989 resultados para GA


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Two genes encoding polyphenol oxidase (PPO) were isolated from pineapple (Ananas comosus[L.] Merr. cv. Smooth Cayenne). Sequence analyses showed that both contained a single intron and encoded typical chloroplast-localized PPO proteins, the sequences of which corresponded to two pineapple PPO cDNAs, PINPPO1 and PINPPO2, recently described by Stewart et al. (2001). Southern blot analyses suggested that pineapple contained only two PPO genes. Analysis of expression of PINPPO1 promoter GUS fusion constructs showed this promoter had a low basal activity and was cold- and wound-inducible, consistent with known mRNA expression profiles. Striking homologies to gibberellin response complexes (GARC) were observed in sequences of both the PINPPO1 and PINPPO2 promoters. Transient assays in mature pineapple fruit and stable expression in transgenic tobacco showed that PINPPO1 promoter-GUS fusions were indeed gibberellin (GA) responsive. A role for the element within the putative GARCs in mediating GA-responsiveness of the PINPPO1 promoter was confirmed by mutational analysis. PINPPO2 was also shown to be GA-responsive by RT-PCR analysis. Mutant PINPPO1 promoter-GUS fusion constructs, which were no longer GA-inducible, showed a delayed response to cold induction in pineapple fruit in transient assays, suggesting a role for GA in blackheart development. This was supported by observations that exogenous GA3 treatment induced blackheart in the absence of chilling. Sequences showing homology to GARCs are also present in some PPO promoters in tomato, suggesting that GA regulates PPO expression in diverse species.


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Background: Cultivated peanut or groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is the fourth most important oilseed crop in the world, grown mainly in tropical, subtropical and warm temperate climates. Due to its origin through a single and recent polyploidization event, followed by successive selection during breeding efforts, cultivated groundnut has a limited genetic background. In such species, microsatellite or simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers are very informative and useful for breeding applications. The low level of polymorphism in cultivated germplasm, however, warrants a need of larger number of polymorphic microsatellite markers for cultivated groundnut. Results: A microsatellite- enriched library was constructed from the genotype TMV2. Sequencing of 720 putative SSR-positive clones from a total of 3,072 provided 490 SSRs. 71.2% of these SSRs were perfect type, 13.1% were imperfect and 15.7% were compound. Among these SSRs, the GT/CA repeat motifs were the most common (37.6%) followed by GA/CT repeat motifs (25.9%). The primer pairs could be designed for a total of 170 SSRs and were optimized initially on two genotypes. 104 (61.2%) primer pairs yielded scorable amplicon and 46 (44.2%) primers showed polymorphism among 32 cultivated groundnut genotypes. The polymorphic SSR markers detected 2 to 5 alleles with an average of 2.44 per locus. The polymorphic information content (PIC) value for these markers varied from 0.12 to 0.75 with an average of 0.46. Based on 112 alleles obtained by 46 markers, a phenogram was constructed to understand the relationships among the 32 genotypes. Majority of the genotypes representing subspecies hypogaea were grouped together in one cluster, while the genotypes belonging to subspecies fastigiata were grouped mainly under two clusters. Conclusion. Newly developed set of 104 markers extends the repertoire of SSR markers for cultivated groundnut. These markers showed a good level of PIC value in cultivated germplasm and therefore would be very useful for germplasm analysis, linkage mapping, diversity studies and phylogenetic relationships in cultivated groundnut as well as related Arachis species.


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Regional metamorphic belts provide important constraints on the plate tectonic architecture of orogens. We report here a detailed petrologic examination of the sapphirine-bearing ultra-high temperature (UHT) granulites from the Jining Complex within the Khondalite Belt of the North China Craton (NCC). These granulites carry diagnostic UHT assemblages and their microstructures provide robust evidence to trace the prograde, peak and retrograde metamorphic evolution. The P–T conditions of the granulites estimated from XMgGrt(Mg/Fe + Mg) − XMgSpr isopleth calculations indicate temperature above 970 °C and pressures close to 7 kbar. We present phase diagrams based on thermodynamic computations to evaluate the mineral assemblages and microstructures and trace the metamorphic trajectory of the rocks. The evolution from Spl–Qtz–Ilm–Crd–Grt–Sil to Spr–Qtz–Crd–Opx–Ilm marks the prograde stage. The Spl–Qtz assemblage appears on the low-pressure side of the P–T space with Spr–Qtz stable at the high-pressure side, possibly representing an increase in pressure corresponding to compression. The spectacular development of sapphirine rims around spinel enclosed in quartz supports this inference. An evaluation of the key UHT assemblages based on model proportion calculation suggests a counterclockwise P–T path. With few exceptions, granulite-facies rocks developed along collisional metamorphic zones have generally been characterized by clockwise exhumation trajectories. Recent evaluation of the P–T paths of metamorphic rocks developed within collisional orogens indicates that in many cases the exhumation trajectories follow the model subduction geotherm, in accordance with a tectonic model in which the metamorphic rocks are subducted and exhumed along a plate boundary. The timing of UHT metamorphism in the NCC (c. 1.92 Ga) coincides with the assembly of the NCC within the Paleoproterozoic Columbia supercontinent, a process that would have involved subduction of passive margins sediments and closure of the intervening ocean. Thus, the counterclockwise P–T path obtained in this study correlates well with a tectonic model involving subduction and final collisional suturing, with the UHT granulites representing the core of the hot or ultra-hot orogen developed during Columbia amalgamation.


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I min avhandling diskuterar jag om och hur man kan läsa Eva Wichmans novell "Kärret" (ur Molnet såg mig, 1942) som en prosamodernistisk berättelse om ett kvinnligt subjekt, och om kvinnligtskapande. Jag vill mot en prosamodernistisk bakgrund visa min tolkning med en stilistisk och entematisk analys. I min inledning markerar jag att forskare har haft svårt att avgöra vad Eva Wichman egentligen vill säga med "Kärret". De flesta definierar "Kärret" som en fabel, en moralisk berättelse. I min tolkning betonar jag att novellen kan läsas som en prosamodernistisk fabel om det kvinnliga skapandet. Eva Wichman har i många av sina verk beskrivit en kvinnlig konstnärs svårigheter i massamhället och den manliga världen. Jag anser därför att denna tolkning inte är långsökt då det gäller en naturallegori som "Kärret". Jag redovisar kort för bakgrunden till prosamodernismen; definierar stilistiska grundbegrepp i lyrikoch prosa samt diskuterar med hjälp av Peter Luthersson och Gunilla Domellöf hur den modernistiska individualiteten konstituerar sig i förhållande till samhället ochmoderniseringsprocessen. Jag tar fasta på den kvinnliga författarens skapandeprocess och poängterar, med hjälp av bl.a. Dominique Head och Domellöf, att det kvinnliga skapandet ofta är svårt att erhålla i ett traditionellt manligt samhälle. Head, Domellöf och Rachel Blau DuPlessis menar att det modernistiska skapandet hos kvinnor i stor grad sker med hjälp av stilistiska brott och luckor. I synnerhet förhållandet mellan metafor och metonymi utgör en viktig metod för den kvinnliga modernisten. I mitt tredje kapitel analyserar jag "Kärret" stilistiskt. Modernismen i "Kärret" går ut sammanställa motsatser och sinnesanalogier. Jag tar upp det lyriska och metaforiska i "Kärret"; upprepningar,parallellismer, rytm och dynamik, samt förhållandet mellan metaforer och metonymier utgående från en artikel av David Lodge. Jag demonstrerar i stilanalysen hur Eva Wichman bygger upp ett cykliskt mytiskt berättande. Detta cirkelberättande kan, enligt Domellöf, ses som en kvinnlig utmaning mot det traditionella manliga berättandet. Förhållandet mellan metaforer och metonymier spelar en stor roll också i min tematiska analys. Jag läser kärret i novellen som en symbol för ett kvinnlig subjekt. Kärret är uppbyggt av motsatser. Dessamotsatser kan ses som metaforer i min tolkning av kärret som kvinnligt subjekt. Motsatsparen yta/djup läser jag som den medvetna respektive undermedvetna nivån i det kvinnliga subjektet. Djupet, den undermedvetna nivån, analyserar jag delvis med hjälp av Julia Kristevas begrepp abjektet. Metaforerna spegel/öga ser jag som subjekt/objekt och manligt/kvinnligt i förhållande till det kvinnliga subjektet. Med hjälp av abjektet, omnipotens/känslighet, rörelse/statis samt liv/död visar jag hur Eva Wichman beskriver det konstnärliga skapandet, och den konstnärliga alieneringen i kontrast till det förtryckandet massamhället. Här baserar jag mig på Lutherssons resonemang om den modernistiska individualiteten. På så sätt drar jag slutsatsen att kärret som kvinnligt subjekt kan läsas som ett kvinnligt författarjag. "Kärret" är en berättelse om kvinnlig skaparkraft, om ett kvinnligt subjekt som skapar och verkar isamhället. Eva Wichman gestaltar det kvinnliga berättandet både tematiskt och språkligt. Därför är "Kärret" enligt mig inte en pessimistisk berättelse om ett "säkert nederlag" som många påstår, utan en storslagen fabel om ett modernistiskt subjekt i process. Nyckelord: Eva Wichman, Molnet såg mig, prosamodernism, kvinnligt subjekt, abjekt, metafor, metonymi


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Itämerensuomalaisissa kielissä esiintyy suuri joukko sanoja, jotka muistuttavat balttilaisten kielten sanoja sekä muotonsa että merkityksensä puolesta. Yhtäläisyyksiä oli yritetty selittää eri tavoin 1700-luvulta lähtien, kunnes Vilhelm Thomsen vuonna 1869 osoitti tämän sanastokerrostuman olevan lainaa jostakin muinaisbalttilaisesta kielimuodosta nykyisten itämerensuomalaisten kielten yhteiseen kantakieleen. Vuonna 1890 Thomsen julkaisi aiheesta laajemman tutkimuksen, jossa hän esitti noin 200 muinaisbalttilaista lainaetymologiaa ja käsitteli lainojen äännevastaavuuksia sekä kielellisten kontaktien paikkaa, aikakautta ja kulttuurikontekstia. Nykykäsitys itämerensuomalaisten kielten vanhoista balttilaisista lainasanoista perustuu tähän Thomsenin esitykseen, ainoastaan kontaktien ajoituksia on arkeologian tulosten myötä siirretty taaksepäin. Thomsen sovelsi ensimmäisenä suomalais-ugrilaisten kielten tutkimukseen aikakautensa uusinta kielitieteellistä metodia, nuorgrammatiikkaa. Nuorgrammatiikka keskittyi kielihistoriaan ja antoi eksaktit välineet etymologialle. Suomeen nuorgrammatiikan toi E. N. Setälä, jonka johdolla metodi uudisti nopeasti koko fennougristiikan ja nosti Suomen tutkimuksen kärkeen. Suomalaistutkijat tarkensivat myös Thomsenin luomaa kuvaa vanhoista balttilaisista lainoista. Setälän ohella keskeisiä etymologeja olivat J. J. Mikkola ja Heikki Paasonen. Muualla tutkimus ei ollut yhtä intensiivistä: vain liettualainen Kazimieras Būga perehtyi mainittavasti aiheeseen, ja hänenkin tutkijan uransa jäi lyhyeksi. Vasta 1910-luvun puolessa välissä Thomsenin ja Setälän teesejä alettiin kritikoida. Torsten Karsten ja K. B. Wiklund esittivät vanhimmille balttilaiskontakteille paljon kauemmas menneisyyteen ulottuvia ajoituksia kuin Thomsen. Setälän auktoriteetti kuitenkin torjui uudet teoriat, jotka on vasta paljon myöhemmin yleisesti hyväksytty. Sotien välinen kausi oli erittäin vilkkaan etymologisen tutkimuksen aikaa, ja balttilaisiakin lainoja esitettiin kymmeniä lisää. Ajan uutterimmat tutkijat olivat Heikki Ojansuu, Yrjö Toivonen ja Jalo Kalima. Luonnollisesti myös monet Thomsenin balttilaiset etymologiat korvattiin paremmin sopivilla lainaetymologioilla tai rinnastuksilla sukukielistä. Mikkola arvosteli hyvin voimakkaasti Thomsenin lainaetymologioita. Mikkolan kritiikki osoittautui pääosin pätemättömäksi, mutta on päässyt epäsuorasti vaikuttamaan myöhempään tutkimukseen. Eino Nieminen taas esitti vuonna 1934 hypoteesin, jonka mukaan ainakin osa vanhoista balttilaislainoista voisi olla peräisin muinaiskuurin kielestä, jota baltologit olivat parin vuosikymmenen ajan pyrkineet rekonstruoimaan. Jalo Kalima julkaisi vuonna 1936 oppikirjan itämerensuomalaisten kielten vanhoista balttilaislainoista. Kalima pyrki antamaan kattavan kuvan aiheesta, mutta ei onnistunut kovin hyvin. Kaliman tiedot balttilaisista kielistä eivät olleet ajan tutkimuksen tasolla, ja hän jätti kirjassansa käsittelemättä suuren osan uudempaa tutkimusta, mm. Thomsenin ajoituksia kohtaan osoitetun kritiikin sekä kymmenittäin niin Thomsenin kuin myöhempienkin tutkijoitten esittämiä etymologioita. Kaliman kirja on kuitenkin selkeästi laadittu ja sisältää uusia, ansiokkaitakin etymologioita. Kaliman jälkeen kukaan ei ole kirjoittanut yleisesitystä aiheesta. Tämän tutkielman tavoite on antaa kattava kuva vanhimpien itämerensuomalais-balttilaisten kielikontaktien tutkimuksesta ennen Kaliman oppikirjaa. Näin se voisi tasoittaa tietä uudelle alan yleisesitykselle.


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‘SI98’ was selected from a worldwide collection of 300 accessions of seashore paspalum collected by Dr Ronny R. Duncan, primarily from seashore paspalum plantings on golf courses as variants in growth habit, leaf texture, and level of salt tolerance, having potential for improved turf type selections. ‘SI98’ was selected as a finer textured genotype with a denser, more prostrate growth habit than the surrounding wild ecotype. The original samples were vegetatively propagated and evaluated first in the greenhouse at Griffin, GA, USA, and later expanded to field evaluations at Griffith under mowing heights ranging from 4.8 mm to 50 mm. Extensive further evaluations were undertaken between 2002 and 2007. Breeder: Dr Ronny R. Duncan, University of Georgia, Griffin, GA, USA. PBR Certificate Number 3648, Application Number 2008/073, granted 16 December 2008.


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Hermann (Lazar Hirsch) Judey, born 1878 Riga and died 1959 New York; Joseph (Mitskun) Judey, born 1854 Vilna and died 1931 Berlin


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Presented in this letter is a critical discussion of a recent paper on experimental investigation of the enthalpy, entropy and free energy of formation of gallium nitride (GaN) published in this journal [T.J. Peshek, J.C. Angus, K. Kash, J. Cryst. Growth 311 (2008) 185-189]. It is shown that the experimental technique employed detects neither the equilibrium partial pressure of N-2 corresponding to the equilibrium between Ga and GaN at fixed temperatures nor the equilibrium temperature at constant pressure of N-2. The results of Peshek et al. are discussed in the light of other information on the Gibbs energy of formation available in the literature. Entropy of GaN is derived from heat-capacity measurements. Based on a critical analysis of all thermodynamic information now available, a set of optimized parameters is identified and a table of thermodynamic data for GaN developed from 298.15 to 1400 K.


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Strawberries (Fragaria sp.) are adapted to diverse environmental conditions from the tropics to about 70ºN, so different responses to environmental conditions can be found. Most genotypes of garden strawberry (F. x ananassa Duch.) and woodland strawberry (F. vesca L.) are short-day (SD) plants that are induced to flowering by photoperiods under a critical limit, but also various photoperiod x temperature interactions can be found. In addition, continuously flowering everbearing (EB) genotypes are found. In addition to flowering, axillary bud differentiation in strawberry is regulated by photoperiod. In SD conditions, axillary buds differentiate to rosette-like structures called "branch crowns", whereas in long-day conditions (LD) they form runners, branches with 2 long internodes followed by a daughter plant (leaf rosette). The number of crown branches determines the yield of the plant, since inflorescences are formed from the apical meristems of the crown. Although axillary bud differentiation is an important developmental process in strawberries, its environmental and hormonal regulation has not been characterized in detail. Moreover, the genetic mechanisms underlying axillary bud differentiation and regulation of flowering time in these species are almost completely unresolved. These topics have been studied in this thesis in order to enhance strawberry research, cultivation and breeding. The results showed that 8-12 SD cycles suppressed runner initiation from the axillary buds of the garden strawberry cv. Korona with the concomitant induction of crown branching, and 3 weeks of SD was sufficient for the induction of flowering in the main crown. Furthermore, a second SD treatment given a few weeks after the first SD period can be used to induce flowering in the primary branch crowns and to induce the formation of secondary branches. Thus, artificial SD treatments effectively stimulate crown branching, providing one means for the increase of cropping (yield) potential in strawberry. It was also shown by growth regulation applications, quantitave hormone analysis and gene expression analysis that gibberellin (GA) is one of the key signals involved in the photoperiod control of shoot differentiation. The results indicate that photoperiod controls GA activity specifically in axillary buds, thereby determining bud fate. It was further shown that chemical control of GA biosynthesis by prohexadione-calcium can be utilized to prevent excessive runner formation and induce crown branching in strawberry fields. Moreover, ProCa increased berry yield up to 50%, showing that it is an easier and more applicable alternative to artificial SD treatments for controlling strawberry crown development and yield. Finally, flowering gene pathways in Fragaria were explored by searching for homologs of 118 Arabidopsis thaliana flowering-time genes. In total, 66 gene homologs were identified, and they distributed to all known flowering pathways, suggesting the presence of these pathways also in strawberry. Expression analysis of selected genes revealed that the mRNA of putative floral identity gene APETALA1 accumulated in the shoot apex of the EB genotype after the induction of flowering, whereas it was absent in vegetative SD genotype, indicating the usefulness of this gene product as the marker of floral initiation. The present data enables the further exploration of strawberry flowering pathways with genetic transformation, gene mapping and transcriptomics methods.


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This study brings new insights into the magmatic evolution of natural F-enriched peraluminous granitic systems. The Artjärvi, Sääskjärvi and Kymi granite stocks within the 1.64 Ga Wiborg rapakivi granite batholith have been investigated by petrographic, geochemical, experimental and melt inclusion methods. These stocks represent late-stage leucocratic and weakly peraluminous intrusive phases typical of rapakivi granites worldwide. The Artjärvi and Sääskjärvi stocks are multiphase intrusions in which the most evolved phase is topaz granite. The Kymi stock contains topaz throughout and has a well-developed zoned structure, from the rim to the center: stockscheider pegmatite equigranular topaz granite porphyritic topaz granite. Geochemically the topaz granites are enriched in F, Li, Be, Ga, Rb, Sn and Nb and depleted in Mg, Fe, Ti, Ba, Sr, Zr and Eu. The anomalous geochemistry and mineralogy of the topaz granites are essentially magmatic in origin; postmagmatic reactions have only slightly modified the compositions. The Kymi equigranular topaz granite shows the most evolved character, and the topaz granites at Artjärvi and Sääskjärvi resemble the less evolved porphyritic topaz granite of the Kymi stock. Stockscheiders are found at the roof contacts of the Artjärvi and Kymi stocks. The stockscheider at Artjärvi is composed of biotite-rich schlieren and pegmatite layers parallel to the contact. The schlieren layering is considered to have formed by velocity-gradient sorting mechanism parallel to the flow, which led to the accumulation of mafic minerals along the upper contact of the topaz granite. Cooling and contraction of the topaz granite formed fractures parallel to the roof contact and residual pegmatite magmas were injected along the fractures and formed the pegmatite layers. The zoned structure of the Kymi stock is the result of intrusion of highly evolved residual melt from deeper parts of the magma chamber along the fractured contact between the porphyritic granite crystal mush and country rock. The equigranular topaz granite and marginal pegmatite (stockscheider) crystallized from this evolved melt. Phase relations of the Kymi equigranular topaz granite have been investigated utilizing crystallization experiments at 100 to 500 MPa as a function of water activity and F content. Fluorite and topaz can crystallize as liquidus phases in F-rich peraluminous systems, but the F content of the melt should exceed 2.5 - 3.0 wt % to facilitate crystallization of topaz. In peraluminous F-bearing melts containing more than 1 wt % F, topaz and muscovite are expected to be the first F-bearing phases to crystallize at high pressure, whereas fluorite and topaz should crystallize first at low pressure. Overall, the saturation of fluorite and topaz follows the reaction: CaAl2Si2O8 (plagioclase) + 2[AlF3]melt = CaF2 (fluorite) + 2Al2SiO4F2 (topaz). The obtained partition coefficient for F between biotite and glass D(F)Bt/glass is 1.89 to 0.80 (average 1.29) and can be used as an empirical fluormeter to determine the F content of coexisting melts. In order to study the magmatic evolution of the Kymi stock, crystallized melt inclusions in quartz and topaz grains in the porphyritic and the equigranular topaz granites and the marginal pegmatite were rehomogenized and analyzed. The homogenization conditions for the melt inclusions from the granites were 700 °C, 300 MPa, and 24 h, and for melt inclusions from the pegmatite, 700 °C, 100 MPa, and 24/96 h. The majority of the melt inclusions is chemically similar to the bulk rocks (excluding H2O content), but a few melt inclusions in the equigranular granite show clearly higher F and low K2O contents (on average 11.6 wt % F, 0.65 wt % K2O). The melt inclusion compositions indicate coexistence of two melt fractions, a prevailing peraluminous and a very volatile-rich, possibly peralkaline. Combined petrological, experimental and melt inclusion studies of the Kymi equigranular topaz granite indicate that plagioclase was the liquidus phase at nearly water-saturated (fluid-saturated) conditions and that the F content of the melt was at least 2 wt %. The early crystallization of biotite and the presence of muscovite in crystallization experiments at 200 MPa contrasts with the late-stage crystallization of biotite and the absence of muscovite in the equigranular granite, indicating that crystallization pressure may have been lower than 200 MPa for the granite.


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This thesis summarises the results of four original papers concerning U-Pb geochronology and geochemical evolution of Archaean rocks from the Kuhmo terrain and the Nurmes belt, eastern Finland. The study area belongs to a typical Archaean granite-greenstone terrain, composed of metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks in generally N-S trending greenstone belts as well as a granitoid-gneiss complex with intervening gneissic and migmatised supracrustal and plutonic rocks. U-Pb data on migmatite mesosomes indicate that the crust surrounding the Tipasjärvi-Kuhmo-Suomussalmi greenstone belt is of varying age. The oldest protolith detected for a migmatite mesosome from the granitoid-gneiss complex is 2.94 Ga, whereas the other dated migmatites protoliths have ages of 2.84 2.79 Ga. The latter protoliths are syngenetic with the majority of volcanic rocks in the adjacent Tipasjärvi-Kuhmo-Suomussalmi greenstone belt. This suggests that the genesis of some of the volcanic rocks within the greenstone belt and surrounding migmatite protoliths could be linked. Metamorphic zircon overgrowths with ages of 2.84 2.81 Ga were also obtained. The non-migmatised plutonic rocks in the Kuhmo terrain and in the Nurmes belt record secular geochemical evolution, typical of Archaean cratons. The studied tonalitic rocks have ages of 2.83 2.75 Ga and they have geochemical characteristics similar to low-Al and high-Al TTD (tonalite-trondhjemite-dacite). The granodiorites, diorites, and gabbros with high Mg/Fe and LILE-enriched characteristics were mostly emplaced between 2.74 2.70 Ga and they exhibit geochemical characteristics typical of Archaean sanukitoid suites. The latest identified plutonic episode took place at 2.70 2.68 Ga, when compositionally heterogeneous leucocratic granitoid rocks, with a variable crustal component, were emplaced. U-Pb data on migmatite leucosomes suggest that leucosome generation may have been coeval with this latest plutonic event. On the basis of available U-Pb and Sm-Nd isotopic data it appears that the plutonic rocks of the Kuhmo terrain and the Nurmes belt do not contain any significant input from Palaeoarchaean sources. A characteristic feature of the Nurmes belt is the presence of migmatised paragneisses, locally preserving primary edimentary structures, with sporadic amphibolite intercalations. U-Pb studies on zircons indicate that the precursors of the Nurmes paragneisses were graywackes that were deposited between 2.71 Ga and 2.69 Ga and that they had a prominent 2.75 2.70 Ga source. Nd isotopic and whole-rock geochemical data for the intercalated amphibolites imply MORB sources. U-Pb data on zircons from the plutonic rocks and paragneisses reveal that metamorphic zircon growth took place at 2.72 2.63 Ga. This was the last tectonothermal event related to cratonisation of the Archaean crust of eastern Finland.


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The records of the North American Jewish Students Appeal (NAJSA or APPEAL) contains documents on two levels of concern: those documents dealing with the NAJSA as a student-run organization promoting Jewish identity among college-aged youth; and those documents dealing with the APPEAL as a fundraising organization for several well-known student constituent organizations. The Constituents were: the Jewish Student Press Service, Lights in Action, the North American Jewish Students Network, the Progressive Zionist Caucus, Response: A Contemporary Jewish Review, Yavneh Religious Students Organization, and Yugntruf Youth for Yiddish. Documents include correspondence, financial records, minutes, press releases, information on grants awarded to student organizations for programming and publishing, student journals, and newspapers, photographs, and ephemera.


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The importance of supercontinents in our understanding of the geological evolution of the planet Earth has been recently emphasized. The role of paleomagnetism in reconstructing lithospheric blocks in their ancient paleopositions is vital. Paleomagnetism is the only quantitative tool for providing ancient latitudes and azimuthal orientations of continents. It also yields information of content of the geomagnetic field in the past. In order to obtain a continuous record on the positions of continents, dated intrusive rocks are required in temporal progression. This is not always possible due to pulse-like occurrences of dykes. In this work we demonstrate that studies of meteorite impact-related rocks may fill some gaps in the paleomagnetic record. This dissertation is based on paleomagnetic and rock magnetic data obtained from samples of the Jänisjärvi impact structure (Russian Karelia, most recent 40Ar-39Ar age of 682 Ma), the Salla diabase dyke (North Finland, U-Pb 1122 Ma), the Valaam monzodioritic sill (Russian Karelia, U-Pb 1458 Ma), and the Vredefort impact structure (South Africa, 2023 Ma). The paleomagnetic study of Jänisjärvi samples was made in order to obtain a pole for Baltica, which lacks paleomagnetic data from 750 to ca. 600 Ma. The position of Baltica at ca. 700 Ma is relevant in order to verify whether the supercontinent Rodinia was already fragmented. The paleomagnetic study of the Salla dyke was conducted to examine the position of Baltica at the onset of supercontinent Rodinia's formation. The virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP) from Salla dyke provides hints that the Mesoproterozoic Baltica - Laurentia unity in the Hudsonland (Columbia, Nuna) supercontinent assembly may have lasted until 1.12 Ga. Moreover, the new VGP of Salla dyke provides new constraint on the timing of the rotation of Baltica relative to Laurentia (e.g. Gower et al., 1990). A paleomagnetic study of the Valaam sill was carried out in order to shed light into the question of existence of Baltica-Laurentia unity in the supercontinent Hudsonland. Combined with results from dyke complex of the Lake Ladoga region (Schehrbakova et al., 2008) a new robust paleomagnetic pole for Baltica is obtained. This pole places Baltica on a latitude of 10°. This low latitude location is supported also by Mesoproterozoic 1.5 1.3 Ga red-bed sedimentation (for example the Satakunta sandstone). The Vredefort impactite samples provide a well dated (2.02 Ga) pole for the Kaapvaal Craton. Rock magnetic data reveal unusually high Koenigsberger ratios (Q values) in all studied lithologies of the Vredefort dome. The high Q values are now first time also seen in samples from the Johannesburg Dome (ca. 120 km away) where there is no impact evidence. Thus, a direct causative link of high Q values to the Vredefort impact event can be ruled out.


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Genealogy of nine generations of the Zucker family.