933 resultados para Immuno-diagnostics


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Background/Aims: The epidemiology of Chagas disease, until recently confined to areas of continental Latin America, has undergone considerable changes in recent decades due to migration to other parts of the world, including Spain. We studied the prevalence of Chagas disease in Latin American patients treated at a health center in Barcelona and evaluated its clinical phase. We make some recommendations for screening for the disease. Methodology/Principal Findings: We performed an observational, cross-sectional prevalence study by means of an immunochromatographic test screening of all continental Latin American patients over the age of 14 years visiting the health centre from October 2007 to October 2009. The diagnosis was confirmed by serological methods: conventional in-house ELISA (cELISA), a commercial kit (rELISA) and ELISA using T cruzi lysate (Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics) (oELISA). Of 766 patients studied, 22 were diagnosed with T. cruzi infection, showing a prevalence of 2.87% (95% CI, 1.6-4.12%). Of the infected patients, 45.45% men and 54.55% women, 21 were from Bolivia, showing a prevalence in the Bolivian subgroup (n = 127) of 16.53% (95% CI, 9.6-23.39%). All the infected patients were in a chronic phase of Chagas disease: 81% with the indeterminate form, 9.5% with the cardiac form and 9.5% with the cardiodigestive form. All patients infected with T. cruzi had heard of Chagas disease in their country of origin, 82% knew someone affected, and 77% had a significant history of living in adobe houses in rural areas. Conclusions: We found a high prevalence of T. cruzi infection in immigrants from Bolivia. Detection of T. cruzi¿infected persons by screening programs in non-endemic countries would control non-vectorial transmission and would benefit the persons affected, public health and national health systems.


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Cervical cancer results from infection with high-risk type human papillomaviruses (HPV). Therapeutic vaccines aiming at controlling existing genital HPV infections and associated lesions are usually tested in mice with HPV-expressing tumor cells subcutaneously implanted into their flank. However, effective vaccine-induced regression of these ectopic tumors strongly contrasts with the poor clinical results of these vaccines produced in patients with HPV-associated genital neoplasia. To assess HPV therapeutic vaccines in a more relevant setting, we have, here, established an orthotopic mouse model where tumors in the genital mucosa (GM) develop after an intravaginal instillation of HPV16 E6/E7-expressing tumor cells transduced with a luciferase-encoding lentiviral vector for in vivo imaging of tumor growth. Tumor take was 80-90% after nonoxynol-9 induced damage of the epithelium. Tumors remained localized in the genital tract, and histological analysis showed that most tumors grew within the squamous epithelium of the vaginal wall. Those tumors induced (i) E7-specific CD8 T cells restricted to the GM and draining lymph nodes, in agreement with their mucosal location and (ii) high Foxp3+ CD4+ infiltrates, similarly to those found in natural non-regressing HPV lesions. This novel genital HPV-tumor model by requiring GM homing of vaccine-induced immune responses able to overcome local immuno-suppression may be more representative of the situation occurring in patients upon therapeutic vaccination.


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Summary: Survey, diagnostics and prevention of BSE


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Pneumocystis jirovecii is a fungus causing severe pneumonia in immuno-compromised patients. Progress in understanding its pathogenicity and epidemiology has been hampered by the lack of a long-term in vitro culture method. Obligate parasitism of this pathogen has been suggested on the basis of various features but remains controversial. We analysed the 7.0 Mb draft genome sequence of the closely related species Pneumocystis carinii infecting rats, which is a well established experimental model of the disease. We predicted 8'085 (redundant) peptides and 14.9% of them were mapped onto the KEGG biochemical pathways. The proteome of the closely related yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe was used as a control for the annotation procedure (4'974 genes, 14.1% mapped). About two thirds of the mapped peptides of each organism (65.7% and 73.2%, respectively) corresponded to crucial enzymes for the basal metabolism and standard cellular processes. However, the proportion of P. carinii genes relative to those of S. pombe was significantly smaller for the "amino acid metabolism" category of pathways than for all other categories taken together (40 versus 114 against 278 versus 427, P<0.002). Importantly, we identified in P. carinii only 2 enzymes specifically dedicated to the synthesis of the 20 standard amino acids. By contrast all the 54 enzymes dedicated to this synthesis reported in the KEGG atlas for S. pombe were detected upon reannotation of S. pombe proteome (2 versus 54 against 278 versus 427, P<0.0001). This finding strongly suggests that species of the genus Pneumocystis are scavenging amino acids from their host's lung environment. Consequently, they would have no form able to live independently from another organism, and these parasites would be obligate in addition to being opportunistic. These findings have implications for the management of patients susceptible to P. jirovecii infection given that the only source of infection would be other humans.


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The influence of human immunoglobulins (Ig) in neuronal cytoskeleton stability was studied in vitro. Here we show that human Ig and Fc fragments stimulate animal and human microtubule assembly by binding to microtubules via tau isoforms. In presence of Ig, microtubules show increased aggregation, twisting and rigidity. Non-immune Ig and Fc fragments promote microtubule assembly in temperature-dependent manner and stabilize microtubules at a molecular ratio of 1 Ig per 4 tubulin dimers. These in vitro data provide an experimental support for an immuno-mediated modulation of the cytoskeleton. In conjunction with previous neuropathological data, they suggest that Ig could participate in early stages of neurodegeneration by affecting the microtubule stability in vivo.


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The directional flow of lymph is maintained by hundreds of intraluminal lymphatic valves. Lymphatic valves are crucial to prevent lymphedema, accumulation of fluid in the tissues, and to ensure immune surveillance; yet, the mechanisms of valve formation are only beginning to be elucidated. In this chapter, we will discuss the main steps of lymphatic valve morphogenesis, the important role of mechanotransduction in this process, and the genetic program regulated by the transcription factor Foxc2, which is indispensable for all steps of valve development. Failure to form mature collecting lymphatic vessels and valves causes the majority of postsurgical lymphedema, e.g., in breast cancer patients. Therefore, this knowledge will be useful for diagnostics and development of better treatments of secondary lymphedema.


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Teimme opinnäytetyömme Helsingin ja Uudenmaan sairaanhoitopiirin laboratorion eli HUSLABin virologian osastolla hiv- hepatiittityöpisteessä. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää kuinka luotettavia immunokromatografiset HIV-pikatestit ovat. Testasimme kolmea eri HIV-pikatestiä ja vertasimme niistä saatuja tuloksia virologian osaston rutiinidiagnostiikan tuloksiin. Pikatestit olivat Determine HIV - 1/2 (Abbott), CORE HIV 1&2 (Core Diagnostics) ja IMMUNOFLOW HIV 1-HIV2 (Core Diagnostics). Testasimme 100 seeruminäytettä jokaisella kolmella HIV-pikatestillä. Näytteistä vahvoja positiivisia oli 20, tuoreita tartuntoja 20, vääriä reaktiivisia 20 ja negatiivisia 40. Tulosten käsittelyssä käytimme SPSS ja Excel -ohjelmia. Tuloksiemme perusteella kaikkien HIV-pikatestien spesifisyys oli parempi kuin niiden sensitiivisyys. HIV-pikatestit eivät antaneet täysin luotettavia tuloksia. HIV-pikatestit eivät välttämättä havaitse tuoreita infektioita ja tämän takia saattaisi tulla vääriä diagnooseja. HIV-pikatestit saattavat myös antaa vääriä positiivisia tuloksia. Testin luotettavuus on hyvä, jos testataan pitkälle edenneitä HIV-infektioita, joissa vasta-aineet ovat korkeita. Tulosten perusteella rutiinidiagnostiikan testeillä HIV-infektio saadaan paremmin diagnosoitua kuin HIV-pikatesteillä. Suomessa ei mielestämme ole tarpeellista käyttää HIV-pikatestejä, sillä laboratoriotekniikka on hyvin kehittynyttä ja välimatkat lyhyitä. Suuren HIV-prevalenssin maissa HIV-pikatestit olisivat mielestämme hyödyllisiä, jotta mahdollisimman moni saataisiin testattua.


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Protein oxidation and ubiquitination of brain proteins are part of mechanisms that modulate protein function or that inactivate proteins and target misfolded proteins to degradation. In this study, we focused on brain aging and on mechanism involved in neurodegeneration such as events occurring in Alzheimer's disease (AD). The goal was to identify differences in nitrosylated proteins - at cysteine residues, and in the composition of ubiquinated proteins between aging and Alzheimer's samples by using a proteomic approach. A polyclonal anti-S-nitrosyl-cysteine, a mono- and a polyclonal anti-ubiquitin antibody were used for the detection of modified or ubiquitinated proteins in middle-aged and aged human entorhinal autopsy brains tissues of 14 subjects without neurological signs and 8 Alzheimer's patients. Proteins were separated by one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and analyzed by Coomassie blue and immuno-blot staining. We identified that the glial fibrillary acidic and tau proteins are more ubiquitinated in brain tissues of Alzheimer's patients. Furthermore, glial fibrillary proteins were also found in nitrosylated state and further characterized by 2D Western blots and identified. Since reactive astrocytes localized prominently around senile plaques one can speculate that elements of plaques such as beta-amyloid proteins may activate surrounding glial elements and proteins.


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The binding specificities of 52 well-characterized monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) against carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) from 12 different research groups were studied by immunohistochemistry and immuno flow cytometry. In addition, the binding constant for the interaction between Mab and CEA was determined by a solution-phase assay. Cryostat sections of colon carcinoma and normal colon, stomach, liver, pancreas, and spleen were studied by immunohistochemistry. Peripheral blood granulocytes, monocytes, and lymphocytes were assayed by immuno flow cytometry. The Mabs used here have previously been classified into five essentially nonoverlapping epitope groups (GOLD 1-5) (Cancer Res., 49: 4852-4858, 1989). Most Mabs cross-reacted with different normal tissues, ranging from highly cross-reactive Mabs (positive reaction with 8 of 9 discriminating tissues) to relatively specific Mabs (positive reaction with 1 of 9 discriminating tissues). Five Mabs (10%) were specific, reacting only with colon carcinoma, normal colon mucosa, and normal gastric foveola. There was a correlation between epitope group and binding specificity. Mabs with a high degree of CEA specificity almost exclusively belonged to epitope groups 1, 2, and 3, while highly cross-reactive Mabs belonged to epitope groups 4 and 5. There was no correlation between antibody specificity and affinity for CEA. Specific Mabs with high as well as low affinity were found.


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The diagnosis of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) in cystic fibrosis patients remains challenging, mainly owing to overlapping symptoms of the underlying lung disease with clinical symptoms of ABPA. In addition, a varying mixture of diagnostic criteria, including clinical status, radiological findings and immunological measurements, has led to confusion and differing recommendations. In order to help simplify as well as standardize the diagnostic criteria for ABPA, different serological markers have been evaluated in the last 20 years and their usefulness has been assessed in many clinical studies. This review presents current diagnostic criteria of ABPA, with a special focus on serum markers supporting the diagnosis and explains why the hunt for a serological marker for ABPA is still ongoing.


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Drug screening is an important issue in clinical and forensic toxicology. Gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS) remains the gold standard technique for the screening of unknown compounds in urine samples. However, this technique requires substantial sample preparation, which is time consuming. Moreover, some common drugs such as cannabis cannot be easily detected in urine using general procedures. In this work, a sample preparation protocol for treating 200 μL of urine in less than 30 min is described. The enzymatic hydrolysis of glucuro-conjugates was performed in 5 min thanks to the use of microwaves. The use of a deconvolution software allowed reducing the GC-MS run to 10 min, without impairing the quality of the compound identifications. Comparing the results from 139 authentic urine samples to those obtained using the current routine analysis indicated this method performed well. Moreover, additional 5-min GC-MS/MS programs are described, enabling a very sensitive target screening of 54 drugs, including THC-COOH or buprenorphine, without further sample preparation. These methods appeared as an interesting alternative to immuno-assays based screening. The analytical strategy presented in this article proved to be a promising approach for systematic toxicological analysis (STA) of drugs in urine.


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Le vieillissement de la population et ses conséquences psychologiques occupent une place grandissante dans les systèmes de santé. Les efforts de maintien à domicile des personnes âgées, même à des âges très avancés, s'accompagnent d'une présence plus importante des problèmes physiques et psychiatriques nécessitant des soins et un accompagnement continu par une pluralité de professionnels. A Lausanne, l'Equipe mobile (EM) de psychiatrie de l'âge avancé a été créée en 2004. Son maintien et son développement ont permis d'offrir un outil de prise en charge psychiatrique hautement spécialisé, avec une logique de proximité, à la communauté des personnes âgées et de ses soignants. L'extension du programme EM de psychiatrie de l'âge avancé dans les régions Nord et Ouest du canton de Vaud à Yverdon et Prangins respectivement, est née d'une volonté commune d'harmonisation au niveau cantonal des pratiques psychiatriques en psychiatrie de l'âge avancé. Cet article retrace la mise en place de ces deux équipes mobiles en psychiatrie de l'âge avancé, ses objectifs et sa spécificité conceptuelle. A l'aide d'un système de collecte des données, déjà utilisé par l'EM lausannoise, cet article donne les premiers résultats chiffrés en termes de problématiques rencontrées par les usagers, les types d'intervention, les diagnostics plus fréquemment relevés et les indices de satisfaction des partenaires. Cette expérience pionnière à Yverdon et Prangins pour le développement des soins psychiatriques de proximité aux personnes âgées se veut une première étape pratique dans le recensement des besoins des personnes âgées de ces régions. Elle veut aussi favoriser la mise en place d'autres projets comme les centres de la mémoire ou encore les programmes de soutien aux aidants naturels.


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We describe herein some immunological properties of human fetal bone cells recently tested for bone tissue-engineering applications. Adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and osteoblasts were included in the study for comparison. Surface markers involved in bone metabolism and immune recognition were analyzed using flow cytometry before and after differentiation or treatment with cytokines. Immunomodulatory properties were studied on activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). The immuno-profile of fetal bone cells was further investigated at the gene expression level. Fetal bone cells and adult MSCs were positive for Stro-1, alkaline phosphatase, CD10, CD44, CD54, and beta2-microglobulin, but human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-I and CD80 were less present than on adult osteoblasts. All cells were negative for HLA-II. Treatment with recombinant human interferon gamma increased the presence of HLA-I in adult cells much more than in fetal cells. In the presence of activated PBMCs, fetal cells had antiproliferative effects, although with patterns not always comparable with those of adult MSCs and osteoblasts. Because of the immunological profile, and with their more-differentiated phenotype than of stem cells, fetal bone cells present an interesting potential for allogeneic cell source in tissue-engineering applications.


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The conventional methods of education, certification and recertification in cardiothoracic surgery face a paradigm shift in line with recent innovations in diagnostics and therapeutics. The attributes of a competent clinician entail proficiency in knowledge, communication, teamwork, management, health advocacy, professionalism and technical skills. This article investigates the skills required for a cardiothoracic surgeon to be competent. The relevant practice of certification and recertification across various regions has also been explored. Validated and competency-based curricula should be designed to develop core competencies to successfully integrate them into practice. Challenges to the implementation of such curricula and potential solutions are explored. Patient safety remains the ultimate aim to ensure excellence of both competency and performance.