As the prostate cancer (PCa) progresses, sarcosine levels increase both in tumor cells and urine samples, suggesting that this metabolite measurements can help in the creation of non-invasive diagnostic methods for this disease. In this work, a biosensor device was developed for the quantification of sarcosine via electrochemical detection of H2O2 (at 0.6 V) generated from the catalyzed oxidation of sarcosine. The detection was carried out after the modification of carbon screen printed electrodes (SPEs) by immobilization of sarcosine oxidase (SOX) on the electrode surface. The strategies used herein included the activation of the carbon films by an electrochemical step and the formation of an NHS/EDAC layer to bond the enzyme to the electrode, the use of metallic or semiconductor nanoparticles layer previously or during the enzyme immobilization. In order to improve the sensor stability and selectivity a polymeric layer with extra enzyme content was further added. The proposed methodology for the detection of sarcosine allowed obtaining a limit of detection (LOD) of 16 nM, using a linear concentration range between 10 and 100 nM. The biosensor was successfully applied to the analysis of sarcosine in urine samples.
6th Graduate Student Symposium on Molecular Imprinting
1st ASPIC International Congress
XIX Meeting of the Portuguese Electrochemical Society - XVI Iberic Meeting of Electrochemistry
This work describes a novel use for the polymeric film, poly(o-aminophenol) (PAP) that was made responsive to a specific protein. This was achieved through templated electropolymerization of aminophenol (AP) in the presence of protein. The procedure involved adsorbing protein on the electrode surface and thereafter electroploymerizing the aminophenol. Proteins embedded at the outer surface of the polymeric film were digested by proteinase K and then washed away thereby creating vacant sites. The capacity of the template film to specifically rebind protein was tested with myoglobin (Myo), a cardiac biomarker for ischemia. The films acted as biomimetic artificial antibodies and were produced on a gold (Au) screen printed electrode (SPE), as a step towards disposable sensors to enable point-of-care applications. Raman spectroscopy was used to follow the surface modification of the Au-SPE. The ability of the material to rebind Myo was measured by electrochemical techniques, namely electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and square wave voltammetry (SWV). The devices displayed linear responses to Myo in EIS and SWV assays down to 4.0 and 3.5 μg/mL, respectively, with detection limits of 1.5 and 0.8 μg/mL. Good selectivity was observed in the presence of troponin T (TnT) and creatine kinase (CKMB) in SWV assays, and accurate results were obtained in applications to spiked serum. The sensor described in this work is a potential tool for screening Myo in point-of-care due to the simplicity of fabrication, disposability, short time response, low cost, good sensitivity and selectivity.
A gold screen printed electrode (Au-SPE) was modified by merging Molecular Imprinting and Self-Assembly Monolayer techniques for fast screening cardiac biomarkers in point-of-care (POC). For this purpose, Myoglobin (Myo) was selected as target analyte and its plastic antibody imprinted over a glutaraldehyde (Glu)/cysteamine (Cys) layer on the gold-surface. The imprinting effect was produced by growing a reticulated polymer of acrylamide (AAM) and N,N′-methylenebisacrylamide (NNMBA) around the Myo template, covalently attached to the biosensing surface. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and cyclic voltammetry (CV) studies were carried out in all chemical modification steps to confirm the surface changes in the Au-SPE. The analytical features of the resulting biosensor were studied by different electrochemical techniques, including EIS, square wave voltammetry (SWV) and potentiometry. The limits of detection ranged from 0.13 to 8 μg/mL. Only potentiometry assays showed limits of detection including the cut-off Myo levels. Quantitative information was also produced for Myo concentrations ≥0.2 μg/mL. The linear response of the biosensing device showed an anionic slope of ~70 mV per decade molar concentration up to 0.3 μg/mL. The interference of coexisting species was tested and good selectivity was observed. The biosensor was successfully applied to biological fluids.
This work introduces two major changes to the conventional protocol for designing plastic antibodies: (i) the imprinted sites were created with charged monomers while the surrounding environment was tailored using neutral material; and (ii) the protein was removed from its imprinted site by means of a protease, aiming at preserving the polymeric network of the plastic antibody. To our knowledge, these approaches were never presented before and the resulting material was named here as smart plastic antibody material (SPAM). As proof of concept, SPAM was tailored on top of disposable gold-screen printed electrodes (Au-SPE), following a bottom-up approach, for targeting myoglobin (Myo) in a point-of-care context. The existence of imprinted sites was checked by comparing a SPAM modified surface to a negative control, consisting of similar material where the template was omitted from the procedure and called non-imprinted materials (NIMs). All stages of the creation of the SPAM and NIM on the Au layer were followed by both electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and cyclic voltammetry (CV). AFM imaging was also performed to characterize the topography of the surface. There are two major reasons supporting the fact that plastic antibodies were effectively designed by the above approach: (i) they were visualized for the first time by AFM, being present only in the SPAM network; and (ii) only the SPAM material was able to rebind to the target protein and produce a linear electrical response against EIS and square wave voltammetry (SWV) assays, with NIMs showing a similar-to-random behavior. The SPAM/Au-SPE devices displayed linear responses to Myo in EIS and SWV assays down to 3.5 μg/mL and 0.58 μg/mL, respectively, with detection limits of 1.5 and 0.28 μg/mL. SPAM materials also showed negligible interference from troponin T (TnT), bovine serum albumin (BSA) and urea under SWV assays, showing promising results for point-of-care applications when applied to spiked biological fluids.
Renal damage is an important cause of death in patients who have survived the early effects of severe crotalid envenomation. Extracellular matrix of renal tissue is altered by Crotalus toxin activities. The aim of this study was to describe how cytoskeletal proteins and basal membrane components undergo substantial alterations under the action of Crotalus vegrandis crude venom and its hemorrhagic fraction (Uracoina-1) in mice. To detect the proteins in question, the immunoperoxidase method with monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies was used. Cell types within renal lesions were characterized by phenotypic identification, by means of immunohistologic analysis of marker proteins using different primary antibodies against mesangial cells, endothelial cells, cytoskeletal proteins (intermediate filament), extracellular matrix and basal membranes. Samples for morphological study by standard procedures (biotin-streptavidin-peroxidase technique) using light microscopy were processed. Positive and negative controls for each antigen tested in the staining assay were included. After crude venom and hemorrhagic fraction inoculation of mice, the disappearance of cytoskeletal vimentin and desmin and collagen proteins in the kidney was observed. In extracellular matrix and basal membranes, collagen type IV from envenomed animals tends to disappear from 24 h to 120 h after venom injection.
Using low cost portable devices that enable a single analytical step for screening environmental contaminants is today a demanding issue. This concept is here tried out by recycling screen-printed electrodes that were to be disposed of and by choosing as sensory element a low cost material offering specific response for an environmental contaminant. Microcystins (MCs) were used as target analyte, for being dangerous toxins produced by cyanobacteria released into water bodies. The sensory element was a plastic antibody designed by surface imprinting with carefully selected monomers to ensure a specific response. These were designed on the wall of carbon nanotubes, taking advantage of their exceptional electrical properties. The stereochemical ability of the sensory material to detect MCs was checked by preparing blank materials where the imprinting stage was made without the template molecule. The novel sensory material for MCs was introduced in a polymeric matrix and evaluated against potentiometric measurements. Nernstian response was observed from 7.24 × 10−10 to 1.28 × 10−9 M in buffer solution (10 mM HEPES, 150 mM NaCl, pH 6.6), with average slopes of −62 mVdecade−1 and detection capabilities below 1 nM. The blank materials were unable to provide a linear response against log(concentration), showing only a slight potential change towards more positive potentials with increasing concentrations (while that ofthe plastic antibodies moved to more negative values), with a maximum rate of +33 mVdecade−1. The sensors presented good selectivity towards sulphate, iron and ammonium ions, and also chloroform and tetrachloroethylene (TCE) and fast response (<20 s). This concept was successfully tested on the analysis of spiked environmental water samples. The sensors were further applied onto recycled chips, comprehending one site for the reference electrode and two sites for different selective membranes, in a biparametric approach for “in situ” analysis.
A novel surface molecularly-imprinted (MI) material to detect myoglobin (Myo) using gold screen printed electrodes (SPE) was developed. The sensitive detection was carry out by introducing a carboxylic polyvinyl chloride (PVC-COOH) layer on gold SPE surface. Myo was attached to the surface of gold SPE/PVC-COOH and the vacant spaces around it were filled by polymerizing acrylamide and N,N-methylenebisacrylamide (cross-linker). This polymerization was initiated by ammonium persulphate. After removing the template, the obtained material was able to rebind Myo and discriminate it among other interfering species. Various characterization techniques including electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and cyclic voltammetry (CV) confirmed the surface modification. This sensor seemed a promising tool for screening Myo in point-of-care.
6th Graduate Student Symposium on Molecular Imprinting
III Jornadas de Electroquímica e Inovação (Electroquímica e Nanomateriais), na Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, 16 a 17 de Setembro de 2013
Os radicais livres formam-se naturalmente nos organismos vivos, pois a sua produção/geração está interligada com o processo de produção de energia (respiração), processos inflamatórios (fagocitose), regulação do crescimento celular, sinalização intercelular e síntese de substâncias biológicas relevantes. Estes também podem ser introduzidos por vias exógenas (poluição, radiação, tabaco, alimentação, etc). Os radicais livres têm capacidade de reagir com o material nucleico (ADN e ARN), proteínas e substâncias oxidáveis, causando danos oxidativos responsáveis pelo envelhecimento e originar doenças degenerativas, tais como, o cancro, arteriosclerose, artrite reumatoide, entre outras. De forma a combater os efeitos pejorativos provocados pelos radicais, os organismos vivos desenvolveram complexos sistemas de defesa antioxidante. Estes sistemas são constituídos por antioxidantes endógenos, produzidos pelos seres vivos, tais como enzimas ou por antioxidantes exógenos obtidos por via da alimentação (por exemplo o ácido ascórbico). Neste sentido, um antioxidante tem capacidade de eliminar ou reduzir a propagação da cadeia de geração de radicais livres. Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um biossensor enzimático para a quantificação da capacidade antioxidante total de matrizes alimentares. A construção deste biossensor consistiu na eletroimobilização da adenina no elétrodo de pasta de carbono (EPC) ou na adsorção física da dA20 na superfície do EPC. O dano oxidativo foi induzido pelo radical hidroxilo gerado pela reação de Fenton. Nesta dissertação, foi estudada a capacidade de alguns antioxidantes em eliminar o efeito pejorativo dos radicais livres e combater a integridade das bases de adenina ou do dA20.Os antioxidantes estudados foram o ácido ascórbico e alguns ácidos fenólicos como o ácido hidroxibenzoico (ácido gálico) e ácidos hidroxicinâmicos (ácido cafeico e ácido cumárico). Estes antioxidantes têm a capacidade de neutralizar o radical hidroxilo e proteger a adenina/dA20 imobilizado na superfície do EPC. O comportamento da Lacase foi estudado na presença do ácido gálico e do ácido ascórbico. Os estudos eletroquímicos foram realizados através da voltametria de onda quadrada (VOQ), sendo que a interação entre a adenina/ou o dA20 imobilizada na superfície do EPC e os radicais livres na ausência e presença de antioxidantes foi avaliada por meio de mudanças no pico anódico produzido pela oxidação da adenina /dA20. Os resultados demonstraram que estes biossensores permitem a avaliação da capacidade antioxidante total em águas aromatizadas.
Cadmium is a priority hazardous substance, persistent in the aquatic environment, with the capacity to interfere with crustacean moulting. Moulting is a vital process dictating crustacean growth, reproduction and metamorphosis. However, for many organisms, moult disruption is difficult to evaluate in the short term, what limits its inclusion in monitoring programmes. N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminidase (NAGase) is an enzyme acting in the final steps of the endocrine-regulated moulting cascade, allowing for the cast off of the old exoskeleton, with potential interest as a biomarker of moult disruption. This study investigated responses to waterborne cadmium of NAGase activity of Carcinus maenas originating from estuaries with different histories of anthropogenic contamination: a low impacted and a moderately polluted one. Crabs from both sites were individually exposed for seven days to cadmium concentrations ranging from 1.3 to 2000 μg/L. At the end of the assays, NAGase activity was assessed in the epidermis and digestive gland. Detoxification, antioxidant, energy production, and oxidative stress biomarkers implicated in cadmium metabolism and tolerance were also assessed to better understand differential NAGase responses: activity of glutathione S-transferases (GST), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) glutathione reductase (GR), levels of total glutathiones (TG), lipid peroxidation (LPO), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and NADP+-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH). Animals from the moderately polluted estuary had lower NAGase activity both in the epidermis and digestive gland than in the low impacted site. NAGase activity in the epidermis and digestive gland of C. maenas from both estuaries was sensitive to cadmium exposure suggesting its usefulness for inclusion in monitoring programmes. However, in the digestive gland NAGase inhibition was found in crabs from the less impacted site but not in those from the moderately contaminated one. Altered glutathione levels were observed in cadmium-treated crabs from the contaminated site possibly conferring enhanced tolerance to these animals through its chelator action. Investigation of enhanced tolerance should thus be accounted for in monitoring programmes employing NAGase as biomarker to avoid data misinterpretation.
A gold nanoparticle-coated screen-printed carbon electrode was used as the transducer in the development of an electrochemical immunosensor for Ara h 1 (a major peanut allergen) detection in food samples. Gold nanoparticles (average diameter=32 nm) were electrochemically generated on the surface of screen-printed carbon electrodes. Two monoclonal antibodies were used in a sandwich-type immunoassay and the antibody–antigen interaction was electrochemically detected through stripping analysis of enzymatically (using alkaline phosphatase) deposited silver. The total time of the optimized immunoassay was 3 h 50 min. The developed immunosensor allowed the quantification of Ara h 1 between 12.6 and 2000 ng/ml, with a limit of detection of 3.8 ng/ml, and provided precise (RSD <8.7%) and accurate (recovery >96.6%) results. The immunosensor was successfully applied to the analysis of complex food matrices (cookies and chocolate), being able to detect Ara h 1 in samples containing 0.1% of peanut.