540 resultados para Jarkko Koskinen
Kilpailu osaavasta työvoimasta on saanut yritykset panostamaan työnantajabrandiinsa. Työnantajabrandi yhtenä yrityksen brandipääoman osa-alueena auttaa yrityksiä erottumaan kilpailijoista ja siten houkuttelemaan yritykseen sopivia työntekijöitä sekä säilyttämään jo olemassa olevat työntekijät. Työnantajabrandi ei aina näyttäydy yrityksen työntekijöille tai –hakijoille niin kuin yritys sen haluaisi näyttäytyvän. Henkilöstöhallinnon ja johdon visio saattaa siis olla ristiriidassa sen kanssa, miten brandi todellisuudessa koetaan. Mikäli yritys ei pysty viestittämään oikeanlaista brandi-imagoa tai säilyttämään brandilupauksiaan vaikuttaa tämä yrityksen työntekijöiden sitoutumiseen ja tyytyväisyyteen negatiivisesti. Lisäksi yritykseen hakeutuu töihin yrityksen arvomaailmaan sopimattomia työntekijöitä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää työnantajabrandin vision suhdetta todellisuuteen case-yrityksen kautta. Case-yritykseksi on valittu kansainvälinen konsultointiyritys, jolle osaava työvoima on elinehto. Tutkimusmenetelmäksi valittiin puolistrukturoidut haastattelut eli aihetta on lähestytty laadullisen menetelmän kautta. Tutkimukseen haastateltiin vision selvittämiseksi case-yrityksen henkilöstöhallintoa sekä perehdyttiin olemassa olevaan materiaaliin yrityksen brandista. Vision toteutumisen selvittämiseksi haastateltiin 19 työntekijää yrityksen kahdesta eri liiketoimintayksiköstä. Teorian pohjalta tarkentunut teoreettinen viitekehys pitää sisällään yrityksen psykologisen sopimuksen, sisäisen ja ulkoisen brandiviestinnän sekä organisaatiokulttuurin. Haastattelut rakennettiin näiden teemojen ympärille. Empiirisen osuuden tulokset vahvistavat teoreettista viitekehystä, jonka mukaan psykologisella sopimuksella, brandiviestinnällä ja organisaatiokulttuurilla on vaikutusta siihen, miten työnantajabrandi koetaan yrityksen työntekijöiden keskuudessa. Organisaatiokulttuurin ja sitä ilmentävän brandipersoonallisuuden osalta korostuu yrityksen työntekijöiden sopivuus ja yhtäläisyys yrityksen organisaatiokulttuuriin voimistamaan haluttua brandimielikuvaa. Psykologisen sopimuksen osalta empiria tukee todenmukaisen kuvan luomisen merkitystä yrityksen brandiviestinnässä. Lisäksi psykologisen sopimuksen osalta sosiaaliset edut nähdään tärkeänä tekijänä työnantajassa. Ihmisistä välittämisellä ja työilmapiirillä voidaan nähdä olevan suuri merkitys työntekijöiden työssä viihtymiselle. Työntekijät myös odottavat nykypäivänä nopeaa urakehitystä ja koulutukseen panostamista uraltaan. Lisäksi joustavuus ja vapaa-ajan ja työn tasapainottaminen koetaan tärkeiksi. Haastattelut tukevat myös teoreettisen viitekehyksen oletusta, että yrityksen visio työnantajabrandista eroaa usein siitä kuvasta, joka työntekijöille välittyy
Energy scenarios are used as a tool to examine credible future states and pathways. The one who constructs a scenario defines the framework in which the possible outcomes exist. The credibility of a scenario depends on its compatibility with real world experiences, and on how well the general information of the study, methodology, and originality and processing of data are disclosed. In the thesis, selected global energy scenarios’ transparency and desirability from the society’s point of view were evaluated based on literature derived criteria. The global energy transition consists of changes to social conventions and economic development in addition to technological development. Energy solutions are economic and ethical choices due to far-reaching impacts of energy decision-making. Currently the global energy system is mostly based on fossil fuels, which is unsustainable over the long-term due to various reasons: negative climate change impacts, negative health impacts, depletion of fossil fuel reserves, resource-use conflicts with water management and food supply, loss of biodiversity, challenge to preserve ecosystems and resources for future generations, and inability of fossil fuels to provide universal access to modern energy services. Nuclear power and carbon capture and storage cannot be regarded as sustainable energy solutions due to their inherent risks and required long-term storage. The energy transition is driven by a growing energy demand, decreasing costs of renewables, modularity and scalability of renewable technologies, macroeconomic benefits of using renewables, investors’ risk awareness, renewable energy related attractive business opportunities, almost even distribution of solar and wind resources on the planet, growing awareness of the planet’s environmental status, environmental movements and tougher environmental legislation. Many of the investigated scenarios identified solar and wind power as a backbone for future energy systems. The scenarios, in which the solar and wind potentials were deployed in largest scale, met best the set out sustainability criteria. In future research, energy scenarios’ transparency can be improved by better disclosure on who has ordered the study, clarifying the funding, clearly referencing to used sources and indicating processed data, and by exploring how variations in cost assumptions and deployment of technologies influence on the outcomes of the study.
The present work deals with the A study of morphological opertors with applications. Morphology is now a.necessary tool for engineers involved with imaging applications. Morphological operations have been viewed as filters the properties of which have been well studied (Heijmans, 1994). Another well-known class of non-linear filters is the class of rank order filters (Pitas and Venetsanopoulos, 1990). Soft morphological filters are a combination of morphological and weighted rank order filters (Koskinen, et al., 1991, Kuosmanen and Astola, 1995). They have been introduced to improve the behaviour of traditional morphological filters in noisy environments. The idea was to slightly relax the typical morphological definitions in such a way that a degree of robustness is achieved, while most of the desirable properties of typical morphological operations are maintained. Soft morphological filters are less sensitive to additive noise and to small variations in object shape than typical morphological filters. They can remove positive and negative impulse noise, preserving at the same time small details in images. Currently, Mathematical Morphology allows processing images to enhance fuzzy areas, segment objects, detect edges and analyze structures. The techniques developed for binary images are a major step forward in the application of this theory to gray level images. One of these techniques is based on fuzzy logic and on the theory of fuzzy sets.Fuzzy sets have proved to be strongly advantageous when representing in accuracies, not only regarding the spatial localization of objects in an image but also the membership of a certain pixel to a given class. Such inaccuracies are inherent to real images either because of the presence of indefinite limits between the structures or objects to be segmented within the image due to noisy acquisitions or directly because they are inherent to the image formation methods.
Se realizó un estudio descriptivo observacional para describir los hallazgos radiológicos pre y postoperatorios de pacientes llevados a osteotomía periacetabular tipo Ganz, según las medidas radiológicas del mismo autor, en el Instituto de Ortopedia infantil Roosevelt entre los años 2008 y 2012.
Debido al aumento que ha venido presentado la práctica de la medicina tradicional en los últimos años, la OMS presenta en el 2003 la estrategia sobre la práctica de la medicina tradicional a los países en los cuales este tipo de medicina es más frecuente año tras año. Las plantas se han ido clasificando y han recibido denominación botánica, también han sido químicamente analizadas para poder distinguir sus componentes y diferenciar sus principios activos. Los Fibratos son fármacos utilizados ampliamente en la práctica clínica para la regulación de los lípidos y reducción del riesgo cardiovascular. A ellos se les atribuye una disminución promedio en los niveles de triglicéridos del 36%.
Introducción: La enfermedad celiaca (EC) es una enfermedad autoinmune (EA) intestinal desencadenada por la ingesta de gluten. Por la falta de información de la presencia de EC en Latinoamérica (LA), nosotros investigamos la prevalencia de la enfermedad en esta región utilizando una revisión sistemática de la literatura y un meta-análisis. Métodos y resultados: Este trabajo fue realizado en dos fases: La primera, fue un estudio de corte transversal de 300 individuos Colombianos. La segunda, fue una revisión sistemática y una meta-regresión siguiendo las guías PRSIMA. Nuestros resultados ponen de manifiesto una falta de anti-transglutaminasa tisular (tTG) e IgA anti-endomisio (EMA) en la población Colombiana. En la revisión sistemática, 72 artículos cumplían con los criterios de selección, la prevalencia estimada de EC en LA fue de 0,46% a 0,64%, mientras que la prevalencia en familiares de primer grado fue de 5,5 a 5,6%, y en los pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 1 fue de 4,6% a 8,7% Conclusión: Nuestro estudio muestra que la prevalencia de EC en pacientes sanos de LA es similar a la notificada en la población europea.
The rate of high energy cosmic ray muons as measured underground is shown to be strongly correlated with upper-air temperatures during short-term atmospheric (10-day) events. The effects are seen by correlating data from the MINOS underground detector and temperatures from the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts during the winter periods from 2003-2007. This effect provides an independent technique for the measurement of meteorological conditions and presents a unique opportunity to measure both short and long-term changes in this important part of the atmosphere. Citation: Osprey, S., et al. (2009), Sudden stratospheric warmings seen in MINOS deep underground muon data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L05809, doi: 10.1029/2008GL036359.
The Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search (MINOS) experiment uses an accelerator-produced neutrino beam to perform precision measurements of the neutrino oscillation parameters in the ""atmospheric neutrino"" sector associated with muon neutrino disappearance. This long-baseline experiment measures neutrino interactions in Fermilab`s NuMI neutrino beam with a near detector at Fermilab and again 735 km downstream with a far detector in the Soudan Underground Laboratory in northern Minnesota. The two detectors are magnetized steel-scintillator tracking calorimeters. They are designed to be as similar as possible in order to ensure that differences in detector response have minimal impact on the comparisons of event rates, energy spectra and topologies that are essential to MINOS measurements of oscillation parameters. The design, construction, calibration and performance of the far and near detectors are described in this paper. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We report the results of a multimessenger search for coincident signals from the LIGO and Virgo gravitational-wave observatories and the partially completed IceCube high-energy neutrino detector, including periods of joint operation between 2007-2010. These include parts of the 2005-2007 run and the 2009-2010 run for LIGO-Virgo, and IceCube's observation periods with 22, 59 and 79 strings. We find no significant coincident events, and use the search results to derive upper limits on the rate of joint sources for a range of source emission parameters. For the optimistic assumption of gravitational-wave emission energy of 10(-2) M(circle dot)c(2) at similar to 150 Hz with similar to 60 ms duration, and high-energy neutrino emission of 1051 erg comparable to the isotropic gamma-ray energy of gamma-ray bursts, we limit the source rate below 1.6 x 10(-2) Mpc(-3) yr(-1). We also examine how combining information from gravitational waves and neutrinos will aid discovery in the advanced gravitational-wave detector era.
This thesis presents Bayesian solutions to inference problems for three types of social network data structures: a single observation of a social network, repeated observations on the same social network, and repeated observations on a social network developing through time. A social network is conceived as being a structure consisting of actors and their social interaction with each other. A common conceptualisation of social networks is to let the actors be represented by nodes in a graph with edges between pairs of nodes that are relationally tied to each other according to some definition. Statistical analysis of social networks is to a large extent concerned with modelling of these relational ties, which lends itself to empirical evaluation. The first paper deals with a family of statistical models for social networks called exponential random graphs that takes various structural features of the network into account. In general, the likelihood functions of exponential random graphs are only known up to a constant of proportionality. A procedure for performing Bayesian inference using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods is presented. The algorithm consists of two basic steps, one in which an ordinary Metropolis-Hastings up-dating step is used, and another in which an importance sampling scheme is used to calculate the acceptance probability of the Metropolis-Hastings step. In paper number two a method for modelling reports given by actors (or other informants) on their social interaction with others is investigated in a Bayesian framework. The model contains two basic ingredients: the unknown network structure and functions that link this unknown network structure to the reports given by the actors. These functions take the form of probit link functions. An intrinsic problem is that the model is not identified, meaning that there are combinations of values on the unknown structure and the parameters in the probit link functions that are observationally equivalent. Instead of using restrictions for achieving identification, it is proposed that the different observationally equivalent combinations of parameters and unknown structure be investigated a posteriori. Estimation of parameters is carried out using Gibbs sampling with a switching devise that enables transitions between posterior modal regions. The main goal of the procedures is to provide tools for comparisons of different model specifications. Papers 3 and 4, propose Bayesian methods for longitudinal social networks. The premise of the models investigated is that overall change in social networks occurs as a consequence of sequences of incremental changes. Models for the evolution of social networks using continuos-time Markov chains are meant to capture these dynamics. Paper 3 presents an MCMC algorithm for exploring the posteriors of parameters for such Markov chains. More specifically, the unobserved evolution of the network in-between observations is explicitly modelled thereby avoiding the need to deal with explicit formulas for the transition probabilities. This enables likelihood based parameter inference in a wider class of network evolution models than has been available before. Paper 4 builds on the proposed inference procedure of Paper 3 and demonstrates how to perform model selection for a class of network evolution models.