992 resultados para Gregorio Magno


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Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a severe and incurable autoimmune disease characterized by chronic activation of plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) and production of autoantibodies against nuclear self-antigens by hyperreactive B cells. Neutrophils are also implicated in disease pathogenesis; however, the mechanisms involved are unknown. Here, we identified in the sera of SLE patients immunogenic complexes composed of neutrophil-derived antimicrobial peptides and self-DNA. These complexes were produced by activated neutrophils in the form of web-like structures known as neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) and efficiently triggered innate pDC activation via Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9). SLE patients were found to develop autoantibodies to both the self-DNA and antimicrobial peptides in NETs, indicating that these complexes could also serve as autoantigens to trigger B cell activation. Circulating neutrophils from SLE patients released more NETs than those from healthy donors; this was further stimulated by the antimicrobial autoantibodies, suggesting a mechanism for the chronic release of immunogenic complexes in SLE. Our data establish a link between neutrophils, pDC activation, and autoimmunity in SLE, providing new potential targets for the treatment of this devastating disease.


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Abstract OBJECTIVE To identify the occurrence of surgical site infection (SSI) and its risk factors in patients undergoing colon surgery in a tertiary hospital located in the countryside of the state of São Paulo. METHOD Retrospective cohort study, with collection of information contained in the medical records of patients undergoing colon surgery in the period between January 2010 and December 2013. The studied variables were the possible risk factors related to the patient, to demographic characteristics and the surgical procedure. RESULTS In total, were evaluated 155 patients with an overall SSI incidence of 16.7%. A statistically significant association was found both in the univariate as in the multivariate analysis between the SSI and the following variables: male gender, Charlson index and mechanical bowel preparation. CONCLUSION The understanding of health professionals about the factors that influence the incidence of SSI in colon surgery may contribute to the quality of care provided to surgical patients, from effective actions to minimize the risk of infections.


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EL primer punto de la investigación se encarga de determinar las características del área de estudio. Como segundo punto se ubican taxonómicamente las especies, este aspecto que es ampliamente detallado en el trabajo.


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Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) is the fifth most common cause of cancer death among women. Despite its immunogenicity, effective antitumor responses are limited, due, in part, to the presence of forkhead box protein 3-positive (Foxp3(+)) T regulatory (Treg) cells in the tumor microenvironment. However, the mechanisms that regulate the accumulation and the suppressive function of these Foxp3(+) Treg cells are poorly understood. Here, we found that the majority of Foxp3(+) Treg cells accumulating in the tumor microenvironment of EOCs belong to the subset of Foxp3(+) Treg cells expressing inducible costimulator (ICOS). The expansion and the suppressive function of these cells were strictly dependent on ICOS-L costimulation provided by tumor plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC). Accordingly, ICOS(+) Foxp3(+) Treg cells were found to localize in close vicinity of tumor pDCs, and their number directly correlated with the numbers of pDCs in the tumors. Furthermore, pDCs and ICOS(+) Foxp3(+) Treg cells were found to be strong predictors for disease progression in patients with ovarian cancer, with ICOS(+) Treg cell subset being a stronger predictor than total Foxp3(+) Treg cells. These findings suggest an essential role for pDCs and ICOS-L in immunosuppression mediated by ICOS(+) Foxp3(+) Treg cells, leading to tumor progression in ovarian cancer.


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El present TFC consisteix en fer un estudi dels sistemes de contrasenya gràfica a tall de presentació per donar a conèixer el seu funcionament. Finalment es desenvolupa una aplicació real del sistema de contrasenya per poder fer proves amb usuaris que serviran per obtenir dades objectives.


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Earthquakes represent a major hazard for populations around the world, causing frequent loss of life,human suffering and enormous damage to homes, other buildings and infrastructure. The Technology Resources forEarthquake Monitoring and Response (TREMOR) Team of 36 space professionals analysed this problem over thecourse of the International Space University Summer Session Program and published their recommendations in the formof a report. The TREMOR Team proposes a series of space- and ground-based systems to provide improved capabilityto manage earthquakes. The first proposed system is a prototype earthquake early-warning system that improves theexisting knowledge of earthquake precursors and addresses the potential of these phenomena. Thus, the system willat first enable the definitive assessment of whether reliable earthquake early warning is possible through precursormonitoring. Should the answer be affirmative, the system itself would then form the basis of an operational earlywarningsystem. To achieve these goals, the authors propose a multi-variable approach in which the system will combine,integrate and process precursor data from space- and ground-based seismic monitoring systems (already existing andnew proposed systems) and data from a variety of related sources (e.g. historical databases, space weather data, faultmaps). The second proposed system, the prototype earthquake simulation and response system, coordinates the maincomponents of the response phase to reduce the time delays of response operations, increase the level of precisionin the data collected, facilitate communication amongst teams, enhance rescue and aid capabilities and so forth. It isbased in part on an earthquake simulator that will provide pre-event (if early warning is proven feasible) and post-eventdamage assessment and detailed data of the affected areas to corresponding disaster management actors by means of ageographic information system (GIS) interface. This is coupled with proposed mobile satellite communication hubs toprovide links between response teams. Business- and policy-based implementation strategies for these proposals, suchas the establishment of a non-governmental organisation to develop and operate the systems, are included.


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On remarque : « Ex Glossario pervetusto » (f. 3) ; — « Ex chartis ecclesiae de Caritate » (f. 10) ; — « Ex veteri membrana et ex antiquo circulo depicto propè altare Maurimonasterii in Alsatia » (f. 10) ; — « Ex chartis R. P. Stephani Voyrin » (f. 11) ; — « Episcopi Metenses, ex ms. codice Sancti Arnulfi Metensis » (f. 12 v°) ; — Lettre de Hugues Métel à Gerland (f. 14) ; — « Ex variis catalogis sanctorum » (f. 14) ; — « Ex archivio ecclesiae Beatae Magdalenae [Bisuntinae] » (f. 17) ; — « Ex archivio Sancti Vincentii Bisont[ini] » (f. 18) ; — « Ex archivio monasterii Bellaevallis » [Bisuntinae dioecesis] (f. 20) ; — « Ex veteri necrologio Sancti Stephani [Bisuntini], quod est ad margines Martyrologii Bedae perantiqui, ad ejusdem ecclesiae usum accommodati » [cf. ms. de Besançon 712] (f. 23 v°) ; — « Inter martyrologium et regulam, seu librum primum concilii Aquisgranensis, habetur haec sententia absolutionis » (f. 25) ; — « Ante veterem Ordinem Romanum, qui est Liber Pontificalis, habentur sequentes formulae praestandae obedientiae archiepiscopis et ecclesiae Bisuntinae » (f. 25 v°) ; — « Alia ex archivo archiepiscopi [Bisuntini] » (f. 26 v°) ; — « Ex archivio Balernensi » (f. 27 v°) ; — « Ex variis sanctorum historiis manuscriptis » (f. 30) ; — « Extraits concernant Tournus » (f. 34 v°), — notamment : « Ex codice manuscripto Trenorchiensi, membraneo, quod vocare possis Registrum Trenorchiense, incipiens ab anno 1222 et desinens in 1296 ; inscribitur : Feoda ecclesiae Trenorchiensis » (f. 37) ; — « Ex notis R. P. Voyrini » [cf. supra, f. 11] (f. 49) ; — « Inscriptio vetus Luxoviensis » (f. 50 v°) ; — Notes historiques, concernant principalement des abbayes comtoises (f. 51) ; — « Scriptores rerum Burgundicarum » (f. 52) ; — « Ex parvo chartulari Sancti Benigni [Divionensis] » (f. 52 v°) ; — « Ex libro anniversariorum Sancti Benigni [Divionensis] », 1579-1629 (f. 52 v°) ; — « Ex chartulari Sancti Symphoriani Augustodunensis » (f. 53) ; — « Ex chartulari Sancti Marcelli Cabilonensis » (f. 53 v°) ; — « Ex chartulari S. Sequani » [Lingonensis dioecesis] (f. 54 v°) ; — « Ex chartulari Sanctae Capellae Divionensis » (f. 55) ; — « Ex chartulari cathedralis Augustodunensis » (f. 55 v°) ; — « Ex tomo priore chartularis Sancti Stephani Divionensis » (f. 56) ; — « Ex chartulari Cluniacensi » (f. 57) ; — « Ex apographo chartularis Matisconensis, cujus autographum vetus dicebatur Liber catenatus » (f. 57 v°) ; — « Ex chartulari Patriciaci, qui est prioratus dependens a Floriacensi abbatia, situs in comitatu Kadrellensi, dioecesi Augustodunensi » (f. 58 v°) ; — Extraits concernant Autun et les comtes d'Autun (f. 60 v°) ; — « Ex autographis Sancti Benigni Divionensis » (f. 61) ; — « Iterum ex chartulari Sancti Stephani Divionensis » (f. 61) ; — « Ex autographis monasterii puellarum Tartensis » (f. 62) ; — « Iterum ex tabulario Cluniacensi, adnotatis paginis » (f. 62 v°) ; — « Ex majore tabulario ecclesiae Cabilonensis, quod digessit Johannes Germani, Cabilonensis episcopus » (f. 64 v°) ; — « Ex tabulario abbatiae de Buxeria » (f. 65) ; — « Ex autographis monialium Benedictinarum de Pralon » (f. 66) ; — « Ex autographis prioratus Vallis Beatae Mariae juxta Talant, de Ordine Vallis Scholarium, vulgò Bonvau » (f. 66) ; — « Ex kalendario pervetusto Sancti Benigni Divionensis » (f. 66 v°) ; — « Ex martyrologio proprio Sancti Martini Eduensis » (f. 67) ; — « Ex necrologio Sancti Lazari Aeduensis » (f. 67) ; — « Ex chronico Sancti Petri Vivi Senonensis » (f. 67) ; — « Ex chronico S. Medardi Suessionensis » (f. 68) ; — « Ex brevi chronico Sancti Dionysii ad cyclos paschales » (f. 68) ; — « De Saracenis in Gallia profligatis » (f. 69) ; — « Ex necrologio Sancti Augendi Jurensis » (f. 74) ; — « Ex necrologio Sancti Petri Bisuntini » (f. 74) ; — « Ex necrologio veteri Sancti Stephani [Bisuntini] » (f. 74 v°) ; — « Ex registro Innocentii papae VI, anni IX pontificatus, Christi 1361 » (f. 82) ; — « Ex tabulis capituli Sancti Dionysii de Vergeyo, nunc Nuciacensis » (f. 83) ; — « Ex manuscripto codice donationum 208 Joannis, comitis Burgundiae et domini Salinensis, super puteum Salinarum » (f. 89 v°) ; — « Ex archivo Sancti Anatolii Salinensis ; ex magno necrologio chartaceo eique simili membraneo, composito 1390 » (f. 92) ; — « Ex chartis prioratus de Marthereto prope Vesulium » (f. 94) ; — « Ex archivo Sancti Pauli Bisonticensis » (f. 95) ; — « Ex veteri chartulario Sancti Pauli [Bisonticensis] » (f. 95 v°) ; — « Ex veteri manuscripto codice Sancti Pauli [Bisonticensis] » (f. 96) ; — « Ex antiquioribus libris ecclesiae Sancti Stephani [Bisonticensis], scriptis aut in usum adhibitis tempore Hugonis primi, [archiepiscopi Bisonticensis] » (f. 96 v°) ; — « Ex codice Sancti Stephani [Bisonticensis] pervetusto, qui Bisonticensis ecclesiae sacros ritus continet » (f. 97) ; — « Ex antiquis codicibus Sancti Pauli [Bisonticensis] » (f. 98) ; — « Ex antiquo rituum libro » (f. 98) ; — « Ex antiquis letaniis, tempore Hugonis I, [archiepiscopi Bisuntini], in ecclesia Bisontina cani solitis ; ex manuscriptis Sancti Stephani et Sancti Pauli » (f. 99) ; — « Extraits de plusieurs manuscrits de Saint-Paul de Besançon » (f. 99 v°) ; — « Ex manuscripto codice Sanctae Magdalenae [Bisuntinae] » (f. 101) ; — Inscription trouvée à Saint-Ferjeux, en 1627 (f. 101 v°) ; — « Ex antiquis membranis archivii ecclesiae metropolitanae Bisontinae », extraits de bulles pontificales, etc. (f. 102) ; — « Ex archivio Loci Crescentis seu Trium Regum » (f. 105) ; — Notes empruntées, « ut videtur », à Anselme « de Marenchiis » (f. 106) ; — « Ex actis capituli Bisontini » (f. 106 v°) ; — « Ex obitibus adnotatis ad marginem martyrologii cathedralis Aeduensis » (f. 106 v°) ; — Fragment de chronique, 563-1033, tiré « ex veteri membrana monasterii Sancti Augendi » (f. 107) ; — « Ex alia membrana, post chronicon Engolismense » (f. 107) ; — « Ex archivio abbatiae de Aceyo » (f. 108) ; — « Ex archivio abbatiae de Roseriis » (f. 109) ; — « Extrait d'un tome des recognoissances des fiefs du Charolois » (f. 109 v°) ; — « Ex polypthico Sancti Vincentii Cabilonensis » (f. 114) ; — « Ex Aeneae, Parisiensis episcopi, collectione contra Graecos, Biblioth. Thuan., n. 444 » (f. 114) ; — « Consuetudines Cluniacenses, auctore Wdalrico, monacho Cluniacensi » (f. 115) ; — Inscriptions copiées « in pervetusto manuscripto codice, post Persii satyras », etc. (f. 116) ; — Extraits d'une « Vita metrica sancti Eustachii martyris, cognomine Placidae », contenue « in manuscripto codice Cisterciensi », etc. (f. 116 v°) ; — « De archiepiscopis Bisontinis » (f. 119) ; — « Ex archivio capituli Bisontini » (f. 120 v°) ; — « Notitia nostrorum diplomatum » (f. 124-135 r° , 141 r° , 142 v° et 143 r°) ; — « De comitibus Burgundiae in Sancti Stephani basilica Bisontina sepultis, ex veteri membrana archivi ecclesiae metropolitanae » (f. 135 v°) ; — Lettre autogr. de « Pierre-François Chifflet » [à Baluze], Dijon, 18 mars 1657 (f. 161) ; — Fragment de charte, « extrait du thresor de S. Anatoile de Salins » (f. 162) ; — Lettre autogr. de « [fr.] François Du Chemin » à Chifflet, Cîteaux, 16 mai 1657 (f. 167) ; — « Nova regum Francorum series, a quâ Theodericus II et omnes ejus posteri excluduntur, ex manuscripto codice Fontanetensi » (f. 171) ; — « Vita sancti Theutbaldi, Viennensis archiepiscopi », incomplète [Bibliotheca hagiographica latina, 8044 b] (f. 172 et 172 bis) ; — « Ex chartulario Sancti Germani Autisiodorensis », diplômes carolingiens (f. 174) ; — Fragment d'une lettre [adressée vraisemblablement à Chifflet], Paris, octobre 1670 (f. 177) ; — Extraits « ex vitâ sancti Theutbaldi, Viennensis archiepiscopi..., ex manuscripto codice monasterii Sancti Theuderii, ubi sanctus Theobaldus, Viennensis archiepiscopus, requiescit » [extraits de la vie dont un fragment occupe les feuillets 172 et 172 bis] (f. 178) ; — Lettre autogr. de « P[ierre-] F[rançois] Chifflet » [à Baluze], 10 mars (f. 180) ; — Notes sur saint Théobald, archevêque de Vienne (f. 181). Cf. Ulysse Robert, Catalogue des manuscrits relatifs à la Franche-Comté, qui sont conservés dans les bibliothèques publiques de Paris (1878), p. 161-162.


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A acidez potencial tem grande importância pelo seu uso na determinação da necessidade de calagem pelo método da saturação de bases. O objetivo deste trabalho foi definir uma equação de regressão que estime o teor de H + Al a partir do pH SMP medido na suspensão solo-solução SMP, associada à determinção do pH em água, para solos da Região do Vale do Jequitinhonha. As análises dos teores de H + Al, extraídos por acetato de cálcio 0,5 mol L-1 a pH 7,0, e dos valores de pH SMP foram realizadas no laboratório de fertilidade do solo da UFVJM em 50 amostras de solos, com valores de pH em água variando de 4,0 a 7,6, teores de carbono orgânico de 1 a 29 g kg-1 e os de argila de 100 a 810 g kg-1. A acidez potencial, expressa em cmol c dm-3, pode ser estimada pelo uso do pH SMP, por meio da equação: Ln (H + Al) = 8,26 - 1,124312 pH SMP (R² = 0,97).


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Apesar do potencial para uso agrícola e das características edáficas peculiares, poucos trabalhos são desenvolvidos para estimar a acidez potencial dos solos com elevado teor de matéria orgânica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi definir um modelo matemático que estime a acidez potencial (H + Al) a partir do pH SMP após determinação do pH do solo em água ou em solução de CaCl2 10 mmol L-1, com leitura do pH na suspensão ou sobrenadante da solução SMP de equilíbrio, em determinada relação solo:tampão SMP, em Organossolos da Serra do Espinhaço Meridional (SdEM), Estado de Minas Gerais, situada entre 17 ° 30 ' a 20 ° 30 ' S e 43 ° a 44 ° W. Foram utilizadas 22 amostras de Organossolos classificados como Organossolo Háplico sáprico térrico, Organossolo Háplico fíbrico típico e Organossolo Háplico hêmico típico da SdEM. A acidez potencial dos Organossolos da SdEM pode ser estimada satisfatoriamente por meio do pH SMP na relação solo:tampão SMP de 10:10 medido na suspensão solo-solução SMP associada à rotina de determinação do pH do solo em água. O C orgânico foi o atributo químico que mais influenciou a acidez potencial dos Organossolos da SdEM.


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To determine self‐consistently the time evolution of particle size and their number density in situ multi‐angle polarization‐sensitive laser light scattering was used. Cross‐polarization intensities (incident and scattered light intensities with opposite polarization) measured at 135° and ex situ transmission electronic microscopy analysis demonstrate the existence of nonspherical agglomerates during the early phase of agglomeration. Later in the particle time development both techniques reveal spherical particles again. The presence of strong cross‐polarization intensities is accompanied by low‐frequency instabilities detected on the scattered light intensities and plasma emission. It is found that the particle radius and particle number density during the agglomeration phase can be well described by the Brownian free molecule coagulation model. Application of this neutral particle coagulation model is justified by calculation of the particle charge whereby it is shown that particles of a few tens of nanometer can be considered as neutral under our experimental conditions. The measured particle dispersion can be well described by a Brownian free molecule coagulation model including a log‐normal particle size distribution.


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Existem diversos métodos para a interpretação da diagnose foliar; o nível crítico ou as faixas de suficiência descritas na literatura são os mais utilizados. Porém, o uso de métodos de determinação de faixas normais de nutrientes que contemplam regiões específicas (localidades) aumenta a eficiência da interpretação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar as faixas normais de nutrientes para a cultura da cana-de-açúcar, mediante a utilização dos métodos Chance Matemática (ChM), Sistema Integrado de Diagnose e Recomendação (DRIS) e Diagnose da Composição Nutricional (CND), além do Nível Crítico determinado pelo método de distribuição normal reduzida. O trabalho foi realizado tomando-se como base dados relativos a teores de nutrientes em amostras foliares e de produtividade de lavouras comerciais de cana-de-açúcar, localizadas no município de Campos de Goytacazes, RJ. Com o método da ChM, foram obtidas faixas de suficiência semelhantes aos métodos DRIS e CND, para N, Ca, S e Mn, enquanto para P, K, Mg, Cu e Zn os valores obtidos pela ChM foram superiores. A utilização dos métodos ChM, DRIS e CND, em lavouras comerciais de cana-de-açúcar em geral, possibilitou a obtenção de menor amplitude da faixa normal dos nutrientes, em comparação com os valores alcançados pelos métodos nível crítico e faixa de suficiência.