999 resultados para Glycogen Status
Objective: We assessed the 15-year trends in the distribution of body mass index (BMI) categories in the Seychelles (Indian Ocean, African Region) and the relationship with sex, age and socio-economic status (SES). Methods: We conducted three population-based examination surveys in 1989 (n=1,081; participation rate: 86.4%), in 1994 (n=1,067; 87.0%), and in 2004 (n=1,255; 80.2%). Occupation was categorized as "laborer", "intermediate" or "professional". Results are adjusted to the population of 2002. Results: Between 1989 and 2004, mean BMI increased markedly in all sex and age categories (overall: ∼0.15 kg/m2/calendar year). The prevalence of overweight and obesity combined ("excess weight", BMI ≥25 kg/m2) increased from 29% to 52% in men and from 50% to 67% in women. The prevalence of obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m2) increased from 4% to 15% in men and from 23% to 34% in women. Mean BMI - respectively the prevalence of excess weight- was lower in laborers than professionals in men but higher in laborers that professionals in women and this pattern was similar in the three surveys. Odds ratios for excess weight in professionals vs. laborers were 2.10 (95% CI: 1.94-2.17) in men and 0.51 (0.48-0.53) in women, adjusting for calendar year and participants' age and smoking habits. Conclusion: The prevalence of overweight/obesity increased markedly during a 15- year period. Similar increase of BMI over time in all age and sex categories suggests common environment obesogenic factors. The association between SES and excess weight was in opposite directions in men and women. The study emphasizes the need for prevention measures in all sex, age and SES groups, and suggests that they should be tailored according to sex and SES categories.
ABSTRACT In early March 2015, three males and two females of one unknown species of Drosophila were collected from a compost pile and some garbage cans in the west region of the city of São Paulo, state of São Paulo, Brazil. Morphologically it is easily identified by the presence of the following conspicuous features: a brownish dorsal stripe along pleura, an entirely iridescent silvery-whitish frons when seen directly from the front, and a row of cuneiform setae on anteroventral side of femur of foreleg; the former two traits being more evident in males. The species was easily reared in a modified banana-agar medium and two isofemale lines were established allowing to obtain mitotic cells showing a diploid chromosome number of 2n = 8. Based both on morphological and chromosomal features, in addition to the geographical distribution, we concluded that the unknown flies belong to Drosophila nasuta Lamb, 1914, a tropical species of the nasuta subgroup of the Drosophila immigrans species group. Photomicrographs of male imagines, terminalia, mitotic and meiotic metaphase plates, as well as of female mitotic metaphase, are included.
Over the last decades, a decline in motor skills and in physical activity and an increase in obesity has been observed in children. However, there is a lack of data in young children. We tested if differences in motor skills and in physical activity according to weight or gender were already present in 2- to 4-year-old children. Fifty-eight child care centers in the French part of Switzerland were randomly selected for the Youp'là bouge study. Motor skills were assessed by an obstacle course including 5 motor skills, derived from the Zurich Neuromotor Assessment test. Physical activity was measured with accelerometers (GT1M, Actigraph, Florida, USA) using age-adapted cut-offs. Weight status was assessed using the International Obesity Task Force criteria (healthy weight vs overweight) for body mass index (BMI). Of the 529 children (49% girls, 3.4 ± 0.6 years, BMI 16.2 ± 1.2 kg/m2), 13% were overweight. There were no significant weight status-related differences in the single skills of the obstacle course, but there was a trend (p = 0.059) for a lower performance of overweight children in the overall motor skills score. No significant weight status-related differences in child care-based physical activity were observed. No gender-related differences were found in the overall motor skills score, but boys performed better than girls in 2 of the 5 motor skills (p ≤ 0.04). Total physical activity as well as time spent in moderate-vigorous and in vigorous activity during child care were 12-25% higher and sedentary activity 5% lower in boys compared to girls (all p < 0.01). At this early age, there were no significant weight status- or gender-related differences in global motor skills. However, in accordance to data in older children, child care-based physical activity was higher in boys compared to girls. These results are important to consider when establishing physical activity recommendations or targeting health promotion interventions in young children.
With an approach, based on chromosomal, biochemical and morphological analysis, we show that the animals wich are classically attributed to C. r. gueldenstaedti and/or to C. r. monacha belong in fact to the taxon C. suaveolens. The oriental forms, formely seen as C. russula, are of the same karyotype as C. suaveolens and are biochemically close to C. suaveolens in Central Europe. The origin of the taxonomical confusion might stem from the large morphological variation in and between populations of C. suaveolens in the Near East. Based on our results C. russula monacha Thomas, 1906 belongs to the polymorphic species C. suaveolens Pallas, 1811 and we propose to consider C. (russula) gueldenstaedti Pallas, 1881 as "incertae sedis".
We are pleased to present the 2009 Spring Newsletter summarizing programs and achievements from this past year. Although many challenges lie ahead as this deepening financial crisis takes its toll, CAPI remains steadfast in its commitment to serve the needs of all Asian and Pacific Islanders of Iowa. Thank you for your continued support! We look forward to having another productive year!
In the Spring of 2004, the Iowa legislature passed the bill to establish the Commission on the Status of Iowans of Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage (CAPI) within the Department of Human Rights. Nine (9) commissioners were appointed by the Governor in October. In August 2006, the first division administrator was appointed; thus the Division was established. The duties of the Commission, as established in Iowa Code Chapter 216A.152, define the work of the Division. Vision: All Asian and Pacific Islander Iowans live up to their potential, regardless of ethnicity, station in life, and religion. Mission: To ensure Iowa’s Asians and Pacific Islanders have opportunities equal to other Iowans in education, employment, health care, housing, and safety and to publicize the accomplishments and contributions of the Asian and Pacific Islanders to the state.
In the Spring of 2004, the Iowa legislature passed the bill to establish the Commission on the Status of Iowans of Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage (CAPI) within the Department of Human Rights. Nine (9) commissioners were appointed by the Governor in October. In August 2006, the first division administrator was appointed; thus the Division was established. The duties of the Commission, as established in Iowa Code Chapter 216A.152, define the work of the Division. Vision: All Iowans live up to their potential, regardless of ethnicity, station in life, and religion. Mission: To empower Asians and Pacific Islanders, improve their well-being, and celebrate a diverse Iowa.
In the Spring of 2004, the Iowa legislature passed the bill to establish the Commission on the Status of Iowans of Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage (CAPI) within the Department of Human Rights. Nine (9) commissioners were appointed by the Governor in October. In August 2006, the first division administrator was appointed; thus the Division was established. The duties of the Commission, as established in Iowa Code Chapter 216A.152, define the work of the Division. Vision: All Iowans live up to their potential, regardless of ethnicity, station in life, and religion. Mission: To empower Asians and Pacific Islanders, improve their well-being, and celebrate a diverse Iowa.
To recall and celebrate the positive contributions to our nation made by people of African descent, American historian Carter G. Woodson established Black History Week beginning on Feb. 12, 1926. In 1976, as part of the nation’s bicentennial, the week was expanded into Black History Month. This report gives data information about African-Americans in Iowa.
The O6-methylguanine-DNA-methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter methylation status is a predictive parameter for the response of malignant gliomas to alkylating agents such as temozolomide. First clinical trials with temozolomide plus bevacizumab therapy in metastatic melanoma patients are ongoing, although the predictive value of the MGMT promoter methylation status in this setting remains unclear. We assessed MGMT promoter methylation in formalin-fixed, primary tumor tissue of metastatic melanoma patients treated with first-line temozolomide and bevacizumab from the trial SAKK 50/07 by methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction. In addition, the MGMT expression levels were also analyzed by MGMT immunohistochemistry. Eleven of 42 primary melanomas (26%) revealed a methylated MGMT promoter. Promoter methylation was significantly associated with response rates CR + PR versus SD + PD according to RECIST (response evaluation criteria in solid tumors) (p<0.05) with a trend to prolonged median progression-free survival (8.1 versus 3.4 months, p>0.05). Immunohistochemically different protein expression patterns with heterogeneous and homogeneous nuclear MGMT expression were identified. Negative MGMT expression levels were associated with overall disease stabilization CR+PR+SD versus PD (p=0.05). There was only a poor correlation between MGMT methylation and lack of MGMT expression. A significant proportion of melanomas have a methylated MGMT promoter. The MGMT promoter methylation status may be a promising predictive marker for temozolomide therapy in metastatic melanoma patients. Larger sample sizes may help to validate significant differences in survival type endpoints.
This publication of our 2008 Annual Report. This past year was beset with challenges and disappointments, but we were still able to forge ahead and register some significant accomplishments along the way. Our vision to organize our collective genius in a systematic way is beginning to take shape, and these efforts are reflected in this report. From various developments, like the making of a documentary and film of the Alexander Clark, Sr. story, to the partnership between the division and principal leadership in the faith community around the OCBI’s “Ten Point Plan”, one can envision the proverbial Black “phoenix” rising, renewed from the ashes of banal ideologies and practices. We will seize this opportunity, in conjunction with all of Iowa, to work together around the entire state, to produce a plan that reflects our collective interests, passions, and needs as we help create the Governor and Lt Governor’s vision of “One Iowa with One Unlimited Future.”
A Public Intellectual recently suggested that I read the book Life Out Of Context by the very productive writer Walter Mosley. In this book, Mosley began to summarize a speech that was given by Harry Belafonte. Belafonte made a comparison between a particular Olympic relay race and the Civil Rights Movement. In the race, an experienced runner stumbled a little while passing the baton, and the race was lost. For Belafonte, this momentary slip was a metaphor for the failure of the Civil Rights Movement to “pass the baton” to the younger generation as “it moved past its original phase and into the latter part of the century.” Regardless of your views of the strengths and weaknesses of the Civil Rights Movement, I think all of us would agree that the current issues facing Black Iowa today--e.g., the need for economic development, increased educational achievement and more political involvement in our communities--demand our immediate attention and action. This urgency requires that we cross generational, class, and territorial boundaries within the state to collaborate among ourselves and with others to deal constructively with these issues. We cannot afford to have another “momentary slip.” Serving as the Administrator for ICSAA allows me to serve Black Iowa in a significant way, and Kimberly Cheeks and I in this Division look forward to the work ahead over the next several months and years. Working closely with Walter Reed, Director of the Department of Human Rights, along with so many others across this state, we are keenly aware that we are provided with a great opportunity to positively impact the quality of life for African-Americans in Iowa.
The Commission on the Status of African-Americans, formerly known as the Commission on the Status of Blacks, was created by statute in 1988. The nine members of the commission are appointed by the Governor and represent each region of the State where there is a significant African-American population. Meetings are open to the public. The commission sets policy for and provides direction to the Division of the Status of African-Americans within the Department of Human Rights. The division administrator is appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Iowa Senate.