566 resultados para HOMOLOG


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We cloned a Drosophila homolog to the sterol responsive element binding proteins (SREBPs). In vertebrates, the SREBPs are regulated by a mechanism that involves cleavage of the protein that normally residues in the cellular membranes and translocation of the released transcription factor into the nucleus. Regulation of the Drosophila factor HLH106 apparently follows the same mechanism, and we find the full-length gene product in the membrane fraction and a shorter cross-reacting form in the nuclear fraction. This nuclear form, which may correspond to proteolytically activated HLH106, is abundant in the blood cell line mbn-2. The general domain structure of HLH106 is very similar to that in SREBP. HLH106 is expressed throughout development, and it is present at high levels in Drosophila cell lines. In contrast to the rat homolog, HLH106 transcripts are not more abundant in adipose tissue than in other tissues.


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The bacterial cell division protein FtsZ is a homolog of tubulin, but it has not been determined whether FtsZ polymers are structurally related to the microtubule lattice. In the present study, we have obtained high-resolution electron micrographs of two FtsZ polymers that show remarkable similarity to tubulin polymers. The first is a two-dimensional sheet of protofilaments with a lattice very similar to that of the microtubule wall. The second is a miniring, consisting of a single protofilament in a sharply curved, planar conformation. FtsZ minirings are very similar to tubulin rings that are formed upon disassembly of microtubules but are about half the diameter. This suggests that the curved conformation occurs at every FtsZ subunit, but in tubulin rings the conformation occurs at either beta- or alpha-tubulin subunits but not both. We conclude that the functional polymer of FtsZ in bacterial cell division is a long thin sheet of protofilaments. There is sufficient FtsZ in Escherichia coli to form a protofilament that encircles the cell 20 times. The similarity of polymers formed by FtsZ and tubulin implies that the protofilament sheet is an ancient cytoskeletal system, originally functioning in bacterial cell division and later modified to make microtubules.


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During oxidative and photo-phosphorylation, F0F1-ATP synthases couple the movement of protons down an electrochemical gradient to the synthesis of ATP. One proposed mechanistic feature that has remained speculative is that this coupling process requires the rotation of subunits within F0F1. Guided by a recent, high-resolution structure for bovine F1 [Abrahams, J. P., Leslie, A. G., Lutter, R. & Walker, J. E. (1994) Nature (London) 370, 621-628], we have developed a critical test for rotation of the central gamma subunit relative to the three catalytic beta subunits in soluble F1 from Escherichia coli. In the bovine F1 structure, a specific point of contact between the gamma subunit and one of the three catalytic beta subunits includes positioning of the homolog of E. coli gamma-subunit C87 (gamma C87) close to the beta-subunit 380DELSEED386 sequence. A beta D380C mutation allowed us to induce formation of a specific disulfide bond between beta and gamma C87 in soluble E. coli F1. Formation of the crosslink inactivated beta D380C-F1, and reduction restored full activity. Using a dissociation/reassembly approach with crosslinked beta D380C-F1, we incorporated radiolabeled beta subunits into the two noncrosslinked beta-subunit positions of F1. After reduction of the initial nonradioactive beta-gamma crosslink, only exposure to conditions for catalytic turnover results in similar reactivities of unlabeled and radiolabeled beta subunits with gamma C87 upon reoxidation. The results demonstrate that gamma subunit rotates relative to the beta subunits during catalysis.


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Recently many exciting advances have been achieved in our understanding of Drosophila meiosis due to combined cytological and genetic approaches. New techniques have permitted the characterization of chromosome position and spindle formation in female meiosis I. The proteins encoded by the nod and ncd genes, two genes known to be needed for the proper partitioning of chromosomes lacking exchange events, have been identified and found to be kinesin-like motors. The effects of mutations in these genes on the spindle and chromosomes, together with the localization of the proteins, have yielded a model for the mechanism of female meiosis I. In male meiosis I, the chromosomal regions responsible for homolog pairing have been resolved to the level of specific DNA sequences. This provides a foundation for elucidating the molecular basis of meiotic pairing. The cytological techniques available in Drosophila also have permitted inroads into the regulation of sister-chromatid segregation. The products of two genes (mei-S332 and ord) essential for sister-chromatid cohesion have been identified recently. Additional advances in understanding Drosophila meiosis are the delineation of a functional centromere by using minichromosome derivatives and the identification of several regulatory genes for the meiotic cell cycle.


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Recent studies of Saccharomyces cerevisiae have significantly advanced our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of meiotic chromosome behavior. Structural components of the synaptonemal complex have been identified and studies of mutants defective in synapsis have provided insight into the role of the synaptonemal complex in homolog pairing, genetic recombination, crossover interference, and meiotic chromosome segregation. There is compelling evidence that most or all meiotic recombination events initiate with double-strand breaks. Several intermediates in the double-strand break repair pathway have been characterized and mutants blocked at different steps in the pathway have been identified. With the application of genetic, molecular, cytological, and biochemical methods in a single organism, we can expect an increasingly comprehensive and unified view of the meiotic process.


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We have analyzed the role of chitin, a cell-wall polysaccharide, in the virulence of Candida albicans. Mutants with a 5-fold reduction in chitin were obtained in two ways: (i) by selecting mutants resistant to Calcofluor, a fluorescent dye that binds to chitin and inhibits growth, and (ii) by disrupting CHS3, the C. albicans homolog of CSD2/CAL1/DIT101/KT12, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene required for synthesis of approximately 90% of the cell-wall chitin. Chitin-deficient mutants have no obvious alterations in growth rate, sugar assimilation, chlamydospore formation, or germ-tube formation in various media. When growing vegetatively in liquid media, the mutants tend to clump and display minor changes in morphology. Staining of cells with the fluorescent dye Calcofluor indicates that CHS3 is required for synthesis of the chitin rings found on the surface of yeast cells but not formation of septa in either yeast cells or germ tubes. Despite their relatively normal growth, the mutants are significantly less virulent than the parental strain in both immunocompetent and immunosuppressed mice; at 13 days after infection, survival was 95% in immunocompetent mice that received chs3/chs3 cells and 10% in immunocompetent mice that received an equal dose of chs3/CHS3 cells. Chitin-deficient strains can colonize the organs of infected mice, suggesting that the reduced virulence of the mutants is not due to accelerated clearing.


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Diamide oxidizes cellular thiols and induces oxidative stress. To isolate plant genes which may, when overexpressed, increase tolerance of plants toward oxidative damage, an in vivo diamide tolerance screening in yeasts was used. An Arabidopsis cDNA library in a yeast expression vector was used to transform a yeast strain with intact antioxidant defense. Cells from approximately 10(5) primary transformants were selected for resistance to diamide. Three Arabidopsis cDNAs which confer diamide tolerance were isolated. This drug tolerance was specific and no cross tolerance toward hydroperoxides was found. One cDNA (D3) encodes a polypeptide which has an amino-terminal J domain characteristic of a divergent family of DnaJ chaperones. Another (D18) encodes a putative dTDP-D-glucose 4,6-dehydratase. Surprisingly, the third cDNA (D22) encodes a plant homolog of gamma-glutamyltransferases. It would have been difficult to predict that the expression of those genes would lead to an improved survival under conditions of depletion of cellular thiols. Hence, we suggest that this cloning approach may be a useful contribution to the isolation of plant genes that can help to cope with oxidative stress.


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We have designed a rapid cloning and screening strategy to identify new members of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily that are expressed during the onset of Drosophila metamorphosis. Using this approach, we isolated three Drosophila genes, designated DHR38, DHR78, and DHR96. All three genes are expressed throughout third-instar larval and prepupal development. DHR38 is the Drosophila homolog of NGFI-B and binds specifically to an NGFI-B response element. DHR78 and DHR96 are orphan receptor genes. DHR78 is induced by 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) in cultured larval organs, and its encoded protein binds to two AGGTCA half-sites arranged as either direct or palindromic repeats. DHR96 is also 20E-inducible, and its encoded protein binds selectively to the hsp27 20E response element. The 20E receptor can bind to each of the sequences recognized by DHR78 and DHR96, indicating that these proteins may compete with the receptor for binding to a common set of target sequences.


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Eukaryotic genomes contain tracts of DNA in which a single base or a small number of bases are repeated (microsatellites). Mutations in the yeast DNA mismatch repair genes MSH2, PMS1, and MLH1 increase the frequency of mutations for normal DNA sequences and destabilize microsatellites. Mutations of human homologs of MSH2, PMS1, and MLH1 also cause microsatellite instability and result in certain types of cancer. We find that a mutation in the yeast gene MSH3 that does not substantially affect the rate of spontaneous mutations at several loci increases microsatellite instability about 40-fold, preferentially causing deletions. We suggest that MSH3 has different substrate specificities than the other mismatch repair proteins and that the human MSH3 homolog (MRP1) may be mutated in some tumors with microsatellite instability.


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Varicella-zoster virus open reading frame 10 (ORF10) protein, the homolog of the herpes simplex virus protein VP16, can transactivate immediate-early promoters from both viruses. A protein sequence comparison procedure termed hydrophobic cluster analysis was used to identify a motif centered at Phe-28, near the amino terminus of ORF10, that strongly resembles the sequence of the activating domain surrounding Phe-442 of VP16. With a series of GAL4-ORF10 fusion proteins, we mapped the ORF10 transcriptional-activation domain to the amino-terminal region (aa 5-79). Extensive mutagenesis of Phe-28 in GAL4-ORF10 fusion proteins demonstrated the importance of an aromatic or bulky hydrophobic amino acid at this position, as shown previously for Phe-442 of VP16. Transactivation by the native ORF10 protein was abolished when Phe-28 was replaced by Ala. Similar amino-terminal domains were identified in the VP16 homologs of other alphaherpesviruses. Hydrophobic cluster analysis correctly predicted activation domains of ORF10 and VP16 that share critical characteristics of a distinctive subclass of acidic activation domains.


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Using data derived from peptide sequencing of p68/70, a protein doublet induced during optic nerve regeneration in goldfish, we have isolated cDNAs that encode RICH (regeneration-induced CNPase homolog) from a goldfish regenerating retina cDNA library. The predicted RICH protein comprises 411 amino acids, possesses a pI of 4.48, and shows significant homology to the mammalian myelin marker enzyme 2',3'-cyclic-nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase (CNPase; EC The mRNA encoding RICH was demonstrated, by both Northern blot analysis and RNase protection assays, to be induced as much as 8-fold in regenerating goldfish retinas at 20 days after nerve crush. Analysis of total RNA samples from various tissues showed a broad distribution of RICH mRNA, with the highest levels observed in gravid ovary. The data obtained strongly suggest that RICH is identical or very similar to p68/70. The molecular cloning of RICH provides the means for a more detailed analysis of its function in nerve regeneration. Additionally, the homology of RICH and CNPase suggests that further investigation may provide additional insight into the role of these proteins in the nervous system.


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The positive effects of Myc on cellular growth and gene expression are antagonized by activities of another member of the Myc superfamily, Mad. Characterization of the mouse homolog of human mad on the structural level revealed that domains shown previously to be required in the human protein for anti-Myc repression, sequence-specific DNA-binding activity, and dimerization with its partner Max are highly conserved. Conservation is also evident on the biological level in that both human and mouse mad can antagonize the ability of c-myc to cooperate with ras in the malignant transformation of cultured cells. An analysis of c-myc and mad gene expression in the developing mouse showed contrasting patterns with respect to tissue distribution and developmental stage. Regional differences in expression were more striking on the cellular level, particularly in the mouse and human gastrointestinal system, wherein c-Myc protein was readily detected in immature proliferating cells at the base of the colonic crypts, while Mad protein distribution was restricted to the postmitotic differentiated cells in the apex of the crypts. An increasing gradient of Mad was also evident in the more differentiated subcorneal layers of the stratified squamous epithelium of the skin. Together, these observations support the view that both downregulation of Myc and accumulation of Mad may be necessary for progression of precursor cells to a growth-arrested, terminally differentiated state.


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The dorsoventral axis is established early in Xenopus development and may involve signaling by Wnts, a family of Wnt1-protooncogene-related proteins. The protein kinase shaggy functions in the wingless/Wnt signaling pathway, which operates during Drosophila development. To assess the role of a closely related kinase, glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK-3 beta), in vertebrate embryogenesis, we cloned a cDNA encoding a Xenopus homolog of GSK-3 beta (XGSK-3 beta). XGSK-3 beta-specific transcripts were detected by Northern analysis in Xenopus eggs and early embryos. Microinjection of the mRNA encoding a catalytically inactive form of rat GSK-3 beta into a ventrovegetal blastomere of eight-cell embryos caused ectopic formation of a secondary body axis containing a complete set of dorsal and anterior structures. Furthermore, in isolated ectodermal explants, the mutant GSK-3 beta mRNA activated the expression of neural tissue markers. Wild-type XGSK-3 beta mRNA suppressed the dorsalizing effects of both the mutated GSK-3 beta and Xenopus dishevelled, a proposed upstream signaling component of the same pathway. These results strongly suggest that XGSK-3 beta functions to inhibit dorsoventral axis formation in the embryo and provide evidence for conservation of the Wnt signaling pathway in Drosophila and vertebrates.


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The nuclear import system is highly conserved among eukaryotes. Here we report the effects of a conditional mutation in SRP1, which encodes a Saccharomyces cerevisiae homolog of the vertebrate nuclear import receptor importin. Importin was isolated as a factor required for the initial targeting step of a nuclear import substrate to the nuclear envelope in a mammalian in vitro assay. We show that yeast Srp1 is similarly required for protein import. In addition, Srp1 is also required for the execution of mitosis: we demonstrate that cells containing a conditional mutation of SRP1 arrest with a G2/M phenotype in a manner analogous to classic cdc mutants. This defect may be due to the failure of the mutant to degrade the mitotic cyclin Clb2 and other proteins required for mitosis. The requirement of a nuclear import receptor for cell cycle-regulated proteolysis implies that import of cell cycle regulators into the nucleus is critical for cell cycle progression.


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The cdc25 phosphatases play key roles in cell cycle progression by activating cyclin-dependent kinases. Two members of the 14-3-3 protein family have been isolated in a yeast two-hybrid screen designed to identify proteins that interact with the human cdc25A and cdc25B phosphatases. Genes encoding the human homolog of the 14-3-3 epsilon protein and the previously described 14-3-3 beta protein have been isolated in this screening. 14-3-3 proteins constitute a family of well-conserved eukaryotic proteins that were originally isolated in mammalian brain preparations and that possess diverse biochemical activities related to signal transduction. We present evidence that indicates that cdc25 and 14-3-3 proteins physically interact both in vitro and in vivo. 14-3-3 protein does not, however, affect the phosphatase activity of cdc25A. Raf-1, which is known to bind 14-3-3 proteins, has recently been shown to associate with cdc25A and to stimulate its phosphatase activity. 14-3-3 protein, however, has no effect on the cdc25A-kinase activity of Raf-1. Instead, 14-3-3 may facilitate the association of cdc25 with Raf-1 in vivo, participating in the linkage between mitogenic signaling and the cell cycle machinery.