964 resultados para Leukemia, Plasma Cell
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) has recently been implicated in the pathogenesis of malarial anaemia. However, field studies have reported contradictory results on circulating MIF concentrations in patients with clinically overt Plasmodium falciparum malaria. We determined plasma MIF levels over time in 10 healthy volunteers during experimental P. falciparum infection. Under fully controlled conditions, MIF levels decreased significantly during early blood-stage infection and reached a nadir at day 8 post-infection. A decrease in the number of circulating lymphocytes, which are an important source of MIF production, paralleled the decrease in MIF levels. Monocyte/macrophage counts remained unchanged. At MIF nadir, the anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-10, which is an inhibitor of T-cell MIF production, was detectable in only 2 of 10 volunteers. Plasma concentrations of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-8 and IL-1beta were only marginally elevated. We conclude that circulating MIF levels decrease early in blood-stage malaria as a result of the decline in circulating lymphocytes.
Plac8 belongs to an evolutionary conserved family of proteins, mostly abundant in plants where they control fruit weight through regulation of cell number. In mice, Plac8 is expressed both in white and brown adipose tissues and we previously showed that Plac8(-/-) mice develop late-onset obesity, with abnormal brown fat differentiation and reduced thermogenic capacity. We also showed that in brown adipocytes, Plac8 is an upstream regulator of C/EBPβ expression. Here, we first assessed the role of Plac8 in white adipogenesis in vitro. We show that Plac8 is induced early after induction of 3T3-L1 adipocytes differentiation, a process that is prevented by Plac8 knockdown; similarly, embryonic fibroblasts obtained from Plac8 knockout mice failed to form adipocytes upon stimulation of differentiation. Knockdown of Plac8 in 3T3-L1 was associated with reduced expression of C/EBPβ, Krox20, and Klf4, early regulators of the white adipogenic program, and we show that Plac8 could transactivate the C/EBPβ promoter. In vivo, we show that absence of Plac8 led to increased white fat mass with enlarged adipocytes but reduced total number of adipocytes. Finally, even though Plac8(-/-) mice showed impaired thermogenesis due to brown fat dysfunction, this was not associated with changes in glycemia or plasma free fatty acid and triglyceride levels. Collectively, these data indicate that Plac8 is an upstream regulator of C/EBPβ required for adipogenesis in vitro. However, in vivo, Plac8 is dispensable for the differentiation of white adipocytes with preserved fat storage capacity but is required for normal fat cell number regulation.
The T3 complex is known to be expressed on the cell surface of mature T cells together with either the alpha-beta heterodimeric T cell receptor (TCR) or the TCR gamma protein. In a number of immature T cell malignancies, however, T3 has been described exclusively in the cytoplasm. We have investigated five such T cell lines with cytoplasmic T3 and could demonstrate by biosynthetic labeling the presence of the alpha and beta chains of the TCR in the cytoplasm of two of them, CEM and Ichikawa. No surface TCR alpha-beta protein could be detected by staining with the WT31 antibody. These observations, therefore, argue against the concept that expression of the TCR alpha chain controls the surface expression of the T3/TCR complex. Interestingly, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) induced cell surface expression of T3 protein in these two cell lines only. Moreover, on surface-iodinated CEM cells no association of T3 and TCR molecules could be demonstrated after treatment with PMA, and expression of TCR alpha and beta chains was limited to the cytoplasm. In Ichikawa cells, however, PMA induced surface expression of a mature T3/TCR complex. Our findings indicate that separate regulatory mechanisms may exist for the surface expression of the T3 proteins and for the assembly of the T3/TCR complex.
Microarray gene expression profiles of fresh clinical samples of chronic myeloid leukaemia in chronic phase, acute promyelocytic leukaemia and acute monocytic leukaemia were compared with profiles from cell lines representing the corresponding types of leukaemia (K562, NB4, HL60). In a hierarchical clustering analysis, all clinical samples clustered separately from the cell lines, regardless of leukaemic subtype. Gene ontology analysis showed that cell lines chiefly overexpressed genes related to macromolecular metabolism, whereas in clinical samples genes related to the immune response were abundantly expressed. These findings must be taken into consideration when conclusions from cell line-based studies are extrapolated to patients.
BACKGROUND: Red blood cell-derived microparticles (RMPs) are small phospholipid vesicles shed from RBCs in blood units, where they accumulate during storage. Because microparticles are bioactive, it could be suggested that RMPs are mediators of posttransfusion complications or, on the contrary, constitute a potential hemostatic agent. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: This study was performed to establish the impact on coagulation of RMPs isolated from blood units. Using calibrated automated thrombography, we investigated whether RMPs affect thrombin generation (TG) in plasma. RESULTS: We found that RMPs were not only able to increase TG in plasma in the presence of a low exogenous tissue factor (TF) concentration, but also to initiate TG in plasma in absence of exogenous TF. TG induced by RMPs in the absence of exogenous TF was neither affected by the presence of blocking anti-TF nor by the absence of Factor (F)VII. It was significantly reduced in plasma deficient in FVIII or F IX and abolished in FII-, FV-, FX-, or FXI-deficient plasma. TG was also totally abolished when anti-XI 01A6 was added in the sample. Finally, neither Western blotting, flow cytometry, nor immunogold labeling allowed the detection of traces of TF antigen. In addition, RMPs did not comprise polyphosphate, an important modulator of coagulation. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, our data show that RMPs have FXI-dependent procoagulant properties and are able to initiate and propagate TG. The anionic surface of RMPs might be the site of FXI-mediated TG amplification and intrinsic tenase and prothrombinase complex assembly.
L'insuline, produite par les cellules β du pancréas, joue un rôle central dans le contrôle de la glycémie. Un manque d'insuline entraine le diabète de type 2, une maladie répandue au stade d'épidémie au niveau mondial. L'augmentation du nombre de personnes obèses est une des causes principales du développement de la maladie. Avec l'obésité les tissus tels que le foie, le muscle, et le tissu adipeux deviennent résistants à l'insuline. En général, cette résistance est équilibrée par une augmentation de la sécrétion d'insuline. De ce fait, un grand nombre d'individus obèses ne deviennent pas diabétiques. Lorsque les cellules β ne produisent plus suffisamment d'insuline, alors le diabète se développe. Dans l'obésité, les cellules graisseuses sont résistantes à l'insuline et relâchent des lipides et autres produits qui affectent le bon fonctionnement et la vie des cellules β. «c-Jun Ν terminal Kinase» (JNK) est une enzyme qui joue un rôle important dans la résistance de l'insuline des cellules graisseuses. Cette même en2yme contribue aussi au déclin de la cellule β dans les conditions diabétogènes, et représente ainsi une cible thérapeutique potentielle du diabète. L'objectif de cette thèse a été de comprendre le mécanisme conduisant à l'activité de JNK dans les adipocytes et cellules β, dans l'obésité et le diabète de type 2. Nous montrons que les variations de JNK sont la conséquence de taux anormaux de JIP-1/EB1, une protéine qui a été impliquée dans certaines formes génétiques de diabète de type 2. En outre nous décrivons le mécanisme responsable des anomalies de JIP1/IB1 dans les adipocytes et cellules β. La restauration des taux de JIP-1/EB1 dans les deux types cellulaires pourrait être un objectif des thérapeutiques antidiabétiques actuelles et futures. - Le nombre d'individus touchés par le diabète de type 2 atteint aujourd'hui des proportions épidémiques à l'échelle mondiale. L'augmentation de la prévalence de l'obésité est la cause principale du développement de la maladie, qui, en général, survient suite à une perte de la sensibilité à l'insuline des tissus périphériques. Dans un grand nombre des cas, l'insulino-résistance est compensée par une augmentation de la sécrétion de l'insuline par les cellules β pancréatiques. Le diabète apparaît lorsque l'insuline n'est plus produite en quantité suffisante pour contrecarrer la résistance à l'insuline des tissus. Le défaut de production de l'insuline résulte du dysfonctionnement et de la réduction massive des cellules β. Les acides gras libres non estérifiés, en particulier le palmitate, provenant d'une alimentation riche en lipides et libérés par les adipocytes insulino-résistants contribuent au déclin de la cellule β en activant la voie de signalisation «cJun N-terminal kinase» (JNK). L'activation de JNK contribue aussi à la résistance à l'insuline des adipocytes dans l'obésité, soulignant ainsi l'importance de cette voie de signalisation dans la pathophysiologie du diabète. L'objectif de cette thèse a été de comprendre les mécanismes qui régulent JNK dans les cellules β et les adipocytes. Nous montrons que l'activation de JNK dans ces deux types cellulaires est la conséquence de la variation des taux de «JNK interacting protein 1» appelé aussi «islet brain 1» (JEP-1/ΓΒΙ), une protéine qui attache les kinases de la signalisation de JNK et dont des variations génétiques ont été associées avec le diabète de type 2. Dans les cellules β cultivées avec du palmitate, ainsi que dans les adipocytes dans l'obésité, l'expression de JEP-l/BBl est modifiée. Les modulations de l'expression de JEP-1/ΓΒΙ sont réalisées par le facteur de transcription «inducible cAMP early repressor» (ICER). L'expression d'ICER dans les adipocytes est diminuée dans l'obésité, et corrèle avec l'augmentation des niveaux de JEP-1/IB1. A l'inverse, le niveau d'expression d'ICER est augmenté dans les cellules β cultivées avec du palmitate, et cette augmentation perturbe le bon fonctionnement des cellules en réduisant les niveaux de JEP-l/IBl. Comme le palmitate, les particules pro-athérogéniques LDL-cholesterol oxydés, sont élevées chez les personnes obèses et diabétiques et sont délétères aux cellules β. Ces particules modifiées activent JNK dans les cellules β en diminuant l'expression de JIP-1/IB1 via ICER. Tous ces résultats montrent que le dérèglement de l'expression de JIP-l/EBl par ICER joue un rôle central dans l'activation de JNK dans les adipocytes et cellules β en souffrance dans l'obésité et le diabète de type 2. La restauration appropriée des niveaux de JEPl/IBl et d'ICER pourrait être considérée comme un objectif pour mesurer l'efficacité des traitements antidiabétiques actuels et futurs. - Type 2 diabetes has reached epidemic proportions worldwide, and poses a major socio-economic burden on developed and developing societies. The disease is often accompanied by obesity, and arises when β-cells produce insufficient insulin to meet the increased hormone demand, caused by insulin resistance. In obesity, enlargement of adipocytes contribute to their dysfunction, which is characterized by the abnormal release of some bioactive products such as non-esterified free fatty acids (NEF As). Chronic plasma elevation of NEF As elicits β-cell dysfunction and death, thereby, representing a key feature for development of diabetes in obesity (diabesity). Palmitate is the most abundant circulating NEF As in obesity, which triggers adipocytes and β-cell dysfunction. The effects of palmitate rely on the induction of the cJun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway. Activation of JNK promotes both β-cells dysfunction and insulin resistance in adipocytes. This thesis was undertaken to investigate the mechanisms accounting for the induction of the JNK pathway caused by palmitate. JNK is regulated by the scaffold protein JNK interacting protein-1, also called islet brain 1 (JIP-1/IB1). The levels of JDM/IB1 are critical for glucose homeostasis, as genetic variations within the gene were associated with diabetes. We found that activation of JNK in both, β-cells exposed to palmitate, and in adipocytes of obese mice, results from variations in the expression of JIP-l/EBl. Modifications in the JIP-1/IB1 levels were the consequence of abnormal expression of the inducible cAMP early repressor (ICER) in the two cell types. In addition, our data show that this repressor plays a key role in abnormal production of adipocyte hormones and β-cell dysfunction evoked by the pro-atherogenic oxidized LDL. Taken together, this study proposes that fine-tuning of appropriate levels of JIP-l/EBl, and ICER could circumvent β-cell failure, adipocyte dysfunction, and thereby, development of diabesity.
GLUT8 is a high-affinity glucose transporter present mostly in testes and a subset of brain neurons. At the cellular level, it is found in a poorly defined intracellular compartment in which it is retained by an N-terminal dileucine motif. Here we assessed GLUT8 colocalization with markers for different cellular compartments and searched for signals, which could trigger its cell surface expression. We showed that when expressed in PC12 cells, GLUT8 was located in a perinuclear compartment in which it showed partial colocalization with markers for the endoplasmic reticulum but not with markers for the trans-Golgi network, early endosomes, lysosomes, and synaptic-like vesicles. To evaluate its presence at the plasma membrane, we generated a recombinant adenovirus for the expression of GLUT8 containing an extracellular myc epitope. Cell surface expression was evaluated by immunofluorescence microscopy of transduced PC12 cells or primary hippocampal neurons exposed to different stimuli. Those included substances inducing depolarization, activation of protein kinase A and C, activation or inhibition of tyrosine kinase-linked signaling pathways, glucose deprivation, AMP-activated protein kinase stimulation, and osmotic shock. None of these stimuli-induced GLUT8 cell surface translocation. Furthermore, when GLUT8myc was cotransduced with a dominant-negative form of dynamin or GLUT8myc-expressing PC-12 cells or neurons were incubated with an anti-myc antibody, no evidence for constitutive recycling of the transporter through the cell surface could be obtained. Thus, in cells normally expressing it, GLUT8 was associated with a specific intracellular compartment in which it may play an as-yet-uncharacterized role.
AbstractPlants continuously grow during their complete life span and understanding the mechanisms that qualitatively regulate their traits remains a challenging topic in biology. The hormone auxin has been identified as a crucial molecule for shaping plant growth, as it has a role in most developmental processes. In the root, the directional, so-called polar transport of auxin generates a peak of concentration that specifies and maintains the stem cell niche and a subsequent gradient of decreasing concentration that also regulates cell proliferation and differentiation. For these reasons, auxin is considered the main morphogen of the root, as it is fundamental for its organization and maintenance. Recently, in Arabidopsis thaliana, a natural variation screen allowed the discovery of BREVIS RADIX (BRX) gene as a limiting factor for auxin responsive gene expression and thus for root growth.In this study, we discovered that BRX is a direct target of auxin that positively feeds back on auxin signaling, as a transcriptional co-regulator, through interaction with the Auxin Response Factor (ARF) MONOPTEROS (MP), modulating the auxin gene response magnitude during the transition between division and differentiation in the root meristem. Moreover, we provide evidence that BRX is activated at the plasma membrane level as an associated protein before moving into the nucleus to modulate cellular growth.To investigate the discrepancy between the auxin concentration and the expression pattern of its downstream targets, we combined experimental and computational approaches. Expression profiles deviating from the auxin gradient could only be modeled after intersection of auxin activity with the observed differential endocytosis pattern and with positive auto- regulatory feedback through plasma- membrane-to-nucleus transfer of BRX. Because BRX is required for expression of certain auxin response factor targets, our data suggest a cell-type-specific endocytosis-dependent input into transcriptional auxin perception. This input sustains expression of a subset of auxin-responsive genes across the root meristem's division and transition zones and is essential for meristem growth. Thus, the endocytosis pattern provides specific positional information to modulate auxin response. RésuméLes plantes croissent continuellement tout au long de leur cycle de vie. Comprendre et expliquer les mécanismes impliqués dans ce phénomène reste à l'heure actuelle, un défi. L'hormone auxine a été identifiée comme une molécule essentielle à la régulation de la croissance des plantes, car impliquée dans la plupart des processus développementaux. Dans la racine, le transport polaire de l'auxine, par la génération d'un pic de concentration, spécifie et maintient la niche de cellules souches, et par la génération d'un gradient de concentration, contrôle la prolifération et la différentiation cellulaire. Puisque l'auxine est essentielle pour l'organisation et la maintenance du système racinaire, il est considéré comme son principal morphogène. Récemment, dans la plante modèle, Arabidopsis thalinana, un criblage des variations génétique a permis d'identifier le gène Brevis radix (BRX) comme facteur limitant l'expression des gènes de réponse à l'auxine et par là même, la croissance de la racine.Dans ce travail, nous avons découvert que BRX est une cible direct de l'auxine qui rétroactive positivement le signalement de l'hormone, agissant ainsi comme un régulateur transcriptionnel à travers l'interaction avec la protéine Monopteros (MP) de la famille des facteurs de réponse à l'auxine (Auxin Responsive Factor, ARF), et modulant ainsi la magnitude de la réponse des gènes reliés à l'auxine durant la division et la différentiation cellulaire dans le méristème de la racine. De plus, nous fournissons des preuves que BRX est activées au niveau de la membrane plasmique, tel une protéine associée se déplaçant à l'intérieur du noyau et modulant la croissance cellulaire.Pour mener à bien l'investigation des divergences entre la concentration de l'auxine et les schémas d'expression de ses propres gènes cibles, nous avons combiné les approches expérimentales et computationnelles. Les profiles d'expressions déviant du gradient d'auxine pourraient seulement être modéliser après intersection de l'activité de l'auxine avec les schémas différentiels d'endocytose observés et les boucles de rétroaction positives et autorégulatrices par le transfert de BRX de la membrane plasmique au noyau. Puisque BRX est requis pour l'expression de certains gènes cibles des facteurs de réponse à l'auxine, nos données suggèrent une contribution dépendante d'une endocytose spécifique au type de cellule dans la perception transcriptionnelle à l'auxine Cette contribution soutient l'expression d'un sous-set de gène de réponse à l'auxine dans la division du méristème racinaire et la zone de transition, et par conséquent, est essentielle pour la croissance méristematique. Ainsi, le schéma d'endocytose fournit des informations positionnelles spécifiques à la modulation de la réponse à l'auxine.
The telomere length in nucleated peripheral blood (PB) cells indirectly reflects the mitotic history of their precursors: the hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). The average length of telomeres in PB leukocytes can be measured using fluorescence in situ hybridization and flow cytometry (flow FISH). We previously used flow FISH to characterize the age-related turnover of HSCs in healthy individuals. In this review, we describe results of recent flow FISH studies in patients with selected hematopoietic stem cell-associated disorders: chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and several bone marrow failure syndromes. CML is characterized by a marked expansion of myeloid Philadelphia chromosome positive (Ph+) cells. Nevertheless, nonmalignant (Ph-) HSCs typically coexist in the bone marrow of CML patients. We analyzed the telomere length in > 150 peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs) and bone marrow samples of patients with CML as well as samples of Ph- T-lymphocytes. Compared to normal controls, the overall telomere fluorescence in PBLs of patients with CML was significantly reduced. However, no telomere shortening was observed in Ph- T-lymphocytes. Patients in late chronic phase (CP) had significantly shorter telomeres than those assessed earlier in CP. Our data suggest that progressive telomere shortening is correlated with disease progression in CML. Within the group of patients with bone marrow failure syndromes, we only found significantly shortened telomeres (compared to age-adjusted controls) in granulocytes from patients with aplastic anemia (AA). Strikingly, the telomere length in granulocytes from AA patients who had recovered after immunosuppressive therapy (recAA) did not differ significantly from controls, whereas untreated patients and nonresponders with persistent severe pancytopenia (sAANR) showed marked and significant telomere shortening compared to healthy donors and patients with recAA. Furthermore, an inverse correlation between age-adjusted telomere length and peripheral blood counts was found in support of a model in which the degree of cytopenia and the amount of telomere shortening are correlated. These results support the concept of extensive proliferation of HSCs in subgroups of AA patients and suggest a potential use of telomere-length measurements as a prognostic tool in this group of disorders as well.
Follicular Th (T(FH)) cells have emerged as a new Th subset providing help to B cells and supporting their differentiation into long-lived plasma cells or memory B cells. Their differentiation had not yet been investigated following neonatal immunization, which elicits delayed and limited germinal center (GC) responses. We demonstrate that neonatal immunization induces CXCR5(high)PD-1(high) CD4(+) T(FH) cells that exhibit T(FH) features (including Batf, Bcl6, c-Maf, ICOS, and IL-21 expression) and are able to migrate into the GCs. However, neonatal T(FH) cells fail to expand and to acquire a full-blown GC T(FH) phenotype, as reflected by a higher ratio of GC T(FH)/non-GC CD4(+) T cells in immunized adults than neonates (3.8 × 10(-3) versus 2.2 × 10(-3), p = 0.01). Following the adoptive transfer of naive adult OT-II CD4(+) T cells, OT-II T(FH) cells expand in the vaccine-draining lymph nodes of immunized adult but not infant recipients, whereas naive 2-wk-old CD4(+) OT-II cells failed to expand in adult hosts, reflecting the influence of both environmental and T cell-intrinsic factors. Postponing immunization to later in life increases the number of T(FH) cells in a stepwise manner, in direct correlation with the numbers of GC B cells and plasma cells elicited. Remarkably, adjuvantation with CpG oligonucleotides markedly increased GC T(FH) and GC B cell neonatal responses, up to adult levels. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that the T(FH) cell development limits early life GC responses and that adjuvants/delivery systems supporting T(FH) differentiation may restore adultlike early life GC B cell responses.
beta-Arrestins regulate the functioning of G protein-coupled receptors in a variety of cellular processes including receptor-mediated endocytosis and activation of signaling molecules such as ERK. A key event in these processes is the G protein-coupled receptor-mediated recruitment of beta-arrestins to the plasma membrane. However, despite extensive knowledge in this field, it is still disputable whether activation of signaling pathways via beta-arrestin recruitment entails paired activation of receptor dimers. To address this question, we investigated the ability of different muscarinic receptor dimers to recruit beta-arrestin-1 using both co-immunoprecipitation and fluorescence microscopy in COS-7 cells. Experimentally, we first made use of a mutated muscarinic M(3) receptor, which is deleted in most of the third intracellular loop (M(3)-short). Although still capable of activating phospholipase C, this receptor loses almost completely the ability to recruit beta-arrestin-1 following carbachol stimulation in COS-7 cells. Subsequently, M(3)-short was co-expressed with the M(3) receptor. Under these conditions, the M(3)/M(3)-short heterodimer could not recruit beta-arrestin-1 to the plasma membrane, even though the control M(3)/M(3) homodimer could. We next tested the ability of chimeric adrenergic muscarinic alpha(2)/M(3) and M(3)/alpha(2) heterodimeric receptors to co-immunoprecipitate with beta-arrestin-1 following stimulation with adrenergic and muscarinic agonists. beta-Arrestin-1 co-immunoprecipitation could be induced only when carbachol or clonidine were given together and not when the two agonists were supplied separately. Finally, we tested the reciprocal influence that each receptor may exert on the M(2)/M(3) heterodimer to recruit beta-arrestin-1. Remarkably, we observed that M(2)/M(3) heterodimers recruit significantly greater amounts of beta-arrestin-1 than their respective M(3)/M(3) or M(2)/M(2) homodimers. Altogether, these findings provide strong evidence in favor of the view that binding of beta-arrestin-1 to muscarinic M(3) receptors requires paired stimulation of two receptor components within the same receptor dimer.
A monoclonal antibody, LAU-A1, which selectively reacts with all cells of the T-lineage, was derived from a fusion between spleen cells of a mouse immunized with paediatric thymocytes and mouse myeloma P X 63/Ag8 cells. As shown by an antibody-binding radioimmunoassay and analysis by flow microfluorometry of cells labelled by indirect immunofluorescence, the LAU-A1 antibody reacted with all six T-cell lines but not with any of the B-cell lines or myeloid cell lines tested from a panel of 17 human hematopoietic cell lines. The LAU-A1 antibody was also shown to react with the majority of thymocytes and E-rosette-enriched peripheral blood lymphocytes. Among the malignant cell populations tested, the blasts from all 20 patients with acute T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) were found to react with the LAU-A1 antibody, whereas blasts from 85 patients with common ALL and 63 patients with acute myeloid leukemias were entirely negative. Examination of frozen tissue sections from fetal and adult thymuses stained by an indirect immunoperoxidase method revealed that cells expressing the LAU-A1 antigen were localized in both the cortex and the medulla. From the very broad reactivity spectrum of LAU-A1 antibody, we conclude that this antibody is directed against a T-cell antigen expressed throughout the T-cell differentiation lineage. SDS-PAGE analysis of immunoprecipitates formed by LAU-A1 antibody with detergent lysates of radiolabeled T-cells showed that the LAU-A1 antigen had an apparent mol. wt of 76,000 under non-reducing conditions. Under reducing conditions a single band with an apparent mol. wt of 40,000 was observed. Two-dimensional SDS-PAGE analysis confirmed that the 76,000 mol. wt component consisted of an S-S-linked dimeric complex. The surface membrane expression of LAU-A1 antigen on HSB-2 T-cells was modulated when these cells were cultured in the presence of LAU-A1 antibody. Re-expression of LAU-A1 antigen occurred within 24 hr after transfer of the modulated cells into antibody-free medium.
Liver glucose metabolism plays a central role in glucose homeostasis and may also regulate feeding and energy expenditure. Here we assessed the impact of glucose transporter 2 (Glut2) gene inactivation in adult mouse liver (LG2KO mice). Loss of Glut2 suppressed hepatic glucose uptake but not glucose output. In the fasted state, expression of carbohydrate-responsive element-binding protein (ChREBP) and its glycolytic and lipogenic target genes was abnormally elevated. Feeding, energy expenditure, and insulin sensitivity were identical in LG2KO and control mice. Glucose tolerance was initially normal after Glut2 inactivation, but LG2KO mice exhibited progressive impairment of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion even though β cell mass and insulin content remained normal. Liver transcript profiling revealed a coordinated downregulation of cholesterol biosynthesis genes in LG2KO mice that was associated with reduced hepatic cholesterol in fasted mice and reduced bile acids (BAs) in feces, with a similar trend in plasma. We showed that chronic BAs or farnesoid X receptor (FXR) agonist treatment of primary islets increases glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, an effect not seen in islets from Fxr-/- mice. Collectively, our data show that glucose sensing by the liver controls β cell glucose competence and suggest BAs as a potential mechanistic link.
PURPOSE This prospective multicenter phase III study compared the efficacy and safety of a triple combination (bortezomib-thalidomide-dexamethasone [VTD]) versus a dual combination (thalidomide-dexamethasone [TD]) in patients with multiple myeloma (MM) progressing or relapsing after autologous stem-cell transplantation (ASCT). PATIENTS AND METHODS Overall, 269 patients were randomly assigned to receive bortezomib (1.3 mg/m(2) intravenous bolus) or no bortezomib for 1 year, in combination with thalidomide (200 mg per day orally) and dexamethasone (40 mg orally once a day on 4 days once every 3 weeks). Bortezomib was administered on days 1, 4, 8, and 11 with a 10-day rest period (day 12 to day 21) for eight cycles (6 months), and then on days 1, 8, 15, and 22 with a 20-day rest period (day 23 to day 42) for four cycles (6 months). Results Median time to progression (primary end point) was significantly longer with VTD than TD (19.5 v 13.8 months; hazard ratio, 0.59; 95% CI, 0.44 to 0.80; P = .001), the complete response plus near-complete response rate was higher (45% v 25%; P = .001), and the median duration of response was longer (17.2 v 13.4 months; P = .03). The 24-month survival rate was in favor of VTD (71% v 65%; P = .093). Grade 3 peripheral neuropathy was more frequent with VTD (29% v 12%; P = .001) as were the rates of grades 3 and 4 infection and thrombocytopenia. CONCLUSION VTD was more effective than TD in the treatment of patients with MM with progressive or relapsing disease post-ASCT but was associated with a higher incidence of grade 3 neurotoxicity.