950 resultados para Italian drama.


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Abstract Background: Turner syndrome (TS) is a chromosomal abnormality (total or partial absence of one of the sexual chromosomes in some or all cells of the body), which affects approximately 1:2000 female. Principal characteristics are short stature and gonadal disgenesis. Clinical management consist of Growth Hormone (GH) treatment and oestrogen replacement therapy (HRT), to induce development of secondary characteristics and to avoid the sequelae of oestrogen deficiency. Aim of the study: To assess clinical management, quality of life (QoL) and general psychosocial adjustment of women with TS. Population: 70 adult Caucasian females with TS (mean age: 27.8, ± 7.6; range 18-48 y.). Setting: Specialist service for Rare Disease care, University Hospital. Methods: Subjects were required to fill in questionnaires collecting ASR, WHOQOL, and 8 open questions. Data were compared with those of the Italian population or to those collected in a comparison group (70 healthy females, mean age: 27.9, ±7.3, range 21-48 y.). Results: Women with TS are educated as well as the Italian Population, but they have a less successful professional life. They show good QoL in general, but they appeared less satisfied in social area. They had statistically higher scores than the comparison group for depression, anxiety and withdrawal. Are less involved in a love relationship. Diagnosis communication was mostly performed by doctors or parents, satisfaction was higher when information was given by parents. Main preoccupation about TS are infertility, feeling of being different and future health problem. Conclusions: Italian people with TS were generally well adapted and have a good QoL, but lived more often with parents and show impaired sentimental and sexual life. They have higher degree of psychological distress compared to a comparison group. Psychological intervention should firstly address parents in order to encourage an open communication on diagnosis issues and on sexual education.


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Emotional intelligence (EI) represents an attribute of contemporary attractiveness for the scientific psychology community. Of particular interest for the present thesis are the conundrum related to the representation of this construct conceptualized as a trait (i.e., trait EI), which are in turn reflected in the current lack of agreement upon its constituent elements, posing significant challenges to research and clinical progress. Trait EI is defined as an umbrella personality-alike construct reflecting emotion-related dispositions and self-perceptions. The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) was chosen as main measure, given its strong theoretical and psychometrical basis, including superior predictive validity when compared to other trait EI measures. Studies 1 and 2 aimed at validating the Italian 153-items forms of the TEIQue devoted to adolescents and adults. Analyses were done to investigate the structure of the questionnaire, its internal consistencies and gender differences at the facets, factor, and global level of both versions. Despite some low reliabilities, results from Studies 1 and 2 confirm the four-factor structure of the TEIQue. Study 3 investigated the utility of trait EI in a sample of adolescents over internalizing conditions (i.e., symptoms of anxiety and depression) and academic performance (grades at math and Italian language/literacy). Beyond trait EI, concurrent effects of demographic variables, higher order personality dimensions and non-verbal cognitive ability were controlled for. Study 4a and Study 4b addressed analogue research questions, through a meta-analysis and new data in on adults. In the latter case, effects of demographics, emotion regulation strategies, and the Big Five were controlled. Overall, these studies showed the incremental utility of the TEIQue in different domains beyond relevant predictors. Analyses performed at the level of the four-TEIQue factors consistently indicated that its predictive effects were mainly due to the factor Well-Being. Findings are discussed with reference to potential implication for theory and practice.


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La presente ricerca ha un duplice obiettivo. Primo, individuare i modi in cui lingue e identità culturali diverse sono state rappresentate al cinema. Secondo, identificare le diverse strade imboccate dai professionisti del doppiaggio italiano quando si trovano a confrontarsi con un film in cui si parlano più lingue. La ricerca propone un approccio multidisciplinare che combina i contributi teorici sviluppati nel campo degli studi di traduzione audiovisiva con le modalità di analisi più comunemente utilizzate dalla semiotica del cinema. L'analisi si basa su un campione di 224 film multilingue prodotti dall'inizio degli anni Trenta alla fine degli anni Duemila. Particolare attenzione viene indirizzata al quadro teorico all'interno del quale viene interpretato il ruolo che il multilinguismo assume al cinema. Vengono identificate tre funzioni principali: conflitto, confusione e resa realistica. Un altro elemento chiave nell'analisi è costituito dal genere cinematografico prevalente a cui è possibile ricondurre ciascuno dei film selezionati. Sono individuati tre generi principali: il film drammatico, la commedia e il thriller. Nel film drammatico il multilinguismo agisce come un veicolo che produce e accentua il conflitto, mentre nella commedia esso di solito diventa un dispositivo comico che crea confusione e umorismo. Nel cinema thriller, invece, il multilinguismo funziona essenzialmente come un veicolo di suspense. Per quanto riguarda le soluzioni traduttive adottate nel doppiaggio italiano del cinema multilingue, sono rilevate tre macro-strategie: la conservazione, la neutralizzazione e la riduzione dell'originale dimensione multilingue. Ciascuna di queste tre strategie è passata a vaglio critico. Se nel primo caso si tratta di un tentativo di riprodurre fedelmente le originali situazioni multilingue rappresentate nel film, negli altri due casi si tratta di soluzioni che risentono fortemente delle specificità del doppiaggio come modalità di traduzione degli audiovisivi (fattori ideologici ed economici, nonché il problema tecnico dell'armonizzazione delle voci per i personaggi bilingue).


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The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the adaptation of food realia and food-related terms from English into Italian in the world of screen translation. Food has always been at the heart of every human being’s life and is an essential lens of analysis when trying to understand culture. With the awareness of what has been done in the past in American TV series dubbed into Italian and looking at how translations have been changing in the last decade, my thesis demonstrates how strategies are more inclined to an overt approach, which leaves the audiovisual text deeply tied to its source language and culture. The work will also include a practical subtitling exercise of three episodes of the currently most famous YouTube cooking show: Nerdy Nummies by Rosanna Pansino. The fact that the show is published weekly on a YouTube channel gives me the opportunity to comment on the evolution of media in the third millennium and how this implies an improvement as far as the knowledge, the skills and the possibilities for audiovisual translators are concerned.


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The present thesis aims at proving the importance of cultural and literary contexts in the practice of translation: I shall show that, in the case of Northern Irish crime fiction, knowledge of both Northern Irish history and culture as well as of the genre of crime fiction are essential prerequisites for the production of a “responsible” translation. I will therefore offer a brief overview of the history of crime and detective fiction and its main subgenres; some of the most important authors and works will be presented as well, in an analysis that goes from the early years of the genre to the second half of the 20th century. I will then move the focus to Northern Ireland, its culture and its history, and particular attention will be paid to fiction writing in Ireland and Northern Ireland, with a focus on the peculiar phenomenon of “Troubles Trash”. I will tackle the topic of Northern Irish literature and present the contemporary scene of Northern Irish crime fiction; the volume from which the texts for the translation have been taken will be presented, namely Belfast Noir. Subsequently the focus will move on the theoretical framework within which the translations were produced: I will present a literary review of the most significative developments in Translation Studies, with particular attention to the “cultural turn” that has characterised this subject since the 1960s. I will then highlight the phenomenon of “realia” in translation and analyse the approaches of different scholars to the translation of culture-bound references. The final part represents the culmination and practical application of all that was presented in the previous sections: I will discuss the translation of culture-bound references according to the strategies presented in Chapter 4, referring to the proposed translations of two stories. Such analysis aims to show that not only expert linguistic knowledge, but also cultural awareness and a wide literary background are needed in order to make conscious choices in translation.


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This thesis proposes a translation from Persian into Italian and English of an ancient Persian epic called Shahname, or literally “The Book of Kings,” by Ferdosi, first published in the 11th century CE. The translation proposed, however, is not based on the original book by Ferdosi, which is written all in verse, but rather, an edited, shorter, and simplified version written in prose, by Mohamad Hosseini, first published in 2013. Nonetheless, in his version, Hosseini included some of the verses from the original poems in order to show the value and the beauty of Ferdosi’s writing. Many translations of Ferdosi’s book have been made into English, but only one translation has been made into Italian, by one Italo Pizzi, in 8 volumes, all in verse, in 1886. This thesis analyses and discusses the choices made for the two translations presented into English and Italian. My project is not only to propose translations of Hosseini’s version, but to also introduce the reader to the Persian culture, and to the life of the most famous Iranian epic writer, Ferdosi, and his masterpiece, Shahname.


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This essay analyzes the story and the culture of Italian American women, in particular how they are treated in the novel "Umbertina" by Helen Barolini. The essay first introduces briefly the causes of the great migration and the conditions of immigrants in the US. Then the focus moves on the analysis of the main themes that belong to the genre of Italian American literature. After having shortly treated the biography of Helen Barolini and a general presentation of her novel Umbertina, the essay goes on with the description of its three Italian American female characters and, in particular, of what it meant to be both immigrants and women, together with all the interior and generational conflicts they had to face in order to accept their new hybrid identity. An analysis of some meaningful metaphorical objects in the novel, such as the tin heart and the bedspread, the metaphor of Persephone and of the threshold conclude the essay. Through the analysis of the story of Umbertina, this essay wants to show how migration can lead to a displacement and the kind of journey people had to undertake in order to overcome the conflicts deriving from their belonging to an in-between culture and to accept their hybrid identity.


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Questa tesi si pone come scopo quello di studiare la scena teatrale contemporanea russa, utilizzando come pretesto la traduzione della piéce “Žara” dell’autrice Natalija Mošina. Mošina fa parte del movimento teatrale chiamato ‘novaja drama, che si è sviluppato in Russia a partire da fine anni Novanta. Nel primo capitolo tratteremo brevemente la storia del teatro russo del Novecento, per osservare come si è giunti alla formazione di questo nuovo movimento. Passeremo poi ad analizzare il movimento vero e proprio, concentrandoci sulle posizioni artistiche dei suoi membri e sul tipo di innovazione che vogliono portare al teatro russo. Proporremo poi una selezione dei luoghi che rinnovano la scena teatrale moscovita. Il secondo capitolo è interamente dedicato ad uno di questi luoghi, il Teatr Praktika, primo teatro statale ad occuparsi esclusivamente di testi contemporanei, di cui vedremo la storia dalla sua fondazione ai giorni nostri e analizzeremo il repertorio vedendo come gli spettacoli messi qui in scena riflettano le posizioni del novaja drama. Nel capitolo conclusivo parleremo più approfonditamente della pièce da noi tradotta vedendo come si colloca all’interno della produzione dell’autrice e del novaja drama, analizzandone la messa in scena al Praktika. Proporremo poi delle riflessioni sulla traduzione di testi teatrali facendo riferimento alla traduzione da noi svolta, che proporremo di seguito.


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An Italian greyhound was presented three times during a two-year period for dental prophylaxis due to periodontal disease. Clinical examination revealed lesions on several teeth. Radiographs revealed extensive resorptive root lesions. On histological examination, the presence of odontoclasts and signs of boney remodeling of the roots confirmed the resorptive nature of the lesions. Given the extent of the lesions, and poor prognosis with conservative treatment alone, teeth affected by the most severe resorption were extracted at each visit using a flap technique combined with alveolar vestibular osteotomy. Dental resorptive lesions are rarely detected in the dog but may be more frequent than previously thought. The routine use of dental radiographs can be used to reveal these lesions in the dog.


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This article presents an intermedial analysis of the Italian silent film Cabiria by Giovanni Pastrone within the cultural context of its time. Employing theories developed by Werner Wolf and Irina Rajewsky, the article lays out the intermedial and transmedial relationships of Cabiria with other media, in particular opera, literature, and painting, and illustrates that operatic references are incorporated recognizably during key moments of the film. By contrasting these references with specific cinematic techniques, Pastrone demonstrates that film is able to elicit an operatic sensation and that film is a distinct and valuable form of art.


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SETTING: Cordoba, Spain, 1135 CE, 29th year of the reign of ‘Ali “amir al-muslimin,” second king of the Berber Almoravid dynasty, rulers of Moorish Spain from 1071 to 1147. Cordoba, the capital of Andalus and the center of the Almoravid holdings in Spain, is a bustling cosmopolitan center, a crossroads for Europe and the Middle East, and the meeting-point of three religious traditions. Most significantly, Cordoba at this time is the hub of European intellectual activity. From the square—itself impressively large and surrounded by a massive collonade, the regularity and ordered beauty of which typifies the Moorish taste for symmetry (so beloved of M.C. Escher)—can be seen the huge Cordoban mosque, erected in the 8th-century by Khalif Abd-er-Rahman I to the glory of Allah, oft forgiving, most merciful. It is the second largest building in Islam, and the bastion of the still entrenched but soon to fade Muslim presence in western Europe. SCENE: Three figures sit upon stone benches beneath the westernmost colonnade of the Cordoban mosque, involved in an animated, though friendly discussion on matters of faith and reason, knowledge and God, language and logic. The host is none other than Jehudah Halevi, and his esteemed guests Master Peter Abelard and the venerable Råmånuja, whose obviously advanced age belies his youthful voice, gleaming eye, quick hands, and general exuberance. It is autumn, early evening…