736 resultados para Laredo, Bernardino de.
Oxygen penetration depth and temperature at the rim of the clam colony was measured with a small deep-sea microprofiler module (Treude et al., 2009), carrying 3 oxygen Clark-type microelectrodes (Revsbech et al., 1980) and one temperature sensor (Pt100, UST Umweltsensorentechnik GmbH, Germany). High-resolution microprofiles across the sediment-water interface were measured with a vertical resolution of 100 µm on a total length of 15 cm. Oxygen electrodes had a linear response to the oxygen concentration in seawater and were calibrated in situ using constant readings in the bottom water (oxygen concentration determined by Winkler titration) and the anoxic parts of the sediment.
The Global River Discharge (RivDIS) data set contains monthly discharge measurements for 1018 stations located throughout the world. The period of record varies widely from station to station, with a mean of 21.5 years. These data were digitized from published UNESCO archives by Charles Voromarty, Balaze Fekete, and B.A. Tucker of the Complex Systems Research Center (CSRC) at the University of New Hampshire. River discharge is typically measured through the use of a rating curve that relates local water level height to discharge. This rating curve is used to estimate discharge from the observed water level. The rating curves are periodically rechecked and recalibrated through on-site measurement of discharge and river stage.
Capitulares grab. xil.
Pie de imp. tomado de IBE
Imp. tomado de: Belgica Typographica, 8786-8789
Marca tip. en colofón (Baudrier. XII, p. 266, n° 2)
Con este proyecto se pretende crear un procedimiento general para la implantación de aplicaciones de procesado de imágenes en cámaras de video IP y la distribución de dicha información mediante Arquitecturas Orientadas a Servicios (SOA). El objetivo principal es crear una aplicación que se ejecute en una cámara de video IP y realice un procesado básico sobre las imágenes capturadas (detección de colores, formas y patrones) permitiendo distribuir el resultado del procesado mediante las arquitecturas SOA descritas en la especificación DPWS (Device Profile for Web Services). El estudio se va a centrar principalmente en la transformación automática de código de procesado de imágenes escrito en Matlab (archivos .m) a un código C ANSI (archivos .c) que posteriormente se compilará para la arquitectura del procesador de la cámara (arquitectura CRIS, similar a la RISC pero con un conjunto reducido de instrucciones). ABSTRACT. This project aims to create a general procedure for the implementation of image processing applications in IP video cameras and the distribution of such information through Service Oriented Architectures (SOA). The main goal is to create an application that runs on IP video camera and carry out a basic processing on the captured images ( color detection, shapes and patterns) allowing to distribute the result of process by SOA architectures described in the DPWS specification (Device Profile for Web Services). The study will focus primarily on the automated transform of image processing code written in Matlab files (. M) to ANSI C code files (. C) which is then compiled to the processor architecture of the camera (CRIS architecture , similar to the RISC but with a reduced instruction set).
Mención de resp. tomado de inicio texto en h. [2]
Colofón en h. 234 v.
Copia digital: Biblioteca valenciana, 2010
Sign.: a-c8, d2, A-Z8, Aa-Bb8