Snakebites are a serious public health problem in tropical and subtropical countries and Bothrops genus is responsible for the accidents in Brazil and throughout Latin America (90% of cases). The local effects (pain, edema, hemorrhage and myonecrosis) and systemic (cardiovascular alterations, shock and blood clotting disorders) caused by the venom of Bothrops are due to the numerous protein and non-protein components, which are part of the constitution of the poison. The only form of therapy is scientifically validated antivenom serum therapy which, however, is not effective with respect to local effects produced, risk of immunological reactions, high cost and difficult access in some regions. Thus, the search for new alternatives to serum therapy becomes important, and in this context, many medicinal plants have been highlighted by the popular use as antiophidic. Among these plants, we can mention the species Jatropha mollissima (Euphorbiaceae) which has popular use in traditional medicine as antiophidic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antipyretic. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the neutralizing potential of local effects induced by the venom of Bothrops erythromelas and Bothrops jararaca with the aqueous extract of the leaves of J. mollissima. The leaf extracts were prepared by decoction, fractionated (by liquid-liquid partition) and characterized by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Antiophidic activity of the extract was evaluated in model of paw edema, peritonitis, bleeding and myotoxicity induced by venoms of B. jararaca and B. erythromelas. In all models, the extract was evaluated by intraperitoneal route at the doses of 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg, administered 30 minutes prior to injection of the venom (pretreatment protocol). Stains suggestive of the presence of flavonoids: apigenin, luteolin, orientin, isoorientin, vitexin and vitexin-2-O-rhamnoside were detected in the extract by co-CCD. By means of HPLC were identified isoorientin, orientin, vitexin and isovitexin. All tested doses of J. mollissima extract reduced the paw edema induced by the venom with intensity similar to dexamethasone. The aqueous extract of J. mollissima leaves on all evaluated doses, inhibited cell migration induced by B. jararaca and B. erythromelas promoting inhibition of recruitment of mononuclear cells and the polymorphonuclear cells. Local bleeding induced by B. jararaca venom was significantly inhibited by the extract. Both venoms were inhibited by the extract in myotoxic activity. These results indicate that the aqueous extract of J. mollissima leaves have snakebite potential, particularly with respect to local effects, which may justify the use of this plant in traditional medicine and complementary therapy as anti-venom serum.
Snakebites are a serious public health problem in tropical and subtropical countries and Bothrops genus is responsible for the accidents in Brazil and throughout Latin America (90% of cases). The local effects (pain, edema, hemorrhage and myonecrosis) and systemic (cardiovascular alterations, shock and blood clotting disorders) caused by the venom of Bothrops are due to the numerous protein and non-protein components, which are part of the constitution of the poison. The only form of therapy is scientifically validated antivenom serum therapy which, however, is not effective with respect to local effects produced, risk of immunological reactions, high cost and difficult access in some regions. Thus, the search for new alternatives to serum therapy becomes important, and in this context, many medicinal plants have been highlighted by the popular use as antiophidic. Among these plants, we can mention the species Jatropha mollissima (Euphorbiaceae) which has popular use in traditional medicine as antiophidic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antipyretic. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the neutralizing potential of local effects induced by the venom of Bothrops erythromelas and Bothrops jararaca with the aqueous extract of the leaves of J. mollissima. The leaf extracts were prepared by decoction, fractionated (by liquid-liquid partition) and characterized by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Antiophidic activity of the extract was evaluated in model of paw edema, peritonitis, bleeding and myotoxicity induced by venoms of B. jararaca and B. erythromelas. In all models, the extract was evaluated by intraperitoneal route at the doses of 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg, administered 30 minutes prior to injection of the venom (pretreatment protocol). Stains suggestive of the presence of flavonoids: apigenin, luteolin, orientin, isoorientin, vitexin and vitexin-2-O-rhamnoside were detected in the extract by co-CCD. By means of HPLC were identified isoorientin, orientin, vitexin and isovitexin. All tested doses of J. mollissima extract reduced the paw edema induced by the venom with intensity similar to dexamethasone. The aqueous extract of J. mollissima leaves on all evaluated doses, inhibited cell migration induced by B. jararaca and B. erythromelas promoting inhibition of recruitment of mononuclear cells and the polymorphonuclear cells. Local bleeding induced by B. jararaca venom was significantly inhibited by the extract. Both venoms were inhibited by the extract in myotoxic activity. These results indicate that the aqueous extract of J. mollissima leaves have snakebite potential, particularly with respect to local effects, which may justify the use of this plant in traditional medicine and complementary therapy as anti-venom serum.
Inflammatory bowel diseases is composed by a set of chronic and inflammatory disorders, among them is ulcerative colitis (UC). UC treatment is based on anti-inflammatory administration; however, this group of drugs clearly leads to development of undesirable side effects, what stimulate the search for new therapies alternatives. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of hydroalcholic Turnera subulata extract on acetic acid-induced acute UC in rats. UC was induced by 1 mL injection of 4% acetic acid via rectal in Wistar mouse. 42 animals were distributed among 6 experimental groups: Control, UC, Sulfasalazine 500 mg/Kg/day (SSZ), T. subulata 50mg/Kg/day (TS 50), T. subulata 100mg/Kg/day (TS 100), T. subulata 200mg/Kg/day (TS 200). Throughout the experiment, body weight, food and water ingestion was daily evaluated. At the end of the experiment, the animals were euthanized and a colon fragment was observed by macroscopic analysis. Colon fragments were also collected for microscopic analysis and oxidative stress evaluation. The means from each group was compared by ANOVA test with a significance level of 5% (p<0.05) using GraphPad Prism Software. As results, we can clearly observe that SSZ group had the greater body weight decrease among the groups throughout the experiments, 14.78%, as well as, the lowest food intake, 6.23 g of food/day. The animals treated with T. subulata extracts showed no important body weight loss when compared to control. UC group showed the highest tissue damage macroscope score, 6.5, while TS 50 showed the lowest tissue damage score: 1. Microscope evaluation showed the presence of edema, haemorraghia and ulceration in all group of animals, except for Control. Nevertheless, TS 50 showed the lowest inflammatory damage among all groups. Oxidative stress analysis revealed that T. subulata treatment modulate catalase and superoxide dismutase activity, we also observed a decrease in protein and lipid peroxidation in response to extract administration. Taken together, these results shows that T. subulata extract exerts anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects on experimental UC.
Inflammatory bowel diseases is composed by a set of chronic and inflammatory disorders, among them is ulcerative colitis (UC). UC treatment is based on anti-inflammatory administration; however, this group of drugs clearly leads to development of undesirable side effects, what stimulate the search for new therapies alternatives. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of hydroalcholic Turnera subulata extract on acetic acid-induced acute UC in rats. UC was induced by 1 mL injection of 4% acetic acid via rectal in Wistar mouse. 42 animals were distributed among 6 experimental groups: Control, UC, Sulfasalazine 500 mg/Kg/day (SSZ), T. subulata 50mg/Kg/day (TS 50), T. subulata 100mg/Kg/day (TS 100), T. subulata 200mg/Kg/day (TS 200). Throughout the experiment, body weight, food and water ingestion was daily evaluated. At the end of the experiment, the animals were euthanized and a colon fragment was observed by macroscopic analysis. Colon fragments were also collected for microscopic analysis and oxidative stress evaluation. The means from each group was compared by ANOVA test with a significance level of 5% (p<0.05) using GraphPad Prism Software. As results, we can clearly observe that SSZ group had the greater body weight decrease among the groups throughout the experiments, 14.78%, as well as, the lowest food intake, 6.23 g of food/day. The animals treated with T. subulata extracts showed no important body weight loss when compared to control. UC group showed the highest tissue damage macroscope score, 6.5, while TS 50 showed the lowest tissue damage score: 1. Microscope evaluation showed the presence of edema, haemorraghia and ulceration in all group of animals, except for Control. Nevertheless, TS 50 showed the lowest inflammatory damage among all groups. Oxidative stress analysis revealed that T. subulata treatment modulate catalase and superoxide dismutase activity, we also observed a decrease in protein and lipid peroxidation in response to extract administration. Taken together, these results shows that T. subulata extract exerts anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects on experimental UC.
Introdução: A neurofibromatose tipo I (NF1), também designada doença de Von Recklinghausen, é causada por uma anormalidade no cromossoma 17, de transmissão autossómica dominante, responsável pela produção deficiente de neurofibromina. Caracteriza-se por displasia nos tecidos mesodérmicos e neuroectodérmicos, e tem uma incidência de um para 2.500-3.300 nascimentos. A presença de manchas café-au-lait, neurofibromas cutâneos e hamartomas da íris são sinais cardinais da doença. Primeiramente descrita por Ruebi em 1945, a patologia vascular é uma complicação subestimada e pouco reconhecida na NF1. A ocorrência de hemorragia fatal ou quase fatal está reportada ocasionalmente nas cavidades pleural, abdominal, retroperitoneu, tecidos moles do tronco e extremidades. Esta hemorragia massiva é causada pela rutura de vasos sanguíneos friáveis, característicos pelos níveis reduzidos de neurofibromina e consequente proliferação endotelial e de músculo liso nas artérias e veias. Uma das consequências clínicas mais sérias descritas na NF1 é a ocorrência de hemorragia severa e dificuldade em alcançar controlo hemostático. Objetivo: Exposição de caso clínico de extenso hematoma cervical e hemotórax espontâneos por rutura troncos venosos braquiocefálico, veia subclávia e junção subclávio-jugular em doente com NF1. Caso clínico: Relata-se caso clínico de mulher de 51 anos, com antecedentes conhecidos de NF1 e hipertensão arterial. Foi admitida no serviço de urgência em choque hipovolémico hemorrágico, no contexto de dor súbita no ombro direito e volumosa tumefação cervical direita. Em angioTC foi objetivado volumoso hematoma, envolvendo a região cervical direita, a região retrofaríngea-prevertebral, escavado supraclavicular direito, mediastino, associando a importante hemotórax direito. Procedeu-se a abordagem supraclavicular com drenagem do hematoma e identificação de fontes hemorrágicas, nomeadamente: tronco venoso braquicefálico, veia subclávia e confluência subclávio-jugular. Foi necessária secção da clavícula para controlo hemorrágico e realização de rafias dos troncos venosos com prolene. Intraoperatoriamente, foi evidente a fragilidade e friabilidade excessiva dos vasos sanguíneos. Após controlo hemorrágico, foi realizada videotoracoscopia para drenagem de hemotórax e evacuação de coágulos, confirmando-se a ausência de hemorragia ativa. No pós-operatório a doente recuperou estabilidade hemodinâmica, sem evidência analítica de queda de hemoglobina. Realizou-se angioTC, onde se confirmou franca melhoria do hematoma cervical direito e retrofaríngeo em critérios quantitativos, e ausência de extravasamento de contraste. Objetivou-se adicionalmente aneurismas acular da artéria vertebral direita, corrigido ulteriormente através de embolização com coils. Conclusão: A NF1 é uma doença genética que raramente se pode associar a hemorragia life- -threatening. A vasculopatia é uma complicação subestimada e pouco reconhecida na NF1. A existência de friabilidade vascular excessiva com consequente hemorragia espontânea na NF1 é rara e pode ser fatal, exigindo um diagnóstico rápido e tratamento atempado.
A elaboração da proposta da presente Norma teve o apoio científico de Anabela Graça e André Coelho.
A periodontite é uma patologia inflamatória, causada pela interação entre o biofilme bacteriano e a resposta imune do hospedeiro e é caracterizada pela degradação de fibras colágenas do periodonto. Os avanços científicos possibilitaram o desenvolvimento de novas técnicas que possibilitem o diagnóstico precoce da doença, ou seja, prevenir a perda de inserção e progressão da periodontite. O diagnóstico da doença periodontal baseia-se em parâmetros clínicos como profundidade de sondagem, perda de inserção, hemorragia a sondagem e exames radiográficos. A análise dos biomarcadores presentes no fluido crevicular gengival (FCG) e saliva tem sido alvo de inúmeros artigos, uma vez que o fluido crevicular gengival (FCG) é composto de uma gama de biomarcadores celulares e moleculares. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo fazer uma revisão narrativa da literatura publicada a cerca dos métodos utilizados para diagnóstico precoce e prognóstico dos processos patológicos que podem estar presentes no periodonto. Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica online entre Dezembro de 2015 e Maio de 2016, com o objetivo de fazer uma revisão bibliográfica acerca do tema. Não foi estabelecido restrição quanto a data de publicação. Através da identificação da concentração de determinadas proteínas presentes no FCG é possível avaliar a atividade da doença periodontal e o prognóstico. Um importante número de marcadores como a elastase neutrofílica, prostaglandina E2, catepsinas, osteocalcina, -glucoronidase, colagenase, fosfatase alcalina, aspartato aminotransferase são citados (Genco et al., 1992). De acordo com a literatura publicada pode-se concluir que há alguns marcadores promissores para o diagnóstico precoce e prognóstico da doença periodontal, entretanto, não há ainda um marcador que possa identificar a futura perda de inserção ou a suscetibilidade à doença periodontal. São necessários estudos longitudinais para melhor entendimento do papel dos biomarcadores do FCG.
Introdução: A peri-implantite, um processo inflamatório que destroi e afeta tanto os tecidos moles como o tecido osseo em redor de um implante dentário Esta patologia vai ter grande influência a quando da escolha de uma solução terapêutica, sendo as principais opções terapêuticas a cirurgia regenerativa e ressetiva. Objetivo: Efetuar uma revisão bibliográfica no que diz respeito á peri-implantite e aos seus tratamentos cirurgicos convencionais, abordando tambem questões epidemiologicas da patologia e fatores de risco. Metodologia: A presente revisão bibliográfica foi baseada em informação ciêntifica publicada. Recorreu-se ás seguintes bases de dados: “MEDLINE/Pubmed”, “SciELO”, “EBSCO HOST” e “Science Direct”, através da introdução das seguintes palavras-chave: “Peri-implantitis”, “Mucositis”, “Peri-implant infections”, “Diagnosis”, “Treatment”, “Risk factors”, “Surgical treatment”. Conclusão: Para cada situação clínica de peri-implantite, é importante recorrer a diversos parâmetros de diagnóstico, como por exemplo o índice de placa, profundidade e hemorragia à sondagem, supuração e a evidência de perda óssea radiográfica. Aquando de reabilitação oral com implantes, o paciente deverá obedecer a um programa de manutenção eficaz, com o objetivo de manter a integridade dos tecidos peri-implantares. Na literatura científica são descritas diversas possibilidades de tratamento, existe enumero protocolos terapêuticos a efetuar. O médico dentista deve adoptar com base no diagnostico rigoroso o melhor tratamento a efetuar. Nesta linha de pensamentos existem várias aborgens terapêuticas que podemos efetuar, sendo a cirurgia ressetiva e a cirurgia regenerativa soluções têrapeuticas de elevada importância no que diz respeito ao sucesso no tratamento da peri-implantite.
Introducción: el trasplante hepático (TH) es el único tratamiento definitivo para la enfermedad hepática terminal crónica y patologías que no cuentan con otra alternativa terapéutica. El sangrado y el consumo de hemocomponentes se ha vinculado al descenso de la sobrevida del injerto y del paciente. Objetivo: evaluar los resultados en el consumo de hemocomponentes con la utilización de medidas y técnicas tendientes a minimizar el sangrado. Estimar la sobrevida. Material y método: se realiza un estudio descriptivo, observacional, retrospectivo de los primeros 31 pacientes sometidos a TH. Para la búsqueda de asociación entre variables de tipo cualitativo se utilizó test de chi cuadrado para un nivel de significación ?= 0,05, para el análisis de sobrevida fue utilizado Kaplan-Meyer. Resultados: se diseñó un score para analizar el consumo de hemocomponentes; en cinco pacientes (16,1%) no se transfundieron unidades de sangre desplasmatizada (u SD) y en 58,1% se consumieron de 1 a 4 u SD, con un promedio de 3,7 ± 0,6. Un solo paciente (3,2%) se trasplantó sin transfusión de hemocomponentes. A los seis meses la sobrevida corresponde a 81,3%, con un total de cinco eventos, permaneciendo vivos al final del estudio 26 pacientes. Conclusiones: las medidas para disminuir el sangrado y los requerimientos transfusionales fueron efectivos. Los resultados fueron aceptables, cercanos a los publicados a nivel internacional.
Con un diseño experimental se realizó un estudio clínico, controlado, aleatorizado La muestra incluyó 200 pacientes, el grupo experimental comprendió 100 pacientes en las que se drenó la sangre de cordón umbilical 50 anémicas y 50 no anémicas, y el grupo de control con pinzamiento del cordón lo integraron 100 pacientes, 50 anémicas y 50 no anémicas. Resultados: al comparar la duración del tercer período del parto del grupo con drenaje se obtuvo una media de 4,6 ñ 1,4 min y en el grupo con pinzamiento 9,07 ñ 2,5 min. La diferencia fue significativa (P = 0,0001).Cuando se comparó la duración del tercer período del parto de 1 a 5 min vs 6 a 10 min, la mayoría de las pacientes del grupo con drenaje, estuvo entre 1 a 5 min, con un RR 0.239 (IC 95: 0.188 - 0.358), RRA 70.1, RRR 76.1, NNT 1.426, en las anémicas, y un RR 0.250 (IC 95: 0.179 - 0.383), RRA 66.1, RRR 75, NNT 1.513 en las no anémicas. El volumen de drenaje en el grupo de estudio, tuvo una media de 60.3 ñ 19.5 ml en las anémicas y 56.9 ñ 18 ml en las no anémicas (P = 0.369). La hemorragia del tercer período del parto del grupo con drenaje tuvo una media de 197.6 ñ 36 ml vs el grupo con pinzamiento 277.4 ñ 49 ml con un valor (P = 0,0001) lo cual es estadísticamente significativo a favor del drenaje. Cuando se comparó la hemorragia del tercer período del parto de menor que 250 ml vs 250 a 500 ml la mayoría de las pacientes del grupo con drenaje, estuvo en menor que 250 ml, con un RR 0.070 (IC 95: 0.025 - 0.168), RRA 80, RRR 93, NNT 1.25, en las anémicas, y un RR 0.074 (IC 95: 0.020 - 0.246), RRA 50, RRR 92.6, NNT 2 en las no anémicas. Conclusiones. La maniobra del drenaje de sangre del cordón umbilical reduce el tiempo y la hemorragia del tercer período del parto en pacientes con anemia leve y no anémicas sin producir efectos deletéreos
BACKGROUND: Endoscopic injection of N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate is the current recommended treatment for gastric variceal bleeding. Despite the extensive worldwide use, there are still differences related to the technique, safety, and long term-results. We retrospectively evaluated the efficacy and safety of cyanoacrylate in patients with gastric variceal bleeding. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between January 1998 and January 2010, 97 patients with gastric variceal bleeding underwent endoscopic treatment with a mixture of N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate and Lipiodol(TM). Ninety-one patients had cirrhosis and 6 had non-cirrhotic portal hypertension. Child-Pugh score at presentation for cirrhotic patients was A-12.1 %; B-53.8 %; C-34.1 % and median MELD score at admission was 13 (3-26). Successful hemostasis, rebleeding rate and complications were reviewed. Median time of follow up was 19 months (0.5-126). RESULTS: A median mixture volume of 1.5 mL (0.6 to 5 mL), in 1 to 8 injections, was used, with immediate hemostasis rate of 95.9 % and early rebleeding rate of 14.4 %. One or more complications occurred in 17.5 % and were associated with the use of Sengstaken-Blakemore tube before cyanoacrylate and very early rebleeding (p < 0.05). Hospital mortality rate during initial bleeding episode was 9.3 %. Very early rebleeding was a strong and independent predictor for in-hospital mortality (p < 0.001). Long-term mortality rate was 58.8 %, in most of the cases secondary to hepatic failure. CONCLUSION: N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate is a rapid, easy and highly effective modality for immediate hemostasis of gastric variceal bleeding with an acceptable rebleeding rate. Patients with very early rebleeding are at higher risk of death.
BACKGROUND: in 21st century, endoscopic study of the small intestine has undergone a revolution with capsule endoscopy and balloon-assisted enteroscopy. The difficulties and morbidity associated with intraoperative enteroscopy, the gold-standard in the 20th century, made this technique to be relegated to a second level. AIMS: evaluate the actual role and assess the diagnostic and therapeutic value of intraoperative enteroscopy in patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding. PATIENTS AND METHODS: we conducted a retrospective study of 19 patients (11 males; mean age: 66.5 ± 15.3 years) submitted to 21 IOE procedures for obscure GI bleeding. Capsule endoscopy and double balloon enteroscopy had been performed in 10 and 5 patients, respectively. RESULTS: with intraoperative enteroscopy a small bowel bleeding lesion was identified in 79% of patients and a gastrointestinal bleeding lesion in 94%. Small bowel findings included: angiodysplasia (n = 6), ulcers (n = 4), small bowel Dieulafoy´s lesion (n = 2), bleeding from anastomotic vessels (n = 1), multiple cavernous hemangiomas (n = 1) and bleeding ectopic jejunal varices (n = 1). Agreement between capsule endoscopy and intraoperative enteroscopy was 70%. Endoscopic and/or surgical treatment was used in 77.8% of the patients with a positive finding on intraoperative enteroscopy, with a rebleeding rate of 21.4% in a mean 21-month follow-up period. Procedure-related mortality and postoperative complications have been 5 and 21%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: intraoperative enteroscopy remains a valuable tool in selected patients with obscure GI bleeding, achieving a high diagnostic yield and allowing an endoscopic and/or surgical treatment in most of them. However, as an invasive procedure with relevant mortality and morbidity, a precise indication for its use is indispensable.
AIM: With capsule endoscopy (CE) it is possible to examine the entire small bowel. The present study assessed the diagnostic yield of CE in severe obscure-overt gastrointestinal bleeding (OOGIB). METHODS: During a 3-year period, 15 capsule examinations (4.5% of all CE in a single institution) were carried out in 15 patients (11 men; mean age 69.9 +/- 20.1 years) with severe ongoing bleeding, defined as persistent melena and/or hematochezia, with hemodynamic instability and the need for significant red blood cell transfusion. CE was carried out after non-diagnostic standard upper and lower endoscopy. The mean time from admission until CE was 4.1 +/- 4.4 days (0-15 days). RESULTS: CE revealed active bleeding in seven patients and signs of recent bleeding in four. Etiology of bleeding was correctly diagnosed in 11 patients (73.3%) (portal hypertension enteropathy, three patients; subepithelial ulcerated lesion, two patients; angiodysplasia, two patients; jejunal ulcer with visible vessel, one patient; multiple small bowel ulcers, one patient; jejunal tumor, one patient; jejunal mucosa irregularity with adherent clot, one patient). One patient (6.7%) had active bleeding but no visible lesion. As a consequence of the capsule findings, specific therapeutic measures were undertaken in 11 patients (73.3%) with five managed conservatively, four endoscopically and two surgically. Two patients experienced bleeding recurrence. One of them, with a probable small bowel tumor, refused any other interventions. CONCLUSIONS: CE is useful in patients with severe OOGIB by providing positive findings in the majority of patients, with subsequent impact on therapeutic procedures.
BACKGROUND AND AIM: The effects of portal hypertension in the small bowel are largely unknown. The aim of the study was to prospectively assess portal hypertension manifestations in the small bowel. METHODS: We compared, by performing enteroscopy with capsule endoscopy, the endoscopic findings of 36 patients with portal hypertension, 25 cirrhotic and 11 non-cirrhotic, with 30 controls. RESULTS: Varices, defined as distended, tortuous, or saccular veins, and areas of mucosa with a reticulate pattern were significantly more frequent in patients with PTH. These two findings were detected in 26 of the 66 patients (39%), 25 from the group with PTH (69%) and one from the control group (3%) (P < 0.0001). Among the 25 patients with PTH exhibiting these patterns, 17 were cirrhotic and 8 were non-cirrhotic (P = 0.551). The presence of these endoscopic changes was not related to age, gender, presence of cirrhosis, esophageal or gastric varices, portal hypertensive gastropathy, portal hypertensive colopathy, prior esophageal endoscopic treatment, current administration of beta-blockers, or Child-Pugh Class C. More patients with these endoscopic patterns had a previous history of acute digestive bleeding (72% vs. 36%) (P = 0.05). Active bleeding was found in two patients (5.5%). CONCLUSIONS: The presence of varices or areas of mucosa with a reticulate pattern are manifestations of portal hypertension in the small bowel, found in both cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic patients. The clinical implications of these findings, as regards digestive bleeding, are uncertain, although we documented acute bleeding from the small bowel in two patients (5.5%).
Objetivo. Comparar el tiempo de bloqueo motor y sensitivo producidos por 12 ml de L-bupivacaína con epinefrina + fentanil vs 15 ml de la misma mezcla por vía epidural, a través de un catéter de polietileno, en anestesia para cesárea. Metodología. Con un diseño clínico controlado aleatorizado se incluyeron dos grupos de 45 maternas cada uno para recibir: 1 grupo LEVO 12: L-bupivacaína 75 mg + 100 mcg de fentanil en 12 ml de volumen y 2 grupo LEVO 15: L-bupivacaína 75 mg + 100 mcg de fentanil + 3 ml de solución salina isotónica en 15 ml, por vía epidural con catéter. Se midió el porcentaje de bloqueos completos, tiempo de bloqueo motor y tiempo de bloqueo sensitivo, producidos por la misma dosis pero en diferente volumen. Resultados. Los grupos fueron comparables en las variables demográficas. El nivel metamérico alcanzado en el grupo LEVO 15 fue significativamente más alto que el alcanzado en el grupo LEVO 12 (P = 0,034). El nivel metamérico más bajo, T10, se encontró únicamente en el grupo LEVO 12 (P = 0,034). El 20% (n = 9) del grupo LEVO 12 necesitó una dosis suplementaria de bupivacaína y en el grupo LEVO 15 en un caso (2,2%) que se produjo bloqueo en tablero de ajedrez necesitó dosis suplementaria (P = 0,018). El uso de fentanilo IV como analgesia suplementaria fue similar en ambos grupos (P = 0,482). No hubo repercusión hemodinámica atribuible al uso de L-bupivacaína. Los efectos secundarios fueron mínimos y su incidencia fue similar entre los grupos (P 0,05). Discusión. La controversia entre dosis y volumen, en la anestesia regional epidural o subaracnoidea, se mantiene aún. Nuestro resultado favoreció a los 75 mg de L-bupivacaína en mayor volumen. Hacen falta más estudios para obtener resultados concluyentes.AU