997 resultados para GENERAL CHEMISTRY
v. 18 (1807)
El presente proyecto apunta a buscar una posible solución a dos problemáticas de salud que afectan a un importante grupo de la población mundial y son los asociados a la enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) y a la disfunción eréctil. La EA es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa progresiva caracterizada por la pérdida de memoria a corto plazo, entre otras manifestaciones. En la actualidad la terapia más utilizada son los inhibidores de la acetilcolinesterasa (AChE), ya que acetilcolina es el principal neurotransmisor afectado. No obstante, los agentes terapéuticos utilizados presentan efectos no deseados a nivel gastrointestinal, lo que motiva la búsqueda de nuevos agentes. A partir del estudio de la especie autóctona Huperzia saururus aislamos hasta el presente 10 alcaloides, algunos de los cuales resultaron activos sobre la retención de memoria, investigación realizada mediante ensayos tanto in vitro como in vivo. A partir de los promisorios resultados obtenidos se continuarán profundizando estos estudios y también se buscará el farmacóforo, la parte de la estructura responsable de la actividad. Para ello, se realizarán modificaciones químicas de los grupos funcionales y los productos obtenidos serán igualmente evaluados por su actividad sobre memoria. Los que resulten activos serán investigados en relación a su toxicidad, en la búsqueda de potenciales agentes terapéuticos. Paralelamente se estudiarán las diferentes familias de compuestos presentes en la especie, dado que el uso popular proclama su efecto afrodisíaco. La búsqueda de un afrodisíaco perfecto que incremente el deseo sexual, el placer y el desempeño, ha sido una constante desde los tiempos remotos. En todos los casos, se ha buscado mejorar el rendimiento sexual o combatir la disfunción eréctil (DE). Este término se describe como “la incapacidad constante para alcanzar o mantener una erección que es satisfactoria para el rendimiento sexual”. Para investigar la actividad biológica de H. saururus, los extractos y compuestos aislados serán evaluados por la generación de NO que produzcan, la que será estimada mediante la acumulación de nitrito, metabolito estable del NO, en sobrenadantes de cultivo de células endoteliales (HUVEC). Los que resulten efectivos serán evaluados mediante ensayos in vivo tales como, el de conducta sexual en machos y de comportamiento de monta. Del mismo modo que para los alcaloides, se estudiará la toxicidad de los compuestos que resulten activos a los fines de proseguir la metodología en la investigación preclínica de potenciales medicamentos. The present Project aims to look for a possible solution for two health problems that affect an important group of world population and they are those associated to Alzheimer Disease (AD) and Erectile Dysfunction. AD is a neurodegenerative progressive disease characterized by short term memory loss, among other signs. Nowadays the most used therapy are the acethylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChE), in view that the acethylcholine is the main neurotransmitter affected. Nevertheless, the therapeutic agents used present collateral effects at gastrointestinal level, so it motivates the search for new agents. From the autochthonous species Huperzia saururus we have isolated 10 alkaloids until the present, some of which were active on memory retention, investigation developed in vitro and in vivo. After these promising results, these studies will be continued, as well as the search for the pharmacophore. For this reason, chemical modifications on functional groups will be done and the obtained products will be evaluated on their activity on memory as well. In line with this, the different families of compounds present in H. saururus will be studied in view that the popular use claims its aphrodisiac effect. The search for a perfect aphrodisiac that increase the sexual desire, the pleasure and performance was a constant since the old times. In all the cases it was looked a better sexual performance or fight against the erectile dysfunction (DE). For investigate the biological activity of H. saururus, the extracts and the isolated compounds will be evaluated on the NO generation, which will be estimated by means of nitrite accumulation, stable metabolite of NO, in supernatants of endothelial cell cultures (HUVEC). The compounds that appear effectives will be evaluated by in vivo assays such as sexual male behavior, and mount behavior. As for alkaloids, toxicity of active compounds will be studied to follow the pre-clinic methodology research of potential medicines.
El presente proyecto plantea utilizar integralmente la técnica de Resonancia Magnética Nuclear en sólidos como un medio experimental que permite entender fenómenos de la física fundamental, como así también realizar aplicaciones de interés en el campo de la química, los desarrollos farmacéuticos y la biología. Novedosas técnicas experimentales serán empleadas, en conjunción con otras más tradicionales, en la caracterización de nuevas estructuras poliméricas acomplejadas a metales, membranas biológicas y compuestos de interés farmacéutico en vías de desarrollo, los cuales presentan el fenómeno de polimorfismo . Esto se llevará a cabo complementando los resultados de RMN en sólidos con técnicas tanto espectroscópicas como analíticas (Infrarrojo, Difracción de Rayos X, Calorimetría, RMN en solución) y trabajo interdisciplinario. Paralelamente al desarrollo de estos temas, profundizaremos mediante investigación básica, en la compresión de la dinámica cuántica y el surgimiento de la irreversibilidad en sistemas de espines nucleares. Observaremos en particular la generación, evolución y control de las coherencias cuánticas múltiples en sistemas cuánticos abiertos, lo cual nos da información sobre tamaño de clusters de espines. Esto permitirá la correcta implementación de secuencias de pulsos sofisticadas, como así también desarrollar nuevos métodos de medición aplicados a la caracterización estructural y a la dinámica molecular de sólidos complejos. Debemos resaltar que este proyecto está conectado con aspectos tanto básicos como aplicados de la RMN en sólidos como técnica experimental, la cual se desarrolla en el país únicamente en FaMAF-UNC. Se nutre además de trabajo multidisciplinario promoviendo la colaboración con investigadores y becarios de distintas áreas (física, química, farmacia, biología) provenientes de distintos puntos del país. Finalmente podemos afirmar que este plan impulsa la aplicación de la física básica proyectada a diferentes áreas del conocimiento, en el ámbito de la provincia de Córdoba. The aim of the present proyect is to use Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) as a complete techique that allows the understanding of fundamental physics phenomena and, at the same time, it leads to important applications in the fields of chemistry, pharmaceutical developments and biology. New experiments will be used together with traditional ones, in the characterization of new metal-polymer complexes, biological membranes and pharmaceutical compounds, some of them presenting polymorfism. NMR experiments will be complemented with diverse spectroscopic and analytical techniques: Infrared, X ray Diffraction, Thermal Analysis, solution NMR, as well as multidisciplinary investigation. Additionally, the present proyect plans to study in depth several aspects of quantum dynamics phenomena and decoherence in nuclear spin systems. The present proyect is connected with basic and applied aspects of the solid state NMR technique, developed in our country, only at FaMAF-UNC. It is is composed by multidisciplinary work and it promotes the collaboration with researchers and students coming from different fields (physics, chemistry, pharmaceutical developments, biology) and different points of our country.
Entre los factores que contribuyen a predecir el rendimiento académico se pueden destacar aquellos que reflejan capacidades cognitivas (inteligencia, por ejemplo), y aquellas diferencias individuales consideradas como no-cognitivas (rasgos de personalidad, por ejemplo). En los últimos años, también se considera al Conocimiento General (CG) como un criterio para el éxito académico (ver Ackerman, 1997), ya que se ha evidenciado que el conocimiento previo ayuda en la adquisición de nuevo conocimiento (Hambrick & Engle, 2001). Uno de los objetivos de la psicología educacional consiste en identificar las principales variables que explican el rendimiento académico, como también proponer modelos teóricos que expliquen las relaciones existentes entre estas variables. El modelo teórico PPIK (Inteligencia-como-Proceso, Personalidad, Intereses e Inteligencia-como-Conocimiento) propuesto por Ackerman (1996) propone que el conocimiento y las destrezas adquiridas en un dominio en particular son el resultado de la dedicación de recursos cognitivos que una persona realiza durante un prolongado período de tiempo. Este modelo propone que los rasgos de personalidad, intereses individuales/vocacionales y aspectos motivacionales están integrados como rasgos complejos que determinan la dirección y la intensidad de la dedicación de recursos cognitivos sobre el aprendizaje que realiza una persona (Ackerman, 2003). En nuestro medio (Córdoba, Argentina), un grupo de investigadores ha desarrollado una serie de recursos técnicos necesarios para la evaluación de algunos de los constructos propuesto por este modelo. Sin embargo, por el momento no contamos con una medida de Conocimiento General. Por lo tanto, en el presente proyecto se propone la construcción de un instrumento para medir Conocimiento General (CG), indispensable para poder contar con una herramienta que permita establecer parámetros sobre el nivel de conocimiento de la población universitaria y para en próximos trabajos poner a prueba los postulados de la teoría PPIK (Ackerman, 1996). Between the factors that contribute to predict the academic achievement, may be featured those who reflect cognitive capacities (i.g. intelligence) and those who reflect individual differences that are considered like non-cognitive (i.g. personality traits). In the last years, also the General Knowledge has been considered like a criterion for the academic successfully (see Ackerman, 1997), since it has been shown that the previous knowledge helps in the acquisition of the new knowledge (Hambrick & Engle, 2001). An interesting theoretical model that has proposed an explanation for the academic achievement, is the PPIK (intelligence like a process, interests and inteligence like knowledge) proposed by Ackerman (1996), who argues that knowledge and the acquired skills in a particular domain are the result of the dedication of cognitive resources that a person perform during a long period of time. This model proposes that personality traits, individuals interests and motivational aspects are integrated as complex traits that determine the direction and the intensity of the dedication of cognitive resources on the learning that a person make (Ackerman, 2003). In our context, (Córdoba, Argentina), a group of researcher has developed a series of necessary technical resoures for the assesment of some of the theoretical constructs proposed by this model. However, by the moment, we do not have an instrument for evaluate the General Knowledge. Therefore, this project aims the construction of an instrument to asess General Knowledge, essential to set parameters on the knowledge level of the university population and for in next works test the PPIK theory postulates.
Catalogue of Australian mammals, with introductory notes on general mammalogy, by J. Douglas Ogilby.
The vulnerability to pollution and hydrochemical variation of groundwater in the mid-west karstic lowlands of Ireland were investigated from October 1992 to September 1993, as part of an EU STRIDE project at Sligo Regional Technical College. Eleven springs were studied in the three local authority areas of Co. Galway, Co. Mayo, and Co. Roscommon. Nine of the springs drain locally or regionally important karstic aquifers and two drain locally important sand and gravel aquifers. The maximum average daily discharge of any of the springs was 16,000 m3/day. Determination of the vulnerability of groundwater to pollution relies heavily on an examination of subsoil deposits in an area since they can act as a protecting or filtering layer over groundwater. Within aquifers/spring catchments, chemical reactions such as adsorption, solution-precipitation or acid-base reactions occur and modify the hydrochemistry of groundwater (Lloyd and Heathcote, 1985). The hydrochemical processes) that predominate depend cm the mineralogy of the aquifer, the hydrogeological environment, the overlying subsoils, and the history of groundwater movement. The aim of this MSc research thesis was to investigate the hydrochemical variation of spring outflow and to assess the relationship between these variations and the intrinsic vulnerability of the springs and their catchments. If such a relationship can be quantified, then it is hoped that the hydrochemical variation of a spring may indicate the vulnerability of a spring catchment without the need for determining it by field mapping. Such a method would be invaluable to any of the three local authorities since they would be able to prioritise sources that are most at risk from pollution, using simple techniques of chemical sampling, and statistical analysis. For each spring a detailed geological, hydrogeological and hydrochemical study was carried out. Individual catchment areas were determined with a water balance/budget and groundwater tracing. The subsoils geology for each spring catchment were mapped at the 1:10,560 scale and digitised to the 1:25,000 scale with AutoCad™ and Arclnfo™. The vulnerability of each spring was determined using the Geological Survey's vulnerability guidelines. Field measurements and laboratory based chemistry analyses of the springs were undertaken by personnel from both the EPA Regional Laboratory in Castlebar, Co. Mayo, and the Environment Section of Roscommon Co. Council. Electrical conductivity and temperature (°C) were sampled fortnightly, in the field, using a WTW microprocessor conductivity meter. A percentage (%) vulnerability was applied to each spring in order to indicate the areal extent of the four main classes of vulnerability (Extreme, High, Moderate, and Low) which occurred within the confines of each spring catchment. Hydrochemical variation for the springs were presented as the coefficient of variation of electrical conductivity. The results of this study show that a clear relationship exists between the degree of vulnerability of each catchment area as defined by the subsoil cover and the coefficient of variation of EC, with the coefficient of variation increasing as the vulnerability increases. The coefficient of variation of electrical conductivity is considered to be a parameter that gives a good general reflection of the degree of vulnerability occurring in a spring catchment in Ireland's karstic lowlands.
Research was conducted to investigate the potential for ecologically engineering a sustainable wetland ecosystem over pyritic mine tailings to prevent the generation of acid mine drainage. Ecological engineering is technology with the primary goal being the creation of self-sustainable ecological systems. Work involved the design and construction of a pilot-scale wetland system comprising three wetland cells, each covering 100 m2. Approximately forty tonnes of pyritic mine tailings were deposited on the base of the first cell above a synthetic liner, covered with peat, flooded and planted with emergent wetland macrophytes Typha latifolia, Phragmites australis, and Juncus effusus. The second cell was constructed as a conventional free water surface wetland, planted identically, and used as a reference wetland/experimental control. Wetland monitoring to determine long-term sustainability focused on indicators of ecosystem health including ecological, hydrological, physico-chemical, geochemical, and biotic metrics. An integrated assessment was conducted that involved field ecology in addition to ecological risk assessment. The objective of the field ecology study was to use vegetative parameters as ecological indicators for documenting wetlands success or degradation. The goal of the risk assessment was to determine if heavy-metal contamination of the wetland sediments occurred through metal mobilisation from the underlying tailings, and to evaluate if subsequent water column chemistry and biotic metal concentrations were significantly correlated with adverse wetland ecosystem impacts. Data were used to assess heavy metal bioavailability within the system as a function of metal speciation in the wetland sediments. Results indicate hydrology is the most important variable in the design and establishment of the tailings wetland and suggest a wetland cover is an ecologically viable alternative for pyritic tailings which are feasible to flood. Ecological data indicate that in terms of species richness and diversity, the tailings-wetland was exhibiting the ecological characteristics of natural wetlands within two years. Ata indicate that pH and conductivity in the tailings-wetland were not adversely impacted by the acid-generating potential or sulphate concentration of the tailings substrate and its porewater. Similarly, no enhanced seasonal impacts from sulphate or metals in the water column, nor adverse impacts on the final water quality of the outflows, were detected. Mean total metal concentrations in the sediments of the tailings-wetland indicate no significant adverse mobilisation of metals into the peat substrate from the tailings. Correlation analyses indicate a general increase in sediment metal concentration in this wetland with increasing water depth and pH, and a corresponding decrease in the metal concentrations of the water column. Sediment extractions also showed enrichment of Cd, Fe, Pb and Zn in the oxidisable fraction (including sulphides and organic matter) of the tailings-wetland sediments. These data suggest that adsorption and coprecipitation of metals is occurring from the water column of the tailings wetland with organic material at increasing depths under reducing conditions. The long-term control of metal bioavailability in the tailings wetland will likely be related to the presence and continual build-up of organic carbon binding sites in the developing wetland above the tailings. Metal speciation including free-metal ion concentration and the impact of physico-chemical parameters particularly pH and organic matter, were investigated to assess ecotoxicological risk. Results indicate that potentially bioavailable metals (the sum of the exchangeable and reducible fractions) within the tailings wetland are similar to values cited for natural wetlands. Estimated free-metal ion concentrations calculated from geochemical regression models indicate lower free-metal ion concentrations of Cd in the tailings wetland than natural wetlands and slightly higher free-metal ion concentrations of Pb and Zn. Increased concentrations of metals in roots, rhizomes and stems of emergent macrophytes did not occur in the tailings wetland. Even though a substantial number of Typha latifolia plants were found rooting directly into tailings, elevated metals were not found in these plant tissues. Phragmites also did not exhibit elevated metal concentrations in any plant tissues. Typha and Phragmites populations appear to be exhibiting metal-tolerant behaviour. The chemistry of the water column and sediments in Silvermines wetland were also investigated and were much more indicative of a wetland system impacted by heavy metal contamination than the tailings-wetland. Mean Dc, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn concentrations in the water column and sediments of Silvermines wetlands were substantially higher than in the pilot wetlands and closely approximate concentrations in these matrices contaminated with metals from mining. In addition, mean sulphate concentration in Silvermines wetland was substantially higher and is closer to sulphate concentrations in waters associated with mining. Potentially bioavailable metals were substantially elevated in Silvermines wetland in comparison to the pilot wetlands and higher than those calculated for natural rive sediments. However, Fe oxy-hydroxide concentrations in Silvermines sediments are also much higher than in the pilot wetlands and this significantly impacts the concentration of free-metal ions in the sediment porewater. The free-metal ion concentrations for Pb and Zn indicate that Silvermines wetland is retaining metals and acting as a treatment wetland for drainage emanating from Silvermines tailings dam.
Third Edition
First Edition
v.6:pt.1 (1806)