866 resultados para Lower bounds
Previous research into the behaviour of piled foundations in laterally-spreading soil deposits has concentrated on pile groups that carry small or negligible axial loads. This paper presents dynamic centrifuge test results for 2 x 2 pile groups with bending and geometric properties similar to real 0.5 m diameter tubular steel and solid circular reinforced-concrete field piles. Axial loads applied represented upper-bounds on typical working loads. The simultaneous scaling of the relevant properties controlling both lateral and axial behaviour allows comparisons to be drawn regarding the particular mechanisms of failure that would dominate for each type of pile. Flexible reinforced-concrete piles which tend to carry lower loads were found to be dominated by lateral effects, while steel piles, which are much stiffer and usually carry greater loads are dominated by settlement considerations. © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group.
The monophyly of Diplura and its phylogenetic relationship with other hexapods are important for understanding the phylogeny of Hexapoda. The complete 18SrRNA gene and partial 28SrRNA gene (D3-D5 region) from 2 dipluran species (Campodeidae and Japygidae), 2 proturan species, 3 collembolan species, and 1 locust species were sequenced. Combining related sequences in GenBank, phylogenetic trees of Hexapoda were constructed by MP method using a crustacean Artemia salina as an outgroup. The results indicated that: (i) the integrated data of 18SrDNA and 28SrDNA could provide better phylogenetic information, which well supported the monophyly of Diplura; (ii) Diplura had a close phylogenetic relationship to Protura with high bootstrap support.
1998 年在西藏墨脱县海拔1000 m 左右地方采到成年雌性环蛇1 号, 系我国新纪录。该蛇全长/ 尾长(mm) 1095/ 112 (尾尖断) 。通身背面黑褐色, 后3/ 4 有由背鳞白色点斑缀成的窄横纹约40 个; 腹面浅黑 色, 每隔3 或4 枚腹鳞有不规则的黄白色横斑。尾背有少数不完整的白色纹, 但尾腹面有7 条很明显的横斑。头 部斑纹与M. Smith (1943 : 410) 描述一致, 可能由于蛇龄较老而不清晰。背鳞通身15 行, 脊鳞略扩大; 腹鳞 233 , 尾下鳞35 (略低于文献记载的44~51 , 可能与尾尖断有关) , 除前端第三、四两枚成单外, 其余均成对。 没有颊鳞; 眶前鳞1 , 眶后鳞2 ; 颞鳞1 + 2 ; 上唇鳞7 (22223 式) ; 下唇鳞7 , 第一对在颏鳞后彼此相接, 前4 对 接前颔片; 前颔片大于后颔片, 后者后半介一小鳞。检查一侧, 除前沟牙及其预备牙外, 没有发现其他上颌齿。
This paper highlights the results of a 12 month's ecological study of macrophytes and their role in the economy of the lower Sondu-Miriu river of Lake Victoria. A total of 34 species of aquatic macrophytes were identified. These were grouped as emergent, floating leaved, free floating and submersed. The major community type identified were dominated by Cladium jamaicanse (Crantz) Kurk., Cyperus paprus (L.) and Cyperus latifolius (Poir). The study observed an over dependence on macrophytes by the local community for the supply of bedding, grazing fields, fuel, roofing and other building materials. The white (heart) of Typha shoot, Nile cabbage (Pistia stratiotes and a legume solanum nigrum traditionally known as "osuga" are used as vegetables by local community. The only source of protein in this arid region is the fish caught in the swamps and birds which inhabit the swamp. The swamp provides the only source of green pasture in the dry season for the animals. An export oriented economy has developed involving mat making and basket weaving with exports reaching as far as Japan. The study proposes a rational and sustainable exploitation of the littoral zone to support the adjacent rural community.
在澜沧江下游/ 湄公河上游的滇南西双版纳地区,通过样方法比较了热带雨林的连片与3 个小片断的物 种多样性变化趋势。与连续森林比较,片断热带雨林的植物物种丰富度和物种多样性指数都比较低,而且有相当低 比例的大高位芽、中高位芽和附生等生活型植物,而藤本、小高位芽和矮高位芽等生活型植物的比例则较高;泛热 带、热带亚洲至热带非洲的区系成分比例较高,而当地成分则减少;群落的上层树木比下层树木更加稳定。同样,动 物的物种多样性指数和均衡度在片断热带雨林中都较低,与其密切相关的是片断热带雨林的环境质量,而不是片 断的大小。此外,也探讨了片断热带雨林物种变化与森林小气候的关系,阐明了由凉湿向干暖转化的“林内效应"是 其物种变化的重要原因之一。
Previous research into the behaviour of piled foundations in laterally-spreading soil deposits has concentrated on pile groups that carry small or negligible axial loads. This paper presents dynamic centrifuge test results for 2×2 pile groups with bending and geometric properties similar to real 0.5m diameter tubular steel and solid circular reinforced-concrete field piles. Axial loads applied represented upper-bounds on typical working loads. The simultaneous scaling of the relevant properties controlling both lateral and axial behaviour allows comparisons to be drawn regarding the particular mechanisms of failure that would dominate for each type of pile. Flexible reinforced-concrete piles which tend to carry lower loads were found to be dominated by lateral effects, while steel piles, which are much stiffer and usually carry greater loads are dominated by settlement considerations. © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group, London.
In this paper, we consider Kalman filtering over a network and construct the optimal sensor data scheduling schemes which minimize the sensor duty cycle and guarantee a bounded error or a bounded average error at the remote estimator. Depending on the computation capability of the sensor, we can either give a closed-form expression of the minimum sensor duty cycle or provide tight lower and upper bounds of it. Examples are provided throughout the paper to demonstrate the results. © 2012 IEEE.