915 resultados para Impulsive control systems


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In this paper we describe a system for underwater navigation with AUVs in partially structured environments, such as dams, ports or marine platforms. An imaging sonar is used to obtain information about the location of planar structures present in such environments. This information is incorporated into a feature-based SLAM algorithm in a two step process: (I) the full 360deg sonar scan is undistorted (to compensate for vehicle motion), thresholded and segmented to determine which measurements correspond to planar environment features and which should be ignored; and (2) SLAM proceeds once the data association is obtained: both the vehicle motion and the measurements whose correct association has been previously determined are incorporated in the SLAM algorithm. This two step delayed SLAM process allows to robustly determine the feature and vehicle locations in the presence of large amounts of spurious or unrelated measurements that might correspond to boats, rocks, etc. Preliminary experiments show the viability of the proposed approach


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The main objective of this paper aims at developing a methodology that takes into account the human factor extracted from the data base used by the recommender systems, and which allow to resolve the specific problems of prediction and recommendation. In this work, we propose to extract the user's human values scale from the data base of the users, to improve their suitability in open environments, such as the recommender systems. For this purpose, the methodology is applied with the data of the user after interacting with the system. The methodology is exemplified with a case study


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This paper presents the design and implementation of a mission control system (MCS) for an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) based on Petri nets. In the proposed approach the Petri nets are used to specify as well as to execute the desired autonomous vehicle mission. The mission is easily described using an imperative programming language called mission control language (MCL) that formally describes the mission execution thread. A mission control language compiler (MCL-C) able to automatically translate the MCL into a Petri net is described and a real-time Petri net player that allows to execute the resulting Petri net onboard an AUV are also presented


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La UdG desposa de diversos robots mòbils per a finalitats docents i de recerca que utilitzen sistemes de localització incremental mitjançant bàsicament encoders incrementals. Actualment, en el mercat de l’automoció s’ha desenvolupat una sèrie de dispositius electrònics tals com brúixoles electròniques, acceleròmetres, giroscòpics, etc. L’objectiu és dissenyar i construir un sistema de navegació inercial format per un acceleròmetre, un giroscòpic, una brúixola i un microcontrolador encarregat de governar les ordres. El llenguatge utilitzat serà l’assemblador, ja que es pretén una execució molt eficient de les rutines creades. Les dades obtingudes es transmetran a l’ordinador per mitjà del protocol RS-232 i un programa en C emmagatzemarà les dades en un document de text. Aquestes dades seran tractades amb l’entorn MATLAB per tal d’interpretar-les i representar-les gràficament. Per analitzar el funcionament del sistema s’utilitzarà la plataforma PRIM


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Nessie is an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) created by a team of students in the Heriot Watt University to compete in the Student Autonomous Underwater Competition, Europe (SAUC-E) in August 2006. The main objective of the project is to find the dynamic equation of the robot, dynamic model. With it, the behaviour of the robot will be easier to understand and movement tests will be available by computer without the need of the robot, what is a way to save time, batteries, money and the robot from water inside itself. The object of the second part in this project is setting a control system for Nessie by using the model


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This paper introduces how artificial intelligence technologies can be integrated into a known computer aided control system design (CACSD) framework, Matlab/Simulink, using an object oriented approach. The aim is to build a framework to aid supervisory systems analysis, design and implementation. The idea is to take advantage of an existing CACSD framework, Matlab/Simulink, so that engineers can proceed: first to design a control system, and then to design a straightforward supervisory system of the control system in the same framework. Thus, expert systems and qualitative reasoning tools are incorporated into this popular CACSD framework to develop a computer aided supervisory system design (CASSD) framework. Object-variables an introduced into Matlab/Simulink for sharing information between tools


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Delivery context-aware adaptative heterogenous systems. Currently, many types of devices that have gained access to the network is large and diverse. The different capabilities and characteristics of them, in addition to the different characteristics and preferences of users, have generated a new goal to overcome: how to adapt the contents taking into account this heterogeneity, known as the “delivery context.” The concepts of adaptation and accessibility have been widely discussed and have resulted in many proposals, standards and techniques designed to solve the problem, making it necessary to refine the analysis of the issue to be considered in the process of adaptation. We present a tour of the various proposals and standards that have marked the area of heterogeneous systems works, and others who have worked since the real-time interaction through agents based platforms. All targeted to solve a common goal: the delivery context


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The purpose of this research project is to study current practices in enhancing visibility and protection of highway maintenance vehicles involved in moving operations such as snow removal and shoulder operations, crack sealing, and pothole patching. The results will enable the maintenance staff to adequately assess the applicability and impact of each strategy to their use and budget. The report’s literature review chapter examines the use of maintenance vehicle warning lights, retroreflective tapes, shadow vehicles and truck-mounted attenuators, and advanced vehicle control systems, as well as other practices to improve visibility for both snowplow operators and vehicles. The chapter concludes that the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices does not specify what color or kind of warning lights to use. Thus, a wide variety of lights are being used on maintenance vehicles. The study of the relevant literatures also suggests that there are no clear guidelines for moving work zones at this time. Two types of surveys were conducted to determine current practices to improve visibility and safety in moving work zones across the country and in the state of Iowa. In the first survey of state departments of transportation, most indicated using amber warning lights on their maintenance vehicles. Almost all the responding states indicated using some form of reflective material on their vehicles to make them more visible. Most participating states indicated that the color of their vehicles is orange. Most states indicated using more warning lights on snow removal vehicles than their other maintenance vehicles. All responding state agencies indicated using shadow vehicles and/or truck-mounted attenuators during their moving operations. In the second survey of Iowa counties, most indicated using very similar traffic control and warning devices during their granular road maintenance and snow removal operations. Mounting warning signs and rotating or strobe lights on the rear of maintenance vehicles is common for Iowa counties. The most common warning devices used during the counties’ snow removal operations are reflective tapes, warning flags, strobe lights, and auxiliary headlamps.


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El Grup de Visió per Computador i Robòtica (VICOROB) del departament d'Electrònica, Informàtica i Automàtica de la Universitat de Girona investiga en el camp de la robòtica submarina. Al CIRS (Centre d’Investigació en Robòtica Submarina), laboratori que forma part del grup VICOROB, el robot submarí Ictineu és la principal eina utilitzada per a desenvolupar els projectes de recerca. Recentment, el CIRS ha adquirit un nou sistema de sensors d' orientació basat en una unitat inercial i un giroscopi de fibra òptica. Aquest projecte pretén realitzar un estudi d' aquests dispositius i integrar-los al robot Ictineu. D' altra banda, aprofitant les característiques d’aquests sensors giroscopics i les mesures d' un sonar ja integrat al robot, es vol desenvolupar un sistema de localització capaç de determinar la posició del robot en el pla horitzontal de la piscina en temps real


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L’objectiu principal d’aquest projecte consisteix en realitzar l’estudi, l' anàlisi, el disseny, i el desenvolupament d’una aplicació que millori i faciliti la tasca d’un empleat que treballi fora de l’empresa. Es fa una anàlisi dels requeriments de l’aplicació, es fa el model d’anàlisi i tot seguit el model de disseny, i s’implementarà mitjançant les eines que utilitza la nostra empresa o les que millor s’adaptin a ella. S’analitza també el tipus i el volum d’informació que haurà de manejar. Durant el procés de cada una de les etapes de desenvolupament s’aniran realitzant les corresponents proves per, finalment, realitzar una posada en marxa sobre un empleat a mode de proves en un entorn real. Degut a la necessitat de mobilitat dels comercials s’utilitzen dispositius PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) per al desenvolupament de l’aplicació que els permetrà realitzar les seves tasques. En canvi, l’aplicació corporativa de gestió de l’empresa està situada en un servidor Windows, i per centralitzar i gestionar la informació de les PDA s’utilitzarà una aplicació sota el sistema Windows. L’aplicació s’haurà de confeccionar en funció de les dades que es vulgui que el comercial pugui consultar sobre un client, obra, ... Per millorar-ne la seva funcionalitat, es permetrà l’opció de multi-llenguatge. L’aplicació de la PDA tindrà a grans trets les següents funcionalitats: gestió de clients, gestió de contactes, consultar gestions comercials, consultar obres dels clients, consultar el planning i l’estat dels muntadors. Altres processos que haurà de permetre l’aplicació son: la configuració i instal·lació de l’aplicació en els dispositius PDA i la càrrega i el traspàs de les dades entre l’aplicació del PDA i l’aplicació corporativa de l’empresa


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In this paper we present a novel approach to assigning roles to robots in a team of physical heterogeneous robots. Its members compete for these roles and get rewards for them. The rewards are used to determine each agent’s preferences and which agents are better adapted to the environment. These aspects are included in the decision making process. Agent interactions are modelled using the concept of an ecosystem in which each robot is a species, resulting in emergent behaviour of the whole set of agents. One of the most important features of this approach is its high adaptability. Unlike some other learning techniques, this approach does not need to start a whole exploitation process when the environment changes. All this is exemplified by means of experiments run on a simulator. In addition, the algorithm developed was applied as applied to several teams of robots in order to analyse the impact of heterogeneity in these systems


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JCM és una empresa dedicada al disseny de sistemes de control d’accés. Disposa d’uns equips elèctrics amb molts paràmetres configurables, així es poden utilitzar en molts tipus d’instal•lació. Aquets paràmetres són configurables pels clients. JCM, disposa d’un servei d’atenció telefònica (SAT), que intenta donar solucions a tots els problemes que puguin sorgir als clients. Sovint, no poden donar suport als dubtes dels clients per culpa de la poca informació que reben a través del client. L'objectiu del projecte és resoldre el problema de falta d'informació i mala comunicació per millorar la qualitat del servei que ofereix el SAT. La solució, no ha d’alterar el cost de producció del producte. S’ha de tenir en compte també que els equips poden estar instal•lats en qualsevol part del món i que només es poden utilitzar recursos de fàcil accés per tots els clients. Per complir amb aquests objectius, emetrem un missatge, a través del brunzidor del equip, amb la informació de configuració de l'equip. Aquest missatge viatjarà a través de la xarxa telefònica fins al SAT. Un cop allà, el descodificarem i n'enviarem les dades a un PC perquè pugui presentar les dades sobre la configuració de una forma clara pel SAT.


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Resum L’any 1969 es van començar a comercialitzar els sistemes digitals programables coneguts com autòmats programables o PLC’s, utilitzats per controlar qualsevol tipus de procés industrial. Al llarg de tots aquests anys, aquests sistemes i tota la tecnologia en general han evolucionat molt, i només és qüestió de temps que la tecnologia que utilitzem avui en dia quedi obsoleta i substituïda per una de millors característiques i amb més avantatges. Aquest és el motiu de l’elaboració d’aquest treball, que com a objectiu pretén modernitzar un procés de fabricació d’una industria química que ha quedat molt limitat a causa de l’antiguitat de la instal•lació. Per dur a terme aquesta modernització, s’introdueixen sistemes de control amb majors prestacions, s’utilitzen xarxes de comunicacions per facilitar el muntatge elèctric de la instal•lació i un sistema de supervisió i adquisició de dades per poder obtenir un control més estricte del procés de fabricació i de tots els factors que intervenen. El funcionament del procés de fabricació és que a partir d’unes matèries primeres líquides emmagatzemades en dipòsits, es dosifiquin aquestes matèries en l’ordre i la quantitat desitjada dins un o diversos recipients per barrejar-les i aplicar els tractaments que siguin necessaris. Tot aquest procés està controlat per un autòmat programable, i disposa de diferents terminals operadors per poder interactuar amb el sistema. També té implementat un sistema SCADA en diversos ordinadors per aportar una visió general de la planta en temps real, un registre de dades dels paràmetres que es controlen i alhora serveix per enllaçar amb la xarxa d’ordinadors existent. Com annex d’aquest treball, es presenten els esquemes elèctrics i el programa de l’autòmat programable per veure totes les característiques elèctriques dels dispositius i el mètode de funcionament del procés. S’ha aconseguit donar un salt tecnològic i poder gaudir de tots els avantatges que ofereixen les noves tecnologies, que com a resultat s’ha optimitzat i millorat el procés de fabricació. De totes les conclusions, la més destacada és la d’haver dissenyat un sistema de control basat en una estructura descentralitzada molt flexible, que es pot expandir i adaptar fàcilment als possibles canvis.


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My News, un servicio de información de prensa desarrollado en España que ofrece el texto completo de diversas publicaciones, en especial de medios de prensa escrita de ámbito nacional, presenta un interfaz renovado con nuevas funcionalidades. Se describen sus orígenes, evolución y características actuales y se analizan las nuevas prestaciones de búsqueda en su hemeroteca y de seguimiento de prensa y creación de alertas.


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The motivation for this research initiated from the abrupt rise and fall of minicomputers which were initially used both for industrial automation and business applications due to their significantly lower cost than their predecessors, the mainframes. Later industrial automation developed its own vertically integrated hardware and software to address the application needs of uninterrupted operations, real-time control and resilience to harsh environmental conditions. This has led to the creation of an independent industry, namely industrial automation used in PLC, DCS, SCADA and robot control systems. This industry employs today over 200'000 people in a profitable slow clockspeed context in contrast to the two mainstream computing industries of information technology (IT) focused on business applications and telecommunications focused on communications networks and hand-held devices. Already in 1990s it was foreseen that IT and communication would merge into one Information and communication industry (ICT). The fundamental question of the thesis is: Could industrial automation leverage a common technology platform with the newly formed ICT industry? Computer systems dominated by complex instruction set computers (CISC) were challenged during 1990s with higher performance reduced instruction set computers (RISC). RISC started to evolve parallel to the constant advancement of Moore's law. These developments created the high performance and low energy consumption System-on-Chip architecture (SoC). Unlike to the CISC processors RISC processor architecture is a separate industry from the RISC chip manufacturing industry. It also has several hardware independent software platforms consisting of integrated operating system, development environment, user interface and application market which enables customers to have more choices due to hardware independent real time capable software applications. An architecture disruption merged and the smartphone and tablet market were formed with new rules and new key players in the ICT industry. Today there are more RISC computer systems running Linux (or other Unix variants) than any other computer system. The astonishing rise of SoC based technologies and related software platforms in smartphones created in unit terms the largest installed base ever seen in the history of computers and is now being further extended by tablets. An underlying additional element of this transition is the increasing role of open source technologies both in software and hardware. This has driven the microprocessor based personal computer industry with few dominating closed operating system platforms into a steep decline. A significant factor in this process has been the separation of processor architecture and processor chip production and operating systems and application development platforms merger into integrated software platforms with proprietary application markets. Furthermore the pay-by-click marketing has changed the way applications development is compensated: Three essays on major trends in a slow clockspeed industry: The case of industrial automation 2014 freeware, ad based or licensed - all at a lower price and used by a wider customer base than ever before. Moreover, the concept of software maintenance contract is very remote in the app world. However, as a slow clockspeed industry, industrial automation has remained intact during the disruptions based on SoC and related software platforms in the ICT industries. Industrial automation incumbents continue to supply systems based on vertically integrated systems consisting of proprietary software and proprietary mainly microprocessor based hardware. They enjoy admirable profitability levels on a very narrow customer base due to strong technology-enabled customer lock-in and customers' high risk leverage as their production is dependent on fault-free operation of the industrial automation systems. When will this balance of power be disrupted? The thesis suggests how industrial automation could join the mainstream ICT industry and create an information, communication and automation (ICAT) industry. Lately the Internet of Things (loT) and weightless networks, a new standard leveraging frequency channels earlier occupied by TV broadcasting, have gradually started to change the rigid world of Machine to Machine (M2M) interaction. It is foreseeable that enough momentum will be created that the industrial automation market will in due course face an architecture disruption empowered by these new trends. This thesis examines the current state of industrial automation subject to the competition between the incumbents firstly through a research on cost competitiveness efforts in captive outsourcing of engineering, research and development and secondly researching process re- engineering in the case of complex system global software support. Thirdly we investigate the industry actors', namely customers, incumbents and newcomers, views on the future direction of industrial automation and conclude with our assessments of the possible routes industrial automation could advance taking into account the looming rise of the Internet of Things (loT) and weightless networks. Industrial automation is an industry dominated by a handful of global players each of them focusing on maintaining their own proprietary solutions. The rise of de facto standards like IBM PC, Unix and Linux and SoC leveraged by IBM, Compaq, Dell, HP, ARM, Apple, Google, Samsung and others have created new markets of personal computers, smartphone and tablets and will eventually also impact industrial automation through game changing commoditization and related control point and business model changes. This trend will inevitably continue, but the transition to a commoditized industrial automation will not happen in the near future.