896 resultados para Hubbard, Phil
1970-71 Brock Generals Hockey team. The members from left to right - Back row: Tom Kearney (trainer), Joel Finlay, Tony Grey, Gregg Carrigan, Craig Morrison, Pat Moroney, Rick Charron, Jim Swain, Bill Fuller, Barry Hopkins, Mike McNiven, Rick Sullivan, Ed Barszcz, Phil McCann, Randy Oiling (Manager), Al Kellogg (Coach). Front row: Wayne Butt, Ron Powell, Tim Goodman, Pat McCann, Arkell Farr, Dave Perrin, Gregg Law. Missing: Jeff Della Vedova.
Back Row: Paul Jackson (Asst. Coach), Paul DeGagne (Manager), Angelo Pontello, Yvan Prevost, Greg Foy, Ken Murray, Steve Ashfield, Rick Berard, Andy MacMillan, Kelly Toppazzini, Carl Van Bolderen, John Dakin, Loran Prentice, Joe Kenny (Trainer), Ron Anderson (Coach) Front Row: Logan Trafford, Mark Warren, Pat Gallagher, Phil Powers, Daryl Clancy, Ted Sawicki, Gord Christie, John Hogg, Brian Onifrichuk, Doug Riopelle, Shawn Barry Absent: Paul Hanley, Brad MacMillan, Rico Schirru, Mike Quinn (Asst. Coach)
Likely a photo of Rick Sullivan and Phil McCann. The man on the left remains unknown.
We have presented a Green's function method for the calculation of the atomic mean square displacement (MSD) for an anharmonic Hamil toni an . This method effectively sums a whole class of anharmonic contributions to MSD in the perturbation expansion in the high temperature limit. Using this formalism we have calculated the MSD for a nearest neighbour fcc Lennard Jones solid. The results show an improvement over the lowest order perturbation theory results, the difference with Monte Carlo calculations at temperatures close to melting is reduced from 11% to 3%. We also calculated the MSD for the Alkali metals Nat K/ Cs where a sixth neighbour interaction potential derived from the pseudopotential theory was employed in the calculations. The MSD by this method increases by 2.5% to 3.5% over the respective perturbation theory results. The MSD was calculated for Aluminum where different pseudopotential functions and a phenomenological Morse potential were used. The results show that the pseudopotentials provide better agreement with experimental data than the Morse potential. An excellent agreement with experiment over the whole temperature range is achieved with the Harrison modified point-ion pseudopotential with Hubbard-Sham screening function. We have calculated the thermodynamic properties of solid Kr by minimizing the total energy consisting of static and vibrational components, employing different schemes: The quasiharmonic theory (QH), ).2 and).4 perturbation theory, all terms up to 0 ().4) of the improved self consistent phonon theory (ISC), the ring diagrams up to o ().4) (RING), the iteration scheme (ITER) derived from the Greens's function method and a scheme consisting of ITER plus the remaining contributions of 0 ().4) which are not included in ITER which we call E(FULL). We have calculated the lattice constant, the volume expansion, the isothermal and adiabatic bulk modulus, the specific heat at constant volume and at constant pressure, and the Gruneisen parameter from two different potential functions: Lennard-Jones and Aziz. The Aziz potential gives generally a better agreement with experimental data than the LJ potential for the QH, ).2, ).4 and E(FULL) schemes. When only a partial sum of the).4 diagrams is used in the calculations (e.g. RING and ISC) the LJ results are in better agreement with experiment. The iteration scheme brings a definitive improvement over the).2 PT for both potentials.
Dr. James A. Gibson was born in Ottawa on January 29, 1912 to John W. and Belle Gibson. At an early age the family moved to Victoria, B.C. where John W. Gibson was a director of the Elementary Agricultural Education Branch, Department of Education. Gibson received his early education in Victoria, receiving a B.A. (honours) at UBC in 1931. In 1931 he was awarded the Rhodes scholarship and received his B.A., M.A., B.Litt and D. Phil at New College, Oxford. This was to be the beginning of a long and dedicated relationship with the Rhodes Scholar Association. Upon his return to Canada, Dr. Gibson lectured in Economics and Government at the University of British Columbia. In 1938 he was married to Caroline Stein in Philadelphia, and the same year joined the staff of the Department of External Affairs as a Foreign Service officer. Within twenty minutes of his arrival he was seconded to the Office of the Prime Minister and Secretary of State for External Affairs, W. L. Mackenzie King in charge of War Records and Liaison Officer. This was a critical time in the history of Canada, and Dr. Gibson experienced firsthand several milestones, including the Royal Visit of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth in 1939. Dr. Gibson was present at the formation of the United Nations in San Francisco in 1945, being part of the Prime Minister’s professional staff as well as attending conferences in Washington, Quebec and London as an advisor to the Canadian delegation. Gibson contributed many articles to the publication bout de papier about his experiences during these years. After his resignation in 1947, Gibson joined the staff of the fledgling Carleton College, as a lecturer. In 1949 he was appointed a professor and in 1951 became Dean of Arts and Sciences. Dr. Gibson acted as President from 1955 to 1956 upon the sudden death of Dr. MacOdrum. In 1963 Dr. Gibson accepted the invitation of the Brock University Founders’ Committee, chaired by Arthur Schmon, to become the founding president. Dr. Gibson guided the new University from a converted refrigeration plant, to an ever expanding University campus on the brow of the Niagara Escarpment. Dr. Gibson remained firmly “attached” to Brock University. Even after official retirement, in 1974, he retained the title President Emeritus. Gibson’s final official contribution was an unpublished ten year history of the University. In retirement Gibson remained active in scholarly pursuits. He was a visiting scholar at the Center of Canadian Studies, University of Edinburgh; continued his ongoing research activities focusing on W. L. Mackenzie King, the Office of the Governor General of Canada, and political prisoners transported to Van Dieman’s Land. He remained active in the Canadian Association of Rhodes Scholars, becoming editor from 1975 to 1994 and was appointed Editor Emeritus and Director for Life in 1995 in honour of his dedicated and outstanding service. In 1993 he was awarded one of Canada’s highest achievements, the Order of Canada. Gibson retained close ties with Brock University and many of its faculty. He maintained an office in the Politics Department where he became a vital part of the department. In 1996 Brock University honoured Gibson by naming the University Library in his honour. James A. Gibson Library staff was instrumental in celebrating the 90th birthday of Gibson in 2002, with a widely attended party in the Pond Inlet where many former students, including Silver Badgers. The attendees also included former and current colleagues from Brock University, Canadian Rhodes Scholars Association, family and friends. Gibson was later to remark that the highlight of this event was the gift of his original academic robe which he had personally designed in 1964. In 2003 Dr. Gibson moved to Ottawa to be near some of his children and the city of his birth and early career. In that year “two visits to Brock ensued: the first, to attend a special celebration of the James A. Gibson Library; his late to attend the 74th Convocation on Saturday, October 18, 2003. A week later, in Ottawa, he went for a long walk, returned to his residence, Rideau Gardens, went into the lounge area, took off his coat and folded it up, put it on the back of his chair, sat down, folded his hands in his lap, closed his eyes, and died”. With sources from: Carleton University The Charlatan, Gibson CV, and Memorial Service Programme
This document could not have been completed without the hard work of a number of individuals. First and foremost, my supervisor, Dr. David Gabriel deserves the utmost recognition for the immense effort and time spent guiding the production of this document through the various stages of completion. Also, aiding in the data collection, technical support, and general thought processing were Lab Technician Greig Inglis and fellow members of the Electromyographic Kinesiology Laboratory Jon Howard, Sean Lenhardt, Lara Robbins, and Corrine Davies-Schinkel. The input of Drs. Ted Clancy, Phil Sullivan and external examiner Dr. Anita Christie, all members ofthe assessment committee, was incredibly important and vital to the completion of this work. Their expertise provided a strong source of knowledge and went to ensure that this project was completed at exemplary level. There were a number of other individuals who were an immense help in getting this project off the ground and completed. The donation of their time and efforts was very generous and much needed in order to fulfill the requirements needed for completion of this study. Finally, I cannot exclude the contributions of my family throughout this project especially that of my parents whose support never wavers.
Two lists (4 pages, handwritten) listing items which were willed to Carrie, Willie, Belle, Phil, Aurora and Samuel [it is not clear who has made up these lists], n.d.
Letter to Isabel from someone whose last name is Price [the first name is illegible] in which the writer says that the row with Phil regarding the bonds is settled (1 ½ pages). This person does not anticipate any more trouble with Phil. They are sending the personal effects to Isabel as well as a cheque for $3000 as her share of the estate, and more next month, July 15, 1901.
La présente thèse traite de la description de systèmes complexes, notamment des polymères et des cuprates, par la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité. En premier lieu, la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité ainsi que différentes fonctionnelles utilisées pour simuler les matériaux à l’étude sont présentées. Plus spécifiquement, les fonctionnelles LDA et GGA sont décrites et leurs limites sont exposées. De plus, le modèle de Hubbard ainsi que la fonctionnelle LDA+U qui en découle sont abordés dans ce chapitre afin de permettre la simulation des propriétés de matériaux à forte corrélation électronique. Par la suite, les résultats obtenus sur les polymères sont résumés par deux articles. Le premier traite de la variation de la bande interdite entre les polymères pontés et leurs homologues non pontés. Le second se penche sur l’étude de polymères à faible largeur de bande interdite. Dans ce dernier, il sera démontré qu’une fonctionnelle hybride, contenant de l’échange exact, est nécessaire afin de décrire les propriétés électroniques des systèmes à l’étude. Finalement, le dernier chapitre est consacré à l’étude des cuprates supraconducteurs. La LDA+U pouvant rendre compte de la forte localisation dans les orbitales 3d des atomes de cuivre, une étude de l’impact de cette fonctionnelle sur les propriétés électroniques est effectuée. Un dernier article investiguant différents ordres magnétiques dans le La2CuO4 dopé termine le dernier chapitre. On trouve aussi, en annexe, un complément d’information pour le second article et une description de la théorie de la supraconductivité de Bardeen, Cooper et Schrieffer.
Ce mémoire traite des propriétés du La2CuO4 dopé en trous, le premier supraconducteur à haute température critique ayant été découvert. Les différentes phases électroniques du cristal y seront présentées, ainsi que le diagramme de phases en dopage de ce matériau. Les trois structures dans lesquelles on peut retrouver ce cristal seront décrites en détail, et leurs liens présumés avec les phases électroniques seront présentés. Il s’en suivra une étude utilisant la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité combinée au modèle de Hubbard (DFT+U) des différentes phases structurales, en plus des phases antiferromagnétiques et paramagnétiques. L’effet de la corrélation électronique sur la structure cristalline sera également étudié par l’intermédiaire du paramètre de Hubbard. Le but sera de vérifier si la DFT+U reproduit bien le diagramme de phases expérimentales, et sous quelles conditions. Une étude des effets de l’inclinaison des octaèdres d’oxygène sur la structure électronique sera également présentée.
Cette thèse traite de la structure électronique de supraconducteurs telle que déterminée par la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité. Une brève explication de cette théorie est faite dans l’introduction. Le modèle de Hubbard est présenté pour pallier à des problèmes de cette théorie face à certains matériaux, dont les cuprates. L’union de deux théories donne la DFT+U, une méthode permettant de bien représenter certains systèmes ayant des électrons fortement corrélés. Par la suite, un article traitant du couplage électron- phonon dans le supraconducteur NbC1−xNx est présenté. Les résultats illustrent bien le rôle de la surface de Fermi dans le mécanisme d’appariement électronique menant à la supraconductivité. Grâce à ces résultats, un modèle est développé qui permet d’expliquer comment la température de transition critique est influencée par le changement des fré- quences de vibration du cristal. Ensuite, des résultats de calcul d’oscillations quantiques obtenus par une analyse approfondie de surfaces de Fermi, permettant une comparaison directe avec des données expérimentales, sont présentés dans deux articles. Le premier traite d’un matériau dans la famille des pnictures de fer, le LaFe2P2. L’absence de su- praconductivité dans ce matériau s’explique par la différence entre sa surface de Fermi obtenue et celle du supraconducteur BaFe2As2. Le second article traite du matériau à fermions lourds, le YbCoIn5. Pour ce faire, une nouvelle méthode efficace de calcul des fréquences de Haas-van Alphen est développée. Finalement, un dernier article traitant du cuprate supraconducteur à haute température critique YBa2Cu3O6.5 est présenté. À l’aide de la DFT+U, le rôle de plusieurs ordres magnétiques sur la surface de Fermi est étudié. Ces résultats permettent de mieux comprendre les mesures d’oscillations quan- tiques mesurées dans ce matériau.