920 resultados para Halogenated solvents
Abstract An accurate, reliable and fast multianalyte/multiclass ultra-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC–MS/MS) method was developed and validated for the simultaneous analysis of 23 pharmaceuticals, belonging to different classes amphenicols, sulfonamides, tetracyclines, in honey samples. The method developed consists of ultrasonic extraction followed by UPLC–ESI–MS/MS with electrospray ionization in both positive mode and negative mode. The influence of the extraction solvents and mobile phase composition on the sensitivity of the method, and the optimum conditions for sample weight and extraction temperature in terms of analyte recovery were extensively studied. The identification of antibiotics is fulfilled by simultaneous use of chromatographic separation using an Acquity BEH C18 (100 mm x 2.1 mm, 1.7 µm) analytical column with a gradient elution of mobile phases and tandem mass spectrometry with an electrospray ionization. Finally, the method developed was applied to the determination of target analytes in honey samples obtained from the local markets and several beekeepers in Muğla, Turkey. Ultrasonic-extraction of pharmaceuticals from honey samples is a well-established technique by UPLC–ESI–MS/MS, the uniqueness of this study lies in the simultaneous determination of a remarkable number of compounds belonging to 23 drug at the sub-nanogram per kilogram level.
Global warming is one of the most alarming problems of this century. Initial scepticism concerning its validity is currently dwarfed by the intensification of extreme weather events whilst the gradual arising level of anthropogenic CO2 is pointed out as its main driver. Most of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions come from large point sources (heat and power production and industrial processes) and the continued use of fossil fuels requires quick and effective measures to meet the world’s energy demand whilst (at least) stabilizing CO2 atmospheric levels. The framework known as Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) – or Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) – comprises a portfolio of technologies applicable to large‐scale GHG sources for preventing CO2 from entering the atmosphere. Amongst them, CO2 capture and mineralisation (CCM) presents the highest potential for CO2 sequestration as the predicted carbon storage capacity (as mineral carbonates) far exceeds the estimated levels of the worldwide identified fossil fuel reserves. The work presented in this thesis aims at taking a step forward to the deployment of an energy/cost effective process for simultaneous capture and storage of CO2 in the form of thermodynamically stable and environmentally friendly solid carbonates. R&D work on the process considered here began in 2007 at Åbo Akademi University in Finland. It involves the processing of magnesium silicate minerals with recyclable ammonium salts for extraction of magnesium at ambient pressure and 400‐440⁰C, followed by aqueous precipitation of magnesium in the form of hydroxide, Mg(OH)2, and finally Mg(OH)2 carbonation in a pressurised fluidized bed reactor at ~510⁰C and ~20 bar PCO2 to produce high purity MgCO3. Rock material taken from the Hitura nickel mine, Finland, and serpentinite collected from Bragança, Portugal, were tested for magnesium extraction with both ammonium sulphate and bisulphate (AS and ABS) for determination of optimal operation parameters, primarily: reaction time, reactor type and presence of moisture. Typical efficiencies range from 50 to 80% of magnesium extraction at 350‐450⁰C. In general ABS performs better than AS showing comparable efficiencies at lower temperature and reaction times. The best experimental results so far obtained include 80% magnesium extraction with ABS at 450⁰C in a laboratory scale rotary kiln and 70% Mg(OH)2 carbonation in the PFB at 500⁰C, 20 bar CO2 pressure for 15 minutes. The extraction reaction with ammonium salts is not at all selective towards magnesium. Other elements like iron, nickel, chromium, copper, etc., are also co‐extracted. Their separation, recovery and valorisation are addressed as well and found to be of great importance. The assessment of the exergetic performance of the process was carried out using Aspen Plus® software and pinch analysis technology. The choice of fluxing agent and its recovery method have a decisive sway in the performance of the process: AS is recovered by crystallisation and in general the whole process requires more exergy (2.48–5.09 GJ/tCO2sequestered) than ABS (2.48–4.47 GJ/tCO2sequestered) when ABS is recovered by thermal decomposition. However, the corrosive nature of molten ABS and operational problems inherent to thermal regeneration of ABS prohibit this route. Regeneration of ABS through addition of H2SO4 to AS (followed by crystallisation) results in an overall negative exergy balance (mainly at the expense of low grade heat) but will flood the system with sulphates. Although the ÅA route is still energy intensive, its performance is comparable to conventional CO2 capture methods using alkanolamine solvents. An energy‐neutral process is dependent on the availability and quality of nearby waste heat and economic viability might be achieved with: magnesium extraction and carbonation levels ≥ 90%, the processing of CO2‐containing flue gases (eliminating the expensive capture step) and production of marketable products.
The research on the interaction between radiation and biomolecules pro-vides valuable information for both radiobiology and molecular physics. While radiobiology is interested in the damage inflicted on the molecule upon irradiation, molecular physics exploits these studies to obtain infor-mation about the physical properties of the molecule and the quantum me-chanical processes involved in the interaction. This thesis work investigated how a small change in the structure or composition of a biomolecule changes the response of the molecule to ioniz-ing radiation. Altogether eight different biomolecules were studied: nucleo-sides uridine, 5-methyluridine and thymidine; amino acids alanine, cysteine and serine; and halogenated acetic acids chloro- and bromoacetic acids. The effect of ionizing radiation on these molecules was studied on molecular level, investigating the samples in gas phase. Synchrotron radiation of VUV or soft x-ray range was used to ionize sample molecules, and the subsequent fragmentation processes were investigated with ion mass spectroscopy and ion-ion-electron coincidence spectroscopy. The comparison between the three nucleosides revealed that adding or removing a single functional group can affect not only the bonds from which the molecule ruptures upon ionization but also the charge localiza-tion in the formed fragments. Studies on amino acids and halogenated acetic acids indicated that one simple substitution in the molecule can dramatical-ly change the extent of fragmentation. This thesis work also demonstrates that in order to steer the radiation-induced fragmentation of the molecules, it is not always necessary to alter the amount of energy deposited on the molecules but selecting a suitable substitution may suffice.
This project is focussed on the thermsLl decomposition of t-butyl hydroperoxide and sec-butyl hydroperoxide at 120°C to 160°C in three alcohol solvents. These are methanol, ethajiol and isopropyl alcohol. The aim of the project was to examine the process of induced decomposition. Thermal decomposition of t-hutyl hydroperoxide and sec-butyl hydroperoxide indicate that these reactions have first-order kinetics with activation energies on the order of 20 to 28 K cal/mole, Styrene was used as a free radical trap to inhibit the induced decomposition. The results permitted calculation of how much induced decomposition occurred in its absence. The experimental resvilts indicate that the induced decomposition is important for t-butyl hydroperoxide in alcohol solvents, as shown by both the reaction rate suid product studies. But sec-butyl hydroperoxide results show that the concerted mechanism for the interaction of two sec-butylperoxy radicals occurs in addition to the induced decomposition. Di-sodium E.D,T.A. was added to reduce possible effects of trace transition metal ion .impurities. The result of this experiment were not as expected. The rate of hydroperoxide decomposition was about the same but was zero-order in hydroperoxide concentration.
The thermal decomposition of 2,3-di~ethy l - J-hydr operox y- 1 - butene , p r epared f rol") singl e t oxygen, has been studied i n three solvents over the tempe r a ture r ange from 1500e to l o00e and t!1e i 111 t ial ~oncentrfttl nn r Ange from O. 01 M to 0.2 M. Analys i s of the kine tic data ind ica te s i nduced homolysis as the n ost probRble mode of d e composition, g iving rise to a 3/2 f S order dependence upon hy d.roperoxide concent :r8.tl on . Experimental activation e nergies for the decomposition were f ound to be between 29.5 kcsl./raole and 30.0 k cal./mole .• \,iith log A factors between 11 . 3 and 12.3. Product studies were conducted in R variety of solvents a s well as in the pr esence of a variety of free r adical initiators . Investigation of the kinetic ch a in length indicated a chain length of about fifty. A degenerat i ve chain branching mechanism 1s proposed which predicts the multi t ude of products which Rre observed e xperimentally as well as giving activation energies and log A factors si~il a r to those found experimentally .
The effects of sample solvent composition and the injection volume, on the chromatographic peak profiles of two carbamate derivatives, methyl 2-benzimidazolecarbamate (MBC) and 3-butyl-2,4-dioxo[1,2-a]-s-triazinobenzimidazole (STB), were studied using reverse phase high performance liquid chromatograph. The study examined the effects of acetonitrile percentage in the sample solvent from 5 to 50%, effects of methanol percentage from 5 to 50%, effects of pH increase from 4.42 to 9.10, and effect of increasing buffer concentration from ° to 0.12M. The effects were studied at constant and increasing injection mass and at four injection volumes of 10, 50, 100 and 200 uL. The study demonstrated that the amount and the type of the organic solvents, the pH, and the buffer strength of the sample solution can have a pronounced effect on the peak heights, peak widths, and retention times of compounds analysed. MBC, which is capable of intramolecular hydrogen bonding and has no tendency to ionize, showed a predictable increase .in band broadening and a decrease in retention times at higher eluting strengths of the sample solvent. STB, which has a tendency to ionize or to strongly interact with the sample solvent, was influenced in various ways by the changes in ths sample solvent composition. The sample solvent effects became more pronounced as the injection volume increased and as the percentage of organic solvent in the sample solution became greater. The peak height increases for STB at increasing buffer concentrations became much more pronounced at higher analyte concentrations. It was shown that the widely accepted procedure of dissolving samples in the mobile phase does not yield the most efficient chromatograms. For that reason samples should be dissolved in the solutions with higher aqueous content than that of the mobile phase whenever possible. The results strongly recommend that all the samples and standards, regardless whether the standards are external or internal, be analysed at a constant sample composition and a constant injection volume.
Factors affecting the detennination of PAHs by capillary GC/MS were studied. The effect of the initial column temperature and the injection solvent on the peak areas and heights of sixteen PAHs, considered as priority pollutants, USillg crosslinked methyl silicone (DB!) and 5% diphenyl, 94% dimethyl, 1% vinyl polysiloxane (DBS) columns was examined. The possibility of using high boiling point alcohols especially butanol, pentanol, cyclopentanol, and hexanol as injection solvents was investigated. Studies were carried out to optimize the initial column temperature for each of the alcohols. It was found that the optimum initial column temperature is dependent on the solvent employed. The peak areas and heights of the PAHs are enhanced when the initial column temperature is 10-20 c above the boiling point of the solvent using DB5 column, and the same or 10 C above the boiling point of the solvent using DB1 column. Comparing the peak signals of the PAHs using the alcohols, p-xylene, n-octane, and nonane as injection solvents, hexanol gave the greatest peak areas and heights of the PAHs particularly the late-eluted peaks. The detection limits were at low pg levels, ranging from 6.0 pg for fluorene t9 83.6 pg for benzo(a)pyrene. The effect of the initial column temperature on the peak shape and the separation efficiency of the PARs was also studied using DB1 and DB5 columns. Fronting or splitting of the peaks was obseIVed at very low initial column temperature. When high initial column temperature was used, tailing of the peaks appeared. Great difference between DB! and.DB5 columns in the range of the initial column temperature in which symmetrical.peaks of PAHs can be obtained is observed. Wider ranges were shown using DB5 column. Resolution of the closely-eluted PAHs was also affected by the initial column temperature depending on the stationary phase employed. In the case of DB5, only the earlyeluted PAHs were affected; whereas, with DB1, all PAHs were affected. An analytical procedure utilizing solid phase extraction with bonded phase silica (C8) cartridges combined with GC/MS was developed to analyze PAHs in water as an alternative method to those based on the extraction with organic solvent. This simple procedure involved passing a 50 ml of spiked water sample through C8 bonded phase silica cartridges at 10 ml/min, dried by passing a gentle flow of nitrogen at 20 ml/min for 30 sec, and eluting the trapped PAHs with 500 Jll of p-xylene at 0.3 ml/min. The recoveries of PAHs were greater than 80%, with less than 10% relative standard deviations of nine determinations. No major contaminants were present that could interfere with the recognition of PAHs. It was also found that these bonded phase silica cartridges can be re-used for the extraction of PAHs from water.
The preparation of phenacyl and para-phenylphenacyl esters, the reactions of carboxylic acids, phenols, 2-nitropropane and alcohols with alkyl halides in the presence of fluoride anion are described. The reactions are thought to be accelerated by the formation of hydrogen bonds between the fluoride anion and the organic electron acceptor. The fluoride ,carboxylic acids, fluoride-phenols and fluoride-2-nitropropane are better reaction systems than the fluoride-alcohol. The source of the fluoride anion and the choice of solvents are also discussed.
Hydrogen bond assisted alkylation of phenols is compared with the classical base assisted reactions. The influence of solvents on the fluoride assisted reactions is discussed,· with emphasis on the localization of hydrogen bond charge density. Polar aprotic solvents such as DMF favour a-alkylation, and nonpolar aprotic solvents such as toluene favourC-alkylation of phenol. For more reactive and soluble fluorides, such as tetrabu~ylammoniumfluoride, the polar aprotic solvent favours a-alkylation and nonpolar aprotic solvent favours fluorination. Freeze-dried potassium fluoride is a better catalytic agent in hydrogen bond assisted alkylation reactions of phenol than the oven-dried fluoride. The presence of water in the alkylation reactions reduces the expected yield drastically. The tolerance of the reaction to water has also been studied. The use ofa phase transfer catalyst such as tetrabutylammonium bromide in the alkylation reactions of phenol in the presence of potassium fluoride is very effective under anhydrous conditions. Sterically hindered phenols such as 2,6-ditertiarybutyl-4-methyl phenol could not be alkylated even by using the more reactive fluorides, such as tetrabutylammonium fluoride in either polar or nonpolar aprotic solvents. Attempts were also made to alkylate phenols in the presence of triphenylphosphine oxide.
Re~tes artd pJ~oducts of tllerma]. d,ecom.position of sec-butyl peroxide at 110 - 150°C i.n four solvents h,ave been determined. The d,ecompos i tion vJas sb.o\'\Tn to be tlnlmolecl.llar wi tho energies of activation in toluene, benzene, and cyclohexane of 36 .7-+ 1.0, 33.2 +- 1..0, 33.t~) +.. 1.0 I'(:cal/mol respectively. The activation energy of thermal decomposition for the d,et.1terated peroxide was found to be 37.2 4:- 1.0 KC8:1/1TIol in toluene. A.bo1J.t 70 - 80/~ ol~ tJJ.e' pl~od.1..1CtS could, be explained by kn01rJ11 reactions of free allcoxy raclicals J and very littJ...e, i.f allY, disPl"Opox~tiol'lation of tll10 sec-butoxy radica.ls in t116 solvent cage could be detected. The oth,er 20 - 30% of the peroxide yielded H2 and metb.:'ll etb..yl 1{etol1e. Tl1.e yield. o:f H2 "'lIas unafJ:'ected by the nature or the viscosity of the solvent, but H2 was not formed when s-t1U202 lrJaS phctolyzed. in tolttene at 35°C nor 'tl!Jrl.en the peroxide 1;'JaS tl1.ermally o..ecoJnposed. in the gas p11ase. ~pC-Dideutero-~-butYlperoxide was prepared and decomposed in toluene at 110 - 150°C. The yield of D2 was about ·•e1ne same 248 the yield. of I{2 from s-Bu202, bU.t th.e rate of decomposition (at 135°C) 1iJas only 1/1.55 as fast. Ivlecl1.anisms fOl') J:1ydrogen produ.ction are discussed, but none satisfactorily explains all the evidence.
The kinetics and solvent effects on the thermal decomposition of isopropyl peroxide and 1, 2-dioxane
Rates of H2 formation have been determined for the thermal decomposition of isopropyl peroxide at l30o-l50oC in toluene and methanol and at l400C in isopropyl alcohol and water. Product studies have been carried out at l400C in these solvents. The decomposition of isopropyl peroxide was shown to be unimolecular with energies of activation in toluene, and methanol of 39.1, 23.08 Kcal/mole respectively. It has been shown that the rates of H2 formation in decomposition of isopropyl peroxide are solvent dependent and that the ~ vs "'2';' values (parameters for solvent polarity) givesastraight line. Mechanisms for hydrogen production are discussed which satisfactorily explain the stabilization of the six-centered transition state by the solvent. One possibility is that of conformation stabilization by solvent and the other, a transition state with sufficient ionic character to be stabilized by a polar solvent. Rates of thermal decomposition of 1,2-dioxane in tert-butylbenzene at l40o-l70oC have been determined. The activation energy was found to be 33.4 Kcal/mole. This lower activation energy, compared to that for the decomposition of isopropyl peroxide in toluene (39.1 Kcal/mole) has been explained in terms of ring strain. Decomposition of 1,2 dioxane in MeOH does not follow a first order reaction. Several mechanisms have been suggested for the products observed for decomposition of 1;2-dioxane in toluene and methanol.
Factors involved in the determination of PAHs (16 priority PAHs as an example) and PCBs (10 PCB congeners, representing 10 isomeric groups) by capillary gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS, for PAHs) and electron capture detection (GC/ECD , for PCBs) were studied, with emphasis on the effect of solvent. Having various volatilities and different polarities, solvent studied included dichloromethane, acetonitrile, hexan e, cyclohexane, isooctane, octane, nonane, dodecane, benzene, toluene, p-xylene, o-xylene, and mesitylene. Temperatures of the capillary column, the injection port, the GC/MS interface, the flow rates of carrier gas and make-up gas, and the injection volume were optimized by one factor at a time method or simplex optimization method. Under the optimized conditions, both peak height and peak area of 16 PAHs, especially the late-eluting PAHs, were significantly enhanced (1 to 500 times) by using relatively higher boiling point solvents such as p-xylene and nonane, compared with commonly used solvents like benzene and isooctane. With the improved sensitivity, detection limits of between 4.4 pg for naphthalene and 30.8 pg for benzo[g,h,i]perylene were obtained when p-xylene was used as an injection solvent. Effect of solvent on peak shape and peak intensity were found to be greatly dependent on temperature parameters, especially the initial temperature of the capillary column. The relationship between initial temperature and shape of peaks from 16 PAHs and 10 PCBs were studied and compared when toluene, p-xylene, isooctane, and nonane were used as injection solvents. If a too low initial temperature was used, fronting or split of peaks was observed. On the other hand, peak tailing occurred at a too high initial column temperature. The optimum initial temperature, at which both peak fronting and tailing were avoided and symmetrical peaks were obtained, depended on both solvents and the stationary phase of the column used. On a methyl silicone column, the alkane solvents provided wider optimum ranges of initial temperature than aromatic solvents did, for achieving well-shaped symmetrical GC peaks. On a 5% diphenyl: 1% vinyl: 94% dimethyl polysiloxane column, when the aromatic solvents were used, the optimum initial temperature ranges for solutes to form symmetrical peaks were improved to a similar degree as those when the alkanes were used as injection solvents. A mechanism, based on the properties of and possible interactions among the analyte, the injection solvent, and the stationary phase of the capillary column, was proposed to explain these observations. The effect of initial temperature on peak height and peak area of the 16 PAHs and the 10 PCBs was also studied. The optimum initial temperature was found to be dependent on the physical properties of the solvent used and the amount of the solvent injected. Generally, from the boiling point of the solvent to 10 0C above its boiling point was an optimum range of initial temperature at which cthe highest peak height and peak area were obtained.
This project aimed to determine the protein prof i les and concent rat ion in honeys, ef fect of storage condi t ions on the protein content and the interact ion between proteins and polyphenols. Thi r teen honeys f rom di f ferent botanical or igins were analyzed for thei r protein prof i les using SDS-PAGE, protein concent rat ion and phenol ic content , using the Pierce Protein Assay and Fol in-Ciocal teau methods, respectively. Protein-polyphenol interact ions were analyzed by a combinat ion of the ext ract ion of honeys wi th solvents of di f ferent polar i t ies fol lowed by LCjMS analysis of the obtained f ract ions. Results demonst rated a di f ferent protein content in the tested honeys, wi th buckwheat honey possessing the highest protein concent rat ion. We have shown that the reduct ion of proteins dur ing honey storage was caused, partially, by the protein complexat ion wi th phenolics. The LCjMS analysis of the peak elut ing at retent ion t ime of 10 to 14 min demonst rated that these phenolics included f lavonoids such as Pinobanksin, Pinobanksin acetate, Apigenin, Kaemferol and Myricetin and also cinnamic acid.
Le développement ainsi que l’amélioration des différentes techniques de purification sont des défis importants pour la chimie d’aujourd’hui. Certaines des méthodes actuelles, tel que le greffage d’un réactif sur un support solide permettant d’accéder à un produit pur par simple filtration du milieu, comportent toutefois certains inconvénients. En effet, les propriétés de solubilité de ces polymères rendent la mise en œuvre des réactions plus difficiles. C’est dans ce contexte que le groupe du Pr. Charette a rapporté l’utilisation de réactifs liés à un sel de tétraarylphosphonium (TAP). Ces sels peuvent être solubilisés dans un solvant tel que le dichlorométhane et aisément retirés du milieu réactionnel par précipitation à l’aide d’éther diéthylique (Chapitre 1). L’un des objectifs de cette thèse a donc été lié à la découverte de deux méthodes complémentaires qui, jusqu’à présent, sont considérées comme des méthodes de choix pour la synthèse des sels de TAP fonctionnalisés (Chapitre 2). L’une d’entre elles est utilisée par Soluphase inc., une entreprise qui commercialise ces sels de TAP. L’efficacité des sels en tant que support dans la synthèse de petites molécules a été démontrée lors de la synthèse d’un produit naturel, la (–)-coniine (Chapitre 3). L’isolement des intermédiaires synthétiques instables par simple précipitation à l’aide d’un support de TAP a permis de rendre cette synthèse plus efficace que celle déjà connue. Dans le deuxième volet de cette thèse, plusieurs problèmes reliés à la synthèse de dérivés cyclopropaniques 1,1-disubstitués ont été étudiés. Ces derniers font partie intégrale de plusieurs produits naturels et de médicaments. Cependant, leur formation par une réaction de cyclopropanation d’alcènes utilisant des réactifs diazoïques possédant deux groupements de type accepteur n’est pas tâche facile (Chapitre 4). En effet, cette réaction souffre d’un faible contrôle diastéréosélectif. Par le fait même, très peu de méthodologies de synthèse ont rapporté l’utilisation de ce type de réactifs diazoïques dans des réactions de cyclopropanation stéréosélectives. L’étude du mécanisme de la réaction de cyclopropanation catalysée au Rh(II) a proposé des indices favorisant un modèle ayant des précédents dans la littérature (Chapitre 5). Ces études nous ont mené à la découverte de la «capacité trans-directrice» du groupement amide lors des réactions de cyclopropanation d’oléfines. Nous avons donc utilisé cette propriété afin de résoudre plusieurs problèmes rencontrés dans la littérature. Nous avons montré qu’elle permet l’accès à des dérivés cyclopropaniques possédant deux groupements carboxyliques géminaux avec des sélectivités élevées (Chapitre 6). Ces produits étaient accessibles que par des séquences synthétiques nécessitant plusieurs étapes. De plus, nous avons démontrés que ces nouveaux dérivés cyclopropaniques sont des outils synthétiques fort utiles dans la synthèse de produits naturels d’intérêt biologique. Cette formidable «capacité trans-directrice» du groupement amide nous a permi de résoudre le problème de la synthèse asymétrique de dérivés carboxyliques α-cyano cyclopropaniques (Chapitre 7). De plus, ce projet nous a menées à la découverte de l’effet de divers additif achiraux permettant d’augmenter la sélectivité dans certaines réactions. Cette réaction possède une vaste étendue et l’utilité de ces nouveaux dérivés cyclopropaniques a été démontrée par plusieurs transformations de groupements fonctionnels.
Il est reconnu que le benzène, le toluène, l’éthylbenzène et les isomères du xylène, composés organiques volatils (COVs) communément désignés BTEX, produisent des effets nocifs sur la santé humaine et sur les végétaux dépendamment de la durée et des niveaux d’exposition. Le benzène en particulier est classé cancérogène et une exposition à des concentrations supérieures à 64 g/m3 de benzène peut être fatale en 5–10 minutes. Par conséquent, la mesure en temps réel des BTEX dans l’air ambiant est essentielle pour détecter rapidement un danger associé à leur émission dans l’air et pour estimer les risques potentiels pour les êtres vivants et pour l’environnement. Dans cette thèse, une méthode d’analyse en temps réel des BTEX dans l’air ambiant a été développée et validée. La méthode est basée sur la technique d’échantillonnage direct de l’air couplée avec la spectrométrie de masse en tandem utilisant une source d’ionisation chimique à pression atmosphérique (APCI-MS/MS directe). La validation analytique a démontré la sensibilité (limite de détection LDM 1–2 μg/m3), la précision (coefficient de variation CV < 10%), l’exactitude (exactitude > 95%) et la sélectivité de la méthode. Des échantillons d’air ambiant provenant d’un site d’enfouissement de déchets industriels et de divers garages d’entretien automobile ont été analysés par la méthode développée. La comparaison des résultats avec ceux obtenus par la technique de chromatographie gazeuse on-line couplée avec un détecteur à ionisation de flamme (GC-FID) a donné des résultats similaires. La capacité de la méthode pour l’évaluation rapide des risques potentiels associés à une exposition aux BTEX a été prouvée à travers une étude de terrain avec analyse de risque pour la santé des travailleurs dans trois garages d’entretien automobile et par des expériences sous atmosphères simulées. Les concentrations mesurées dans l’air ambiant des garages étaient de 8,9–25 µg/m3 pour le benzène, 119–1156 µg/m3 pour le toluène, 9–70 µg/m3 pour l’éthylbenzène et 45–347 µg/m3 pour les xylènes. Une dose quotidienne environnementale totale entre 1,46 10-3 et 2,52 10-3 mg/kg/jour a été déterminée pour le benzène. Le risque de cancer lié à l’exposition environnementale totale au benzène estimé pour les travailleurs étudiés se situait entre 1,1 10-5 et 1,8 10-5. Une nouvelle méthode APCI-MS/MS a été également développée et validée pour l’analyse directe de l’octaméthylcyclotétrasiloxane (D4) et le décaméthylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) dans l’air et les biogaz. Le D4 et le D5 sont des siloxanes cycliques volatils largement utilisés comme solvants dans les processus industriels et les produits de consommation à la place des COVs précurseurs d’ozone troposphérique tels que les BTEX. Leur présence ubiquitaire dans les échantillons d’air ambiant, due à l’utilisation massive, suscite un besoin d’études de toxicité. De telles études requièrent des analyses qualitatives et quantitatives de traces de ces composés. Par ailleurs, la présence de traces de ces substances dans un biogaz entrave son utilisation comme source d’énergie renouvelable en causant des dommages coûteux à l’équipement. L’analyse des siloxanes dans un biogaz s’avère donc essentielle pour déterminer si le biogaz nécessite une purification avant son utilisation pour la production d’énergie. La méthode développée dans cette étude possède une bonne sensibilité (LDM 4–6 μg/m3), une bonne précision (CV < 10%), une bonne exactitude (> 93%) et une grande sélectivité. Il a été également démontré qu’en utilisant cette méthode avec l’hexaméthyl-d18-disiloxane comme étalon interne, la détection et la quantification du D4 et du D5 dans des échantillons réels de biogaz peuvent être accomplies avec une meilleure sensibilité (LDM ~ 2 μg/m3), une grande précision (CV < 5%) et une grande exactitude (> 97%). Une variété d’échantillons de biogaz prélevés au site d’enfouissement sanitaire du Complexe Environnemental de Saint-Michel à Montréal a été analysée avec succès par cette nouvelle méthode. Les concentrations mesurées étaient de 131–1275 µg/m3 pour le D4 et 250–6226 µg/m3 pour le D5. Ces résultats représentent les premières données rapportées dans la littérature sur la concentration des siloxanes D4 et D5 dans les biogaz d’enfouissement en fonction de l’âge des déchets.