548 resultados para Logs steaming
The article presents a new type of logs merging tool for multiple blade telecommunication systems based on the development of a new approach. The introduction of the new logs merging tool (the Log Merger) can help engineers to build a processes behavior timeline with a flexible system of information structuring used to assess the changes in the analyzed system. This logs merging system based on the experts experience and their analytical skills generates a knowledge base which could be advantageous in further decision-making expert system development. This paper proposes and discusses the design and implementation of the Log Merger, its architecture, multi-board analysis of capability and application areas. The paper also presents possible ways of further tool improvement e.g. - to extend its functionality and cover additional system platforms. The possibility to add an analysis module for further expert system development is also considered.
GitHub is the most popular repository for open source code (Finley 2011). It has more than 3.5 million users, as the company declared in April 2013, and more than 10 million repositories, as of December 2013. It has a publicly accessible API and, since March 2012, it also publishes a stream of all the events occurring on public projects. Interactions among GitHub users are of a complex nature and take place in different forms. Developers create and fork repositories, push code, approve code pushed by others, bookmark their favorite projects and follow other developers to keep track of their activities. In this paper we present a characterization of GitHub, as both a social network and a collaborative platform. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first quantitative study about the interactions happening on GitHub. We analyze the logs from the service over 18 months (between March 11, 2012 and September 11, 2013), describing 183.54 million events and we obtain information about 2.19 million users and 5.68 million repositories, both growing linearly in time. We show that the distributions of the number of contributors per project, watchers per project and followers per user show a power-law-like shape. We analyze social ties and repository-mediated collaboration patterns, and we observe a remarkably low level of reciprocity of the social connections. We also measure the activity of each user in terms of authored events and we observe that very active users do not necessarily have a large number of followers. Finally, we provide a geographic characterization of the centers of activity and we investigate how distance influences collaboration.
All pathogens require high energetic influxes to counterattack the host immune system and without this energy bacterial infections are easily cleared. This study is an investigation into one highly bioenergetic pathway in Pseudomonas aeruginosa involving the amino acid L-serine and the enzyme L-serine deaminase (L-SD). P. aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen causing infections in patients with compromised immune systems as well as patients with cystic fibrosis. Recent evidence has linked L-SD directly to the pathogenicity of several organisms including but not limited to Campylobacter jejuni, Mycobacterium bovis, Streptococcus pyogenes, and Yersinia pestis. We hypothesized that P. aeruginosa L-SD is likely to be critical for its virulence. Genome sequence analysis revealed the presence of two L-SD homo logs encoded by sdaA and sdaB. We analyzed the ability of P. aeruginosa to utilize serine and the role of SdaA and SdaB in serine deamination by comparing mutant strains of sdaA (PAOsdaA) and sdaB (PAOsdaB) with their isogenic parent P. aeruginosa P AO 1. We demonstrated that P. aeruginosa is unable to use serine as a sole carbon source. However, serine utilization is enhanced in the presence of glycine and this glycine-dependent induction of L-SD activity requires the inducer serine. The amino acid leucine was shown to inhibit L-SD activity from both SdaA and SdaB and the net contribution to L-serine deamination by SdaA and SdaB was ascertained at 34% and 66 %, respectively. These results suggest that P. aeruginosa LSD is quite different from the characterized E. coli L-SD that is glycine-independent but leucine-dependent for activation. Growth mutants able to use serine as a sole carbon source were also isolated and in addition, suicide vectors were constructed which allow for selective mutation of the sdaA and sdaB genes on any P. aeruginosa strain of interest. Future studies with a double mutant will reveal the importance of these genes for pathogenicity.
Ensemble Stream Modeling and Data-cleaning are sensor information processing systems have different training and testing methods by which their goals are cross-validated. This research examines a mechanism, which seeks to extract novel patterns by generating ensembles from data. The main goal of label-less stream processing is to process the sensed events to eliminate the noises that are uncorrelated, and choose the most likely model without over fitting thus obtaining higher model confidence. Higher quality streams can be realized by combining many short streams into an ensemble which has the desired quality. The framework for the investigation is an existing data mining tool. First, to accommodate feature extraction such as a bush or natural forest-fire event we make an assumption of the burnt area (BA*), sensed ground truth as our target variable obtained from logs. Even though this is an obvious model choice the results are disappointing. The reasons for this are two: One, the histogram of fire activity is highly skewed. Two, the measured sensor parameters are highly correlated. Since using non descriptive features does not yield good results, we resort to temporal features. By doing so we carefully eliminate the averaging effects; the resulting histogram is more satisfactory and conceptual knowledge is learned from sensor streams. Second is the process of feature induction by cross-validating attributes with single or multi-target variables to minimize training error. We use F-measure score, which combines precision and accuracy to determine the false alarm rate of fire events. The multi-target data-cleaning trees use information purity of the target leaf-nodes to learn higher order features. A sensitive variance measure such as ƒ-test is performed during each node's split to select the best attribute. Ensemble stream model approach proved to improve when using complicated features with a simpler tree classifier. The ensemble framework for data-cleaning and the enhancements to quantify quality of fitness (30% spatial, 10% temporal, and 90% mobility reduction) of sensor led to the formation of streams for sensor-enabled applications. Which further motivates the novelty of stream quality labeling and its importance in solving vast amounts of real-time mobile streams generated today.
Modern IT infrastructures are constructed by large scale computing systems and administered by IT service providers. Manually maintaining such large computing systems is costly and inefficient. Service providers often seek automatic or semi-automatic methodologies of detecting and resolving system issues to improve their service quality and efficiency. This dissertation investigates several data-driven approaches for assisting service providers in achieving this goal. The detailed problems studied by these approaches can be categorized into the three aspects in the service workflow: 1) preprocessing raw textual system logs to structural events; 2) refining monitoring configurations for eliminating false positives and false negatives; 3) improving the efficiency of system diagnosis on detected alerts. Solving these problems usually requires a huge amount of domain knowledge about the particular computing systems. The approaches investigated by this dissertation are developed based on event mining algorithms, which are able to automatically derive part of that knowledge from the historical system logs, events and tickets. ^ In particular, two textual clustering algorithms are developed for converting raw textual logs into system events. For refining the monitoring configuration, a rule based alert prediction algorithm is proposed for eliminating false alerts (false positives) without losing any real alert and a textual classification method is applied to identify the missing alerts (false negatives) from manual incident tickets. For system diagnosis, this dissertation presents an efficient algorithm for discovering the temporal dependencies between system events with corresponding time lags, which can help the administrators to determine the redundancies of deployed monitoring situations and dependencies of system components. To improve the efficiency of incident ticket resolving, several KNN-based algorithms that recommend relevant historical tickets with resolutions for incoming tickets are investigated. Finally, this dissertation offers a novel algorithm for searching similar textual event segments over large system logs that assists administrators to locate similar system behaviors in the logs. Extensive empirical evaluation on system logs, events and tickets from real IT infrastructures demonstrates the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approaches.^
Many systems and applications are continuously producing events. These events are used to record the status of the system and trace the behaviors of the systems. By examining these events, system administrators can check the potential problems of these systems. If the temporal dynamics of the systems are further investigated, the underlying patterns can be discovered. The uncovered knowledge can be leveraged to predict the future system behaviors or to mitigate the potential risks of the systems. Moreover, the system administrators can utilize the temporal patterns to set up event management rules to make the system more intelligent. With the popularity of data mining techniques in recent years, these events grad- ually become more and more useful. Despite the recent advances of the data mining techniques, the application to system event mining is still in a rudimentary stage. Most of works are still focusing on episodes mining or frequent pattern discovering. These methods are unable to provide a brief yet comprehensible summary to reveal the valuable information from the high level perspective. Moreover, these methods provide little actionable knowledge to help the system administrators to better man- age the systems. To better make use of the recorded events, more practical techniques are required. From the perspective of data mining, three correlated directions are considered to be helpful for system management: (1) Provide concise yet comprehensive summaries about the running status of the systems; (2) Make the systems more intelligence and autonomous; (3) Effectively detect the abnormal behaviors of the systems. Due to the richness of the event logs, all these directions can be solved in the data-driven manner. And in this way, the robustness of the systems can be enhanced and the goal of autonomous management can be approached. This dissertation mainly focuses on the foregoing directions that leverage tem- poral mining techniques to facilitate system management. More specifically, three concrete topics will be discussed, including event, resource demand prediction, and streaming anomaly detection. Besides the theoretic contributions, the experimental evaluation will also be presented to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficacy of the corresponding solutions.
Compressional- and shear-wave velocity logs (Vp and Vs, respectively) that were run to a sub-basement depth of 1013 m (1287.5 m sub-bottom) in Hole 504B suggest the presence of Layer 2A and document the presence of layers 2B and 2C on the Costa Rica Rift. Layer 2A extends from the mudline to 225 m sub-basement and is characterized by compressional-wave velocities of 4.0 km/s or less. Layer 2B extends from 225 to 900 m and may be divided into two intervals: an upper level from 225 to 600 m in which Vp decreases slowly from 5.0 to 4.8 km/s and a lower level from 600 to about 900 m in which Vp increases slowly to 6.0 km/s. In Layer 2C, which was logged for about 100 m to a depth of 1 km, Vp and Vs appear to be constant at 6.0 and 3.2 km/s, respectively. This velocity structure is consistent with, but more detailed than the structure determined by the oblique seismic experiment in the same hole. Since laboratory measurements of the compressional- and shear-wave velocity of samples from Hole 504B at Pconfining = Pdifferential average 6.0 and 3.2 km/s respectively, and show only slight increases with depth, we conclude that the velocity structure of Layer 2 is controlled almost entirely by variations in porosity and that the crack porosity of Layer 2C approaches zero. A comparison between the compressional-wave velocities determined by logging and the formation porosities calculated from the results of the large-scale resistivity experiment using Archie's Law suggest that the velocity- porosity relation derived by Hyndman et al. (1984) for laboratory samples serves as an upper bound for Vp, and the noninteractive relation derived by Toksöz et al. (1976) for cracks with an aspect ratio a = 1/32 serves as a lower bound.
This research aims to set whether is possible to build spatial patterns over oil fields using DFA (Detrended Fluctuation Analysis) of the following well logs: sonic, density, porosity, resistivity and gamma ray. It was employed in the analysis a set of 54 well logs from the oil field of Campos dos Namorados, RJ, Brazil. To check for spatial correlation, it was employed the Mantel test between the matrix of geographic distance and the matrix of the difference of DFA exponents of the well logs. The null hypothesis assumes the absence of spatial structures that means no correlation between the matrix of Euclidean distance and the matrix of DFA differences. Our analysis indicate that the sonic (p=0.18) and the density (p=0.26) were the profiles that show tendency to correlation, or weak correlation. A complementary analysis using contour plot also has suggested that the sonic and the density are the most suitable with geophysical quantities for the construction of spatial structures corroborating the results of Mantel test
Subsurface stratigraphic analysis of Devonian strata from the Rio do Peixe Basin, newly recognized by palynological studies, has resulted in the identification of two new lithostratigraphic units assembled in the Santa Helena Group. The Pilões Formation, the lower unit, is composed mainly of dark mudstones and medium-tovery fine-grained sandstones, with minor conglomerates and breccias. The Triunfo Formation, the upper unit, comprises whitish grey, kaolinitic, coarse-grained to conglomeratic, cross stratified sandstones and conglomerates, with interbedded mudstones and fine-grained sandstones. These units were characterized using cores, sidewall and cuttings samples, conventional logs and image log, from three wells drilled by PETROBRAS, and 3D seismic data. The Pilões Formation is interpreted as prodeltaic facies, with lesser associated subaqueous talus, debrite and sandy turbidite lobe facies, distal part of fandelta and braided fluviodeltaic facies of Triunfo Formation. The Santa Helena Group corresponds to the Lower Devonian tectono-sequence deposited in a NW-SE-trending graben during a transgressiveregressive cycle. With 343 meters of thickness (isochore) in well 1-PIL-1-PB (Pilões 1), this sequence has a non-conformity at the lower boundary and its upper boundary is an unconformity with the Lower Cretaceous tectono-sequence (Rio do Peixe Group), that represents a hiatus of about 265 million years. Ignimbrites and coignimbrite breccias (Poço da Jurema volcanic breccia), related to an unknown pyroclastic volcanic event, were recognized at the northern margin of the Sousa halfgraben. Evidence from well data suggests that this event is coeval with the Devonian graben filling. The present study indicates a polyhistorical tectono-volcanosedimentary evolution of the basin. This lithostratigraphic update brings new perspectives for geological research in the Rio do Peixe Basin, as well as in other inland basins of the Northeastern of Brazil. The results of the research also contribute to the kwnoledge of the Borborema Province and western Gondwana paleogeography during the Early Devonian.
The distribution of diagenetic alterations in Late Cenomanian siliciclastic reservoirs from Potiguar Basin was influenced by the stratigraphic framework and the depositional system. Seismic sections and geophysical logs of two wells drilled in the SW portion of the mentioned basin above register regional stratigraphic surfaces representing maximum floods related to a transgressive event. The sequential analysis of 80 m of drill core (~450 m deep) recognized nine depositional facies with an upwards granodecrescent standard piling that limits cycles with an erosional conglomeratic base (lag) overlain by intercalations of medium to very fine sandstones showing cross bedding (channel, planar and low angled) and horizontal bedding (plane-parallel , wave and flaser). The top of the cycles is marked by the deposition of pelites and the development of paleosoils and lagoons. The correlation of genetically related facies reveals associations of channel fillings, crevasse, and flood plains deposited in a transgressive system. Detailed descriptions of seventy nine thin sections aided by MEV-EBSD/EDS, DRX and stable isotope analyses in sandstones revealed an arcosian composition and complex textural arrays with abundant smectite fringes continuously covering primary components, mechanically infiltrated cuticles and moldic and intragrain pores. K-feldspar epitaxial overgrowth covers microcline and orthoclase grains before any other phase. Abundant pseudomatrix due to the compactation of mud intraclasts concentrate along the stratification planes, locally replaced by macrocristalline calcite and microcrystalline and framboidal pyrite. Kaolinite (booklets and vermicular), microcrystalline smectite, microcrystalline titanium minerals and pyrite replace the primary components. The intergrain porosity prevails over the moldic, intragrain and contraction porosities. The pores are poorly connected due to the presence of intergranular smectite, k-feldspar overgrowth, infiltrated mud and pseudomatrix. The sandstones were subjected to eodiagenetic conditions next to the surface and shallow burial mesodiagenetic conditions. The diagenetic alterations reduced the porosity and the permeability mainly due to the precipitation of smectite fringes, compactation of mud intraclasts onto the pseudomatrix and cementing by poikilotopic calcite characterizing different reservoir petrofacies. These diagenetic products acted as barriers and detours to the flow of fluids thus reducing the quality of the reservoir.
The discussion about rift evolution in the Brazilian Equatorial margin during the South America-Africa breakup in the Jurassic/Cretaceous has been focused in many researches. But rift evolution based on development and growth of faults has not been well explored. In this sense, we investigated the Cretaceous Potiguar Basin in the Equatorial margin of Brazil to understand the geometry of major faults and the influence of crustal heterogeneity and preexisting structural fabric in the evolution of the basin internal architecture. Previous studies pointed out that the rift is an asymmetrical half-graben elongated along the NE-SW direction. We used 2D seismic, well logs and 3D gravity modeling to analyze four major border fault segments and determine their maximum displacement (Dmax) and length (L) ratio in the Potiguar Rift. We constrained the 3D gravity modeling with well data and the interpretation of seismic sections. The difference of the fault displacement measured in the gravity model is in the order of 10% compared to seismic and well data. The fault-growth curves allowed us to divide the faulted rift border into four main fault segments, which provide roughly similar Dmax/L ratios. Fault-growth curves suggest that a regional uniform tectonic mechanism influenced growth of the rift fault segments. The variation of the displacements along the fault segments indicates that the fault segments were formed independently during rift initiation and were linked by hard and soft linkages. The latter formed relay ramps. In the interconnection zones the Dmax/L ratios are highest due to interference of fault segment motions. We divided the evolution of the Potiguar Rift into five stages based on these ratios and correlated them with the major tectonic stages of the breakup between South America and Africa in Early Cretaceous.
The discussion about rift evolution in the Brazilian Equatorial margin during the South America-Africa breakup in the Jurassic/Cretaceous has been focused in many researches. But rift evolution based on development and growth of faults has not been well explored. In this sense, we investigated the Cretaceous Potiguar Basin in the Equatorial margin of Brazil to understand the geometry of major faults and the influence of crustal heterogeneity and preexisting structural fabric in the evolution of the basin internal architecture. Previous studies pointed out that the rift is an asymmetrical half-graben elongated along the NE-SW direction. We used 2D seismic, well logs and 3D gravity modeling to analyze four major border fault segments and determine their maximum displacement (Dmax) and length (L) ratio in the Potiguar Rift. We constrained the 3D gravity modeling with well data and the interpretation of seismic sections. The difference of the fault displacement measured in the gravity model is in the order of 10% compared to seismic and well data. The fault-growth curves allowed us to divide the faulted rift border into four main fault segments, which provide roughly similar Dmax/L ratios. Fault-growth curves suggest that a regional uniform tectonic mechanism influenced growth of the rift fault segments. The variation of the displacements along the fault segments indicates that the fault segments were formed independently during rift initiation and were linked by hard and soft linkages. The latter formed relay ramps. In the interconnection zones the Dmax/L ratios are highest due to interference of fault segment motions. We divided the evolution of the Potiguar Rift into five stages based on these ratios and correlated them with the major tectonic stages of the breakup between South America and Africa in Early Cretaceous.
The study area is within the Pirangi River Basin, eastern sector of Rio Grande do Norte state, where is located of the Parnamirim city. It has an area of approximately 370 km². Urbanization has developed much fast without an appropriate infrastructure, mainly by the lack of sewage systems, with risks of contamination of groundwater that may cause serious damage to the health of the population. The Barreiras Aquifer System groundwater in the area represents the main source of water supply for urban and rural populations. The use of groundwater occurs without adequate planning and therefore, important recharge areas are being occupied. This study was conducted to quantify the use and evaluation of the potential of groundwater, in order to increase good water quality supply and lower risks of being affected by polluting activities. With these objectives, the following activities were carried out: 268 points of water have been registered; characterization of the lithological, thickness and hydrogeological structure of the Barreiras aquifer, based on the correlation of well logs; and evaluation of hydrodynamic parameters of the aquifer, from the interpretation of results well pumping tests. It was found that the saturated thickness increases from west to east towards the sea, with values ranging from 15,47-56,5 m with an average of 32,45 m. The hydrodynamic parameters using Cooper-Jacob method were: average transmissivity of 5,9x10-3 m²/s and average hydraulic conductivity 2,82x10-4 m/s. The effective porosity is of 15%, obtained by applying Biecinski equation. The potentiometric map shows the main direction of groundwater flow, from west to east, and identifies the recharge areas corresponding to the region of the tablelands of the "Barreiras". The river valleys refer to the discharge areas of the aquifer system. The Recharge was estimated at 253 mm/year, which corresponds to the 16.4% rate of infiltration.
The study area is within the Pirangi River Basin, eastern sector of Rio Grande do Norte state, where is located of the Parnamirim city. It has an area of approximately 370 km². Urbanization has developed much fast without an appropriate infrastructure, mainly by the lack of sewage systems, with risks of contamination of groundwater that may cause serious damage to the health of the population. The Barreiras Aquifer System groundwater in the area represents the main source of water supply for urban and rural populations. The use of groundwater occurs without adequate planning and therefore, important recharge areas are being occupied. This study was conducted to quantify the use and evaluation of the potential of groundwater, in order to increase good water quality supply and lower risks of being affected by polluting activities. With these objectives, the following activities were carried out: 268 points of water have been registered; characterization of the lithological, thickness and hydrogeological structure of the Barreiras aquifer, based on the correlation of well logs; and evaluation of hydrodynamic parameters of the aquifer, from the interpretation of results well pumping tests. It was found that the saturated thickness increases from west to east towards the sea, with values ranging from 15,47-56,5 m with an average of 32,45 m. The hydrodynamic parameters using Cooper-Jacob method were: average transmissivity of 5,9x10-3 m²/s and average hydraulic conductivity 2,82x10-4 m/s. The effective porosity is of 15%, obtained by applying Biecinski equation. The potentiometric map shows the main direction of groundwater flow, from west to east, and identifies the recharge areas corresponding to the region of the tablelands of the "Barreiras". The river valleys refer to the discharge areas of the aquifer system. The Recharge was estimated at 253 mm/year, which corresponds to the 16.4% rate of infiltration.
The Middle Devonian-Early Carboniferous sequence of the Parnaíba Basin, lithostratigraphically defined as Canindé Group, has been reinterpreted using the basic model of sequence stratigraphy. Therefore, lithology and gamma ray well-logs and seismic lines of central portion of the basin were analyzed, producing up from there diagrams 1D, isochore maps and stratigraphic sections. As results of this study, were defined two depositional cycles of second order, referred as Depositional Sequence 1 (SEQ1) and the Depositional Sequence 2 (SEQ2). The SEQ1, with interval about 37 Ma, is limited below by Early Devonian Unconformity and is equivalent to the formations Itaim, Pimenteiras and Cabeças. The SEQ2, which follows, comprises a range of about 15 Ma and is equivalent to the Longá Formation The SEQ1 starts with the lowstand systems tract, consisting of progradational parasequence set in the basal part, predominantly pelitic, deposited on a prodelta under influence of storms and the upper part consists in sandstones of deltaic front, with the maximum regressive surface on the upper limit. The transgressive systems tract, deposited above, is characterized by retrogradacional parasequence set composed of shallow shelf mudstones, deposited under storm conditions. The maximum flooding surface, upper limit of this tract, is positioned in a shale level whose radioactivity in gammaray well-log is close to 150 API. The highstand systems tract presents progradational parasequence set, comprising mudstones and sandstones deposited in shelf, fluvial-estuarine or deltaic and periglacial environments, with the upper limit the Late Devonian Unconformity. The SEQ2 was deposited in shelf environment, starting with the lowstand systems tract, that is characterized by a progradational parasequence set, followed by the transgressive systems tract, with retrogradational character. The upper limit of the tract corresponding to the fusion between maximum flooding surface with the upper limit of this sequence, which is the Early Carboniferous Unconformity, where the overlapping section was eroded. This section, which corresponds the highstand systems tract is restricted to portions at which the erosion that generate the Early-Carboniferous Unconformity was less effective, preserving the records of this unit.