951 resultados para HIGH-POWER APPLICATIONS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
TDEM survey in urban environmental for hydrogeological study at USP campus in Sao Paulo city, Brazil
In this work, some TDEM (Time Domain Electromagnetic) results at USP (University of Sao Paulo) campus in Sao Paulo city, Brazil, are presented. The data were acquired focusing on two mains objectives: (i) to map geoelectrical stratigraphy of Sao Paulo sedimentary basin, emphasizing on hydrogeological studies about sedimentary and crystalline aquifers, and (ii) to analyze the viability of TDEM data acquisition use in urban environment. The study area is located in Sao Paulo basin border, characterized by Resende and Sao Paulo formations, which are constituted by sand-clays sediments over a granite-gneissic basement. Two equipments were used in order to acquire database: Protem47 (low power), and Protem57-MK2 (high power). Capacitive noise affect obtained data with Protem47 due to the presence of metal pipes buried at IAG/USP (Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics, and Atmospheric Science) test site at USP. On the other hand, capacitive noise did not affect acquired data with Protem57-MK2, and the data present high signal to noise ratio. Surveys helped in determining sedimentary and crystalline aquifers, characterized by a fracture zone with water inside basin basement (conductive zone). Results show good agreement with local geology obtained from lithological boreholes located in the study areas. Moreover, it shows that TDEM method can be used in urban environments with a countless potential in hydrogeological studies, offering great reliability. Studies showed that main TDEM-method limitation at USP was the lack of space for opening the transmitter loop. Results are very promising and open new perspectives for TDEM-method use in urban environments as this area remains unexplored. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A new methodology for the synthesis of tunable patch filters is presented. The methodology helps the designer to perform a theoretical analysis of the filter through a coupling matrix that includes the effect of the tuning elements used to tune the filter. This general methodology accounts for any tuning parameter desired and was applied to the design of a tunable dual-mode patch filter with independent control of center frequency and bandwidth (BW). The bandpass filter uses a single triangular resonator with two etched slots that split the fundamental degenerate modes and form the filter passband. Varactor diodes assembled across the slots are used to vary the frequency of each degenerate fundamental mode independently, which is feasible due to the nature of the coupling scheme of the filter. The varactor diode model used in simulations, their assembling, the dc bias configuration, and measured results are presented. The theory results are compared to the simulations and to measurements showing a very good agreement and validating the proposed methodology. The fabricated filter presents an elliptic response with 20% of center frequency tuning range around 3.2 GHz and a fractional BW variation from 4% to 12% with low insertion loss and high power handling with a 1-dB compression point higher than +14.5 dB.
A new series of austenitic stainless steels-Nb stabilized, without Mo additions, non-susceptible to delta ferrite formation and devoid of intemetallic phases (sigma and chi), without deformation induced martensite is being developed, aiming at high temperature applications as well as for corrosive environments. The base steel composition is a 15Cr-15Ni with normal additions of Nb of 0.5, 1.0 and 2 wt%. Mechanical properties, oxidation and corrosion resistance already have been invetigated in previous papers. In this paper, the effects of Nb on the SFE, strain hardening and recrystallization resistance are evaluated with the help of Adaptive Neural Networks (ANN).
Surface tailoring with plasma transferred arc (PTA) hardfacing involves the deposition of powder mixtures to produce coatings with an almost unlimited chemical composition. PTA hardfacing is particularly important for processing low weldability alloys, such as those for high-temperature applications, of which NiCrAlC is an example. This study analyzed NiCrAlC coatings processed by PTA using a mixture of elemental powders. Deposition on AISI316L plates was carried out with currents of 100 A and 130 A to induce variations in the chemical composition of the coatings, which were also subjected to isothermal exposure at temperatures of up to 1000 ºC for up to 72 hours in an air furnace. The results show that the aluminide compounds were stable, the coatings that solidified more slowly having the highest hardness after temperature exposure and potentially being suitable for use in high-temperature abrasion environments.
The Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (DIMeC) of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia is developing a new type of small capacity HSDI 2-Stroke Diesel engine (called HSD2), featuring a specifically designed combustion system, aimed to reduce weight, size and manufacturing costs, and improving pollutant emissions at partial load. The present work is focused on the analysis of the combustion and the scavenging process, investigated by means of a version of the KIVA-3V code customized by the University of Chalmers and modified by DIMeC. The customization of the KIVA-3V code includes a detailed combustion chemistry approach, coupled with a comprehensive oxidation mechanism for diesel oil surrogate and the modeling of turbulence/chemistry interaction through the PaSR (Partially Stirred Reactor) model. A four stroke automobile Diesel engine featuring a very close bore size is taken as a reference, for both the numerical models calibration and for a comparison with the 2-Stroke engine. Analysis is carried out trough a comparison between HSD2 and FIAT 1300 MultiJet in several operating conditions, at full and partial load. Such a comparison clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of the two stroke concept in terms of emissions reduction and high power density. However, HSD2 is still a virtual engine, and experimental results are needed to assume the reliability of numerical results.
This thesis presents the outcomes of a Ph.D. course in telecommunications engineering. It is focused on the optimization of the physical layer of digital communication systems and it provides innovations for both multi- and single-carrier systems. For the former type we have first addressed the problem of the capacity in presence of several nuisances. Moreover, we have extended the concept of Single Frequency Network to the satellite scenario, and then we have introduced a novel concept in subcarrier data mapping, resulting in a very low PAPR of the OFDM signal. For single carrier systems we have proposed a method to optimize constellation design in presence of a strong distortion, such as the non linear distortion provided by satellites' on board high power amplifier, then we developed a method to calculate the bit/symbol error rate related to a given constellation, achieving an improved accuracy with respect to the traditional Union Bound with no additional complexity. Finally we have designed a low complexity SNR estimator, which saves one-half of multiplication with respect to the ML estimator, and it has similar estimation accuracy.
Die Resonanzionisations-Massenspektrometrie (RIMS) ist sowohl für spektroskopische Untersuchungen seltener Isotope als auch für den Ultraspurennachweis langlebiger radioaktiver Elemente einsetzbar. Durch die mehrstufige resonante Anregung atomarer Energieniveaus mit anschließender Ionisation mit Laserlicht wird eine sehr hohe Elementselektivität und Ionisationseffizienz erreicht. Der nachfolgende massenselektive Ionennachweis liefert eine gute Isotopenselektivität zusammen mit einer effektiven Untergrundunterdrückung. Ein wichtiger Bestandteil der RIMS-Apparatur ist ein zuverlässig arbeitendes, leistungsstarkes Lasersystem für die Resonanzionisation. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein von einem hochrepetierenden Nd:YAG-Laser gepumptes, aus drei Titan-Saphir-Lasern bestehendes System fertig aufgebaut und in den Routinebetrieb überführt. Die Titan-Saphir-Laser liefern im Durchstimmbereich von 730 - 880 nm eine mittlere Leistung von bis zu 3 W pro Laser bei einer Linienbreite von 2 - 3 GHz. Sie lassen sich computergesteuert in ihren Wellenlängen durchstimmen. Die mittels Resonanzionisation erzeugten Ionen werden dann in einem Flugzeit-Massenspektrometer entsprechend ihrer Masse aufgetrennt und mit einem Kanalplattendetektor nachgewiesen.Als Voraussetzung für die isotopenselektive Ultraspurenanalyse von Plutonium wurden mit diesem Lasersystem die Isotopieverschiebungen eines effizienten, dreistufigen Anregungsschema für Plutonium bestimmt. Die Laserleistungen reichen zur vielfachen Sättigung der ersten beiden Anregungsschritte und zur zweifachen Sättigung des dritten Anregungsschritts aus.Außerdem wurden die Ionisationsenergien von Pu-239 und Pu-244 zur Untersuchung ihrer Isotopenabhängigkeit bestimmt. Die beiden Ionisationsenergien sind im Rahmen der erreichten Genauigkeit bei einem Meßwert von IP239-IP244 = 0,24(82) cm^-1 gleich.Die Nachweiseffizienz der RIMS-Apparatur für Plutonium wurde in Effizienzmessungen zu 10^-5 bestimmt. Durch die gute Untergrundunterdrückung ergab sich daraus eine Nachweisgrenze von 10^6 Atomen bei der Messung eines Plutoniumisotops. Die Bestimmung der Isotopenverhältnisse von Proben mit einer zertifizierten Isotopenzusammensetzung lieferte eine gute Übereinstimmung der Meßwerte mit den angegebenen Zusammensetzungen.Die RIMS-Apparatur wurde zur Bestimmung des Gehalts und der Isotopenzusammensetzung von Plutonium in Meerwasser- und Staubproben eingesetzt.Auf Grund der Isotopenzusammensetzung konnte gezeigt werden, daß das Plutonium bei den meisten Proben aus dem Fallout von oberirdischen Kernwaffentests stammte. Des weiteren wurde Plutonium in Urinproben bestimmt. Die Nachweisgrenzen lagen bei diesen Umweltproben bei 10^6 bis 10^7 Atomen Plutonium und damit um zwei Größenordnungen niedriger als die Nachweisgrenze für Pu-239 bei der alpha-Spektroskopie, der Standardmethode für den Plutoniumnachweis.
This thesis starts showing the main characteristics and application fields of the AlGaN/GaN HEMT technology, focusing on reliability aspects essentially due to the presence of low frequency dispersive phenomena which limit in several ways the microwave performance of this kind of devices. Based on an equivalent voltage approach, a new low frequency device model is presented where the dynamic nonlinearity of the trapping effect is taken into account for the first time allowing considerable improvements in the prediction of very important quantities for the design of power amplifier such as power added efficiency, dissipated power and internal device temperature. An innovative and low-cost measurement setup for the characterization of the device under low-frequency large-amplitude sinusoidal excitation is also presented. This setup allows the identification of the new low frequency model through suitable procedures explained in detail. In this thesis a new non-invasive empirical method for compact electrothermal modeling and thermal resistance extraction is also described. The new contribution of the proposed approach concerns the non linear dependence of the channel temperature on the dissipated power. This is very important for GaN devices since they are capable of operating at relatively high temperatures with high power densities and the dependence of the thermal resistance on the temperature is quite relevant. Finally a novel method for the device thermal simulation is investigated: based on the analytical solution of the tree-dimensional heat equation, a Visual Basic program has been developed to estimate, in real time, the temperature distribution on the hottest surface of planar multilayer structures. The developed solver is particularly useful for peak temperature estimation at the design stage when critical decisions about circuit design and packaging have to be made. It facilitates the layout optimization and reliability improvement, allowing the correct choice of the device geometry and configuration to achieve the best possible thermal performance.
The laser driven ion acceleration is a burgeoning field of resarch and is attracting a growing number of scientists since the first results reported in 2000 obtained irradiating thin solid foils by high power laser pulses. The growing interest is driven by the peculiar characteristics of the produced bunches, the compactness of the whole accelerating system and the very short accelerating length of this all-optical accelerators. A fervent theoretical and experimental work has been done since then. An important part of the theoretical study is done by means of numerical simulations and the most widely used technique exploits PIC codes (“Particle In Cell'”). In this thesis the PIC code AlaDyn, developed by our research group considering innovative algorithms, is described. My work has been devoted to the developement of the code and the investigation of the laser driven ion acceleration for different target configurations. Two target configurations for the proton acceleration are presented together with the results of the 2D and 3D numerical investigation. One target configuration consists of a solid foil with a low density layer attached on the irradiated side. The nearly critical plasma of the foam layer allows a very high energy absorption by the target and an increase of the proton energy up to a factor 3, when compared to the ``pure'' TNSA configuration. The differences of the regime with respect to the standard TNSA are described The case of nearly critical density targets has been investigated with 3D simulations. In this case the laser travels throughout the plasma and exits on the rear side. During the propagation, the laser drills a channel and induce a magnetic vortex that expanding on the rear side of the targer is source of a very intense electric field. The protons of the plasma are strongly accelerated up to energies of 100 MeV using a 200PW laser.
Flood disasters are a major cause of fatalities and economic losses, and several studies indicate that global flood risk is currently increasing. In order to reduce and mitigate the impact of river flood disasters, the current trend is to integrate existing structural defences with non structural measures. This calls for a wider application of advanced hydraulic models for flood hazard and risk mapping, engineering design, and flood forecasting systems. Within this framework, two different hydraulic models for large scale analysis of flood events have been developed. The two models, named CA2D and IFD-GGA, adopt an integrated approach based on the diffusive shallow water equations and a simplified finite volume scheme. The models are also designed for massive code parallelization, which has a key importance in reducing run times in large scale and high-detail applications. The two models were first applied to several numerical cases, to test the reliability and accuracy of different model versions. Then, the most effective versions were applied to different real flood events and flood scenarios. The IFD-GGA model showed serious problems that prevented further applications. On the contrary, the CA2D model proved to be fast and robust, and able to reproduce 1D and 2D flow processes in terms of water depth and velocity. In most applications the accuracy of model results was good and adequate to large scale analysis. Where complex flow processes occurred local errors were observed, due to the model approximations. However, they did not compromise the correct representation of overall flow processes. In conclusion, the CA model can be a valuable tool for the simulation of a wide range of flood event types, including lowland and flash flood events.
The development of a multibody model of a motorbike engine cranktrain is presented in this work, with an emphasis on flexible component model reduction. A modelling methodology based upon the adoption of non-ideal joints at interface locations, and the inclusion of component flexibility, is developed: both are necessary tasks if one wants to capture dynamic effects which arise in lightweight, high-speed applications. With regard to the first topic, both a ball bearing model and a journal bearing model are implemented, in order to properly capture the dynamic effects of the main connections in the system: angular contact ball bearings are modelled according to a five-DOF nonlinear scheme in order to grasp the crankshaft main bearings behaviour, while an impedance-based hydrodynamic bearing model is implemented providing an enhanced operation prediction at the conrod big end locations. Concerning the second matter, flexible models of the crankshaft and the connecting rod are produced. The well-established Craig-Bampton reduction technique is adopted as a general framework to obtain reduced model representations which are suitable for the subsequent multibody analyses. A particular component mode selection procedure is implemented, based on the concept of Effective Interface Mass, allowing an assessment of the accuracy of the reduced models prior to the nonlinear simulation phase. In addition, a procedure to alleviate the effects of modal truncation, based on the Modal Truncation Augmentation approach, is developed. In order to assess the performances of the proposed modal reduction schemes, numerical tests are performed onto the crankshaft and the conrod models in both frequency and modal domains. A multibody model of the cranktrain is eventually assembled and simulated using a commercial software. Numerical results are presented, demonstrating the effectiveness of the implemented flexible model reduction techniques. The advantages over the conventional frequency-based truncation approach are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Zur Verbesserung der Leistungsumwandlung in organischen Solarzellen sind neue Materialien von zentraler Bedeutung, die sämtliche Erfordernisse für organische Photovoltaik-Elemente erfüllen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit „Organic thin-film photovoltaics“ wurden im Hinblick auf ein besseres Verständnis der Zusammenhänge zwischen molekularer Struktur und der Leistungsfähigkeit neue Materialien in „bulk-heterojunction“ Solarzellen und in Festphasen-Farbstoffsensibilisierten Solarzellen untersucht. Durch die Anwendung selbstorganisierender Materialien, diskotischer Graphen-Derivate oder konjugierter Polymere in Verbindung mit entsprechenden Akzeptoren in den „bulk-heterojunction“ Solarzellen wurde gezeigt, dass mit einer Erhöhung der Ordnung durch thermische Behandlung eine verbesserte Leistung des Photovoltaik-Elements einhergeht. In den Festphasen-Farbstoffsensibilisierten Solarzellen wurden zwei neue Farbstoffe untersucht, und es konnte gezeigt werden, dass diese gute Leistung zeigten. Ferner ermöglicht das komplementäre Absorptionsvermögen der beiden Farbstoffe die Herstellung von Vollspektrum-Zellen.
A thorough investigation was made of the structure-property relation of well-defined statistical, gradient and block copolymers of various compositions. Among the copolymers studied were those which were synthesized using isobornyl acrylate (IBA) and n-butyl acrylate (nBA) monomer units. The copolymers exhibited several unique properties that make them suitable materials for a range of applications. The thermomechanical properties of these new materials were compared to acrylate homopolymers. By the proper choice of the IBA/nBA monomer ratio, it was possible to tune the glass transition temperature of the statistical P(IBA-co-nBA) copolymers. The measured Tg’s of the copolymers with different IBA/nBA monomer ratios followed a trend that fitted well with the Fox equation prediction. While statistical copolymers showed a single glass transition (Tg between -50 and 90 ºC depending on composition), DSC block copolymers showed two Tg’s and the gradient copolymer showed a single, but very broad, glass transition. PMBL-PBA-PMBL triblock copolymers of different composition ratios were also studied and revealed a microphase separated morphology of mostly cylindrical PMBL domains hexagonally arranged in the PBA matrix. DMA studies confirmed the phase separated morphology of the copolymers. Tensile studies showed the linear PMBL-PBA-PMBL triblock copolymers having a relatively low elongation at break that was increased by replacing the PMBL hard blocks with the less brittle random PMBL-r-PMMA blocks. The 10- and 20-arm PBA-PMBL copolymers which were studied revealed even more unique properties. SAXS results showed a mixture of cylindrical PMBL domains hexagonally arranged in the PBA matrix, as well as lamellar. Despite PMBL’s brittleness, the triblock and multi-arm PBA-PMBL copolymers could become suitable materials for high temperature applications due to PMBL’s high glass transition temperature and high thermal stability. The structure-property relation of multi-arm star PBA-PMMA block copolymers was also investigated. Small-angle X-ray scattering revealed a phase separated morphology of cylindrical PMMA domains hexagonally arranged in the PBA matrix. DMA studies found that these materials possess typical elastomeric behavior in a broad range of service temperatures up to at least 250°C. The ultimate tensile strength and the elastic modulus of the 10- and 20-arm star PBA-PMMA block copolymers are significantly higher than those of their 3-arm or linear ABA type counterparts with similar composition, indicating a strong effect of the number of arms on the tensile properties. Siloxane-based copolymers were also studied and one of the main objectives here was to examine the possibility to synthesize trifluoropropyl-containing siloxane copolymers of gradient distribution of trifluoropropyl groups along the chain. DMA results of the PDMS-PMTFPS siloxane copolymers synthesized via simultaneous copolymerization showed that due to the large difference in reactivity rates of 2,4,6-tris(3,3,3-trifluoropropyl)-2,4,6-trimethylcyclotrisiloxane (F) and hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane (D), a copolymer of almost block structure containing only a narrow intermediate fragment with gradient distribution of the component units was obtained. A more dispersed distribution of the trifluoropropyl groups was obtained by the semi-batch copolymerization process, as the DMA results revealed more ‘‘pure gradient type’’ features for the siloxane copolymers which were synthesized by adding F at a controlled rate to the polymerization of the less reactive D. As with trifluoropropyl-containing siloxane copolymers, vinyl-containing polysiloxanes may be converted to a variety of useful polysiloxane materials by chemical modification. But much like the trifluoropropyl-containing siloxane copolymers, as a result of so much difference in the reactivities between the component units 2,4,6-trivinyl-2,4,6-trimethylcyclotrisiloxane (V) and hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane (D), thermal and mechanical properties of the PDMS-PMVS copolymers obtained by simultaneous copolymerization was similar to those of block copolymers. Only the copolymers obtained by semi-batch method showed properties typical for gradient copolymers.