911 resultados para Limits to growth
Die (Wieder-)Nutzung auf Schwerkraft basierender Fördertechniken, die insbesondere durch das niedrige Energiepreisniveau in den Jahrzehnten nach dem 2. Weltkrieg in der Tagebautechnik nahezu vollständig verdrängt wurden, ist bei den heutigen wirtschaftlichen Randbedingungen und anzustrebenden ökologischen Standards eine Herausforderung für die bergbautreibende Industrie. Seit Aufnahme der Entwicklung des Förderkonzeptes – Geführte Versturztechnik – Mitte der 1990er Jahre haben sich die Kosten für Rohöl vor Steuern nach dem Tiefstand um das Jahr 1998 bis heute mehr als verdreifacht, alleine seit 2004 mehr als verdoppelt. Gesetzliche Regelwerke wie die europäische IVU-Richtlinie 96/61/EG zur „integrierten Vermeidung und Verminderung der Umweltverschmutzung“ fordern, Genehmigungen nur noch bei Einsatz der besten verfügbaren Techniken (BVT oder BAT: „best available techniques“) zu erteilen. Die Umsetzung in nationale Vorschriften wie das Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz und nachgeordnete Regelwerke fordern hierauf aufbauend, dass Umweltbelastungen nicht in andere Medien verlagert werden dürfen. Die Anordnung einer Versturzrinne zur Nutzung von Massenschwerebewegungen am Beispiel von Quarzitabbau im Rheinischen Schiefergebirge bei denen die Förderbezugsebene unterhalb der Strossen liegt, die zur sichern und selektiven Gewinnung des Rohstoffs aufgefahren werden müssen, erfüllt durch Rückgriff auf ein vermeintlich „archaisches“ Förderkonzept durch Nutzung der Schwerkraft die obigen Anforderungen. Offenkundige Umweltbelastungen, die alleine durch die Verbrennung von Dieselkraftstoff und hieraus resultierender Schadstoff- und Wärmeeinträge in die Luft beim verbreiteten Einsatz von SLKW zur Abwärtsförderung entstehen, können erheblich vermindert werden. Der Aspekt der Betriebssicherheit einer solchen Anordnung kann durch Auffahren eines geradlinigen Bauwerks mit an das Fördergut angepassten Dimensionen sowie Einrichtungen zur Beschränkung der kinetischen Energie erreicht werden. Diese stellen auch gleichzeitig sicher, dass die Zerkleinerung des durch die Versturzrinne abwärts transportierten Materials betrieblich zulässige Grenzen nicht überschreitet. Hierfür kann auf das umfangreiche Wissen zu Massenschwerebewegungen Rückgriff genommen werden. Dem Aspekt des Umweltschutzes, der sich in Bezug auf das Medium Luft auf den autochtonen Staub reduziert, kann durch Vorrichtungen zur Staubniederschlagung Rechnung getragen werden. Vertiefende Untersuchungen sind erforderlich, um die mit komplexen, aber erprobten Techniken arbeitende Tagebauindustrie auch in dicht besiedelten Regionen wieder an die Nutzung von Schwerkraft (-gestützten) Fördertechniken heranzuführen. Auch das Konzept – Geführte Versturztechnik – ist auf konkrete Anwendungsfälle hin in Details anzupassen.
Nella prima parte viene ricostruito il concetto di vincolo espropriativo alla luce dell’elaborazione della giurisprudenza della Corte costituzionale e della Corte EDU, giungendo alla conclusione che rientrano in tale concetto le limitazioni al diritto di proprietà che: - derivano da scelte discrezionali dell’Amministrazione non correlate alle caratteristiche oggettive del bene; - superano la normale tollerabilità nel senso che impediscono al proprietario la prosecuzione dell’uso in essere o incidono sul valore di mercato del bene in modo sproporzionato rispetto alle oggettive caratteristiche del bene e all’interesse pubblico perseguito. Ragione di fondo della teoria dei vincoli è censurare l’eccessiva discrezionalità del potere urbanistico, imponendo una maggiore obiettività e controllabilità delle scelte urbanistiche. Dalla teoria dei vincoli consegue altresì che nell’esercizio del potere urbanistico l’Amministrazione, pur potendo differenziare il territorio, deve perseguire l’obiettivo del riequilibrio economico degli interessi incisi dalle sue determinazioni. L’obbligo della corresponsione dell’indennizzo costituisce la prima forma di perequazione urbanistica. Nel terzo e nel quarto capitolo viene analizzata la giurisprudenza civile e amministrativa in tema di vincoli urbanistici, rilevandone la non corrispondenza rispetto all’elaborazione della Corte costituzionale e l’incongruità dei risultati applicativi. Si evidenzia in particolare la necessità del superamento del criterio basato sulla distinzione zonizzazioni-localizzazioni e di considerare conformative unicamente quelle destinazioni realizzabili ad iniziativa privata che in concreto consentano al proprietario di conseguire un’utilità economica proporzionata al valore di mercato del bene. Nel quinto capitolo viene analizzato il rapporto tra teoria dei vincoli e perequazione urbanistica, individuandosi il discrimine tra i due diversi istituti non solo nel consenso, ma anche nella proporzionalità delle reciproche prestazioni negoziali. Attraverso la perequazione non può essere attribuito al proprietario un’utilità inferiore a quella che gli deriverebbe dall’indennità di esproprio.
La ricerca ha ad oggetto l’analisi della disciplina della responsabilità del vettore terrestre di merci per conto terzi ed i riflessi che detta disciplina ha avuto modo di svilupparsi nel mercato assicurativo. L’attenzione è stata rivolta al contratto di trasporto di cose in generale, seguendone la disciplina codicistica e le evoluzioni legislative intervenute. Particolare rilievo assume la novella apportata all’art. 1696 c.c., introdotta dall’art. 10 del Dlgs. 286/2005, grazie alla quale l’ordinamento italiano ha potuto codificare il limite di indennizzo dovuto dal vettore nell’ipotesi di colpa lieve, L’introduzione del limite legale di indennizzo per le ipotesi di responsabilità per perdita o avaria della merce trasportata ha generato nel mondo assicurativo interessanti reazioni. L’elaborato esamina anche l’evoluzione giurisprudenziale formatisi in tema di responsabilità vettoriale, evidenziando il crescente rigore imposto dalla giurisprudenza fondato sul principio del receptum. Tale fenomeno ha visto immediata reazione nel mercato assicurativo il quale, sulla base di testi contrattuali non dissimili tra le diverse compagnie di assicurazioni operanti sul mercato domestico e che traevano origine dai formulari approvati dall’ANIA, ha seguito l’evoluzione giurisprudenziale apportando significative restrizioni al rischio tipico previsto dalle coperture della responsabilità civile vettoriale. La ricerca si è poi focalizzata sull’esame delle più comuni clausole contemplate dalle polizze di assicurazioni di responsabilità civile e sul loro significato alla luce delle disposizioni di legge in materia. Tale analisi riveste preminente interesse poiché consente di verificare in concreto come l’assicurazione possa effettivamente costituire per l’impresa di trasporto non tanto un costo bensì una opportunità di risparmio da un lato ed un modello comportamentale, sebbene indotto, dall’altro lato per il raggiungimento di quei canoni di diligenza che qualsiasi operatore del settore dovrebbe tenere durante l’esecuzione del trasporto ed il cui venir meno determina, come detto, sensibili effetti pregiudizievoli di carattere economico.
La tesi affronta il tema degli istituti e degli strumenti di tutela della condizione di disoccupazione. In mancanza d’una nozione giuridica generale di disoccupazione, l’obiettivo è quello di ricercare gli elementi comuni ai differenti istituti in grado di definire l’ambito della protezione garantita alla persona priva d’impiego. Lo studio fornisce, dapprima, una complessiva ricognizione storico-critica degli strumenti per il sostegno del reddito nelle ipotesi di mancanza di lavoro. L’esame dei modelli d’intervento legislativo evidenzia finalità, caratteristiche e criticità dei singoli istituti, sia di quelli più consolidati, che degli interventi più recenti. La seconda parte della tesi si propone d’integrare la ricognizione delle forme di tutela economica con l’analisi delle politiche attive nel mercato del lavoro e degli interventi a sostegno all’occupabilità. L’intento è di verificare le modalità attraverso le quali l’ordinamento tenta di collegare tutela del reddito e promozione dell’occupazione. La ricerca affronta anche la questione dei limiti alla libertà di circolazione nell’Unione Europea dei cittadini non lavoratori, nonché il condizionamento determinato dalle misure che riducono o scoraggiano l’esportabilità delle prestazioni previdenziali negli altri Paesi europei. La parte finale si propone d’individuare gli elementi che caratterizzano il complesso degli istituti analizzati, al fine di verificare a quale evento giuridico l’ordinamento offra protezione. Lo studio identifica due elementi rilevanti: la condizione di “mancanza di lavoro”, che accomuna l’intervento per la disoccupazione e quello a favore dei rapporti di lavoro sospesi, nonché l’attualità dello stato di disoccupazione, parametro generale per gli interventi protettivi. L’analisi svolta sottolinea, però, che i meccanismi di c.d. condizionalità per l’accesso alle prestazioni economiche e ai servizi per l’impiego non consentono un’adeguata promozione della qualità del lavoro e della professionalità del lavoratore. La tesi individua un possibile terreno di sviluppo della protezione della condizione del disoccupato nell’integrazione tra strumenti di sostegno all’impiego e interventi a base universalistica.
An appropriate management of fisheries resources can only be achieved with the continuous supply of information on the structure and biology of populations, in order to predict the temporal fluctuations. This study supports the importance of investigating the bio-ecology of increasingly exploited and poorly known species, such as gurnards (Osteichthyes, Triglidae) from Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean), to quantify their ecological role into marine community. It also focuses on investigate inter and intra-specific structuring factor of Adriatic population. These objectives were achieved by: 1) investigating aspects of the population dynamics; 2) studying the feeding biology through the examination of stomach contents; 3) using sagittal otoliths as potential marker of species life cycle; 4) getting preliminary data on mDNA phylogeny. Gurnards showed a specie-specific “critical size” coinciding with the start of sexual maturity, the tendency to migrate to greater depths, a change of diet from crustaceans to fish and an increase of variety of food items eaten. Distribution of prey items, predator size range and depth distribution were the main dimensions that influence the breadth of trophic niche and the relative difference amongst Adriatic gurnards. Several feeding preferences were individuated and a possible impact among bigger-size gurnards and other commercial fishes (anchovy, gadoids) and Crustacea (such as mantis prawn and shrimps) were to be necessary considered. Otolith studies showed that gurnard species have a very fast growth despite other results in other areas; intra-specific differences and the increase in the variability of otolith shape, sulcus acusticus shape, S:O ratios, sulcus acusticus external crystals arrangement were shown between juveniles and adults and were linked to growth (individual genetic factors) and to environmental conditions (e.g. depth and trophic niche distribution). In order to facilitate correct biological interpretation of data, molecular data were obtained for comparing morphological distance to genetic ones.
Radio relics are diffuse synchrotron sources generally located in the peripheries of galaxy clusters in merging state. According to the current leading scenario, relics trace gigantic cosmological shock waves that cross the intra-cluster medium where particle acceleration occurs. The relic/shock connection is supported by several observational facts, including the spatial coincidence between relics and shocks found in the X-rays. Under the assumptions that particles are accelerated at the shock front and are subsequently deposited and then age downstream of the shock, Markevitch et al. (2005) proposed a method to constrain the magnetic field strength in radio relics. Measuring the thickness of radio relics at different frequencies allows to derive combined constraints on the velocity of the downstream flow and on the magnetic field, which in turns determines particle aging. We elaborate this idea to infer first constraints on magnetic fields in cluster outskirts. We consider three models of particle aging and develop a geometric model to take into account the contribution to the relic transverse size due to the projection of the shock-surface on the plane of the sky. We selected three well studied radio relics in the clusters A 521, CIZA J2242.8+5301 and 1RXS J0603.3+4214. These relics have been chosen primarily because they are almost seen edge-on and because the Mach number of the shock that is associated with these relics is measured by X-ray observations, thus allowing to break the degeneracy between magnetic field and downstream velocity in the method. For the first two clusters, our method is consistent with a pure radiative aging model allowing us to derive constraints on the relics magnetic field strength. In the case of 1RXS J0603.3+4214 we find that particle life-times are consistent with a pure radiative aging model under some conditions, however we also collect evidences for downstream particle re-acceleration in the relic W-region and for a magnetic field decaying downstream in its E-region. Our estimates of the magnetic field strength in the relics in A 521 and CIZA J2242.8+5301 provide unique information on the field properties in cluster outskirts. The constraints derived for these relics, together with the lower limits to the magnetic field that we derived from the lack of inverse Compton X-ray emission from the sources, have been combined with the constraints from Faraday rotation studies of the Coma cluster. Overall results suggest that the spatial profile of the magnetic field energy density is broader than that of the thermal gas, implying that the ε_th /ε_B ratio decreases with cluster radius. Alternatively, radio relics could trace dynamically active regions where the magnetic field strength is biased high with respect to the average value in the cluster volume.
Over the last few decades, polysaccharides have gained increasing attention in the biomedical and drug delivery fields. Among them, glucomannan (GM) has become a particularly interesting polymer in the nutraceutical, pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical field, however the high molecular weight of this natural polymer is the cause of the limits to its application that reflected in a poor solubility in water.Reduce the molecular weight could improve its use and at the same time does not eliminate its properties. In this study, we investigated the ability of enzymes to hydrolyze the polysaccharide structure of glucomannan by two commercial enzymes: Fungamyl Super AX and Celluclast BG. The purpose of the thesis was to identify the enzymatic activity and the process parameters ( pH and temperature) that influence the catalytic activity of the enzymes, the molecular size and the viscosity of products released after enzymatic hydrolysis of glucomannan.
OBJECTIVE: Myofibroblasts are responsible for contraction and scarring after cleft palate repair. This leads to growth disturbances in the upper jaw. We hypothesized that cells from the bone marrow are recruited to palatal wounds and differentiate into myofibroblasts. METHODS: We transplanted bone marrow from green fluorescent protein (GFP)-transgenic rats into lethally irradiated wild-type rats. After recovery, experimental wounds were made in the palatal mucoperiosteum, and harvested 2 weeks later. GFP-expressing cells were identified using immunostaining. Myofibroblasts, activated fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and myeloid cells were quantified with specific markers. RESULTS: After transplantation, 89 ± 8.9% of mononuclear cells in the blood expressed the GFP and about 50% of adherent cells in the bone marrow. Tissue obtained during initial wounding contained only minor numbers of GFP-positive cells, like adjacent control tissue. Following wound healing, 8.1 ± 5.1% of all cells in the wound area were positive, and 5.0 ± 4.0% of the myofibroblasts, which was significantly higher than in adjacent tissue. Similar percentages were found for activated fibroblasts and endothelial cells, but for myeloid cells it was considerably higher (22 ± 9%). CONCLUSIONS: Bone marrow-derived cells contribute to palatal wound healing, but are not the main source of myofibroblasts. In small wounds, the local precursor cells are probably sufficient to replenish the defect.
The "Trond" protocol of nerve excitability tests has been used widely to assess axonal function in peripheral nerve. In this study, the routine Trond protocol was expanded to refine assessment of cAMP-dependent, hyperpolarization-activated current (I(h)) activity. I(h) activity is generated by hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide-modulated (HCN) channels in response to hyperpolarization. It limits activity-dependent hyperpolarization, contributes to neuronal automaticity, and is implicated in chronic pain states. Published data regarding I(h) activity in motor nerve are scant. We used additional strong, prolonged hyperpolarizing conditioning stimuli in the threshold electrotonus component of the Trond protocol to demonstrate the time-course of activation of I(h) in motor axons. Fifteen healthy volunteers were tested on four occasions during 1 week. I(h) action was revealed in the threshold electrotonus by the limiting and often reversal, after about 100 ms, of the threshold increase caused by strong hyperpolarizing currents. Statistical analysis by repeated-measures analysis of variance enabled confidence limits to be established for variation between subjects and within subjects. The results demonstrate that, of all the excitability parameters, those dependent on I(h) were the most characteristic of an individual, because variance between subjects was more than four times the variance within subjects. This study demonstrates a reliable method for in vivo assessment of I(h,) and also serves to document the normal variability in nerve excitability properties within subjects.
Telomeres are protective structures at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes. The loss of telomeres through cell division and oxidative stress is related to cellular aging, organismal growth and disease. In this way, telomeres link molecular and cellular mechanisms with organismal processes, and may explain variation in a number of important life-history traits. Here, we discuss how telomere biology relates to the study of physiological ecology and life history evolution. We emphasize current knowledge on how telomeres may relate to growth, survival and lifespan in natural populations. We finish by examining interesting new connections between telomeres and the glucocorticoid stress response. Glucocorticoids are often employed as indices of physiological condition, and there is evidence that the glucocorticoid stress response is adaptive. We suggest that one way that glucocorticoids impact organismal survival is through elevated oxidative stress and telomere loss. Future work needs to establish and explore the link between the glucocorticoid stress response and telomere shortening in natural populations. If a link is found, it provides an explanatory mechanism by which environmental perturbation impacts life history trajectories.
The skeletal muscle phenotype is subject to considerable malleability depending on use. Low-intensity endurance type exercise leads to qualitative changes of muscle tissue characterized mainly by an increase in structures supporting oxygen delivery and consumption. High-load strength-type exercise leads to growth of muscle fibers dominated by an increase in contractile proteins. In low-intensity exercise, stress-induced signaling leads to transcriptional upregulation of a multitude of genes with Ca2+ signaling and the energy status of the muscle cells sensed through AMPK being major input determinants. Several parallel signaling pathways converge on the transcriptional co-activator PGC-1α, perceived as being the coordinator of much of the transcriptional and posttranscriptional processes. High-load training is dominated by a translational upregulation controlled by mTOR mainly influenced by an insulin/growth factor-dependent signaling cascade as well as mechanical and nutritional cues. Exercise-induced muscle growth is further supported by DNA recruitment through activation and incorporation of satellite cells. Crucial nodes of strength and endurance exercise signaling networks are shared making these training modes interdependent. Robustness of exercise-related signaling is the consequence of signaling being multiple parallel with feed-back and feed-forward control over single and multiple signaling levels. We currently have a good descriptive understanding of the molecular mechanisms controlling muscle phenotypic plasticity. We lack understanding of the precise interactions among partners of signaling networks and accordingly models to predict signaling outcome of entire networks. A major current challenge is to verify and apply available knowledge gained in model systems to predict human phenotypic plasticity.
We employ the case of USAID's Linking Agricultural Markets with Producers (LAMP) project to address opportunities and obstacles to development assistance. Framed within LAMP's identification of constraints to growth within Bosnia's agricultural market, we explore the complex interorganizational linkages required for success. We identify three distinct linkage types inherent to development situations. Relationships exist (1) within the international community, (2) within the local Bosnian community and (3) between international and local organizations.
Several prominent hypotheses have been posed to explain the immense variability among plant species in defense against herbivores. A major concept in the evolutionary ecology of plant defenses is that tradeoffs of defense strategies are likely to generate and maintain species diversity. In particular, tradeoffs between constitutive and induced resistance and tradeoffs relating these strategies to growth and competitive ability have been predicted. We performed three independent experiments on 58 plant species from 15 different plant families to address these hypotheses in a phylogenetic framework. Because evolutionary tradeoffs may be altered by human-imposed artificial selection, we used 18 wild plant species and 40 cultivated garden-plant species. Across all 58 plant species, we demonstrate a tradeoff between constitutive and induced resistance, which was robust to accounting for phylogenetic history of the species. Moreover, the tradeoff was driven by wild species and was not evident for cultivated species. In addition, we demonstrate that more competitive species—but not fast growing ones—had lower constitutive but higher induced resistance. Thus, our multispecies experiments indicate that the competition–defense tradeoff holds for constitutive resistance and is complemented by a positive relationship of competitive ability with induced resistance. We conclude that the studied genetically determined tradeoffs are indeed likely to play an important role in shaping the high diversity observed among plant species in resistance against herbivores and in life history traits.
Cleft palate is a common birth defect in humans. Elevation and fusion of paired palatal shelves are coordinated by growth and transcription factors, and mutations in these can cause malformations. Among the effector genes for growth factor signaling are extracellular matrix (ECM) glycoproteins. These provide substrates for cell adhesion (e.g., fibronectin, tenascins), but also regulate growth factor availability (e.g., fibrillins). Cleft palate in Bmp7 null mouse embryos is caused by a delay in palatal shelf elevation. In contrast, palatal shelves of Tgf-β3 knockout mice elevate normally, but a cleft develops due to their failure to fuse. However, nothing is known about a possible functional interaction between specific ECM proteins and Tgf-β/Bmp family members in palatogenesis. To start addressing this question, we studied the mRNA and protein distribution of relevant ECM components during secondary palate development, and compared it to growth factor expression in wildtypewild type and mutant mice. We found that fibrillin-2 (but not fibrillin-1) mRNA appeared in the mesenchyme of elevated palatal shelves adjacent to the midline epithelial cells, which were positive for Tgf-β3 mRNA. Moreover, midline epithelial cells started expressing fibronectin upon contact of the two palatal shelves. These findings support the hypothesis that fibrillin-2 and fibronectin are involved in regulating the activity of Tgf-β3 at the fusing midline. In addition, we observed that tenascin-W (but not tenascin-C) was misexpressed in palatal shelves of Bmp7-deficient mouse embryos. In contrast to tenascin-C, tenascin-W secretion was strongly induced by Bmp7 in embryonic cranial fibroblasts in vitro. These results are consistent with a putative function for tenascin-W as a target of Bmp7 signaling during palate elevation. Our results indicate that distinct ECM proteins are important for morphogenesis of the secondary palate, both as downstream effectors and as regulators of Tgf-β/Bmp activity.
In this study we demonstrate RNA interference mediated knock-down of target gene expression in Echinococcus multilocularis primary cells on both the transcriptional and translational level. In addition, we report on an improved method for generating E. multilocularis primary cell mini-aggregates from in vitro cultivated metacestode vesicles, and on the cultivation of small numbers of small interfering RNA-transfected cells in vitro over an extended period of time. This allows assessments on the effects of RNA interference performed on Echinococcus primary cells with regard to growth, proliferation, differentiation of the parasite and the formation of novel metacestode vesicles in vitro.