615 resultados para Frog Sartorius


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In anoxia, mitochondria change from being ATP producers to potentially powerful ATP consumers. This change occurs, because the mitochondrial F1F0-ATPase begins to hydrolyze ATP to avoid the collapse of the proton motive force. Species that can survive prolonged periods of O2 lack must limit such ATP use; otherwise, this process would dominate glycolytic metabolism and threaten ATP delivery to essential ATP-consuming processes of the cell (e.g., ion-motive ATPases). There are two ways to limit ATP hydrolysis by the F1F0-ATPase, namely (i) reduction of the proton conductance of the mitochondrial inner membrane and (ii) inhibition of the enzyme. We assessed these two possibilities by using intact mitochondria isolated from the skeletal muscle of anoxia-tolerant frogs. Our results show that proton conductance is unaltered between normoxia and anoxia. However, ATP use by the F1F0-ATPase is limited in anoxia by a profound inhibition of the enzyme. Even so, ATP use by the F1F0-ATPase might account for ≈9% of the ATP turnover in anoxic frog skeletal muscle.


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Several mutations that cause severe forms of the human disease autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa cluster in the C-terminal region of rhodopsin. Recent studies have implicated the C-terminal domain of rhodopsin in its trafficking on specialized post-Golgi membranes to the rod outer segment of the photoreceptor cell. Here we used synthetic peptides as competitive inhibitors of rhodopsin trafficking in the frog retinal cell-free system to delineate the potential regulatory sequence within the C terminus of rhodopsin and model the effects of severe retinitis pigmentosa alleles on rhodopsin sorting. The rhodopsin C-terminal sequence QVS(A)PA is highly conserved among different species. Peptides that correspond to the C terminus of bovine (amino acids 324–348) and frog (amino acids 330–354) rhodopsin inhibited post-Golgi trafficking by 50% and 60%, respectively, and arrested newly synthesized rhodopsin in the trans-Golgi network. Peptides corresponding to the cytoplasmic loops of rhodopsin and other control peptides had no effect. When three naturally occurring mutations: Q344ter (lacking the last five amino acids QVAPA), V345M, and P347S were introduced into the frog C-terminal peptide, the inhibitory activity of the peptides was no longer detectable. These observations suggest that the amino acids QVS(A)PA comprise a signal that is recognized by specific factors in the trans-Golgi network. A lack of recognition of this sequence, because of mutations in the last five amino acids causing autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa, most likely results in abnormal post-Golgi membrane formation and in an aberrant subcellular localization of rhodopsin.


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Wee1 inactivates the Cdc2–cyclin B complex during interphase by phosphorylating Cdc2 on Tyr-15. The activity of Wee1 is highly regulated during the cell cycle. In frog egg extracts, it has been established previously that Xenopus Wee1 (Xwee1) is present in a hypophosphorylated, active form during interphase and undergoes down-regulation by extensive phosphorylation at M-phase. We report that Xwee1 is also regulated by association with 14-3-3 proteins. Binding of 14-3-3 to Xwee1 occurs during interphase, but not M-phase, and requires phosphorylation of Xwee1 on Ser-549. A mutant of Xwee1 (S549A) that cannot bind 14-3-3 is substantially less active than wild-type Xwee1 in its ability to phosphorylate Cdc2. This mutation also affects the intranuclear distribution of Xwee1. In cell-free kinase assays, Xchk1 phosphorylates Xwee1 on Ser-549. The results of experiments in which Xwee1, Xchk1, or both were immunodepleted from Xenopus egg extracts suggested that these two enzymes are involved in a common pathway in the DNA replication checkpoint response. Replacement of endogenous Xwee1 with recombinant Xwee1-S549A in egg extracts attenuated the cell cycle delay induced by addition of excess recombinant Xchk1. Taken together, these results suggest that Xchk1 and 14-3-3 proteins act together as positive regulators of Xwee1.


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The phylogenetic relationships among the three orders of modern amphibians (Caudata, Gymnophiona, and Anura) have been estimated based on both morphological and molecular evidence. Most morphological and paleontological studies of living and fossil amphibians support the hypothesis that salamanders and frogs are sister lineages (the Batrachia hypothesis) and that caecilians are more distantly related. Previous interpretations of molecular data based on nuclear and mitochondrial rRNA sequences suggested that salamanders and caecilians are sister groups to the exclusion of frogs. In an attempt to resolve this apparent conflict, the complete mitochondrial genomes of a salamander (Mertensiella luschani) and a caecilian (Typhlonectes natans) were determined (16,656 and 17,005 bp, respectively) and compared with previously published sequences from a frog (Xenopus laevis) and several other groups of vertebrates. Phylogenetic analyses of the mitochondrial data supported with high bootstrap values the monophyly of living amphibians with respect to other living groups of tetrapods, and a sister group relationship of salamanders and frogs. The lack of phylogenetically informative sites in the previous rRNA data sets (because of its shorter size and higher among-site rate variation) likely explains the discrepancy between our results and those based on previous molecular data. Strong support of the Batrachia hypothesis from both molecule- and morphology-based studies provides a robust phylogenetic framework that will be helpful to comparative studies among the three living orders of amphibians and will permit better understanding of the considerably divergent vertebral, brain, and digit developmental patterns found in frogs and salamanders.


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The corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) family of neuropeptides includes the mammalian peptides CRF, urocortin, and urocortin II, as well as piscine urotensin I and frog sauvagine. The mammalian peptides signal through two G protein-coupled receptor types to modulate endocrine, autonomic, and behavioral responses to stress, as well as a range of peripheral (cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and immune) activities. The three previously known ligands are differentially distributed anatomically and have distinct specificities for the two major receptor types. Here we describe the characterization of an additional CRF-related peptide, urocortin III, in the human and mouse. In searching the public human genome databases we found a partial expressed sequence tagged (EST) clone with significant sequence identity to mammalian and fish urocortin-related peptides. By using primers based on the human EST sequence, a full-length human clone was isolated from genomic DNA that encodes a protein that includes a predicted putative 38-aa peptide structurally related to other known family members. With a human probe, we then cloned the mouse ortholog from a genomic library. Human and mouse urocortin III share 90% identity in the 38-aa putative mature peptide. In the peptide coding region, both human and mouse urocortin III are 76% identical to pufferfish urocortin-related peptide and more distantly related to urocortin II, CRF, and urocortin from other mammalian species. Mouse urocortin III mRNA expression is found in areas of the brain including the hypothalamus, amygdala, and brainstem, but is not evident in the cerebellum, pituitary, or cerebral cortex; it is also expressed peripherally in small intestine and skin. Urocortin III is selective for type 2 CRF receptors and thus represents another potential endogenous ligand for these receptors.


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Somatic sensation requires the conversion of physical stimuli into the depolarization of distal nerve endings. A single cRNA derived from sensory neurons renders Xenopus laevis oocytes mechanosensitive and is found to encode a P2Y1 purinergic receptor. P2Y1 mRNA is concentrated in large-fiber dorsal root ganglion neurons. In contrast, P2X3 mRNA is localized to small-fiber sensory neurons and produces less mechanosensitivity in oocytes. The frequency of touch-induced action potentials from frog sensory nerve fibers is increased by the presence of P2 receptor agonists at the peripheral nerve ending and is decreased by the presence of P2 antagonists. P2X-selective agents do not have these effects. The release of ATP into the extracellular space and the activation of peripheral P2Y1 receptors appear to participate in the generation of sensory action potentials by light touch.


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The developing brain is particularly susceptible to lead toxicity; however, the cellular effects of lead on neuronal development are not well understood. The effect of exposure to nanomolar concentrations of lead on several parameters of the developing retinotectal system of frog tadpoles was tested. Lead severely reduced the area and branchtip number of retinal ganglion cell axon arborizations within the optic tectum at submicromolar concentrations. These effects of lead on neuronal growth are more dramatic and occur at lower exposure levels than previously reported. Lead exposure did not interfere with the development of retinotectal topography. The deficient neuronal growth does not appear to be secondary to impaired synaptic transmission, because concentrations of lead that stunted neuronal growth were lower than those required to block synaptic transmission. Subsequent treatment of lead-exposed animals with the chelating agent 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid completely reversed the effect of lead on neuronal growth. These studies indicate that impaired neuronal growth may be responsible in part for lead-induced cognitive deficits and that chelator treatment counteracts this effect.


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Na+-Ca2+ exchanger and Ca2+ channel are two major sarcolemmal Ca2+-transporting proteins of cardiac myocytes. Although the Ca2+ channel is effectively regulated by protein kinase A-dependent phosphorylation, no enzymatic regulation of the exchanger protein has been identified as yet. Here we report that in frog ventricular myocytes, isoproterenol down-regulates the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger, independent of intracellular Ca2+ and membrane potential, by activation of the beta-receptor/adenylate-cyclase/cAMP-dependent cascade, resulting in suppression of transmembrane Ca2+ transport via the exchanger and providing for the well-documented contracture-suppressant effect of the hormone on frog heart. The beta-blocker propranolol blocks the isoproterenol effect, whereas forskolin, cAMP, and theophylline mimic it. In the frog heart where contractile Ca2+ is transported primarily by the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger, the beta-agonists' simultaneous enhancement of Ca2+ current, ICa, and suppression of Na+-Ca2+ exchanger current, INa-Ca would enable the myocyte to develop force rapidly at the onset of depolarization (enhancement of ICa) and to decrease Ca2+ influx (suppression of INa-Ca) later in the action potential. This unique adrenergically induced shift in the Ca2+ influx pathways may have evolved in response to paucity of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase/phospholamban complex and absence of significant intracellular Ca2+ release pools in the frog heart.


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We report on a procedure for tissue preparation that combines thoroughly controlled physical and chemical treatments: quick-freezing and freeze-drying followed by fixation with OsO4 vapors and embedding by direct resin infiltration. Specimens of frog cutaneous pectoris muscle thus prepared were analyzed for total calcium using electron spectroscopic imaging/electron energy loss spectroscopy (ESI/EELS) approach. The preservation of the ultrastructure was excellent, with positive K/Na ratios revealed in the fibers by x-ray microanalysis. Clear, high-resolution EELS/ESI calcium signals were recorded from the lumen of terminal cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum but not from longitudinal cisternae, as expected from previous studies carried out with different techniques. In many mitochondria, calcium was below detection whereas in others it was appreciable although at variable level. Within the motor nerve terminals, synaptic vesicles as well as some cisternae of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum yielded positive signals at variance with mitochondria, that were most often below detection. Taken as a whole, the present study reveals the potential of our experimental approach to map with high spatial resolution the total calcium within individual intracellular organelles identified by their established ultrastructure, but only where the element is present at high levels.


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Since ribosomally mediated protein biosynthesis is confined to the L-amino acid pool, the presence of D-amino acids in peptides was considered for many years to be restricted to proteins of prokaryotic origin. Unicellular microorganisms have been responsible for the generation of a host of D-amino acid-containing peptide antibiotics (gramicidin, actinomycin, bacitracin, polymyxins). Recently, a series of mu and delta opioid receptor agonists [dermorphins and deltorphins] and neuroactive tetrapeptides containing a D-amino acid residue have been isolated from amphibian (frog) skin and mollusks. Amino acid sequences obtained from the cDNA libraries coincide with the observed dermorphin and deltorphin sequences, suggesting a stereospecific posttranslational amino acid isomerization of unknown mechanism. A cofactor-independent serine isomerase found in the venom of the Agelenopsis aperta spider provides the first major clue to explain how multicellular organisms are capable of incorporating single D-amino acid residues into these and other eukaryotic peptides. The enzyme is capable of isomerizing serine, cysteine, O-methylserine, and alanine residues in the middle of peptide chains, thereby providing a biochemical capability that, until now, had not been observed. Both D- and L-amino acid residues are susceptible to isomerization. The substrates share a common Leu-Xaa-Phe-Ala recognition site. Early in the reaction sequence, solvent-derived deuterium resides solely with the epimerized product (not substrate) in isomerizations carried out in 2H2O. Significant deuterium isotope effects are obtained in these reactions in addition to isomerizations of isotopically labeled substrates (2H at the epimerizeable serine alpha-carbon atom). The combined kinetic and structural data suggests a two-base mechanism in which abstraction of a proton from one face is concomitant with delivery from the opposite face by the conjugate acid of the second enzymic base.


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The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Rev protein is required for nuclear export of late HIV-1 mRNAs. This function is dependent on the mutationally defined Rev activation domain, which also forms a potent nuclear export signal. Transcription factor IIIA (TFIIIA) binds to 5S rRNA transcripts and this interaction has been proposed to play a role in the efficient nuclear export of 5S rRNA in amphibian oocytes. Here it is reported that amphibian TFIIIA proteins contain a sequence element with homology to the Rev activation domain that effectively substitutes for this domain in inducing the nuclear export of late HIV-1 mRNAs. It is further demonstrated that this TFIIIA sequence element functions as a protein nuclear export signal in both human cells and frog oocytes. Thus, this shared protein motif may play an analogous role in mediating the nuclear export of both late HIV-1 RNAs and 5S rRNA transcripts.


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The role of cAMP subcellular compartmentation in the progress of beta-adrenergic stimulation of cardiac L-type calcium current (ICa) was investigated by using a method based on the use of whole-cell patch-clamp recording and a double capillary for extracellular microperfusion. Frog ventricular cells were sealed at both ends to two patch-clamp pipettes and positioned approximately halfway between the mouths of two capillaries that were separated by a 5-micron thin wall. ICa could be inhibited in one half or the other by omitting Ca2+ from one solution or the other. Exposing half of the cell to a saturating concentration of isoprenaline (ISO, 1 microM) produced a nonmaximal increase in ICa (347 +/- 70%; n = 4) since a subsequent application of ISO to the other part induced an additional effect of nearly similar amplitude to reach a 673 +/- 130% increase. However, half-cell exposure to forskolin (FSK, 30 microM) induced a maximal stimulation of ICa (561 +/- 55%; n = 4). This effect was not the result of adenylyl cyclase activation due to FSK diffusion in the nonexposed part of the cell. To determine the distant effects of ISO and FSK on ICa, the drugs were applied in a zero-Ca solution. Adding Ca2+ to the drug-containing solutions allowed us to record the local effect of the drugs. Dose-response curves for the local and distant effects of ISO and FSK on ICa were used as an index of cAMP concentration changes near the sarcolemma. We found that ISO induced a 40-fold, but FSK induced only a 4-fold, higher cAMP concentration close to the Ca2+ channels, in the part of the cell exposed to the drugs, than it did in the rest of the cell. cAMP compartmentation was greatly reduced after inhibition of phosphodiesterase activity with 3-isobutyl-methylxanthine, suggesting the colocalization of enzymes involved in the cAMP cascade. We conclude that beta-adrenergic receptors are functionally coupled to nearby Ca2+ channels via local elevations of cAMP.


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Bombesin is a tetradecapeptide originally isolated from frog skin and demonstrated to have a wide range of actions in mammals. Based on structural homology and similar biological activities, gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) has been considered the mammalian equivalent of bombesin. We previously reported that frogs have both GRP and bombesin, which therefore are distinct peptides. We now report the cloning of a bombesin receptor subtype (BB4) that has higher affinity for bombesin than GRP. PCR was used to amplify cDNAs related to the known bombesin receptors from frog brain. Sequence analysis of the amplified cDNAs revealed 3 classes of receptor subtypes. Based on amino acid homology, two classes were clearly the amphibian homologs of the GRP and neuromedin B receptors. The third class was unusual and a full-length clone was isolated from a Bombina orientalis brain cDNA library. Expression of the receptor in Xenopus oocytes demonstrated that the receptor responded to picomolar concentrations of [Phe13]-bombesin, the form of bombesin most prevalent in frog brain. The relative rank potency of bombesin-like peptides for this receptor was [Phe13]bombesin > [Leu13]bombesin > GRP > neuromedin B. In contrast, the rank potency for the GRP receptor is GRP > [Leu13]bombesin > [Phe13]bombesin > neuromedin B. Transient expression in CHOP cells gave a Ki for [Phe13]bombesin of 0.2 nM versus a Ki of 2.1 nM for GRP. Distribution analysis showed that this receptor was expressed only in brain, consistent with the distribution of [Phe13]-bombesin. Thus, based on distribution and affinity, this bombesin receptor is the receptor for [Phe13]bombesin. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that this receptor separated prior to separation of the GRP and neuromedin B receptors; thus, BB4 receptors and their cognate ligands may also exist in mammals.


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In this paper, we show the conserved regulation of the homeodomain gene Distal-less-3 (Dlx-3) by analyzing the expression of a promoter from the Xenopus ortholog, Xdll-2, in transgenic mice. A 470-bp frog regulatory sequence confers appropriate expression on a lacZ reporter gene in the ectodermal component of structures derived from epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. Remarkably, this includes structures absent in Xenopus, such as the hair follicle and mammary gland, suggesting that conserved regulatory elements can be used to control the formation of structures peculiar to individual species. In addition, expression of Dlx-3 in developing limbs is highest at the most distal portion. This pattern is duplicated by the Xenopus promoter, indicating that this DNA may include sequences responsive to conserved proximodistal patterning signals in the vertebrate limb.


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The life histories of many animals are characterized by niche shifts, the timing of which can strongly affect fitness. In the tree frog Agalychnis callidryas, which has arboreal eggs, there is a trade-off between predation risks before and after hatching. When eggs are attacked by snakes, tadpoles escape by hatching rapidly and falling into the water below. Eggs not attacked by snakes hatch later, when newly emerged tadpoles are less vulnerable to aquatic predators. Plasticity in hatching allows embryos to use immediate, local information on risk of mortality to make instantaneous behavioral decisions about hatching and the accompanying shift from arboreal to aquatic habitats.