978 resultados para Johnstone, Patrick


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One of the key challenges in the field of nanoparticle (NP) analysis is in producing reliable and reproducible characterisation data for nanomaterials. This study looks at the reproducibility using a relatively new, but rapidly adopted, technique, Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) on a range of particle sizes and materials in several different media. It describes the protocol development and presents both the data and analysis of results obtained from 12 laboratories, mostly based in Europe, who are primarily QualityNano members. QualityNano is an EU FP7 funded Research Infrastructure that integrates 28 European analytical and experimental facilities in nanotechnology, medicine and natural sciences with the goal of developing and implementing best practice and quality in all aspects of nanosafety assessment. This study looks at both the development of the protocol and how this leads to highly reproducible results amongst participants. In this study, the parameter being measured is the modal particle size.


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Organic matter plays an important role in many soil properties, and for that reason it is necessary to identify management systems which maintain or increase its concentrations. The aim of the present study was to determine the quality and quantity of organic C in different compartments of the soil fraction in different Amazonian ecosystems. The soil organic matter (FSOM) was fractionated and soil C stocks were estimated in primary forest (PF), pasture (P), secondary succession (SS) and an agroforestry system (AFS). Samples were collected at the depths 0-5, 5-10, 10-20, 20-40, 40-60, 60-80, 80-100, 100-160, and 160-200 cm. Densimetric and particle size analysis methods were used for FSOM, obtaining the following fractions: FLF (free light fraction), IALF (intra-aggregate light fraction), F-sand (sand fraction), F-clay (clay fraction) and F-silt (silt fraction). The 0-5 cm layer contains 60 % of soil C, which is associated with the FLF. The F-clay was responsible for 70 % of C retained in the 0-200 cm depth. There was a 12.7 g kg-1 C gain in the FLF from PF to SS, and a 4.4 g kg-1 C gain from PF to AFS, showing that SS and AFS areas recover soil organic C, constituting feasible C-recovery alternatives for degraded and intensively farmed soils in Amazonia. The greatest total stocks of carbon in soil fractions were, in decreasing order: (101.3 Mg ha-1 of C - AFS) > (98.4 Mg ha-1 of C - FP) > (92.9 Mg ha-1 of C - SS) > (64.0 Mg ha-1 of C - P). The forms of land use in the Amazon influence C distribution in soil fractions, resulting in short- or long-term changes.


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[Table des matières] 1. Méthodologie. 1.1. Questions d'évaluation. 1.2. Collecte de l'information. 1.3. Validation. 1. 4. Analyse. 1.5. Utilité. 2. Planification de l'intervention en 2000, par domaine. 2.1. Clé de lecture des théories d'action. 2. 2. Les domaines de : la prévention, des thérapies et traitements, de la réduction des risques, de la formation, de la coordination, Campagne, migration et santé, de l'épidémiologie, de la recherche, de l'évaluation. 3. Evolution de la stratégie entre 1998 et 2000. 4. Théories d'action en 1998. 5. Dimensions de la théorie d'action globale 2000.


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Background/Objective:Little is known about the precise role of parental migrant status (MS) and educational level (EL) on adiposity and various eating habits in young children. Therefore, we assessed their independent contribution in preschoolers.Subjects/Methods:Of 655 randomly selected preschoolers, 542 (5.1±0.6 years; 71% of parental MS and 37% of low parental EL) were analysed. Body composition was measured by bioelectrical impedance. Eating habits were assessed using a semiqualitative food frequency questionnaire and analysed according to five messages developed by the Swiss Society for Nutrition, based on factors implicated in childhood obesity: (1) 'Drinking water and decreasing sweetened drinks', (2) 'Eating fruit and vegetables', (3) 'Decreasing breakfast skipping', (4) 'Reducing fatty and sweet foods' and (5) 'Reducing the intake of meals and snacks in front of television'.Results:Children of migrant and low EL parents had higher body fat, ate more meals and snacks while watching television and had more fruit and fatty foods compared with their respective counterparts (all P0.04). Children of low EL parents also consumed less water and vegetables compared with their counterparts (all P0.04). In most instances, we found an independent contribution of parental MS and EL to adiposity and eating habits. A more pronounced effect was found if both parents were migrants or of low EL. Differences in adiposity and eating habits were relatively similar to the joint parental data when assessed individually for maternal and paternal MS and EL.Conclusions:Parental MS and EL are independently related to adiposity and various eating habits in preschoolers.European Journal of Clinical Nutrition advance online publication, 3 November 2010; doi:10.1038/ejcn.2010.248.


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OBJECTIVES: To assess the in vitro susceptibility of Actinobaculum schaalii to 12 antimicrobial agents as well as to dissect the genetic basis of fluoroquinolone resistance. METHODS: Forty-eight human clinical isolates of A. schaalii collected in Switzerland and France were studied. Each isolate was identified by 16S rRNA sequencing. MICs of amoxicillin, ceftriaxone, gentamicin, vancomycin, clindamycin, linezolid, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin, co-trimoxazole, nitrofurantoin and metronidazole were determined using the Etest method. Interpretation of results was made according to EUCAST clinical breakpoints. The quinolone-resistance-determining regions (QRDRs) of gyrA and parC genes were also identified and sequence analysis was performed for all 48 strains. RESULTS: All isolates were susceptible to amoxicillin, ceftriaxone, gentamicin, clindamycin (except three), vancomycin, linezolid and nitrofurantoin, whereas 100% and 85% were resistant to ciprofloxacin/metronidazole and co-trimoxazole, respectively. Greater than or equal to 90% of isolates were susceptible to the other tested fluoroquinolones, and only one strain was highly resistant to levofloxacin (MIC ?32 mg/L) and moxifloxacin (MIC 8 mg/L). All isolates that were susceptible or low-level resistant to levofloxacin/moxifloxacin (n?=?47) showed identical GyrA and ParC amino acid QRDR sequences. In contrast, the isolate exhibiting high-level resistance to levofloxacin and moxifloxacin possessed a unique mutation in GyrA, Ala83Val (Escherichia coli numbering), whereas no mutation was present in ParC. CONCLUSIONS: When an infection caused by A. schaalii is suspected, there is a risk of clinical failure by treating with ciprofloxacin or co-trimoxazole, and ?-lactams should be preferred. In addition, acquired resistance to fluoroquinolones more active against Gram-positive bacteria is possible.


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Point defects of opposite signs can alternately nucleate on the -1/2 disclination line that forms near the free surface of a confined nematic liquid crystal. We show the existence of metastable configurations consisting of periodic repetitions of such defects. These configurations are characterized by a minimal interdefect spacing that is seen to depend on sample thickness and on an applied electric field. The time evolution of the defect distribution suggests that the defects attract at small distances and repel at large distances.


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OBJECTIVE: A multidimensional lifestyle intervention performed in 652 preschoolers (72% of migrant, 38% of low educational level (EL) parents) reduced body fat, but not BMI and improved fitness. The objective of this study is to examine whether the intervention was equally effective in children of migrant and/or low EL parents.¦METHODS: Cluster-randomized controlled single blinded trial, conducted in 2008/09 in 40 randomly selected preschools in Switzerland. The culturally tailored intervention consisted of a physical activity program and lessons on nutrition, media use and sleep. Primary outcomes included BMI and aerobic fitness. Secondary outcomes included %body fat, waist circumference and motor agility.¦RESULTS: Children of migrant parents benefitted similarly from the intervention compared to their counterparts (p for interaction≥ 0.09). However, children of low EL parents benefitted less, although these differences did not reach statistical significance (p for interaction≥ 0.06). Average intervention effect sizes for BMI were -0.10, -0.05, -0.11 and 0.04 kg/m(2) and for aerobic fitness were 0.55, 0.20, 0.37 and -0.05 stages for children of non-migrant, migrant, middle/high EL and low EL parents, respectively.¦CONCLUSIONS: This intervention was similarly effective among preschoolers of migrant parents compared to their counterparts, while children of low EL parents benefitted less.


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In severe forms of Diamond-Blackfan anemia, preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) of histocompatibility leukocyte antigen-compatible embryos for enabling the next sibling in the family to be a stem-cell transplantation donor constitutes the sole lasting cure capable of terminating the enduring need for iterative transfusions. We report here an open collaboration between two renowned institutions to provide a family desiring this treatment even though they resided where the preimplantation genetic diagnosis procedure is banned.


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We present experiments where opposed pairs of planar parallel disclination lines of topological strength s=±1 move due to their mutual attraction. Our measurements show that their motion is clearly asymmetric, with +1 defects moving up to twice as fast as -1 ones. This is a clear indication of backflow, given the intrinsic isotropic elasticity of our system. A phenomenological model is able to account for the experimental observations by renormalizing the orientational diffusivity estimated from the velocity of each defect.


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Questionnaire studies indicate that high-anxious musicians may suffer from hyperventilation symptoms before and/or during performance. Reported symptoms include amongst others shortness of breath, fast or deep breathing, dizziness and thumping heart. A self-report study by Widmer, Conway, Cohen and Davies (1997) shows that up to seventy percent of the tested highly anxious musicians are hyperventilators during performance. However, no study has yet tested if these self-reported symptoms reflect actual cardiorespiratory changes just before and during performance. Disturbances in breathing patterns and hyperventilation may negatively affect the performance quality in stressful performance situations. The main goal of this study is to determine if music performance anxiety is manifest physiologically in specific correlates of cardiorespiratory activity. We studied 74 professional music students of Swiss Music Universities divided into two groups (high- and lowanxious) based on their self-reported performance anxiety (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory by Spielberger). The students were tested in three distinct situations: baseline, performance without audience, performance with audience. We measured a) breathing patterns, end-tidal carbon dioxide, which is a good non-invasive estimator for hyperventilation, and cardiac activation and b) self-perceived emotions and self-perceived physiological activation. Analyses of heart rate, respiratory rate, self-perceived palpitations, self-perceived shortness of breath and self-perceived anxiety for the 15 most and the 15 least anxious musicians show that high-anxious and low-anxious music students have a comparable physiological activation during the different measurement periods. However, highanxious music students feel significantly more anxious and perceive significantly stronger palpitations and significantly stronger shortness of breath just before and during a public performance. The results indicate that low- and high-anxious music students a) do not differ in the considered physiological responses and b) differ in the considered self-perceived physiological symptoms and the selfreported anxiety before and/or during a public performance.


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Forme archaïque, présente dès l'aube de l'écriture; forme ergonomique, présente autour de nous de manière bien plus courante que toute narration; la liste est un objet fascinant, qui ne dévoile jamais autant sa complexité que lorsqu'elle apparaît dans un cadre littéraire. Un cadre permettant de questionner, en les confrontant, la liste et son énonciateur - son sujet. Qui parle quand une liste se dit? Que dit-elle de celui qui l'énonce? Qui parle, lorsque la syntaxe se bouleverse au point de détruire les hiérarchies permettant habituellement de fixer au discours une origine, une destination, une reprise en charge? Il s'agira de répondre à ces questions et donc de passer d'une poétique à une éthique de la liste, afin de montrer que la description d'un tel objet est indissociable de sa contextualisation discursive, sa subjectivisation. Celle-ci traverse, par une constante métalepse (glissement entre les instances de responsabilité du discours), tout le spectre des actants du texte-liste - de la figure d'auteur à celle du lecteur. La spécificité de la liste littéraire se déporte alors dans un espace éthique, puis bientôt thymique, constitué par un faisceau d'oppositions : par exemple, la liste peut être fermée ou ouverte, hyper- ou hypolisible ; signe d'ordre (c'est l'inventaire, où à l'item correspond la chose) comme de désordre (c'est l'accumulation proliférante). Mais le couple oppositionnel le plus fécond est constitué par l'hybris et la mélancolie: hybris, ou l'orgueil de croire à une réinvention du monde par le pouvoir d'une juxtaposition sans limites. Mélancolie, ou miroitement du mot manquant, évidence de l'absence. C'est sous l'égide de cette opposition que je traite un vaste corpus constitué de huit auteurs contemporains, marqués par un XXe siècle catastrophique, où à l'hybris pléthorique de l'expression de la monstruosité et de l'abondance (J-M.G. Le Clézio, Georges Perec, Eric Chevillard) répond la mélancolie d'une absence ontologique : identitaire (Patrick Modiano), épistémologique (Pierre Senges) langagière (Pascal Quignard, Olivia Rosenthal), voire politique (Antoine Volodine).


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The loss of presynaptic markers is thought to represent a strong pathologic correlate of cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Spinophilin is a postsynaptic marker mainly located to the heads of dendritic spines. We assessed total numbers of spinophilin-immunoreactive puncta. in the CA I and CA3 fields of hippocampus and area 9 in 18 elderly individuals with various degrees of cognitive decline. The decrease in spinophilin-immunoreactivity was significantly related to both Braak neurofibrillary tangle (NFT) staging and clinical severity but not A beta deposition staging. The total number of spinophilin-immunoreactive puncta in CA I field and area 9 were significantly related to MMSE scores and predicted 23.5 and 61.9% of its variability. The relationship between total number of spinophilin-immunoreactive puncta in CA I field and MMSE scores did not persist when adjusting for Braak NFT staging. In contrast, the total number of spinophilin-immunoreactive puncta in area 9 was still significantly related to the cognitive outcome explaining an extra 9.6% of MMSE and 25.6% of the Clinical Dementia Rating scores variability. Our data suggest that neocortical dendritic spine loss is an independent parameter to consider in AD clinicopathologic correlations.


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[Table des matières] 1. Introduction. 2. Méthodologie. 3. Résultats. 3.1. Données sociodémographiques. 3.2. Comportements sexuels. 3.3. Besoins en conseils concernant le VIH/sida et les autres IST. 3.4. Facteurs associés à l'utilisation du préservatif lors du dernier rapport sexuel. 3.5. Facteurs associés à la condition de femme migrante dans la consultation de la policlinique gynécologique. 3.6. Faisabilité de l'étude. 4. Conclusions. 5. Bibliographie.


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F. 1-6v Calendrier de l'église d'Aix-en-Provence (7 juin: « Sancti Maximini Aquensis archiepiscopi... »; 7 août: « Dedicatio ecclesie Sancti Salvatoris »). F. 7-282 Temporal de toute l'année. F. 282v-286v Préfaces. F. 287-290v Canon de la messe. F. 291v-292 Peintures du Canon. F. 293-425 Sanctoral et commun des saints (f. 332v: s. Maximin; f. 352v: ste Marie-Madeleine; f. 361: dédicace de l'église; f. 374: s. Agricol; f. 393: s. Mitre). F. 425-431 « Orationes processionales per totum annum ». F. 431v-432v Bénédictions. F. 432v-433v Bénédictions et préface du mariage. F. 434-435 Messes de divers saints (dont s. Cannat, évêque de Marseille). F. 435v Colophon.