysis (CA) based on the COI gene revealed significant genetic differentiation among some locations. However, further analysis using nuclear markers (e.g., microsatellites) is necessary to corroborate these results. Moreover, the genetic and morphological data may indicate fishery effects on the Catalonian population with a decrease in the size and weight averages and lower genetic diversity compared with locations that lack fishery pressure. For the appropriate management of this species, we suggest the following: 1) accurately assessing the stock status along the Spanish coasts; 2) studying the reproductive cycle of this target species and the establishment of a closed fishery season according to the reproductive cycle; and 3) establishing protected areas (i.e., not take zones) to conserve healthy populations and favour recruitment in the nearby areas.