955 resultados para Highway-railroad grade crossings
Mast cell tumors (MCTs) are the most frequent round cell tumors in dogs and comprise approximately 21% of all canine cutaneous tumors. MCTs are highly invasive and metastatic corresponding to the histological grade. E-cadherin is an adhesion molecule expressed in epithelial cells and although it is an epithelial cellular marker, studies have shown expression of E-cadherin in canine round cell tumors. To better characterize the expression pattern of E-cadherin in several different histological grades of MCTs in dogs, the expression and localization of the adhesion molecule was investigated using immunohistochemistry. For this purpose, 18 cutaneous MCTs were classified into three histological grades, 1, 2 or 3. Clinical history and follow-up data were available for all of the dogs. Cytoplasmic and nuclear expressions of E-cadherin in all three types of tumors were verified by immunostaining using two different antibodies. There was decreased E-cadherin expression in the more aggressive MCTs (Grade 3), suggesting an association between E-cadherin and tumor aggressiveness. Additionally, the loss of E-cadherin expression in either the cytoplasm or nucleus in more aggressive and undifferentiated tumor types confirmed the importance of cellular adhesion in tumor behavior. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Objective This study was undertaken to evaluate a possible association of adipocytokines with metabolic syndrome (MetS), inflammation and other cardiovascular risk factors in primary antiphospholipid syndrome (PAPS). Methods Fifty-six PAPS patients and 72 controls were included. Adiponectin, leptin, visfatin, resistin, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), lipoprotein (a), glucose, ESR, CRP, uric acid and lipid profiles were measured. The presence of MetS was determined as defined by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), and insulin resistance was rated using the homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) index. Results Concentrations of leptin were higher [21.5 (12.9-45.7) ng/mL] in PAPS patients than in the controls ([2.1 (6.9-26.8) ng/mL), p=0.001]. In PAPS patients, leptin and PAI-1 levels were positively correlated with BMI (r=0.61 and 0.29), HOMA-IR (r=0.71 and 0.28) and CRP (r=0.32 and 0.36). Adiponectin levels were negatively correlated with BMI (r=-0.28), triglycerides (r=-0.43) and HOMA-IR (r=-0.36) and positively correlated with HDL-c (r=0.37) and anti-beta 2GPI IgG (r=0.31). The presence of MetS in PAPS patients was associated with higher levels of leptin (p=0.002) and PAI-1 (p=0.03) levels and lower levels of adiponectin (p=0.042). Variables that independently influenced the adiponectin concentration were the triglyceride levels (p<0.001), VLDL-c (P=0.002) and anti-beta 2GPI IgG (p=0.042); the leptin levels were BMI (p<0.001), glucose (p=0.046), HOMA-IR (p<0.001) and ESR (p=0.006); and the PAI-1 levels were CRP (p=0.013) and MetS (p=0.048). Conclusion This study provides evidence that adipocytokines may be involved in low-grade inflammation, insulin resistance and MetS in PAPS patients.
Abstract Background This study is an analysis of the prevalence of polymorphous low grade adenocarcinoma (PLGA) in epidemiological surveys of salivary tumors published in the English language from 1992 to 2012. Methods These surveys included studies from different researchers, countries and continents. The 57 surveys for which it was possible to calculate the percentage of PLGAs among all malignant minor salivary gland tumors (MMSGT) were included in this review. Results The statistical analyses show significant differences in the PLGA percentage by time period, country and continent in the studies included in this review. The percentage of PLGAs among MMSGTs varied among the studies, ranging from 0.0% to 46.8%. PLGA rates have varied over the period studied and have most recently increased. The frequency of reported PLGA cases also varied from 0.0% to 24.8% by the country in which the MMSGT studies were performed. The PLGA percentages also varied significantly by continent, with frequencies ranging from 3.9% in Asia to 20.0% in Oceania Conclusion Based on these results, we concluded that although the accuracy of PLGA diagnoses has improved, they remain a challenge for pathologists. To facilitate PLGA diagnoses, we have therefore made some suggestions for pathologists regarding tumors composed of single-layer strands of cells that form all of the histological patterns present in the tumor, consistency of the cytological appearance and uniformly positive CK7, vimentin and S100 immunohistochemistry, which indicate a single PLGA phenotype. Virtual slide The virtual slide(s) for this article can be found here: http://www.diagnosticpathology.diagnomx.eu/vs/1059098656858324
Primary lung lymphoma is a rare entity accounting for approximately 0.3% of all primary neoplasia of the lung and includes diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBL) and lymphomatoid granulomatosis (LYG). Considering that clinical features may be similar, whereas epidemiology, morphology, and radiological features are different, the authors report a case of a middle-aged man who presented multiple pulmonary nodules in the lower lobes and groundglass opacities scattered bilaterally on computed tomography. Clinically, he presented a consumptive syndrome with respiratory failure and pleurisy, which progressed until death. The autopsy findings were consistent with lymphomatoid granulomatosis (LYG) grade 3/ diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBL). The authors call attention to the difficulty of establishing an accurate diagnosis, mainly when the demonstration of EBV-infected atypical B-cells fails.
Several biomarkers had been proposed as useful parameters to better define the prognosis or to delineate new target therapy strategies for glioblastoma (GBM) patients. MicroRNAs could represent interesting molecules, for their role in tumorigenesis and cancer progression and for their specific tissue expression. Although many studies have tried to identify a specific microRNAs signature for glioblastoma, by now an exhaustive GBM microRNAs profile is far to be well defined. In this work we set up a real-time qPCR, based on LNA primers, to investigate the expression of 19 microRNAs in brain tumors, focusing our attention on GBMs. MiRNAs expression in 30 GBM paired FFPE-Fresh/Frozen samples was firstly analyzed. The good correlation obtained comparing miRNAs results confirmed the feasibility of performing miRNAs analysis starting from FFPE tissues. This leads to many advantages, as a good disposal of archival tumor and normal brain specimens and the possibility to verify the percentage of tumor cells in the analyzed sample. In the second part we compared 3 non-neoplastic brain references to use as control in miRNAs analysis. Normal adjacent the tumor, epileptic specimens and a commercial total RNA were analyzed for miRNAs expression and results showed that different non-neoplastic controls could lead to important discrepancies in GBM miRNAs profiles. Analyzing 50 FFPE GBMs using all 3 non-neoplastic references, we defined a putative GBM miRNAs signature: mir-10b, miR-21 and miR-27a resulted upregulated, while miR-7, miR-9, miR-26a, miR-31, miR-101, miR-137, miR-222 and miR-330 were downregulated. Comparing miRNAs expression among GBM group and gliomas of grade I, II and III, we obtained 3 miRNAs (miR-10b, mir-34a and miR-101) showing a different regulation status between high grade and low grade gliomas. Intriguingly, miR-10b was upregulated in high grade and significantly downregulated in low grade gliomas, suggesting that could be a candidate for a GBM target therapy.
This was a retrospective study including ninety samples of dogs with a histological diagnosis of intermediate grade cutaneous mast cell tumour (MCT). The objectives of the study were to validate Minichromosome Maintenance Protein 7 (MCM7) as a prognostic marker in MCTs and to compare the ability of mitotic index (MI), Ki67 and MCM7 to predict outcome. The median survival for the entire population was not reached at 2099 days. The mean survival time was 1708 days. Seventy-two cases were censored after a median follow up of 1136 days and eighteen dogs died for causes related to the MCT after a median of 116 days. For each sample MI, Ki67 and MCM7 were determined. The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve was obtained for each prognostic marker to evaluate the performance of the test, expressed as area under the curve, and whether the published threshold value was adequate. Kaplan-Meier and corresponding logrank test for MI, Ki67 and MCM7 as binary variables was highly significant (P<0.0001). Multivariable regression analysis of MI, Ki67 and MCM7 corrected for age and surgical margins indicated that the higher risk of dying of MCT was associated with MCM7 > 0.18 (Hazard Ration [HR] 14.7; P<0.001) followed by MI > 5 (HR 13.9; P<0.001) and Ki67 > 0.018 (HR 8.9; P<0.001). Concluding, the present study confirmed that MCM7 is an excellent prognostic marker in cutaneous MCTs being able to divide Patnaik intermediate grade tumours in two categories with different prognosis. Ki67 was equally good confirming its value as a prognostic marker in intermediate grade MCTs. The mitotic index was extremely specific, but lacked of sensitivity. Interestingly, mitotic index, Ki67 and MCM7 were independent from each other suggesting that their combination would improve their individual prognostic value.
The chemical industry has to face safety problems linked to the hazards of chemicals and the risks posed by the plants where they are handled. However, their transport may cause significant risk values too: it’s not totally possible to avoid the occurrence of accidents. This work is focused on the emergency response to railway accidents involving hazardous materials, that is what has to be done once they happen to limit their consequences. A first effort has been devoted to understand the role given to this theme within legislations: it has been found out that often it’s not even taken into account. Exceptionally a few countries adopt guidelines suggesting how to plan the response, who is appointed to intervene and which actions should be taken first. An investigation has been made to define the tools available for the responders, with attention on the availability of chemical-specific safety distances. It has emerged that the ERG book adopted by some American countries has suggestions and the Belgian legislation too establishes criteria to evaluate these distances. An analysis has been conducted then on the most recent accidents occurred worldwide, to understand how the response was performed and which safety distances were adopted. These values were compared with the numbers reported by the ERG book and the results of two devoted software tools for consequence analysis of accidental spills scenarios. This comparison has shown that there are differences between them and that a more standardized approach is necessary. This is why further developments of the topic should focus on promoting uniform procedures for emergency response planning and on a worldwide adoption of a guidebook with suggestions about actions to reduce consequences and about safety distances, determined following finer researches. For this aim, the development of a detailed database of hazardous materials transportation accidents could be useful.
In questa tesi abbiamo provato a definire fino a che punto le misure di sensori siano affidabili, creando un simulatore che sia in grado di analizzare, qualitativamente e quantitativamente, le prestazioni di sensori inerziali facenti parte di sistemi di navigazione inerziale. Non ci siamo soffermati troppo sulle dinamiche dovute agli errori deterministici, che sono eliminabili facilmente mediante prove sperimentali e test, ma abbiamo puntato ad uno studio approfondito riguardante gli errori dovuti a processi stocastici casuali. Il simulatore, programmato sulla piattaforma MATLAB/Simulink, prende i dati grezzi contenuti all’interno dei datasheets dei sensori e li simula, riportando risultati numerici e grafici degli errori risultanti dall’utilizzo di quei specifici sensori; in particolare, esso mette in luce l’andamento degli errori di posizione, velocità ed assetto ad ogni istante di tempo della simulazione. L’analisi effettuata all’interno dell’elaborato ha successivamente condotto all’identificazione dei giroscopi laser come i sensori che soffrono meno di questi disturbi non-sistematici, portandoli ad un livello sopraelevato rispetto ai MEMS ed ai FOG.
Dysplasia in ulcerative colitis is frequently missed with 4-quadrant biopsies. An experimental setup recording delayed fluorescence spectra simultaneously with white light endoscopy was recently developed.
Oncocytomas are defined as tumors containing in excess of 50% large mitochondrion-rich cells, irrespective of histogenesis and dignity. Along the central neuraxis, oncocytomas are distinctly uncommon but relevant to the differential diagnosis of neoplasia marked by prominent cytoplasmic granularity. We describe an anaplastic ependymoma (WHO grade III) with a prevailing oncocytic component that was surgically resected from the right fronto-insular region of a 43-year-old female. Preoperative imaging showed a fairly circumscribed, partly cystic, contrast-enhancing mass of 2 cm × 2 cm × 1.7 cm. Histology revealed a biphasic neoplasm wherein conventional ependymal features coexisted with plump epithelioid cells replete with brightly eosinophilic granules. Whereas both components displayed an overtly ependymal immunophenotype, including positivity for S100 protein and GFAP, as well as "dot-like" staining for EMA, the oncocytic population also tended to intensely react with the antimitochondrial antibody 113-1. Conversely, failure to bind CD68 indicated absence of significant lysosomal storage. Negative reactions for both pan-cytokeratin (MNF 116) and low molecular weight cytokeratin (CAM 5.2), as well as synaptophysin and thyroglobulin, further assisted in ruling out metastatic carcinoma. In addition to confirming the presence of "zipper-like" intercellular junctions and microvillus-bearing cytoplasmic microlumina, electron microscopy allowed for the pervasive accumulation of mitochondria in tumor cells to be directly visualized. A previously not documented variant, oncocytic ependymoma, is felt to add a reasonably relevant novel item to the differential diagnosis of granule-bearing central nervous system neoplasia, in particular oncocytic meningioma, granular cell astrocytoma, as well as metastatic deposits by oncocytic malignancies from extracranial sites.
Diffusely infiltrating gliomas (WHO grade II-IV) are the most common primary brain tumours in adults. These tumours are not amenable to cure by surgery alone, so suitable biomarkers for adjuvant modalities are required to guide therapeutic decision-making. Epigenetic silencing of the O(6)-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) gene by promoter methylation has been associated with longer survival of patients with high-grade gliomas who receive alkylating chemotherapy; and molecular testing for the methylation status of the MGMT promoter sequence is regarded as among the most relevant of such markers. We have developed a primer extension-based assay adapted to formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues that enables quantitative assessment of the methylation status of the MGMT promoter. The assay is very sensitive, highly reproducible, and provides valid test results in nearly 100% of cases. Our results indicate that oligodendrogliomas, empirically known to have a relatively favourable prognosis, are also the most homogeneous entities in terms of MGMT promoter methylation. Conversely, astrocytomas, which are more prone to spontaneous progression to higher grade malignancy, are significantly more heterogeneous. In addition, we show that the degree of promoter methylation correlates with the prevalence of loss of heterozygosity on chromosome arm 1p in the oligodendroglioma group, but not the astrocytoma group. Our results may have potentially important implications for clinical molecular diagnosis.
Methylation of the MGMT promoter is supposed to be a predictive and prognostic factor in glioblastoma. Whether MGMT promoter methylation correlates with tumor response to temozolomide in low-grade gliomas is less clear. Therefore, we analyzed MGMT promoter methylation by a quantitative methylation-specific PCR in 22 patients with histologically verified low-grade gliomas (WHO grade II) who were treated with temozolomide (TMZ) for tumor progression. Objective tumor response, toxicity, and LOH of microsatellite markers on chromosomes 1p and 19q were analyzed. Histological classification revealed ten oligodendrogliomas, seven oligoastrocytomas, and five astrocytomas. All patients were treated with TMZ 200 mg/m2 on days 1-5 in a 4 week cycle. The median progression-free survival was 32 months. Combined LOH 1p and 19q was found in 14 patients; one patient had LOH 1p alone and one patient LOH 19q alone. The LOH status could not be determined in two patients and was normal in the remaining four. LOH 1p and/or 19q correlated with longer time to progression but not with radiological response to TMZ. MGMT promoter methylation was detectable in 20 patients by conventional PCR and quantitative analysis revealed the methylation status was between 12 and 100%. The volumetric response to chemotherapy analyzed by MRI and time to progression correlated with the level of MGMT promoter methylation. Therefore, our retrospective case series suggests that quantitative methylation-specific PCR of the MGMT promoter predicts radiological response to chemotherapy with TMZ in WHO grade II gliomas.
6-(18)F-fluoro-l-dopa ((18)F-FDOPA) measured with PET as a biomarker of amino acid uptake has been investigated in brain tumor imaging. The aims of the current study were to determine whether the degree of (18)F-FDOPA uptake in brain tumors predicted tumor grade and was associated with tumor proliferative activity in newly diagnosed and recurrent gliomas.
Low-grade hypercoagulability might be one pathway to explain how the chronic stress of dementia caregiving increases cardiovascular disease risk, but the specific aspects of caregiver stress that elicit hypercoagulability are elusive. We hypothesized that dementia patients' problem behaviors and negative reactions of caregivers to these behaviors would relate to hypercoagulability in caregivers.