825 resultados para Health in Prison
INTRODUÇÃO: A tuberculose sempre foi um grave problema de saúde para grupos de pessoas confinadas, especialmente em presídios, devido à sua transmissão respiratória. OBJETIVO: Verificar a associação entre o tempo de prisão e a taxa de infecção tuberculosa na população carcerária dos Distritos Policiais da zona oeste da cidade de São Paulo. METODOLOGIA:Foi realizado um estudo observacional, no período de março de 2000 a maio de 2001, com a aplicação de um inquérito individual e da prova tuberculínica (PPD-RT23 - 2UT/0.1ml) nos detentos. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: Do total de 1.052 presos entrevistados, 932 concordaram em fazer a prova tuberculínica e, destes, 64,5% estavam infectados. Para as análises, os detentos foram classificados como primários e reincidentes e como não reatores e reatores à prova tuberculínica, segundo o tempo de prisão. Entre os 134 detentos primários que estavam presos há menos de 60 dias, 40,3% foram reatores ao PPD e dos 53 com mais de 366 dias de prisão a percentagem de reatores foi de 62,3%. Entre os 146 detentos reincidentes presos há menos de 60 dias, 72,6% foram reatores ao PPD e dos 25 com mais de 366 dias de prisão, 100,0% estava infectado. Em todos os períodos de permanência na prisão, os detentos reincidentes tiveram maior percentagem de infecção tuberculosa do que os detentos primários. A associação entre tempo de prisão e reatividade ao PPD foi confirmada pelo Teste de Tendência (p<0.001) do programa Epi-Info-6. CONCLUSÕES:Quanto maior o tempo de prisão, maior a taxa de infecção tuberculosa. Detentos reincidentes são um risco de infecção para os detentos primários.
We studied the behavior of virgin queens of the stingless bee species Schwarziana quadripunctata, Paratrigona lineata and Tetragona clavipes, investigating internal nest activities, including the cell provisioning and oviposition process. We made direct observation of queen behavior, with the aid of video filming. Forty-four virgin queens of S. quadripunctata were observed; one was larger and more attractive than the others. Miniature queens were more abundant than normal-size queens; both were found in prison chambers. Agonistic behavior between virgin and physogastric queens of P. lineata was observed during attempts at queen supersedure. After the disappearance of the physogastric queen and the appearance of a virgin queen in T. clavipes nests, the brood cells were sealed with pollen alone, but no egg. In all three species, the presence of one or more virgin queens appeared to make the colonies nervous, even though constant production of virgin queens is vital to the survival of the colony and is part of the colony cycle in these bees.
Chagas disease caused by Trypanosoma cruzi is a complex disease that is endemic and an important problem in public health in Latin America. The T. cruzi parasite is classified into six discrete taxonomic units (DTUs) based on the recently proposed nomenclature (TcI, TcII, TcIII, TcIV, TcV and TcVI). The discovery of genetic variability within TcI showed the presence of five genotypes (Ia, Ib, Ic, Id and Ie) related to the transmission cycle of Chagas disease. In Colombia, TcI is more prevalent but TcII has also been reported, as has mixed infection by both TcI and TcII in the same Chagasic patient. The objectives of this study were to determine the T. cruzi DTUs that are circulating in Colombian chronic Chagasic patients and to obtain more information about the molecular epidemiology of Chagas disease in Colombia. We also assessed the presence of electrocardiographic, radiologic and echocardiographic abnormalities with the purpose of correlating T. cruzi genetic variability and cardiac disease. Molecular characterization was performed in Colombian adult chronic Chagasic patients based on the intergenic region of the mini-exon gene, the 24S alpha and 18S regions of rDNA and the variable region of satellite DNA, whereby the presence of T. cruzi I, II, III and IV was detected. In our population, mixed infections also occurred, with TcI-TcII, TcI-TcIII and TcI-TcIV, as well as the existence of the TcI genotypes showing the presence of genotypes Ia and Id. Patients infected with TcI demonstrated a higher prevalence of cardiac alterations than those infected with TcII. These results corroborate the predominance of TcI in Colombia and show the first report of TcIII and TcIV in Colombian Chagasic patients. Findings also indicate that Chagas cardiomyopathy manifestations are more correlated with TcI than with TcII in Colombia.
There are many changes and challenges facing the mental health care professional working in Australia in the 21st Century. Given the significance of their number and the considerable extent to which care is delivered by them, mental health nurses in particular must be at the forefront of the movement to enhance and improve mental health care. Mental health nurses in Australia must not only keep up with the changes, we should be setting the pace for others across the profession worldwide. The increasingly complex field of mental health nursing demands nurses who are not only equipped to face the challenges but are confident in doing so. Definitive guidelines for practice, clear expectations regarding outcomes and specific means by which to evaluate both practice and outcomes are vital. Strengthening the role and vision of mental health nursing so that there is clarity about both and highlighting core values by which to perform will enable us to become focused on our future and what we can expect to both give to and receive from our chosen profession and how we can, and do, contribute to mental health care. The role of the mental health nurse is undergoing expansion and there are new hurdles to overcome along with the new benefits this brings. To support this, nationally adopted, formalised standards of practice and means by which to measure these, i.e., practice indicators formerly known as clinical indicators, are required. It is important to have national standards and practice indicators because of the variances in the provision of mental health across Australia – different legislation regarding mental health policies and processes, different nursing registration bodies and Nursing Councils, for example – which create additional barriers to cohesion and uniformity. Improvements in the practice of mental health nursing lead to benefits for consumer outcomes as well as the overall quality of mental health care available in Australia. The emphasis on rights-based care, particularly consumer and carer rights, demands evidence-based, up-to-date mental health care delivered by competent, capable professionals. Documented expectations for performance by nurses will provide all involved with yardsticks by which to evaluate outcomes. Flowing on from these benefits are advances in mental health care generally and enhancements to Australia’s reputation and position within the health care arena throughout the world. Currently, the ‘Standards for Practice’ published by the Australian New Zealand College of Mental Health Nurses (ANZCMHN) in 1995 and the practice indicators developed by Skews et al. (2000) provide a less formal guide for mental health nurses working in Australia. While these earlier standards and practice indicators have played some role in supporting mental health nurses they have not been nationally or enthusiastically adopted and there are a multitude of reasons for this. This report reviews the current literature available on practice indicators and standards for practice and describes an evidence-based rationale as to why a review and renewal of these is required and why it is important, not just for mental health nurses but to the field of mental health in general. The term ‘practice indicator’ is used, except where a quotation utilises ‘clinical indicator’, to more accurately reflect the broad spectrum of nursing roles, i.e. not all mental health nursing work involves a clinical role.
Morrell, Taylor and Kerr, from the University of Sydney's Department of Public Health, review the evidence of an association between unemployment and psychological and physical ill-health in young people aged 15-24 years. Aggregate data show youth unemployment and youth suicide to be strongly associated Youth unemployment is also associated with psychological symptoms, such as depression and loss of confidence. Effects on physical health have been less extensively studied; however, there is some evidence for an association with raised blood pressure. Finally, the prevalence of lifestyle risk factors (cannabis use and, less consistently tobacco and alcohol consumption) is higher in unemployed compared with employed young people.
Objectives This study examines the direct and mediated effects of shift workers' coping strategies and social support on structural work-nonwork conflict and subjective health. Methods The participants were 172 registered female nurses, aged 21 to 40 years. They all worked full-time, on rapidly rotating, 8-hour shifts in metropolitan general hospitals. All the respondents completed a self-administered questionnaire requesting demographic information and data on sources of social support, work-nonwork conflict, and coping strategies. Results A path model with good fit (chi(2)=28.88, df=23, P>.23, CFI=0.97) demonstrated complex effects of social support and coping on structural work-nonwork conflict and health. Conclusions Structural work-nonwork conflict mediated the effects of social support from supervisors and emotionally expressive coping on psychological symptoms. Control of shifts mediated the effect of social support from supervisors on structural work-nonwork conflict. Disengagement coping had direct and mediated effects on psychological and physical health. However, it also had mediated effects, with the effect on psychological health being mediated by support from co-workers and the effect on physical symptoms being mediated by family support. Go-worker support mediated the effect of social support from supervisors on psychological symptoms. Overall, these findings support previous research and clarify the process by which coping strategies and social support affect structural work-nonwork conflict and health in shift work.
More than 41,000 women aged 18-23, 45-50, and 70-75 years in 1996 are participating in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health (Women's Health Australia). Baseline surveys were conducted for all three cohorts in 1996, and the first follow-up survey of the mid-age group in 1998 has achieved a response rate exceeding 90%. The main findings so far reflect the large differences in the life experiences of the three cohorts. The young women report high levels of stress. The physical and mental health of those with young children is worse than for those without children, but confounding by sociodemographic characteristics may account for the differences. Two thirds of young women in the healthy weight or underweight range would like to weigh less, and early onset of dieting is associated with poorer physical and mental health. Most of the women in the mid-age group have multiple roles-in paid work, home duties, and caring for children and other dependents. The potential of the study to investigate the long-term impact of such busy lives on health outcomes is considerable. At this stage, the main health issues for these women relate to tiredness, weight gain, and menopause. The older cohort presents a picture of positive aging. These women are heavier users of health services than the mid-age and younger women, and they are also more satisfied with these services. Although their physical health is poorer, their mental health is better, and they report less stress than women in the other two cohorts. The follow-up survey of this group, planned for 1999, will focus on the coping strategies used by these women. An overall goal of the project is to understand the interactions among social roles, life events, and women's health in order to provide a basis for improved health policies and services. Analysis of these interactions, which relies on both quantitative and qualitative data, poses many challenges that will be addressed as the longitudinal data become available.
OBJECTIVE: To explore relationships between body mass index (BMI, kg/m(2)) and indicators of health and well-being in young Australian women. DESIGN: Population based cohort study-baseline cross sectional data. SUBJECTS: 14,779 women aged 18-23 who participated in the baseline survey of the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health in 1996. MEASUREMENTS: Self-reported height, weight, medical conditions, symptoms and SF-36. RESULTS: The majority of women (68%) had a BMI in the range 18.5-
Vagina agenesis is a rare entity. Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome is the most significant cause of vagina agenesis, whereas the second most common cause is complete androgen syndrome. Surgical treatment can propitiate a vaginal reconstruction, but sexual function depends on several factors that affect sexual performance. Many reports focus on the intraoperative and postoperative results and only describe the global approach to these patients, but reports focusing on the management of these patients to enable them to have a normal sexual life are lacking. This case report highlights a multidisciplinary treatment for this kind of morbidity and emphasizes the necessity of incorporating careful attention to sexual health in the treatment of these patients so that they may achieve a good therapeutic response, resulting in a pleasurable sexual life and a good quality of living.
Background. Dental erosion is a multifactorial disease and is associated with dietary habits in infancy and adolescence. Aim. To investigate possible associations among dental erosion and diet, medical history and lifestyle habits in Brazilian schoolchildren. Design. The sample consisted of a random single centre cluster of 414 adolescents (12- and 16-years old) of both genders from private and public schools in Bauru (Brazil). The O`Brien [Children`s Dental Health in the United Kingdom, 1993 (1994) HMSO, London] index was used for dental erosion assessment. Data on medical history, rate and frequency of food and drinks consumption, and lifestyle habits were collected by a self-reported questionnaire. Odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals were used to assess the univariate relationships between variables. Analysis of questionnaire items was performed by multiple logistic regression analysis. The statistical significance level was set at 5%. Results. The erosion present group comprised 83 subjects and the erosion absent group 331. There were no statistically significant correlations among dental erosion and the consumption of food and drinks, medical history, or lifestyle habits. Conclusion. The results indicate that there was no correlation between dental erosion and the risk factors analysed among adolescents in Bauru/Brazil and further investigations are necessary to clarify the multifactorial etiology of this condition.
Background The continued increase in tuberculosis (TB) rates and the appearance of extremely resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains (XDR-TB) worldwide are some of the great problems of public health. In this context, DNA immunotherapy has been proposed as an effective alternative that could circumvent the limitations of conventional drugs. Nonetheless, the molecular events underlying these therapeutic effects are poorly understood. Methods We characterized the transcriptional signature of lungs from mice infected with M. tuberculosis and treated with heat shock protein 65 as a genetic vaccine (DNAhsp65) combining microarray and real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis. The gene expression data were correlated with the histopathological analysis of lungs. Results The differential modulation of a high number of genes allowed us to distinguish DNAhsp65-treated from nontreated animals (saline and vector-injected mice). Functional analysis of this group of genes suggests that DNAhsp65 therapy could not only boost the T helper (Th)1 immune response, but also could inhibit Th2 cytokines and regulate the intensity of inflammation through fine tuning of gene expression of various genes, including those of interleukin-17, lymphotoxin A, tumour necrosis factor-cl, interleukin-6, transforming growth factor-beta, inducible nitric oxide synthase and Foxp3. In addition, a large number of genes and expressed sequence tags previously unrelated to DNA-therapy were identified. All these findings were well correlated with the histopathological lesions presented in the lungs. Conclusions The effects of DNA therapy are reflected in gene expression modulation; therefore, the genes identified as differentially expressed could be considered as transcriptional biomarkers of DNAhsp65 immunotherapy against TB. The data have important implications for achieving a better understanding of gene-based therapies. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Pectenotoxins - an issue for public health - A review of their comparative toxicology and metabolism
Pectenotoxins (PTXs) are a group of toxins associated with diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) and isolated from DSP toxin-producing dinoflagellate algae. Consumption of shellfish contaminated with PTXs has been associated with incidences of severe diarrhetic illness resulting in hospitalisation. Concern has been raised for public health following the discovery that these toxins are not only hepatotoxic and can cause diarrhetic effects in mammals, but that they are potently cytotoxic to human cancer cell lines and have been found to be tumour promoters in animals. With advances in knowledge and technology, more PTXs are being identified, but little is known of their toxicology and the potential impact these toxins may have on public health in the long term. Without such information, adequate health-risk assessments for the consumption of shellfish contaminated with PTXs cannot be performed. This review gives a brief introduction to diarrhetic shellfish toxins, details the known toxicology and metabolism of PTXs in animals, and discusses known incidences of PTX poisoning in humans. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A saúde e o uso do psicotrópico no sistema prisional habitam um paradoxo. O sistema penitenciário, nas últimas décadas, passou por algumas transformações. No mundo, as estatísticas apontam crescimento populacional carcerário e prisões superlotadas, em condições precárias. No Brasil, a situação não é diferente: em 10 anos a população prisional brasileira duplicou e as condições de confinamento são paupérrimas, o que acaba contribuindo para a prevalência de doenças infectocontagiosas. Diante desta realidade, em 2003 homologou-se o Plano Nacional de Saúde no Sistema Penitenciário (PNSSP) que, em consonância com os princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde, visa garantir a integralidade e a universalidade de acesso aos serviços de saúde para a população penitenciária. O estado do Espírito Santo aderiu ao PNSSP e formulou o Plano Operativo Estadual de Atenção Integral à Saúde da População Prisional (2004), contudo, foi a partir de 2010 que se efetivou o acesso aos serviços de saúde prisional capixaba. Neste contexto, a pesquisa de mestrado buscou investigar as práticas de saúde no sistema prisional e as formas de usos do psicotrópico por presos da Penitenciária de Segurança Máxima II (PSMA II), localizada no Complexo Penitenciário de Viana, Espírito Santo. Para tanto, foi necessário habitar o sistema penitenciário capixaba e realizar entrevistas semiestruturadas com profissionais da gestão de saúde prisional da Secretaria Estadual de Justiça do Espírito Santo, com profissional da área da medicina psiquiátrica e com presos da PSMA II. Dessa forma, foi possível observar que a saúde no sistema penitenciário, bem como os usos do psicotrópico, encontram-se em um espaço poroso. As práticas de saúde podem fortalecer estratégias de controle e produzir mortificação, como podem escapar dos investimentos biopolíticos e produzir resistência. O uso do medicamento psicotrópico por sujeitos privados de liberdade encontra-se nessa mesma ambivalência: podem servir como instrumentos regularizadores de captura, como podem produzir autonomia nas suas formas de uso pelos presos. Por fim, entre mortificações e resistências, afirma-se que é o próprio preso que administrará os tensionamentos desse paradoxo e irá produzir vida, potência de vida.
This article has as main objective to evaluate the role of information and communication technologies (ICTs), in particular the eHealth (electronic health), in the implementation of the directive 2011/24/EU, of the European Parliament and of the Council of March 9th, on the exercise of patients' rights in cross-border healthcare within Member States of European Union. Being currently underway the deadline for transposition of the Directive, it is important to analyze the probable results for national health systems. Innovatively, the Directive specifically proposes the implementation of a European network of eHealth in the provision of cross-border healthcare. Within ICT, we focus on telemedicine as a key tool for the implementation, on a context of public budgets constrains. In this context, it is assumed that the EU will support and promote cooperation and the exchange of scientific information between member states within the framework of a voluntary network composed by the national authorities responsible for health (or eHealth). We apply the S.W.O.T. (strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis to forecast the main points that should be focused on deeper research. We discuss the technological, economic and social aspects of the use of ICT on the implementation of the directive. It is thus important to evaluate the context of ICT by S.W.O.T. tool to define strategies to sensitize policy-makers, health managers, and citizens, in order to be able to turn threats into opportunities and mitigating the weaknesses in the implementation of the Directive and to promote a better healthcare access for citizens, ensuring safe, effective healthcare and with different quality.
OBJECTIVE: Data from municipal databases can be used to plan interventions aimed at reducing inequities in health care. The objective of the study was to determine the distribution of infant mortality according to an urban geoeconomic classification using routinely collected municipal data. METHODS: All live births (total of 42,381) and infant deaths (total of 731) that occurred between 1994 and 1998 in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, were considered. Four different geoeconomic areas were defined according to the family head's income in each administrative urban zone. RESULTS: The trends for infant mortality rate and its different components, neonatal mortality rate and post-neonatal mortality rate, decreased in Ribeirão Preto from 1994 to 1998 (chi-square for trend, p<0.05). These rates were inversely correlated with the distribution of lower salaries in the geoeconomic areas (less than 5 minimum wages per family head), in particular the post-neonatal mortality rate (chi-square for trend, p<0.05). Finally, the poor area showed a steady increase in excess infant mortality. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that infant mortality rates are associated with social inequality and can be monitored using municipal databases. The findings also suggest an increase in the impact of social inequality on infant health in Ribeirão Preto, especially in the poor area. The monitoring of health inequalities using municipal databases may be an increasingly more useful tool given the continuous decentralization of health management at the municipal level in Brazil.