815 resultados para Love stories
Lo scopo di questa Tesi di Laurea è quello di offrire una proposta di traduzione in italiano del romanzo LGBTQ per Young Adults Love You Two, di Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli. Quest'opera esplora temi delicati, come la bisessualità e il poliamore, dal punto di vista di una adolescente che scopre la propria identità e quella della sua famiglia italo-australiana. Questo studio fornisce inoltre una panoramica del contesto socio-culturale e letterario in cui il romanzo è stato pubblicato. Oltre ad esaminare le caratteristiche del libro, come genere letterario e tipologia, intenzionalità dell'autore, tematiche, funzione, stile e pubblico, si offre un'analisi dettagliata della strategia applicata nel processo traduttivo, che tende a conferire al testo un leggero effetto straniante, tale da evidenziarne le specificità culturale. La presente ricerca è stata condotta in parte in Australia presso la University of Melbourne e la Deakin University e si configura come un tentativo di mostrare la necessità e la possibilità di tradurre e pubblicare letteratura LGBT per ragazzi e ragazze in Italia.
La trasformata di Karhunen-Loève monodimensionale è la decomposizione di un processo stocastico del secondo ordine a parametrizzazione continua in coefficienti aleatori scorrelati. Nella presente dissertazione, la trasformata è ottenuta per via analitica, proiettando il processo, considerato in un intervallo di tempo limitato [a,b], su una base deterministica ottenuta dalle autofunzioni dell'operatore di Hilbert-Schmidt di covarianza corrispondenti ad autovalori positivi. Fondamentalmente l'idea del metodo è, dal primo, trovare gli autovalori positivi dell'operatore integrale di Hilbert-Schmidt, che ha in Kernel la funzione di covarianza del processo. Ad ogni tempo dell'intervallo, il processo è proiettato sulla base ortonormale dello span delle autofunzioni dell'operatore di Hilbert-Schmidt che corrispondono ad autovalori positivi. Tale procedura genera coefficienti aleatori che si rivelano variabili aleatorie centrate e scorrelate. L'espansione in serie che risulta dalla trasformata è una combinazione lineare numerabile di coefficienti aleatori di proiezione ed autofunzioni convergente in media quadratica al processo, uniformemente sull'intervallo temporale. Se inoltre il processo è Gaussiano, la convergenza è quasi sicuramente sullo spazio di probabilità (O,F,P). Esistono molte altre espansioni in serie di questo tipo, tuttavia la trasformata di Karhunen-Loève ha la peculiarità di essere ottimale rispetto all'errore totale in media quadratica che consegue al troncamento della serie. Questa caratteristica ha conferito a tale metodo ed alle sue generalizzazioni un notevole successo tra le discipline applicate.
Several studies have documented women's use of vaginal practices in South Africa to enhance their desirability to men. This article describes a little known practice of this kind among women in KwaZulu-Natal. It involves the use of small incisions in the genital area (and often abdomen and breasts) to introduce herbal substances, described as love medicines, into the body through the incisions. In-depth interviews were carried out with 20 key informants and 20 women, and eight focus group discussions with women and men, in a rural and urban site in 2005-06. A province-wide household survey was then conducted using a multi-stage cluster sample design among 867 women aged 18-60. Forty-two per cent of the women in the household survey had heard of genital incisions; only 3% had actually used them. The main motivation was the enhancement of sexual attractiveness and long-term partner commitment. It appears to be a very recent practice, but may be an extension of an older healing practice not involving the genitals. It was most prevalent among rural women aged 24-29 (although not significant), those with less education, and those who suspected their partners of having other partners. It is linked to the modern popularity of love medicines, which in turn illustrates the troubling state of gender relations in KwaZulu-Natal today.
The volume contains two analytical chapters, "Finding the Sacred" and "Language as Landscape"; a fair amount of autobiographical material describing Summers's research process; an Omaha Language Pronunciation Guide; selected historical material; and a mixture of photos, including of the author with other Omaha language students. There are a number of editorial malfunctions, including the analytical chapters' tendency to wander around various topics; moreover, the author's role as editor of the firsthand accounts is never made explicit.
The present research was implemented in order to determine whether or not the Big-5 personality dimensions relate to the perceived effectiveness of love acts discovered in prior research. An internet based questionnaire was utilized and college undergraduates and as well as non-college students were included in the sample. The Big-5 dimensions of Agreeableness, Openness to Experience, and Emotional Stability were expected to be related to the perceived effectiveness of the Love acts. Additionally, men and women were expected to rate Love acts signaling commitment and exclusivity as most effective. The results obtained were consistent with the hypotheses and are discussed in terms of prior research.
Sling erosion/extrusion is a complication after suburethral sling insertion for female stress urinary incontinence that occurs in approximately 6% of patients. Symptoms may include vaginal discharge, infections, postcoital bleeding, and alterations of the sexual function. Little is known about the effect of sling erosion on the sexual function of the male partner.
This thesis provides a comparison of the ideas of caring and love as they appear in the works of Plato and Frankfurt. Frankfurt, a contemporary philosopher, maintains that an individual arrives at the most meaningful life through understanding what it is that heor she cares about the most. Interestingly, the instances of eros in Plato's Symposium and Phaedrus resonate with this idea. We see throughout these erotic dialogues similarities to Frankfurt's notions of care and love.Throughout his many works, Frankfurt provides us with several distinct features of care and love. This thesis offers an in depth discussion of each of these features andalso provides commentary from other contemporary philosophers who are familiar with Frankfurt's work. In addition, this thesis applies these features of care and love to Plato's erotic dialogues, and emphasizes areas in which Plato and Frankfurt agree and those inwhich they disagree. In essence, it becomes apparent that while there are many similarities between the ideas of these two prominent thinkers, Plato and Frankfurt do not agree about what constitutes the best human life. Plato maintains that the best life is onespent dedicated to philosophy and in pursuit of the 'good'. Frankfurt, on the other hand,imposes no such limitations on what we should consider the best life because people are likely to have different life experiences that lead them to care about and love different things. Instead he suggests that the best or most meaningful human life is one in which a person spends his or her life caring about the things he or she does, indeed, care aboutand loving those things he or she does, indeed, love.
Over the last two decades modern psychosomatic research has found multiple evidence for an impact of psychosocial factors on the control of arterial blood pressure as well as the development of arterial hypertension. This narrative review focuses first on the current stress concept and factors that influence the degree of blood pressure change following a psychosocial stressor. Second, relevant psychosocial factors associated with blood pressure are presented such as marital status, social support, socioeconomic status and work conditions. In addition, the influence of personality and cognition on blood pressure will be discussed. The second part focuses on the outcome of cognitive-behavioral therapies and relaxation techniques as a means to effectively control blood pressure. In conclusion, there is now good evidence showing that psychosocial factors and stressors may increase blood pressure. The working environment, the socioeconomic status as well as aspects of personality and cognitive factors like rumination may also impact blood pressure with to an extent that is clinically relevant. With respect to therapeutic options, cognitive-behavioral interventions, combined with relaxation techniques all fitting the needs of the individual patient best can offer a clinically meaningful contribution of an effective blood pressure control.