985 resultados para Irregular Polygon


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Resulta das descripções e documentos examinados que as inclusões cytoplasmaticas da variola vera, no material humano examinado, apresentam caracteres geraes que poderão ser assim resumidos: 1. intensa coloração pela safranina nos preparados pelo methodo de Unna modificado (Fig. 42), mostrando a inclusão matiz semelhante ao dos nucleolos da mesma cellula. 2. reacção predominantemente acidophila nos preparados pela hematoxylina-eosina, traduzida pela tonalidade rosea ou vermelha de coloração (Figs. 27, 29, 30, 31 e 31). 3. frequente multiplicidade de inclusões de fórma e dimensões variadas na mesma cellula (Figs. 29 e 30), as maiores inclusões (Figs. 29 e 32), sendo menores que as grandes inclusões cytoplasmaticas solitarias do alastrim (Figs. 15, 16 e 18). É a regra, ainda, observar-se desapparecimento de qualquer estructura no cytoplasma das cellulas com inclusões em zona muito extensa, tornando-se difficil explicar tal aspecto unicamente pela retracção das inclusões no acto da fixação (Figs. 31 e 32). Quanto ás inclusões intranucleares, ellas se apresentam sob tres aspectos, dois dos quaes bem reconhecidos por Luger e Lauda (1926). Em um primeiro aspecto, o nucleo conserva, em parte, o reticulo de linina e encerra uma massa irregular (Fig. 35) ou, então, pequenas massas e granulos de dimensões variaveis (Figs. 33 e 34) constituidos por material acidophilo que ali não existe em condições normaes. A membrana nuclear tem espessura visinha do normal. Em um segundo aspecto, a inclusão occupa a totalidade do nucleoplasma (Fig. 3), apenas separado da membrana nuclear, em alguns casos (Fig. 38), por um estreito espaço claro (zona de retracção). Por vezes apresenta um aspecto homogeneo (Fig. 37); outras vezes a inclusão mostra pequenas areas chromophobas ( Fig. 38). A hyperchromatose da membrana nuclear é accentuada, tanto neste como no aspecto seguinte. No terceiro aspecto (aspecto corpuscular) (Figs. 39, 40, 48 e 50), a inclusão intranuiclear é formada por um ou mais corpusculos acidophilos, de contornos muito nitidos e fórma regular, ora ovoide, ora espherica. No interior de cada corpusculo, apparecem zonas chromophobas multiplas, sendo ordinariamente uma maior que as outras (Figs. 39, 40, 48 e 50). Fóra desses corpusculos, o nucleoplasma contem, por vezes material menos intensamente corado pelo eosina ou pela safranina (Figs. 40). O reticulo de linina, porém, acha-se completamente desapparecido, e não raro se observa, em torno dos corpusculos acidophilos, uma zona algum tanto extensa de nucleoplasma sem nenhuma estructura apparente (Fig. 48, á direita). Frisamos o modo peculiar de se comportar o nucleolo nas cellulas epidermicas com inclusões intranucleares da variola. Recalcado, a principio, de encontro á membrana nuclear (Fig. 36), elle em seguida é englobado pela propria membrana nuclear, parecendo incluso nessa estructura (Figs. 37, 35, 38 e 48, á direita). A « marginação » do nucleolo, e o seu englobamento ou inclusão na membrana nuclear, bem como o terceiro aspecto que descrevemos, de corpusculos intranucleares esphericos ou ovoides com zonas chromophobas, são caracteres que differenciam, de modo nitido, as inclusões intranucleares da variola vera da das demais inclusões das doenças de virus. Nem sempre, porém, os aspectos encontrados podem ser incluidos, com facilidade, em um dos tres grupos atraz mencionados, o que indica a existencia de phases de transição entre elles. Tal como assignalou Ewing, as cellulas epidermicas com inclusões intranucleares são geralmente as attingidas pela « ballonierende Degeneration ». Em geral taes elementos revestem o fundo da vesicula, ás vezes formando uma unica camada, e representando tudo o que resta da epiderme. Comtudo, em nosso material, conseguimos encontrar inclusões intranucleares em cellulas espinhosas do corpo mucoso de Malpighi que ainda conservaram relações normaes com os elementos contiguos e não eram attingidas pela « ballonierende Degeneration ». Em taes inclusões é que, de preferencia, observamos o aspecto de granulos mencionado no grupo I (Fig. 34). A hyperchromatose da membrana nuclear é, então, pouco notavel, constratando como o grau pronunciado que apresenta nos dois outros aspectos. Existiam, ellas em «lambeaux » epitheliaes, presos em certos pontos, por extreito pediculo, á camada basal, no fundo da vesicula.


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1) O A. descreve, no presente trabalho duas novas espécies de um novo gênero de flagelados (Metasaccinobaculus), colocado entre os Oxymo-nadidae, 2) Morfológicamente, caracterizam-se pela existência de um rostelo que juntamente com o aspecto geral e as esferas endoplasmáticas os aproxima dos oximonadideos, e pela presença de um axostilo ondulante dotado de movementos enérgicos, únicos responsáveis pela locomoção do protozoário. Os flagelos foram definitivamente perdidos. 3) No seu ciclo evolutivo o protozoário apresenta duas fórmas perfeitamente distintas: uma fórma jovem que nada livremente no fluido intes¬tinal do termita e uma fórma adulta, fixa pelo rostelo na parede do tubo digestivo do hospedeiro. A forma adulta e sacciforme, com um longo rostelo em cuja extremidade anterior existe um disco de fixação. O ectoplasma é espesso sobretudo na extremidade posterior, e o endoplasma cheio de esferas pardas. O componente cinético extranuclear é constituído por um axostilo ondulante muito cromófilo, por vêzes franjados nos bordos e preso a parede do corpo por uma estrutura tubular. Além desta organela, observa-se ainda dois sistema fibrilares. O primeiro é constituído de fibras rostelares e que ligam a porção ondulante do axostilo à extremidade do rostelo. O outro que denominamos fibrilas cromófobas independentes, nascem na extremidade do rostelo, percorrendo-o lateralmente em tôda a sua extensão e atingindo o corpo, onde se resolvem em feixes secundários que se espalham em todas as direções. O núcleo é formado de traves grosseiras de cromatina, formando um re¬tículo muito irregular. A forma jovem é muito menor, com rostelo e fibrilas cromófobas rudimentares. O axostilo ondulante relativamente muito desenvolvido, se fixa na extremidade posterior. Com o crescimento, este ponto vai-se deslocando em direção à região anterior do corpo. Nota-se perto do ponto de inserção, uma bainha de filamentos finíssimos envolvendo a porção tubular posterior do axostilo, bastante semelhante são de Saccinobaculus. O endoplasma é fortemente cromófilo, mas sem esferas. O núcleo a principio formado de granulos muito finos de cromatina e uniformemente dispersos, apresenta uma ou mais estruturas envolvidas por um halo claro, com a aparência de cariosoma. Cêdo porém desaparecem. 4) Antes da mitose, que é muito semelhante a de O. grandis, o núcleo desprende-se e caí na porção posterior do corpo, por degeneração de tôdas as organelas cinéticas extranucleares. A membrana nuclear persiste. Forma-se um fuso central muito desenvolvido. Os cromosomas são em número imenso, muito finos e irregulares. No lugar onde deveriam estar presentes os centríolos, vê-se um espaço claro circular na superfície do qual se inserem as fibrilas do fuso. Os novos axostilos ondulantes e demais organelas se formam nos pólos da figura mitótica, a partir dos centríolos perceptíveis pela sua imagem negativa, ou por uma estrutura hialina que envolve a figura mitótica, como é sugerido pelo exame de certas preparações (v. texto desenvolvido).


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Hyla claresignata Lutz & Lutz, 1939, is a large species apparently not closely allied to the other known Brazilian hylas. It is characterized by the very small tympanum; the head is short and the snout rounded; the legs are long, the hands and feet unusually large, the latter extensively webbbed. The specific name is derived from the insular, irregular, or roughly triangular, dark spots, with a light halo, found mostly in the dorso-lateral region and on the legs. It belongs to the rain-forest fauna of the Marítime Range. The adult is a bromeliad-dweller and the tadpole rhyacophilous. DESCRIPTION. Vomerine teeth in two separate, oblique, groups, behind the large choanae, parallel to the posterior half of their inner border. Tongue entire, short, very broad and hardly free behind. Snout short, rounded, with distinct canthus rostralis and gradually sloping loreal region. Eye very large and prominent, its horizontal diameter almost equal to the distance between its anterior corner and the tip of the snout. Tympanum very small, less than one third of the diameter of the eye, but distinct, partly covered by a short, heavy ridge. Lateral fingers less than one third webbed; fourth finger slightly longer than the second, just reaching the base of the disk of the third; subarticular tubercles well developed; an angular pollex rudiment, more noticeable in the males. Toes almost completely webbed, the edge of the web inserted at the base of the disk on the third and the fifth; an inner metatarsal tubercle. Skin smooth above, granular beneath, on the throat minutely so. No dermal appendage on the hell. Habit robust, head broader than long, body rather heavy, slightly narrowed in the postaxillary region. Legs long, the tibiotarsal articulation reaching beyond the tip of the snout when adpressed. Type (female): 61 mm. (Fig. 1.) DIAGNOSIS of TADPOLE (by G. Orton). "A large specialized, mountain-stream tadpole, with wide head an elongated, flattened snout, greatly enlarged lips and high tooth formula. Eyes dorsal. Spiracle sinistral, projecting, situated far back on side. Anus dextral. Tooth formula 8/12 to 9/14 in fully grown larvae. Tail with a prominent, vertical dark band across musculature and fins; a second concentration of dark pigment near tip of tail, may or may not form a similar but narrower band. Maximum known total length: 60mm.; head and body length 25mm. (Figs. 6 e 7). For further details see Lutz & Lutz, 1939 and Lutz B. & Orton G. 1946.


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Os autores estudando culturas de 11 e 12 meses de Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae, mantidas em meio de Schüffner modificado por Verwoort, observaram em microscópio eletrônico, corpos de leptospira com zonas de condensação do citoplasma assumindo aspecto granular Figs. 1, 3, 4, 9, 7, 12. Nas Figs. 6 e 7 vemos com nitidez um dêsses grânulos desmembrando-se do corpo da leptospira e cuja imagem é semelhante a outros grânulos esparsos. O número dessas formações é variável, parecendo depender de muitas causas. A deformação do corpo da leptospira parece depender da perda de consistência da membrana em virtude de alteração da sua permeabilidade, fenomenos que deve preceder á formação dos grânulos. Notamos também nas mesmas condições de experiência, como na Fig. 3, que os referidos grânulos tem dois aspectos diferentes: um é o que já referimos de forma irregular e opaco como se fôsse uma imagem de cromatina condensada e outro aspecto é também de forma irregular, porém, transparente como se houvesse esvaziado seu conteúdo primitivo, Figs. 5, 7 e 13. Na fig. 12, observamos o esvaziamento de uma forma destas o retraimento do seu conteúdo em outra, observação facilitada com auxílio de lente. A fig. 2 revela um aspecto frqüente encontrado em trabalhos desta natureza como no de CZEKALWSKI, J. W. e EAVES, G., isto é: formação de um grânulo com posterior segmentação do mesmo. Finalmente a Fig. 11 nos mostra grânulos com a mesma densidade que os fragmentos dos corpos da leptospira. Como dissemos acima, a cultura contendo material com êste aspecto foi inoculada em cobaias cuja hemocultura nos forneceu de novo o germe reisolado, o que faz admitir constituirem êsses grânulos uma fase no ciclo vital da leptospira ou então elemento capazer de manter condições e fatôres necessários à continuidade da espécie.


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Fifteen albino (Sprague Dawley) rats with subcutaneous transplanted fibromas was used in the present study. The tumour was formed by typical fibroblasts in a dense collagen matrix and was provenient from a fibroma that appeared spontaneously in an albino rat of the same strain. Ultrastructurally collagen disclosed normal periodicity and the fibroblasts showed irregular notched nuclei with irregular distribution of chromatin, that suggests transitional aspects to fibrosarcoma. The 15 animals, from different passage groups, were divided into: 8 animals submitted to treatment with the drug acexamic acid (CY-168F) - N acetyl-amino-6-hexanoic acid (plastenan) and 7 untreated control animals. Three of the treated animals showed a malignant transformation to fibrosarcoma. transitional histological features from typical fibroma to highly indifferentiated fibrosarcoma could be detected in come animal subjected to repeated biopsies. Ultrastructural study disclosed nuclear alterations and hyperactive ergastoplasm and collagen containing inclusions into the cytoplasm of fibroblasts. In the group of 7 untreated naimals, no malignant transformation could be detected histologically. Two aspects deserve attention: the malignant potential of a typical fibroma and the apparent effect of an antifibrosing drug in inducing malignization of this tumour.


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Lutzomyia townsendi (Ortiz, 1959) es un flebótomo antropofílico con concordancia gonadotrófica, en las zonas endémicas de Leishmania brasiliensis y L. garnhami en el occidente de Venezuela. Mediante el estudio de hembras colonizadas en el laboratorio, nuliparas o paridas, de hembras silvestres alimentadas sobre voluntarios y de hembras silvestres mantenidas con sacarosa, se establecen criterios de nuliparidad con un 56,6% de confianza. En cambio, signos de paridad aparecen en un 82% de las hembras consideradas como tales. La digestión de un ingesta sanguínea inicia un ciclo gonadotrófico con oogénesis abortiva y acumulación de fosfolípidos en las células epiteliales del estómago y en las glândulas accesorias. La ovoposición completa produce un calix ovárico grueso e irregular con restos de oocitos abortivos y acumulación de pigmentos. Estos caracteres son suficientes para precisar un criterio de paridad. La presencia de fosfolípidos en el estómago y en las glândulas accesorias de hembras nulíparas es una indicación de ingesta incompleta de sangre.


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Studies were undertaken to determine the influence of several host-related parameters on the course of Leishmania mexicana mexicana infection in inbred C57B1/10 (C57) and outbred albino (OA) mice. An important influence of the following variables was demonstrated: Host strain: lesions in C57s were significantly less variable in size and outcome than those of OAs under the conditions studied and even when persistent developed at a slower rate. Host age: Subcutanous injection of 2 x 10 [raised to the power of 4] to 2 x 10 [raised to the power of 6] amastigotes into the dorsum of the rear paw produced significantly larger lesions which healed more slowly in 2 mo. old C57s than in 4 mo. old mice. Reduced healing ability was observed in older (8 mo. old) female C57s, and low mortality occurred after 15 months of age in infected mice of both sexes. Lesion site: Following amastigote infection, lesions in paws of most C57s regress within 15 - 25 wks. In contrast, perinasal legions produced with the same number of parasites tend to persist for the life of the animal as slowly spreading irregular nodules. In animals infected in both locations, each lesion site behaves similarly to that in singly infected animals of the same age, i.e. regression in the two sites is independent. Our results indicate that while host strain may strongly influence infection outcoem, such variables as lesion site and host age play important roles and may explain, in part, reported inter- and intraexperimental variability in responses of murine hosts to a given leishmanial parasite.


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This paper enquires into whether economic sanctions are effective in destabilizing authoritarian rulers. We argue that this effect is mediated by the type of authoritarian regime against which sanctions are imposed. Thus, personalist regimes and monarchies, which are more dependent on aid and resource rents to maintain their patronage networks, are more likely to be affected by sanctions. In contrast, single-party and military regimes are able to maintain (and even increase) their tax revenues and to reallocate their expenditures and so increase their levels of cooptation. Data on sanction episodes, authoritarian rulers and regimes covering the period 1946–2000 have allowed us to test our hypotheses. To do so, duration models have been run, and the results confirm that personalist autocrats are more vulnerable to foreign pressure. Concretely, the analysis of the modes of exit reveals that sanctions increase the likelihood of an irregular change of ruler, such as a coup. Sanctions are basically ineffective when targeting single-party or military regimes.


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With the aid of the cobalt labelling technique, frog spinal cord motor neuron dendrites of the subpial dendritic plexus have been identified in serial electron micrographs. Computer reconstructions of various lengths (2.5-9.8 micron) of dendritic segments showed the contours of these dendrites to be highly irregular, and to present many thorn-like projections 0.4-1.8 micron long. Number, size and distribution of synaptic contacts were also determined. Almost half of the synapses occurred at the origins of the thorns and these synapses had the largest contact areas. Only 8 out of 54 synapses analysed were found on thorns and these were the smallest. For the total length of reconstructed dendrites there was, on average, one synapse per 1.2 micron, while 4.4% of the total dendritic surface was covered with synaptic contacts. The functional significance of these distal dendrites and their capacity to influence the soma membrane potential is discussed.


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Severini and Mansour introduced in [4]square polygons, as graphical representations of square permutations, that is, permutations such that all entries are records (left or right, minimum or maximum), and they obtained a nice formula for their number. In this paper we give a recursive construction for this class of permutations, that allows to simplify the derivation of their formula and to enumerate the subclass of square permutations with a simple record polygon. We also show that the generating function of these permutations with respect to the number of records of each type is algebraic, answering a question of Wilf in a particular case.


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We examine the timing of firms' operations in a formal model of labor demand. Merging a variety of data sets from Portugal from 1995-2004, we describe temporal patterns of firms' demand for labor and estimate production-functions and relative labor-demand equations. The results demonstrate the existence of substitution of employment across times of the day/week and show that legislated penalties for work at irregular hours induce firms to alter their operating schedules. The results suggest a role for such penalties in an unregulated labor market, such as the United States, in which unusually large fractions of work are performed at night and on weekends.


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Susceptibily experiments were carried out with a Biomphalaria straminea-like planorbid snail (Biomphalaria aff. straminea, species inquirenda) from Espinillar, near Salto (Uruguay), in the area of the Salto Grande reservoir, exposed individually to 5 miracidia of Schistosoma mansoni (SJ2 and BH2 strains). Of 130 snails exposed to the SJ2 strain, originally infective to Biomphalaria tenagophila, 30 became infected (23%). The prepatent (precercaria) period ranged from 35 to 65 days. The cercarial output was irregular, following no definite pattern, varying from 138 to 76,075 per snail (daily average 4.3 to 447.5 and ending up with death. Three specimens that died, without having shed cercarie, on days 69 (2) and 80 after exposure to miracidia, had developing secondary sporocysts in their tissues, justifying the prospect of a longer precercarial period in these cases. In a control group of 120 B. teangophila, exposed to the SJ2 strain, 40 became infected, showing an infection rate (33.3%) not significantly different from that of the Espinillar snail (X [raised to the power of] 2 = 3.26). No cercarie were produced by any of the Espinilar snails exposed to miracidia of the BH2 strain, originally infective to Biomphalaria glabrata. Four specimens showed each a primary sporocyst in one tentacle, which disappeared between 15 and 25 days post-exposure, and two others died with immature, very slender sporocysts in their tissues on days 36 and 54. In a control group of 100 B. glabrata exposed to BH2 miracidia, 94 shed cercariae (94%) and 6 remained negative. Calculation of Frandsen's (1979a, b) TCP/100 index shows that "Espinillar Biomphalaria-SJ2 S. mansoni" is a vector-parasite "compatible" combination. Seeing that tenagophila-borne schistosomiasis is prevalent in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo states and has recently spread sothwards to Santa Catarina state, and the range of B. tenagophila overlaps taht of the Espinillar Biomphalaria, the possibility of schistosomiais establishing itself in Uruguay, although not imminent, is not to be disregarded.


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We report experiments designed to test between Nash equilibria that are stable and unstable under learning. The “TASP” (Time Average of the Shapley Polygon) gives a precise prediction about what happens when there is divergence from equilibrium under fictitious play like learning processes. We use two 4 x 4 games each with a unique mixed Nash equilibrium; one is stable and one is unstable under learning. Both games are versions of Rock-Paper-Scissors with the addition of a fourth strategy, Dumb. Nash equilibrium places a weight of 1/2 on Dumb in both games, but the TASP places no weight on Dumb when the equilibrium is unstable. We also vary the level of monetary payoffs with higher payoffs predicted to increase instability. We find that the high payoff unstable treatment differs from the others. Frequency of Dumb is lower and play is further from Nash than in the other treatments. That is, we find support for the comparative statics prediction of learning theory, although the frequency of Dumb is substantially greater than zero in the unstable treatments.


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PURPOSE: The most common methods of bladder augmentation are gastrocystoplasty and enterocystoplasty. Gastrocystoplasty is advantageous due to minimal mucous secretion and a well developed muscular wall as well as good urodynamic properties of the patch. However, the permanent contact of urine with the gastric mucosa is not free of complications. We report the urodynamic, macroscopic and histological outcomes of a pedicled de-epithelialized gastric patch incorporated in the bladder. We compared the results to those of our previous study, which sought to analyze these techniques of patch coverage using sigmoid patches. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We performed 20 augmentation cystoplasties in the mini-pig model using a pedicled de-epithelialized gastric patch and 5 techniques of patch coverage. RESULTS: Three months after surgery all bladders had an increase in volume except those in which the auto-augmentation technique was used. However, all gastric patches were smaller compared to preoperative size. Many had irregular fibrosed inner surfaces and histological evaluation revealed a fibrosed newly formed submucosal layer with a complete urothelial coverage in every patch. No gastric mucosal remnant was found. CONCLUSIONS: De-epithelialized gastrocystoplasty is an attractive procedure that can increase bladder capacity as well as provide a complete urothelial lining without mucosal remnants. However, the success of this procedure seems to be limited by increased morbidity and fibrotic changes, and decreased surface of the patch.


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This paper examines whether human rights naming and shaming destabilizes the rule of authoritarian leaders. We argue that human rights shaming can destabilize autocratic leaders by signaling international disapproval to elites in the targeted country, increasing their capacity to replace the incumbent. In personalist regimes, shaming increases the risk of irregular exit because regime elite do not have a means to peacefully replace the incumbent. Shaming campaigns also decrease foreign aid and international trade in personalist regimes, denying the leader access to resources to pay his coalition – further destabilizing his rule. In non-personalist regimes where parties or the military allow elites to peacefully replace incumbents, human rights shaming increases the risk of regular turnover of power, but has little effect on the risk of irregular exit or international flows of aid and trade. These findings have implications for understanding when and where shaming campaigns are likely to reduce or deter repression.