946 resultados para Heavy metal toxicity
This volume contains the Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Biochemical Engineering Symposium held at Kansas State University on September 21, 1996. The program included 10 oral presentations and 14 posters. Some of the papers describe the progress of ongoing projects, and others contain the results of completed projects. Only brief summaries are given of some of the papers; many of the papers will be published in full elsewhere. A listing of those who attended is given below. ContentsForeign Protein Production from SV40 Early Promoter in Continuous Cultures of Recombinant CHO Cells - Gautam Banik, Paul Todd, and Dhinakar Kampala Enhanced Cell Recruitment Due to Cell-Cell Interactions - Brad Farlow and Matthias Nollert The Recirculation of Hybridoma Suspension Cultures: Effects on Cell Death, Metabolism and Mab Productivity - Peng Jin and Carole A. Heath The Importance of Enzyme Inactivation and Self-Recovery in Cometabolic Biodegradation of Chlorinated Solvents - Xi-Hui Zhang, Shanka Banerji, and Rakesh Bajpai Phytoremediation of VOC contaminated Groundwater using Poplar Trees - Melissa Miller, Jason Dana, L.C. Davis, Murlidharan Narayanan, and L.E. Erickson Biological Treatment of Off-Gases from Aluminum Can Production: Experimental Results and Mathematical Modeling - Adeyma Y. Arroyo, Julio Zimbron, and Kenneth F. Reardon Inertial Migration Based Separation of Chlorella Microalgae in Branched Tubes - N.M. Poflee, A.L. Rakow, D.S. Dandy, M.L. Chappell, and M.N. Pons Contribution of Electrochemical Charge to Protein Partitioning in Aqueous Two-Phase Systems - Weiyu Fan and Charles C. Glatz Biodegradation of Some Commercial Surfactants Used in Bioremediation - Jun Gu, G.W. Preckshot, S.K. Banerji, and Rakesh Bajpai Modeling the Role of Biomass in Heavy Metal Transport Ln Vadose Zone - K.V. Nedunuri, L.E. Erickson, and R.S. Govindaraju Multivariable Statistical Methods for Monitoring Process Quality: Application to Bioinsecticide Production by 73 89 Bacillus Thuringiensis - c. Puente and M.N. Karim The Use of Polymeric Flocculants in Bacterial Lysate Streams - H. Graham, A.S. Cibulskas and E.H. Dunlop Effect of Water Content on transport of Trichloroethylene in a Chamber with Alfalfa Plants - Muralidharan Narayanan, Jiang Hu, Lawrence C. Davis, and Larry E. Erickson Detection of Specific Microorganisms using the Arbitrary Primed PCR in the Bacterial Community of Vegetated Soil - X. Wu and L.C. Davis Flux Enhancement Using Backpulsing - V.T. Kuberkar and R.H. Davis Chromatographic Purification of Oligonucleotides: Comparison with Electrophoresis - Stephen P. Cape, Ching-Yuan Lee, Kevin Petrini, Sean Foree, Micheal G. Sportiello and Paul Todd Determining Singular Arc Control Policies for Bioreactor Systems Using a Modified Iterative Dynamic Programming Algorithm - Arun Tholudur and W. Fred Ramirez Pressure Effect on Subtilisins Measured via FTIR, EPR and Activity Assays, and Its Impact on Crystallizations - J.N. Webb, R.Y. Waghmare, M.G. Bindewald, T.W. Randolph, J.F. Carpenter, C.E. Glatz Intercellular Calcium Changes in Endothelial Cells Exposed to Flow - Laura Worthen and Matthias Nollert Application of Liquid-Liquid Extraction in Propionic Acid Fermentation - Zhong Gu, Bonita A. Glatz, and Charles E. Glatz Purification of Recombinant T4 Lysozyme from E. Coli: Ion-Exchange Chromatography - Weiyu Fan, Matt L. Thatcher, and Charles E. Glatz Recovery and Purification of Recombinant Beta-Glucuronidase from Transgenic Corn - Ann R. Kusnadi, Roque Evangelista, Zivko L. Nikolov, and John Howard Effects of Auxins and cytokinins on Formation of Catharanthus Roseus G. Don Multiple Shoots - Ying-Jin Yuan, Yu-Min Yang, Tsung-Ting Hu, and Jiang Hu Fate and Effect of Trichloroethylene as Nonaqueous Phase Liquid in Chambers with Alfalfa - Qizhi Zhang, Brent Goplen, Sara Vanderhoof, Lawrence c. Davis, and Larry E. Erickson Oxygen Transport and Mixing Considerations for Microcarrier Culture of Mammalian Cells in an Airlift Reactor - Sridhar Sunderam, Frederick R. Souder, and Marylee Southard Effects of Cyclic Shear Stress on Mammalian Cells under Laminar Flow Conditions: Apparatus and Methods - M.L. Rigney, M.H. Liew, and M.Z. Southard
In 1995-1997 three oceanographic cruises to the White Sea were undertaken in the framework of the INTAS project 94-391, and a multi-disciplinary geochemical study of the major North Dvina estuary has been carried out. Distribution of temperature, salinity and concentration of suspended matter in water columm, as well as contents of Al, Fe, Mn, Co, Cu, Ni, Cr, Pb, Zn, and organic carbon contents in suspended matter and sediments of the North Dvina estuary were determined. Most of the metals and organic matter studied appear to be of terrestrial origin, since the main source of investigated elements in the estuary is river run-off. It was found that metals incorporated in minerals are absolutely prevailing forms in estuarine sediments, they comprise up to 60-99% of total metal contents. Two zones of metal accumulation in the sediments were found in the North Dvina estuary. These zones are considered as local geochemical barriers within a major river-sea barrier. Distribution of most elements studied in the sediments of the North Dvina estuary is controlled by grain size variability in the sediments. Analysis of data on heavy metal contents in the sediments and bivalves of the North Dvina estuary did not reveal any anthropogenic heavy metal pollution in the region.
Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) are exposed to high concentrations of mercury because they are apex predators in the Arctic ecosystem. Although mercury is a potent neurotoxic heavy metal, it is not known whether current exposures are of neurotoxicological concern to polar bears. We tested the hypotheses that polar bears accumulate levels of mercury in their brains that exceed the estimated lowest observable adverse effect level (20 µg/g dry wt) for mammalian wildlife and that such exposures are associated with subtle neurological damage, as determined by measuring neurochemical biomarkers previously shown to be disrupted by mercury in other high-trophic wildlife. Brain stem (medulla oblongata) tissues from 82 polar bears subsistence hunted in East Greenland were studied. Despite surprisingly low levels of mercury in the brain stem region (total mercury = 0.36 ± 0.12 µg/g dry wt), a significant negative correlation was measured between N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor levels and both total mercury (r = -0.34, p < 0.01) and methylmercury (r = -0.89, p < 0.05). No relationships were observed among mercury, selenium, and several other neurochemical biomarkers (dopamine-2, gamma-aminobutyric acid type A, muscarinic cholinergic, and nicotinic cholinergic receptors; cholinesterase and monoamine oxidase enzymes). These data show that East Greenland polar bears do not accumulate high levels of mercury in their brain stems. However, decreased levels of NMDA receptors could be one of the most sensitive indicators of mercury's subclinical and early effects.
Twenty-nine surface samples from the Portuguese shelf, recovered offshore from the mouths of the Ave, Douro, Lis and Mira rivers, were analysed using ICP-OES for selected major and trace elements, after total dissolution. Organic carbon, carbonate content and grain size were also determined. Five evaluation tools have been applied in order to compare the three study areas and to evaluate sediment geochemistry and other sediment compositional variability in the acquired samples: (1) empirical methods based on comparison with standard reference criteria, e.g. the NOAA sediment quality guidelines, (2) normalisation ratios using a grain-size proxy element, (3) "Gradient Method", plotting contaminant vs. organic matter or Al, (4) definition of a regional geochemical baseline from a compiled database, and (5) enrichment factors. The evaluation of element and component associations indicates differences related both to the onshore drainage areas and to the environmental shelf setting. Despite the considerable variability in total metal contents indicated by our results, the sediment metal composition is largely of natural origin. Metal enrichments observed in the Mira area are associated with the drainage of mineralised areas rich in Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe and Mn. The near absence of human impact on shelf sediments, despite the vicinity to urban areas with high industrialisation levels, such as the Ave-Douro and Lis areas, is attributed to effective trapping in the estuaries and coastal zones, as well dilution with less contaminated sediments shelf sediments and removal with fine fractions due to grain-size sorting. The character of the contaminated sediments transported to these shelf areas is further influenced by grain-size sorting as well as by dilution with less contaminated marine sediments. The results obtained individually by the different methods complement each other and allow more specific interpretations.
Manganese-iron accumulates in the Kiel Bay were investigated with regard to their occurence, chemical composition and formation. Three morphologically different types were identified: a) growth on mussels, b) spherical nodules (ca. 1-3 cm) and c) disshaped symetrical and asymetrical nodules (up to 10 cm). Average values from 110 accumulates representing the three types were: Mn 29.3%, Fe 10.0%, Co 77 ppm, Ni 97 ppm, Cu 21 ppm and Zn 340 ppm. Accumulates on mussels showed the highest trace metal concentrations. A growth rate of ca. 0.6 mm/yr for type (a) was estimated. Heavy metal concentrations were determined in ca. 60 sediment and 30 pore water samples, and in 110 Baltic sea water samples. During certain periods, large increases in Mn values (up to 400 (µg/l) were found in the deeper waters. These concentrations develop during periods of strong stagnant conditions in the sediments where dissolution of Mn oxides, and diffusion mobilizes the Mn into the overlying waters. The manganese is then reprecipitated close to the boundary of the O2-enriched surface waters. This critical O2-concentration was found to be 40% saturation. In the Kiel Bay, Mn-Fe-accumulates are found in a zone which marks the upper limit sometimes reached by the deep waters of lower O2-concentration. Additionally, the availability of larger particles (especially stones or mussels) on the sediment surface is necessary. These conditions are met in the Kiel Bay in a water depth of 20-28 m at several places.
Results of mineralogical and geochemical investigations of post-Middle Jurassic deposits of the Atlantic Ocean are based on materials of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Comparative characteristics of primary matter for ''black shales'' are given. Exhalative origin of heavy metal accumulation in near-axial sedimentary deeps of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (23°N) are shown. History of post-Middle Jurassic sedimentation is considered on the base of clay mineral-, clastic component-, trace and rare- chemical element studies.