965 resultados para Genomic Imprinting
In 1950, G. Ledyard Stebbins devoted two chapters of his book Variation and Evolution in Plants (Columbia Univ. Press, New York) to polyploidy, one on occurrence and nature and one on distribution and significance. Fifty years later, many of the questions Stebbins posed have not been answered, and many new questions have arisen. In this paper, we review some of the genetic attributes of polyploids that have been suggested to account for the tremendous success of polyploid plants. Based on a limited number of studies, we conclude: (i) Polyploids, both individuals and populations, generally maintain higher levels of heterozygosity than do their diploid progenitors. (ii) Polyploids exhibit less inbreeding depression than do their diploid parents and can therefore tolerate higher levels of selfing; polyploid ferns indeed have higher levels of selfing than do their diploid parents, but polyploid angiosperms do not differ in outcrossing rates from their diploid parents. (iii) Most polyploid species are polyphyletic, having formed recurrently from genetically different diploid parents. This mode of formation incorporates genetic diversity from multiple progenitor populations into the polyploid “species”; thus, genetic diversity in polyploid species is much higher than expected by models of polyploid formation involving a single origin. (iv) Genome rearrangement may be a common attribute of polyploids, based on evidence from genome in situ hybridization (GISH), restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis, and chromosome mapping. (v) Several groups of plants may be ancient polyploids, with large regions of homologous DNA. These duplicated genes and genomes can undergo divergent evolution and evolve new functions. These genetic and genomic attributes of polyploids may have both biochemical and ecological benefits that contribute to the success of polyploids in nature.
Olfactory receptor (OR) genes represent ≈1% of genomic coding sequence in mammals, and these genes are clustered on multiple chromosomes in both the mouse and human genomes. We have taken a comparative genomics approach to identify features that may be involved in the dynamic evolution of this gene family and in the transcriptional control that results in a single OR gene expressed per olfactory neuron. We sequenced ≈350 kb of the murine P2 OR cluster and used synteny, gene linkage, and phylogenetic analysis to identify and sequence ≈111 kb of an orthologous cluster in the human genome. In total, 18 mouse and 8 human OR genes were identified, including 7 orthologs that appear to be functional in both species. Noncoding homology is evident between orthologs and generally is confined within the transcriptional unit. We find no evidence for common regulatory features shared among paralogs, and promoter regions generally do not contain strong promoter motifs. We discuss these observations, as well as OR clustering, in the context of evolutionary expansion and transcriptional regulation of OR repertoires.
Heteroduplex joints are general intermediates of homologous genetic recombination in DNA genomes. A heteroduplex joint is formed between a single-stranded region (or tail), derived from a cleaved parental double-stranded DNA, and homologous regions in another parental double-stranded DNA, in a reaction mediated by the RecA/Rad51-family of proteins. In this reaction, a RecA/Rad51-family protein first forms a filamentous complex with the single-stranded DNA, and then interacts with the double-stranded DNA in a search for homology. Studies of the three-dimensional structures of single-stranded DNA bound either to Escherichia coli RecA or Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad51 have revealed a novel extended DNA structure. This structure contains a hydrophobic interaction between the 2′ methylene moiety of each deoxyribose and the aromatic ring of the following base, which allows bases to rotate horizontally through the interconversion of sugar puckers. This base rotation explains the mechanism of the homology search and base-pair switch between double-stranded and single-stranded DNA during the formation of heteroduplex joints. The pivotal role of the 2′ methylene-base interaction in the heteroduplex joint formation is supported by comparing the recombination of RNA genomes with that of DNA genomes. Some simple organisms with DNA genomes induce homologous recombination when they encounter conditions that are unfavorable for their survival. The extended DNA structure confers a dynamic property on the otherwise chemically and genetically stable double-stranded DNA, enabling gene segment rearrangements without disturbing the coding frame (i.e., protein-segment shuffling). These properties may give an extensive evolutionary advantage to DNA.
Aberrations of the long arm of chromosome 11 are among the most common chromosome abnormalities in lymphoproliferative disorders (LPD). Translocations involving BCL1 at 11q13 are strongly associated with mantle cell lymphoma. other nonrandom aberrations, especially deletions and, less frequently, translocations, involving bands 11q21-923 have been identified by chromosome banding analysis. To date, the critical genomic segment and candidate genes involved in these deletions have not been identified. In the present study, we have analyzed tumors from 43 patients with LPD (B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia, n = 40; mantle cell lymphoma, n = 3) showing aberrations of bands 11q21-923 by fluorescence in situ hybridization. As probes we used Alu-PCR products from 17 yeast artificial chromosome clones spanning chromosome bands 11q14.3-923.3, including a panel of yeast artificial chromosome clones recognizing a contiguous genomic DNA fragment of approximately 9-10 Mb in bands 11q22.3-923.3. In the 41 tumors exhibiting deletions, we identified a commonly deleted segment in band 11q22.3-923.1; this region is approximately 2-3 Mb in size and contains the genes coding for ATM (ataxia telangiectasia mutated), RDX (radixin), and FDX1 (ferredoxin 1). Furthermore, two translocation break-points were localized to a 1.8-Mb genomic fragment contained within the commonly deleted segment. Thus, we have identified a single critical region of 2-3 Mb in size in which 11q14-923 aberrations in LPD cluster. This provides the basis for the identification of the gene(s) at 11q22.3-923.1 that are involved in the pathogenesis of LPD.
Microsatellites, tandem arrays of short (2-5 bp) nucleotide motifs, are present in high numbers in most eukaryotic genomes. We have characterized the physical distribution of microsatellites on chromosomes of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). Each microsatellite sequence shows a characteristic genomic distribution and motif-dependent dispersion, with site-specific amplification on one to seven pairs of centromeres or intercalary chromosomal regions and weaker, dispersed hybridization along chromosomes. Exclusion of some microsatellites from 18S-5.8S-25S rRNA gene sites, centromeres, and intercalary sites was observed. In-gel and in situ hybridization patterns are correlated, with highly repeated restriction fragments indicating major centromeric sites of microsatellite arrays. The results have implications for genome evolution and the suitability of particular microsatellite markers for genetic mapping and genome analysis.
Patients with disorders involving imprinted genes such as Angelman syndrome (AS) and Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) can have a mutation in the imprinting mechanism. Previously, we identified an imprinting center (IC) within chromosome 15q11-ql3 and proposed that IC mutations block resetting of the imprint, fixing on that chromosome the parental imprint (epigenotype) on which the mutation arose. We now describe four new microdeletions of the IC, the smallest (6 kb) of which currently defines the minimal region sufficient to confer an AS imprinting mutation. The AS deletions all overlap this minimal region, centromeric to the PWS microdeletions, which include the first exon of the SNRPN gene. None of five genes or transcripts in the 1.0 Mb vicinity of the IC (ZNF127, SNRPN, PAR-5, IPW, and PAR-1), each normally expressed only from the paternal allele, was expressed in cells from PWS imprinting mutation patients. In contrast, AS imprinting mutation patients show biparental expression of SNRPN and IPW but must lack expression of the putative AS gene 250-1000 kb distal of the IC. These data strongly support a model in which the paternal chromosome of these PWS patients carries an ancestral maternal epigenotype, and the maternal chromosome of these AS patients carries an ancestral paternal epigenotype. The IC therefore functions to reset the maternal and paternal imprints throughout a 2-Mb imprinted domain within human chromosome 15q11-q13 during gametogenesis.
We describe a transgenic mouse line carrying the cre transgene under the control of the adenovirus EIIa promoter that targets expression of the Cre recombinase to the early mouse embryo. To assess the ability of this recombinase to excise loxP-flanked DNA sequences at early stages of development, we bred EIIa-cre transgenic mice to two different mouse lines carrying loxP-flanked target sequences: (i) a strain with a single gene-targeted neomycin resistance gene flanked by 1oxP sites and (ii) a transgenic line carrying multiple transgene copies with internal loxP sites. Mating either of these loxP-carrying mouse lines to EIIa-cre mice resulted in first generation progeny in which the loxP-flanked sequences had been efficiently deleted from all tissues tested, including the germ cells. Interbreeding of these first generation progeny resulted in efficient germ-line transmission of the deletion to subsequent generations. These results demonstrate a method by which loxP-flanked DNA sequences can be efficiently deleted in the early mouse embryo. Potential applications of this approach are discussed, including reduction of multicopy transgene loci to produce single-copy transgenic lines and introduction of a variety of subtle mutations into the line.
5'-Deoxy-5'-methylthioadenosine phosphorylase (methylthioadeno-sine: ortho-phosphate methylthioribosyltransferase, EC 24.2.28; MTAP) plays a role in purine and polyamine metabolism and in the regulation of transmethylation reactions. MTAP is abundant in normal cells but is deficient in many cancers. Recently, the genes for the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p16 and p15 have been localized to the short arm of human chromosome 9 at band p21, where MTAP and interferon alpha genes (IFNA) also map. Homozygous deletions of p16 and p15 are frequent malignant cell lines. However, the order of the MTAP, p16, p15, and IFNA genes on chromosome 9p is uncertain, and the molecular basis for MTAP deficiency in cancer is unknown. We have cloned the MTAP gene, and have constructed a topologic map of the 9p21 region using yeast artificial chromosome clones, pulse-field gel electrophoresis, and sequence-tagged-site PCR. The MTAP gene consists of eight exons and seven introns. Of 23 malignant cell lines deficient in MTAP protein, all but one had complete or partial deletions. Partial or total deletions of the MTAP gene were found in primary T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemias (T-ALL). A deletion breakpoint of partial deletions found in cell lines and primary T-ALL was in intron 4. Starting from the centromeric end, the gene order on chromosome 9p2l is p15, p16, MTAP, IFNA, and interferon beta gene (IFNB). These results indicate that MTAP deficiency in cancer is primarily due to codeletion of the MTAP and p16 genes.
RNA-RNA interactions govern a number of biological processes. Several RNAs, including natural sense and antisense RNAs, interact by means of a two-step mechanism: recognition is mediated by a loop-loop complex, which is then stabilized by formation of an extended intermolecular duplex. It was proposed that the same mechanism holds for dimerization of the genomic RNA of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), an event thought to control crucial steps of HIV-1 replication. However, whereas interaction between the partially self-complementary loop of the dimerization initiation site (DIS) of each monomer is well established, formation of the extended duplex remained speculative. Here we first show that in vitro dimerization of HIV-1 RNA is a specific process, not resulting from simple annealing of denatured molecules. Next we used mutants of the DIS to test the formation of the extended duplex. Four pairs of transcomplementary mutants were designed in such a way that all pairs can form the loop-loop "kissing" complex, but only two of them can potentially form the extended duplex. All pairs of mutants form heterodimers whose thermal stability, dissociation constant, and dynamics were analyzed. Taken together, our results indicate that, in contrast with the interactions between natural sense and antisense RNAs, no extended duplex is formed during dimerization of HIV-1 RNA. We also showed that 55-mer sense RNAs containing the DIS are able to interfere with the preformed HIV-1 RNA dimer.