986 resultados para Girard, Stephen, 1750-1831
This article considers the life and work of Stephen Martin Leake and seeks to locate his work within the wider context of the procedural and substantive transformation of the mid-to-late Victorian legal world. In particular, the article attempts to rescue Leake from obscurity and emphasise his importance in this process. It is argued that Leake’s work began the process whereby common lawyers conceived of their law as organised in a principled rather than procedural manner. Later common law jurists built upon this work. Consideration is also given to the philosophical and jurisprudential sources upon which Leake drew in constructing his treatises.
This dossier aims to consider the contribution Stephen Dwoskin and his work made to the development of film and its infrastructure in the UK from 1964 when he arrived in the London until his death in 2012. Dwoskin not only straddled different contexts and ideologies about film but advocated for the support of work in a wide variety of forms. Because of this he was not easily categorizeable. Much of the work analyzing his camera work and his contribution to film is written in French and there is little, particularly in recent years, in English. As such this dossier constituted an important contribution to the reassessment of a singular avant-garde artist and film maker. (can I use avant garde here?) In the light of his recent death this is a timely moment for a consideration of Dwoskin’s achievements and legacy. As well as having a groundbreaking vision of what film could do, he was an influential figure and constituting force in terms of the milieu and structures that supported the independent film world in the UK for several decades. Much of the literature surrounding this world in the UK has been formed by key figures making sense of their part in history. This dossier aims towards some first steps in historicising his legacy. Two of the proposed texts will be making use of new material to conduct original research made available through the recently acquired Dwoskin Archive at University of Reading. Due to Dowksin’s heterogenous involvement in film, there are many ways in which Dwoskin can be considered and the proposed essays will take a range of perspectives to assess and analyse his contribution.
Syftet med denna uppsats är att utröna om risken att avlida i förtid var större i Falun än på tre andra jämnstora orter i Mellansverige med i övrigt likartade miljömässiga förutsättningar, mellan åren 1750 till 1770. Det använda källmaterialet är Tabellverkets folkbokförings- och mortalitetstabeller för åren 1750 till 1770. Dödsfall i miljörelaterade sjukdomar för Falun har jämförts med orterna Mora, Gefle och Hedemora. Miljön i Falun skiljde sig från de andra orterna främst på grund av den massiva exponeringen av svaveldioxid och metallhaltiga partiklar, som förekom som ett resultat av gruvverksamheten och den efterföljande kopparframställningen. Gefle var en tätort med stadens problem medan Mora var ett agrart samhälle och Hedemora var både och. Resultatet visar, att risken att avlida i bröst- och lungrelaterade sjukdomar var signifikant högre i Falun än i Mora och Hedemora. Även i Gävle var risken mindre än i Falun, dock ej lika tydligt, vilket sannolikt är en följd av att Gävle var en tätort, som allmänt gav en högre dödlighet. Även den allmänna risken att avlida i förtid var högre i Falun än för de andra orterna. Undersökningen visar också på den risk, som fanns, att avlida i förtid, som de olika epidemierna gav upphov till och den stora inverkan det får. Medelåldern var högre i Falun än för de andra undersökta orterna men detta förklaras främst och rimligast av demografiska skillnader
A reading delivered at Colby College on January 1, 1981.
A reading delivered at Colby College on January 1, 1981.