933 resultados para Incommensurability of values


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A inclusão da política de cotas, nas universidades brasileiras, é recente. Apesar da adesão de várias instituições de ensino, esse tipo de política tem gerado posições contraditórias. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar quais valores estão mais presentes na avaliação que universitários fazem a respeito de supostos usuários das cotas. Na pesquisa, foram aplicados diferentes tipos de questionários em 403 estudantes de uma universidade pública paulista, os quais objetivaram verificar se suas representações sobre esse tema variavam conforme as possibilidades de ingresso na universidade, a saber: vestibular simples, cursinhos para alunos carentes e cotas e, conforme os públicos-alvo enfocados, negros ou alunos de escolas públicas. Como método de análise, foi utilizado o programa ALCESTE e, como recurso complementar, a análise de conteúdo. Os resultados demonstraram que há uma rejeição às políticas relacionadas às cotas, uma vez que estas foram percebidas como mais ameaçadoras do que aquelas referentes ao vestibular e ao cursinho gratuito. Na grande parte das respostas dadas pelos alunos, fica evidente o conflito de valores: mérito versus igualdade compensatória. O vestibular, baseado apenas no mérito, é representado como o sistema mais justo para ingresso de alunos de escola pública e, principalmente de negros, na universidade. Valores como justiça, igualdade, esforço próprio, sobre os quais a maioria dos universitários respalda suas respostas contrárias às cotas, estão sendo questionados pelas políticas de ação afirmativa, o que indica que enfrentá-los é o grande desafio posto a essas políticas.


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A literatura escrita tem sido um espaço privilegiado para a representação e, consequentemente, para o registro e divulgação dos valores e costumes de variados grupos e segmentos sociais. No conto analisado neste ensaio – Eguns –, o escritor paulistano João Antônio (1937-1996) traz um narrador que descreve com detalhes uma rara festa religiosa ocorrida na Bahia, destinada ao culto dos ancestrais. Contemplativo e respeitoso, limita-se a contar o que a tradição religiosa permite. O contato com a alteridade ganha foros de rito iniciático e a experiência – em sentido forte – é transferida ao leitor.


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Não obstante o peso decisivo das receitas geradas pelo café para os balanços financeiros das ferrovias paulistas entre 1888 e 1917, e a centralidade da atividade cafeeira na economia paulista de então, discute-se neste artigo a especialização relativa ao nível da produção verificada em São Paulo e a questão dos fretes das ferrovias neste cenário. Parte-se da ideia de que a cafeicultura, em seu desenvolvimento, demandava a diversificação de culturas agrícolas, pois as unidades básicas de produção - as fazendas de café - não se caracterizavam unicamente pela monocultura, sendo que os nexos entre uma produção voltada à exportação e outra voltada ao mercado interno davam-se nas relações de trabalho estabelecidas entre contratantes e contratados, e nas formas pelas quais os fazendeiros expropriavam aqueles que se subordinavam aos seus interesses. Verifica-se no caso estudado o aumento simultâneo das quantidades de café e de alimentos transportadas e transacionadas pela Cia. Mogiana nos marcos da periodização proposta; porém, percebe-se estreita dependência em relação à receita gerada pelo transporte de café. Aponta-se, ainda, a especialização absoluta ao nível do crédito e da circulação (transportes) que caracterizavam este complexo econômico.


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O modelo evidencia que as atividades de qualquer tipo de empresa, inclusive a de serviços, podem ser organizadas em quatro grupos (produção, atendimento, apoio e planejamento) e que essa organização é aplicável à empresa como um todo, a qualquer órgão (departamento, seção) e a qualquer célula de trabalho, inclusive a constituída por apenas um funcionário. O modelo, por mergulhar, como nenhum outro, nas profundezas da empresa, complementa outros modelos (Tavistock, Katz & Kahn, Kast & Rosenzweig). A comparação com o modelo da Cadeia de Valores de Porter e as vantagens apontadas no texto permitem concluir que o modelo é bastante adequado para a proposição de mudanças na empresa que melhorem sua posição competitiva.


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Este texto é uma reflexão sobre as crenças do professor que condicionam sua ação cotidiana e influenciam/determinam seus saberes/ações, tanto para o sucesso como para o insucesso escolar. Conhecêlas e interpretá-las pode ser um caminho ou um movimento para a transformação do trabalho docente. A partir dos conceitos de crenças, cotidiano, não-cotidiano e alienação, analisamos um trabalho realizado em uma escola da rede de ensino público paulista. O trabalho se constituiu de uma assessoria a um grupo de professores. Foi possível uma reflexão sobre as crenças e a postura dos professores, reflexão essa que indica perspectivas de mudanças.


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Oxygen uptake of the fossorial blind snake (Typhlops reticulatus) and the semifossorial coral snake (Micrurus ibiboboca) was measured at 20 and 30 degrees C. Oxygen uptake of blind snakes was within the normal range, whereas oxygen uptake of coral snakes was in the lower end of values reported for snakes. The results do not support the hypothesis of reduced oxygen uptake in fossorial reptiles.


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A variational analysis of the spiked harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian -d2/dr2 + r2 + lambda/r5/2, lambda > 0, is reported. A trial function automatically satisfying both the Dirichlet boundary condition at the origin and the boundary condition at infinity is introduced. The results are excellent for a very large range of values of the coupling parameter lambda, suggesting that the present variational function is appropriate for the treatment of the spiked oscillator in all its regimes (strong, moderate, and weak interactions).


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Currently the achievements of technology have not been enough to overcome the misery, in which are numerous human groups. Relegated to its background, the human being sees those scenarios, which brings out discussions about its formation, in which values are regarded as the scientific and technological aspects. The educational research inspired by this framework involving the theme of human development, update and re-frame concepts related to the linkage between interactivity and interaction, two important features presented in the process of Distance Education (DE). The research inquired about how these features have been articulated. It conducted a field study in which two professors were interviewed. The results showed that the integration between interactivity and interaction, involving aspects such as autonomy, critical awareness, relationships among students, the sharing of values and worldviews, is at the base of the educational processes of the DE. They also showed that, on these processes, there are shortcomings regarding the development of values and having to be thought the tutor training strategies from an interdisciplinary view.


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In this paper we study the main modalities of music education in Brazil and how they can be compared to different views worldwide. Recognition that modern practices in music education are inserted in contemporary knowledge paradigms shows their relevance to a changing world. According to this contemporary paradigm the practices included herein point to alternatives in the relationship between men and themselves, men and other men and men and the environment. They also encourage cooperation, the relationship among the arts, the conduction of actions ruled by the principles of ecology and the recovery of values lost or weakened.


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This paper analyses the dew occurrence in Botucatu, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, in the period from 1971 to 1984. The phenomenon was observed on the grass plot of the Climatological Station in the 'Presidente Medici' Experimental Farm. The station is installed on soil 'Terra Roxa Estruturada', on a middle slope, declivity of 8% and east exposure. Days with dew were summed for the following periods: month, year, season, no rainy period and rainy period. For each period the following values were calculated: mean, mean standard errors and mean confidence interval. Also the absolute extreme values and the amplitude of variation were determined. The confidence interval of the mean were calculated by the 't' statistic, at the level of 5% of error probability. The means were compared by using the 't' statistic, at the level of 5% of error probability. The following table of values corresponds to the regime of dew occurrence in Botucatu, expressed in number of days with dew. The dew occurrence regime in Botucatu was analysed comparatively with the regime at Itatinga, in Sao Paulo State and with the regime of Rio Grande, in Rio Grande do Sul State. -English summary


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The densitometrical interpretation is a technical resource that removes both the subjectivity of conventional interpretation and the high operational cost of automatic interpretation. Meanwhile, the densitometric lecture presents variability and this work has the objective of examinating, through Chi-square test, if there exists significative differences of cone overture of the densitometer as to the filter used. The results were the following: the variation that happened in this densitometric lecture, when different cone overture and filter were used, have not invalidated the values that were obtained; the extreme values variations have to be used with attention, so will not be overstep of values among the different elements of soil covering have to be used discerniment to classify this values; the study was in consonance with other authors. -from English summary


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We discuss the use of the CP asymmetry parameter (ACP) as a possible observable of CP violation in the leptonic sector. In order to do this, we study for a wide range of values of LIE the behavior of this asymmetry for the corresponding maximal value of the CP violation factor allowed by all the present experimental limits on neutrino oscillations in vacuum and the recent Super-Kamiokande atmospheric neutrino result. We work in the three neutrino flavor framework. ©1999 The American Physical Society.


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A quality control protocol for the analysis of propolis and its extracts is proposed in the present work. Propolis of Apis mellifera L. bees collected in beehives of an apiary located in the northwest of the Paraná State was triturated and submitted to the following analysis: particles medium size determination, loss of dry, ashes drift, waxes drift, drift of extractive (in water and in ethanol) and total flavonoids drift determination. Propolis ethanolic extracts (96 °GL) at 10% (w/w) and at 30% (w/w) were prepared and submitted to the determination of the pH, relative density, dry residue, alcoholic drift and total flavonoids drift determination. Propolis was analyzed, through High Performance Liquid Cromatography (HPLC). Comparing the obtained results with other works, it was observed that is possible to establish the intervals of values for parameters in order to evaluate the quality of a propolis sample and its extracts.


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A methodology for analyzing the solar access and its influence on both air temperature and thermal comfort of the urban environment was here developed by applying the potentiality of GIS tools. Urban canyons in a specific area of a Brazilian medium sized city were studied. First, a computational algorithm was applied in order to allow the determination of sky view factors (SVF) and sun-paths in urban canyons. Then, air temperatures in 40 measurement points were collected within the study area. Solar radiation values of these canyons were determined and subsequently stored in a GIS database. The creation of thermal maps for the whole neighbourhood was possible due to a statistical treatment of the data, by promoting the interpolation of values. All data could then be spatially cross-examined. In addition, thermal comfort maps for summer and winter periods were generated. The methodology allowed the identification of thermal tendencies within the neighbourhood, what can be useful in the conception of guidelines for urban planning purposes.


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The study of algorithms for active vibrations control in flexible structures became an area of enormous interest, mainly due to the countless demands of an optimal performance of mechanical systems as aircraft, aerospace and automotive structures. Smart structures, formed by a structure base, coupled with piezoelectric actuators and sensor are capable to guarantee the conditions demanded through the application of several types of controllers. The actuator/sensor materials are composed by piezoelectric ceramic (PZT - Lead Zirconate Titanate), commonly used as distributed actuators, and piezoelectric plastic films (PVDF-PolyVinyliDeno Floride), highly indicated for distributed sensors. The design process of such system encompasses three main phases: structural design; optimal placement of sensor/actuator (PVDF and PZT); and controller design. Consequently, for optimal design purposes, the structure, the sensor/actuator placement and the controller have to be considered simultaneously. This article addresses the optimal placement of actuators and sensors for design of controller for vibration attenuation in a flexible plate. Techniques involving linear matrix inequalities (LMI) to solve the Riccati's equation are used. The controller's gain is calculated using the linear quadratic regulator (LQR). The major advantage of LMI design is to enable specifications such as stability degree requirements, decay rate, input force limitation in the actuators and output peak bounder. It is also possible to assume that the model parameters involve uncertainties. LMI is a very useful tool for problems with constraints, where the parameters vary in a range of values. Once formulated in terms of LMI a problem can be solved efficiently by convex optimization algorithms.