922 resultados para Insurance claims


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This paper investigates market discipline by depositors in the Indonesian banking sector. Does depositor discipline fulfill its role in Indonesia? Does deposit insurance affect depositor behavior thereby imposing discipline on banks? These questions are empirically examined using panel data on Indonesian commercial banks from 1998 to 2009. In Indonesia deposit insurance was introduced in 2005. Depositor discipline is examined by two measures: change in the amount of deposits and interest rate. The empirical results show that depositors pay attention to bank soundness and riskiness and select banks based on the bank's condition with particular attention paid to equity ratio. It is found that depositors impose discipline on banks, but it varies according to regulatory and economic circumstances.


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In a traditional system of exogamous and patrilocal marriage prevalent in much of Sub-Saharan Africa, when she marries, a rural woman typically leaves her kin to reside with her husband living outside her natal village. Since a village that allows a widow to inherit her late husband's land can provide her with old age security, single females living outside the village are more likely to marry into the village. Using a natural experimental setting, provided by the longitudinal household panel data drawn from rural Tanzania for the period from 1991 to 2004, during which several villages that initially banned a widow's land inheritance removed this discrimination, this study provides evidence in support of this view, whereby altering a customary land inheritance rules in a village in favor of widows increased the probability of males marrying in that village. This finding suggests that providing rural women with old age protection (e.g., insurance, livelihood protection) has remarkable spatial and temporal welfare effects by influencing their decision to marry.


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Microinsurance is widely considered an important tool for sustainable poverty reduction, especially in the face of increasing climate risk. Although index-based microinsurance, which should be free from the classical incentive problems, has attracted considerable attention, uptake rates have generally been weak in low-income rural communities. We explore the purchase patterns of index-based livestock insurance in southern Ethiopia, focusing in particular on the role of accurate product comprehension and price, including the prospective impact of temporary discount coupons on subsequent period demand due to price anchoring effects. We find that randomly distributed learning kits contribute to improving subjects' knowledge of the products; however, we do not find strong evidence that the improved knowledge per se induces greater uptake. We also find that reduced price due to randomly distributed discount coupons has an immediate, positive impact on uptake, without dampening subsequent period demand due to reference-dependence associated with price anchoring effects.


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El Sistema de Seguros Agrarios con el Seguro de cobertura de los daños por sequía en los pastos aprovechados por el ganado en régimen extensivo (línea de seguro 133) aplica la teledetección mediante un índice de vegetación (NDVI), con el fin de solucionar los problemas de peritación que surgen cuando se tiene que determinar la cantidad y calidad del pasto afectado por la sequía. Por ello el seguro de cobertura de los daños por sequía en pastos es el principal instrumento para hacer frente al gasto que supone la necesidad de suplemento de alimentación del ganado reproductor debido a la sequía. En las comarcas de Vitigudino, Trujillo y Valle de los Pedroches (España) se comparó la evolución del seguro de sequía en pastos desde 2006 a 2010 con un modelo matemático de crecimiento del pasto en función de las variables ecofisiológicas y ambientales. Sumadas las decenas de sequía extrema y sequía leve, el modelo matemático contabilizó un número mayor de decenas que las proporcionadas por Agroseguro. La recomendación es comparar las curvas de crecimiento del pasto con las curvas de evolución del NDVI, para ajustar ambos modelos


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In general, insurance is a form of risk management used to hedge against a contingent loss. The conventional definition is the equitable transfer of a risk of loss from one entity to another in exchange for a premium or a guaranteed and quantifiable small loss to prevent a large and possibly devastating loss being agricultural insurance a special line of property insurance. Agriculture insurance, as actually are designed in the Spanish scenario, were established in 1978. At the macroeconomic insurance studies scale, it is necessary to know a basic element for the insurance actuarial components: sum insured. When a new risk assessment has to be evaluated in the insurance framework, it is essential to determinate venture capital in the total Spanish agriculture. In this study, three different crops (cereal, citrus and vineyards) cases are showed to determinate sum insured as they are representative of the cases found in the Spanish agriculture. Crop sum insured is calculated by the product of crop surface, unit surface production and crop price insured. In the cereal case, winter as spring cereal sowing, represents the highest Spanish crop surface, above to 6 millions of hectares (ha). Meanwhile, the four citrus species (oranges, mandarins, lemons and grapefruits) occupied an extension just over 275.000 ha. On the other hand, vineyard target to wine process shows almost one million of ha in Spain.


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Irrigators face the risk of not having enough water to meet their crops’ demand. There are different mechanisms to cope with this risk, including water markets (option contracts) or insurance. A farmer will purchase them when the expected utility change derived from the tool is positive. This paper presents a theoretical assessment of the farmer’s expected utility under two different option contracts, a drought insurance and a combination of an option contract and the insurance. We analyze the conditions that determine farmer’s reference for one instrument or the other and perform a numerical application that is relevant for a Spanish region.


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In many arid or semi-arid Mediterranean regions, agriculture is dependent on irrigation. When hydrological drought phenomena occur, farmers suffer from water shortages, incurring important economic losses. Yet, there is not agricultural insurance available for lack of irrigation water. This work attempts to evaluate hydrological drought risk and its economic impact on crop production in order to provide the basis for the design of drought insurance for irrigated arable crops. With this objective a model that relates water availability with expected yields is developed. Crop water requirements are calculated from evapotranspiration, effective rainfall and soil water balance. FAO?s methodology and AquaCrop software have been used to establish the relationship between water allocations and crop yields. The analysis is applied to the irrigation zone ?Riegos de Bardenas?, which is located in the Ebro river basin, northeast Spain, to the main arable crops in the area. Results show the fair premiums of different hydrological drought insurance products. Whole-farm insurance or irrigation district insurance should be preferable to crop specific insurance due to the drought management strategies used by farmers.


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RESUMEN Su objetivo esencial: Regular el proceso de la edificación, está basado en 3 grandes pilares: 1.- Completar la configuración legal de los agentes que intervienen en el mismo, fijando sus obligaciones para así establecer las responsabilidades. 2.- Fomentar la calidad de los edificios. 3.- Fijar las garantías a los usuarios frente a los posibles daños. Estos tres fundamentos están intensamente relacionados, ya que, las obligaciones y responsabilidades de los agentes son la base de la constitución de las garantías a los usuarios, definidas mediante los requisitos básicos que deben satisfacer los edificios. Partiendo del análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo del grado de cumplimiento del objetivo de la nueva Ley, elaborado a través del estudio de sus tres pilares fundamentales, proponemos medidas tendentes a la plena entrada en vigor de la misma. Para ello se deberá desarrollar el Real Decreto previsto en la Disposición Adicional 2ª, una vez conseguido el grado de madurez de los sectores de la edificación y del seguro. En todo este proceso de estudio hemos podido apreciar que la objetiva identificación de los daños y en especial los que afectan la estabilidad del edificio, constituye una herramienta fundamental para la correcta atribución de responsabilidades a los agentes, basada en la aplicación de los tres grados de responsabilidad “ex lege” por daños materiales y sus plazos de prescripción surgidos del nuevo régimen impuesto por el art. 17 LOE Para avalar esta propuesta hemos analizado: 1.- El entorno económico, general y pormenorizado al sector de la edificación, en Europa y España durante el período comprendido entre los años 1990 y 2013, años previos y posteriores a la entrada en vigor de la Ley, dada la influencia de los ciclos de actividad producidos en la regulación del sector, las responsabilidades atribuidas a los agentes, el fomento de la calidad y las garantías ofrecidas a los adquirentes. 2.- Las diversas legislaciones sobre responsabilidades y garantías de los agentes de la edificación en los países de nuestro entorno económico. 3.- La gestación de la LOE, incidiendo en la evolución de los últimos borradores y su tramitación parlamentaria. 4.- El desarrollo doctrinal de la Transición desde el régimen de responsabilidades, fijado por el art. 1591 de Código Civil, y su Jurisprudencia, hacia el nuevo régimen de responsabilidades establecido por el art. 17 LOE. En esta tarea además de apreciar la asimilación, por parte de los Jueces y Magistrados, de los principios doctrinales de la LOE, hemos observado la labor de los peritos, de cuya experta identificación de las causas de los daños depende la justa y eficaz atribución de responsabilidades. 5 -. El grado de eficacia de la LOE a la vista de la estadística siniestral, de la que ya hay datos consolidados, tras la cancelación de casi 15.000 expedientes de reclamación a Arquitectos. 6 -. También hemos estudiado el grado de cumplimiento con el usuario y propietario de las garantías previstas en el art. 19 de la Ley y en la D.A. 1ª, los efectos reales alcanzados y las tareas pendientes por delante. Analizando la atribución de responsabilidades a los agentes de la edificación, dentro del primer pilar fundamental de la LOE, hemos estudiado las actuaciones de los peritos expertos y su incidencia en este objetivo, previa selección de casos de gran interés y dificultad. Fruto de ello se han formulado propuestas tendentes a la especialización de este colectivo, evitando conductas “irregulares” que tanto daño provocan a los agentes reclamados como a los propietarios afectados. Este daño es evidente pudiendo ocasionar condenas injustas, enriquecimientos ilícitos o bien falsas expectativas de satisfacción de daños mal dictaminados y costosas e ineficaces reparaciones. De cara a la consecución del pilar de la calidad de la edificación, mediante los requisitos básicos planteados por la LOE y desarrollados por el Código Técnico de la Edificación (Real Decreto 314/2006, de 17 de marzo), hemos procesado datos de expedientes de reclamaciones por daños que afectan a edificios ejecutados bajo el nuevo régimen LOE. Con esta base se han analizado las causas generadoras de las diversas lesiones y su frecuencia para que de este análisis puedan establecerse pautas de actuación para su prevención. Finalmente, tras demostrar que las garantías obligatorias impuestas por la LOE sólo abarcan un pequeño porcentaje de los posibles daños a la edificación, insistimos en la necesidad de la plena eficacia de la Ley mediante la aprobación de todas las garantías previstas y para todo tipo de edificaciones. En suma, se ha diseñado la tesis como una matriz abierta en la que podremos continuar incorporando datos de la evolución de la doctrina, la jurisprudencia y la estadística de los daños en la edificación. ABSTRACT The approval of Law 38/1999 on November 5, 1999, (Official Gazette BOE 266/1999 of 11.6.1999, p. 38925), was the culmination of a long period of over 20 years of gestation for which deep agreements were needed between all stakeholders affected. Although several parliamentary groups denounced its incomplete approval, regarding mandatory guarantees to the purchaser, its enactment caused general satisfaction among most of the the building agents. This assessment remains after fourteen years since its partial enactment. Its essential purpose, “to regulate the building process”, is based on 3 pillars: 1.- To complete the legal configuration of the agents involved in it, setting their obligations in order to establish their responsibilities. 2.- To promote the buildings quality. 3.- To specify users´guarantees against possible buildings damage. These three issues are strongly related, since the obligations and responsibilities of the actors are the basis of the users’guarantees constitution, defined by the basic performance required by buildings. Based on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the fulfillment of the new law’s objectives, made by monitoring the three pillars, we propose measures to the full enactment of this Directive, by the development of the Royal Decree, provided in its Second Additional Provision, once maturity in the sectors of the building and insurance is achieved. Throughout this process of study we have seen that the skill identification of damage, particularly those affecting the stability of the building, is an essential tool for the proper allocation of responsibilities of the new regime installed by the art. 17 LOE, based on the application of the three degrees of responsibility "ex lege" for property damage and limitation periods. To support this proposal, we have analyzed: 1.- The evolution of the building sector in Europe and Spain during the years before and after the enactment of the Law, due to the influence of cycles of activity produced in industry regulation, the responsibilities attributed to agents, promotion of the quality and the assurances given to acquirers. 2.- The scope of various laws on liability and building agents warranties in the countries of our economic environment. 3.- The long period of LOE generation, focusing on the developments in recent drafts and parliamentary procedure. 4.- The doctrinal development in the Transition from the regime of responsibilities, set by art. 1591 of the Civil Code, and its Jurisprudence, to the new liability regime established by art. 17 LOE. In this task, while we have noted assimilation by the Judges and Magistrates of the doctrinal principles of the LOE, we have also analyzed the work of experts, whose skilled identification of the damage causes helps the fair and efficient allocation of responsibilities. 5 - The effectiveness of the LOE based on knowledge of the siniestral statistics, which are already consolidated data, after the cancellation of nearly 15,000 claims to Architects. 6.- We have also studied the degree of compliance with the user and owner guarantees, established in art. 19 and the D.A. 1th of the LOE, exposing the real effects achieved and the pending tasks ahead. Analyzing the allocation of the building agents´ responsibilities, within the first cornerstone of the LOE, we have studied the expert witnesses actions and their impact on this duty, selecting cases of great interest and difficulty in this aim. The result of this enterprise has been to propose the specialization of this group, avoiding "irregular" behaviors that create as much damage as the agents claimed to affected owners. This damage is evident and can cause wrong convictions, illicit enrichment, false expectations and inefficient and costly damage repairs. In order to achieve the pillar of building quality through the basic requirements set by the LOE and developed by the Technical Building Code (Royal Decree 314/ 2006 of 17 March), we have analyzed records of damage claims involving buildings executed under the new regime LOE. On this basis we have analyzed the root causes of various damages and their frequency, from these data it will be easy to propose lines of action for prevention. Finally, after demonstrating that mandatory warranties imposed by LOE cover only a small percentage of the potential building damage, we emphasize the need for the full effectiveness of the Law by the obligation all the guarantees provided in the art. 19 LOE, and for all types of buildings. In conclusion, this thesis is designed as an open matrix in which we will continue including data on the evolution of the doctrine, jurisprudence and the statistics of the damage to the building.


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In crop insurance, the accuracy with which the insurer quantifies the actual risk is highly dependent on the availability on actual yield data. Crop models might be valuable tools to generate data on expected yields for risk assessment when no historical records are available. However, selecting a crop model for a specific objective, location and implementation scale is a difficult task. A look inside the different crop and soil modules to understand how outputs are obtained might facilitate model choice. The objectives of this paper were (i) to assess the usefulness of crop models to be used within a crop insurance analysis and design and (ii) to select the most suitable crop model for drought risk assessment in semi-arid regions in Spain. For that purpose first, a pre-selection of crop models simulating wheat yield under rainfed growing conditions at the field scale was made, and second, four selected models (Aquacrop, CERES- Wheat, CropSyst and WOFOST) were compared in terms of modelling approaches, process descriptions and model outputs. Outputs of the four models for the simulation of winter wheat growth are comparable when water is not limiting, but differences are larger when simulating yields under rainfed conditions. These differences in rainfed yields are mainly related to the dissimilar simulated soil water availability and the assumed linkages with dry matter formation. We concluded that for the simulation of winter wheat growth at field scale in such semi-arid conditions, CERES-Wheat and CropSyst are preferred. WOFOST is a satisfactory compromise between data availability and complexity when detail data on soil is limited. Aquacrop integrates physiological processes in some representative parameters, thus diminishing the number of input parameters, what is seen as an advantage when observed data is scarce. However, the high sensitivity of this model to low water availability limits its use in the region considered. Contrary to the use of ensembles of crop models, we endorse that efforts be concentrated on selecting or rebuilding a model that includes approaches that better describe the agronomic conditions of the regions in which they will be applied. The use of such complex methodologies as crop models is associated with numerous sources of uncertainty, although these models are the best tools available to get insight in these complex agronomic systems.


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Background To analyse the scientific evidence that exists for the advertising claims made for two products containing Lactobacillus casei and Bifidobacterium lactis and to conduct a comparison between the published literature and what is presented in the corporate website. Methods Systematic review, using Medline through Pubmed and Embase. We included human clinical trials that exclusively measured the effect of Lactobacillus casei or Bifidobacterium lactis on a healthy population, and where the objective was related to the health claims made for certain products in advertising. We assessed the levels of evidence and the strength of the recommendation according to the classification criteria established by the Oxford Centre for Evidence Based Medicine (CEBM). We also assessed the outcomes of the studies published on the website that did not appear in the search. Results Of the 440 articles identified, 16 met the inclusion criteria. Only four (25%) of these presented a level of evidence of 1b and a recommendation grade of A, all corresponding to studies on product containing Bifidobacterium lactis, and only 12 of the 16 studies were published on the corporate website (47). Conclusions There is insufficient scientific evidence to support the health claims made for these products, especially in the case of product containing Lactobacillus casei.