966 resultados para High-through put screening
The technology sector in Ireland is thriving. Employment, through indigenous and multinational technology firms continues to grow strongly year on year. All of the top 10 multinational technology companies have a significant presence in Ireland and the indigenous software sector’s exports are worth well in excess of €1 billion annually. Five of the top 10 exporters in Ireland are technology companies, and the sector is responsible for approximately one-third of Ireland’s total turnover. Since January 2011, over 80 jobs a week have been announced in the sector. This is on foot of 6% employment growth in 2009 and 4% in 2010. A recent global competitiveness report ranks Ireland as the top destination in the world by quality and value of investments. With a growing multinational technology presence in Ireland and a vibrant and innovative indigenous software sector, the future prospects for Ireland’s technology sector are bright.
The Northern Ireland Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening Programme began in June 2012 and offers AAA screening to all men in their 65th year in Northern Ireland.The aim of the AAA screening programme is to reduce AAA-related mortality by providing systematic, population-based screening. There is evidence of a significant reduction (45%) in mortality from AAA in those men aged between 65 and 79 years who undergo ultrasound screening. Men older than 65 years will be able to opt into the programme and request screening through the central screening office.There is also evidence of the long-term cost-effectiveness of AAA screening in men and further evidence that the early mortality benefit from screening is maintained.The items available for download here were in the professional information pack that was sent out to all GPs, GP practice managers and pharmacies prior to the launch of the programme.The invitation leaflet is sent out to all eligible men with the letter inviting them to screening.�The results leaflets are for men diagnosed with a small, medium or large AAA. The relevant result leaflet is given to men directly after their scan.�The poster was sent out to all GPs, GP practice managers and pharmacies in the run-up to the launch of the programme as a means of raising awareness.The information sheet outlines the structure of the programme, the screening process and the primary care that follows for those men diagnosed with an AAA. It also highlights the risk factors and has stats on AAA prevalence.The frequently asked questions address issues relating to all aspects of the programme: what is an AAA, roll-out of the programme, the screening process, the scan itself, the possible results, the available treatment, and how personal information is used.
This wallet card has been produced to help maximise awareness of the abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening programme in Northern Ireland. It provides the website address of the screening programme - www.aaascreening.info - as well as email and telephone contact details for the screening programme office. A postal address is also included. The wallet cards will be distributed to eligible men through the following channels, among others: public events, eg talks with men's groups, Farm Families Health Checks programme;health information stands in shopping centres, supermarkets etc;GP practices;pharmacies. �
BACKGROUND: Major depression, although frequent in primary care, is commonly hidden behind multiple physical complaints that are often the first and only reason for patient consultation. Major depression can be screened by two validated questions that are easier to use in primary care than the full DSM-IV criteria. A third question, called the "help" question, improves the specificity without apparently decreasing the sensitivity of this screening procedure. We validated the abbreviated screening procedure for major depression with and without the "help" question in primary care patients managed for a physical complaint. METHODS: This diagnostic accuracy study used data from a cohort study called SODA (for SOmatisation Depression Anxiety ) conducted by 24 general practitioners (GPs) in western Switzerland that included patients over 18 years of age with at least one physical complaint at index consultation. Major depression was identified with the full Patient Health Questionnaire. GPs were asked to screen patients for major depression with the three screening questions one year after inclusion. RESULTS: Out of 937 patients with at least one physical complaint, 751 were eligible one year after index consultation. Major depression was diagnosed in 69/724 (9.5%) patients. The sensitivity and specificity of the two-question method alone were 91.3% (95% confidence interval 81.4-96.4%) and 65.0% (95% confidence interval 61.2-68.6%), respectively. Adding the "help" question decreased the sensitivity (59.4% ; 95% confidence interval 47.0-70.9%) but improved the specificity (88.2% ; 95% confidence interval 85.4-90.5%) of the three-question method. CONCLUSIONS: The use of two screening questions for major depression was associated with high sensitivity and low specificity in primary care patients presenting a physical complaint. Adding the "help" question improved the specificity but clearly decreased the sensitivity; when using the "help" question; four out of ten patients with depression will be missed, compared to only one out of ten with the two-question method. Therefore, the "help" question is not useful as a screening question, but may help discussing management strategies.
Introduction Vitamin D plays a major role in bone metabolismand neuromuscular function. Supplementation with vitamin D iseffective to reduce the risk of fall and of fracture. However adherenceto oral daily vitamin D is low. Screening and correcting vitamin Dinsufficiency in a rheumatologic population could improve bothmorbidity and quality of life. After determining the prevalence ofvitamin D deficiency in this population, we evaluated if supplementationwith a single high dose of oral 25-OH vitamin D3 wassufficient to correct this abnormality.Methods During one month (November 2009), levels of 25-OHvitamin D were systematically determined in our rheumatology outpatientclinic and classified in: vitamin D deficiency (< 10 μg/l),vitamin D insufficiency (10 to 30 μg/l) or normal vitamin D (> 30 μg/l).Patients with insufficiency or deficiency received respectively a singlehigh dose of 300'000 IU or 600'000 IU oral vitamin D3. In addition,all patients with osteoporosis were prescribed daily supplement ofcalcium (1 g) and vitamin D (800 IU). 25-OH vitamin D levels werereevaluated after 3 months.Results Vitamin D levels were initially determined in 292 patients(mean age 53, 211 women, 87 % Caucasian). 77 % had inflammatoryrheumatologic disease (IRD), 20 % osteoporosis (OP) and 12 %degenerative disease (DD). Vitamin D deficiency was present in 20(6.8 %), while 225 (77.1 %) had insufficiency. Of the 245 patientswith levels < 30μg/l, a new determination of vitamin D level wasavailable in 173 (71 %) at 3 months.Conclusion Vitamin D insufficiency is highly prevalent in ourrheumatologic population (84 %), and is not adequately correctedby a single high dose of oral vitamin D3 in > 50 % of the patientswith IRD and DD. In patients with OP, despite association of asingle high dose with daily oral vitamin D supplementation, 40 %of patients are still deficient when reevaluated at 3 months.
This is the sixth Director of Public Health Annual Report, detailing the main public health challenges in Northern Ireland. It also provides information on the wide variety of work undertaken by the PHA and its partners during 2014 to improve the health and social wellbeing of the population. Each year, the report focuses on an overarching area, which this year is ‘Adults aged 18–64 years’. The report structure reflects the main areas of public health action: improving health and reducing inequalities; improving health through early detection; improving health through high quality services; improving health through research; protecting health. For ease of reference, the sections are colour coded. On page 94, the report also lists core tables for 2013 relating to key statistical data on, among others, population, birth and death rates, mortality by cause, life expectancy, immunisation and screening. The PDF document of the Core tables is available below. In addition to the core tables, a specific set of tables relating to various aspects of adults aged 18–64 years are published alongside this report.
This work had the objective of assessing the present epidemiological situation regarding schistosomiasis through performing Kato-Katz coproscopic tests on representative samples of schoolchildren from each of the 43 municipality of endemic area of the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. The methodology is recommended by the World Health Organization to conduct sampled surveys among children at elementary school levels, ideal target group for baseline surveys: (i) schools are accessible; (ii) the greatest prevalence of schistosomiasis is found within this group; (iii) the data gathered from this age group can be used for intervention within the community as a whole. The following infection indicators were utilized: positivity (percentage of individuals examined with eggs of Schistosoma mansoni in the feces) and severity (geometric mean number of eggs per gram of feces, epg). These indicators allowed the area in general and the municipalities in particular to be categorized into prevalence and severity classes for S. mansoni. The prevalence classes were: low (<10%), medium (> 10 and < 50%), and high (> 50%); the severity classes were: low (1-99 epg), moderate (100-399 epg), and severe (> 400 epg). For the geohelminthic diseases, the following indicators were used: positivity for each geohelminth (percentage of individuals examined with eggs of geohelminths), and cumulative positivity (percentage of individuals examined with eggs of at least one geohelminth). The municipalities were categorized by means of their cumulative positivity into the following geohelminth prevalence classes (WHO 2002): low (< 50%), medium (> 50 and < 70%), and high (> 70%). The study covered 271 schools in 179 different localities, thus giving a total of 11,234 examinations performed. The overall positivity for S. mansoni was 14.4% and the egg count for this parasite in the feces gave a geometric mean of 67.9 epg which suggests a low general state of infection. These results allow this mesoregion to be categorized as presenting medium prevalence and low severity of schistosomiasis. The overall positivity rates for the geohelminths, Ascaris lumbricoides, Ancylostomidae, and Trichuris trichiura were, respectively, 30.4, 10.1, and 27.8%; the cumulative positivity was 45.4%. These results allow this mesoregion to be categorized as presenting low prevalence of geohelminthic diseases. The data show some municipalities in Pernambuco with prevalence greater than 20%, while others presented parasite loads greater than 100 epg. These indicators attest to the significant morbidity due to schistosomiasis regarding to the severity of infections established in young populations.
This information leaflet is for all men invited to take part in the Northern Ireland Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening Programme. Men will automatically be invited for screening in their 65th year, while men aged over 65 can request a scan through the central screening office.
The European Respiratory Society spirometry tent: a unique form of screening for airway obstruction.
In order to raise public awareness of the importance of early detection of airway obstruction and to enable many people who had not been tested previously to have their lung function measured, the European Lung Foundation and the European Respiratory Society (ERS) organised a spirometry testing tent during the annual ERS Congresses in 2004-2009. Spirometry was performed during the ERS Congresses in volunteers; all participants answered a simple, brief questionnaire on their descriptive characteristics, smoking and asthma. Portable spirometers were freely provided by the manufacturer. Nurses and doctors from pulmonary departments of local hospitals/universities gave their service for free. Lower limit of normal (LLN) and Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) criteria for diagnosing and grading airway obstruction were used. Of 12,448 participants in six congress cities, 10,395 (83.5%) performed acceptable spirometry (mean age 51.0 ± 18.4 yrs; 25.5% smokers; 5.5% asthmatic). Airway obstruction was present in 12.4% of investigated subjects according to LLN criteria and 20.3% according to GOLD criteria. Through multinomial logistic regression analysis, age, smoking habits and asthma were significant risk factors for airway obstruction. Relative risk ratio and 95% confidence interval for LLN stage I, for example, was 2.9 (2.0-4.1) for the youngest age (≤ 19 yrs), 1.9 (1.2-3.0) for the oldest age (≥ 80 yrs), 2.4 (2.0-2.9) for current smokers and 2.8 (2.2-3.6) for reported asthma diagnosis. In addition to being a useful advocacy tool, the spirometry tent represents an unusual occasion for early detection of airway obstruction in large numbers of city residents with an important public health perspective.
Testing for high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) as triage and test of cure was introduced into the Northern Ireland Cervical Screening Programme on Monday 28 January 2013. This policy change will significantly alter the screening pathway for women with a mild dyskaryosis or borderline smear result.
Testing for high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) as triage and test of cure was introduced into the Northern Ireland Cervical Screening Programme on Monday 28 January 2013. This policy change will significantly alter the screening pathway for women with a mild dyskaryosis or borderline smear result.
Cross sectional studies on malaria prevalence was performed in 2001, 2002, and 2004 in Vila Candelária, an urban riverside area of Porto Velho, Rondônia, in the Brazilian Western Amazon, followed by longitudinal surveys on malaria incidence. Vila Candelária is a working class district, provided with electricity, water supply, and basic sanitation. Previous preliminary surveys indicated high malaria incidence in this community. At the end of year 2000 regular diagnostic and treatment measures for malaria were introduced, with active search of febrile cases among residents. Despite of both rapid treatment of cases and relative good sanitary and housing conditions, the malaria incidence persisted at high levels during the following years with an annual parasite index of 150 to 300/1000 inhabitants. Parasite surveys in 2001, 2002, and 2004 achieved through microscopy and polymerase chain reaction to diagnose malaria showed a constant high prevalence of asymptomatic carriers for both Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax parasites. It was concluded that asymptomatic carriers represent an important reservoirs of parasites and that the carriers might contribute to maintaining the high level of transmission. Comparing our findings to similar geo-demographic situations found in other important urban communities of the Brazilian Amazon, we propose that asymptomatic carriers could explain malaria's outbreaks like the one recently observed in Manaus.
Alternanthera tenella Colla extracts are used in Brazilian traditional folk medicine to treat a variety of infectious diseases as well as inflammation and fever. In this work, the immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and potential toxic effects of cold (CAE) and hot (HAE) aqueous extracts of A. tenella were investigated in vivo. In addition, we analyzed the phytochemical properties of both extracts. BALB/c mice were immunized in vivo with sheep red blood cells and concomitantly inoculated intraperitoneally (i.p.) with each extract (50, 100 or 200 mg/kg). Specific antibody-producing cells were enumerated using plaque-forming cell assays (PFC) and anti-SRBC IgG and IgM serum levels were measured via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Body and lymphoid organ weights were determined after treatments in order to evaluate toxic effects. Carrageenan-induced paw edema was employed to investigate anti-inflammatory activity in mice inoculated i.p. with CAE or HAE (200 or 400 mg/kg). Phytochemical screening was performed using spectrometric and chromatographic approaches and revealed that CAE possessed higher tannin and flavonoid levels than HAE. PFC numbers were increased after treatment with CAE (100 mg/kg) four days after immunization, as were the serum antibody titers after four and seven days, suggesting immunostimulatory activity through modulation of B lymphocyte functions. Body and organ weights did not show major changes, suggesting that extracts administered to mice did not induce significant toxicity. Both extracts had significant anti-inflammatory activity in the paw edema assay. These results suggested that aqueous extracts from A. tenella contained several chemical compounds that possess positive and/or negative modulator effects on the immune system, which appeared to correlate with tannin and flavonoid levels in those extracts. In summary, these studies provide important insight into the biological activities of A. tenella.
BACKGROUND: Shared Decision Making (SDM) is increasingly advocated as a model for medical decision making. However, there is still low use of SDM in clinical practice. High impact factor journals might represent an efficient way for its dissemination. We aimed to identify and characterize publication trends of SDM in 15 high impact medical journals. METHODS: We selected the 15 general and internal medicine journals with the highest impact factor publishing original articles, letters and editorials. We retrieved publications from 1996 to 2011 through the full-text search function on each journal website and abstracted bibliometric data. We included publications of any type containing the phrase "shared decision making" or five other variants in their abstract or full text. These were referred to as SDM publications. A polynomial Poisson regression model with logarithmic link function was used to assess the evolution across the period of the number of SDM publications according to publication characteristics. RESULTS: We identified 1285 SDM publications out of 229,179 publications in 15 journals from 1996 to 2011. The absolute number of SDM publications by journal ranged from 2 to 273 over 16 years. SDM publications increased both in absolute and relative numbers per year, from 46 (0.32% relative to all publications from the 15 journals) in 1996 to 165 (1.17%) in 2011. This growth was exponential (P < 0.01). We found fewer research publications (465, 36.2% of all SDM publications) than non-research publications, which included non-systematic reviews, letters, and editorials. The increase of research publications across time was linear. Full-text search retrieved ten times more SDM publications than a similar PubMed search (1285 vs. 119 respectively). CONCLUSION: This review in full-text showed that SDM publications increased exponentially in major medical journals from 1996 to 2011. This growth might reflect an increased dissemination of the SDM concept to the medical community.
By 1997, an open cohort of 1,652 live newborn of 1,637 mothers with gestational toxoplasmosis had been recruited in the Campania region to monitor the burden of congenital toxoplasmosis (CT). Of the 1,556 mother-child pairs that completed the follow up, 92 definite cases were detected, yielding a 5.9% (4.8-7.1 95% CI) transmission rate. The onset was patent for 43% of patients and sensorineural complications were shown for a further 15% of subclinical onset patients later than two years of age. The overall prevalence of toxoplasmosis during gestation was 2.46 of 1,000 deliveries, while the prevalence of definite CT was 1.38 of 10,000 live newborns. However, there is still room for intervention, as only 23% of the maternal diagnoses were proven through seroconversion, 63 of the late-gestation seroconverters remained untreated, and six probable CT diagnoses were made following referrals due to patent sequelae and born during the study period. There was a positive secular trend on the rates of infant referral and definite CT diagnosis, according to the live birth rate (Ç2 for trend < 0.001). Extension of this surveillance system across the country could help to define a future strategy for prevention.