791 resultados para Friedman, Benny


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Diante do amplo debate acerca da inclusão do educando com necessidades especiais em escola regular, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo descrever a participação da criança com paralisia cerebral nas atividades funcionais nos diferentes ambientes da escola, a partir da percepção de seus professores. Participaram deste estudo 10 professores e seus respectivos alunos com paralisia cerebral do município de São Paulo. Foi realizada a aplicação da parte I da School Function Assessment junto aos professores, a fim de examinar o nível de participação do aluno em seis ambientes da escola: sala de aula, pátio/recreio, transporte para e da escola, banheiro, transições para/da sala de aula e hora da refeição/ lanche. O Teste de Friedman e o Teste de Wilcoxon para duas populações correlatas foram utilizados para identificar diferenças significativas entre os escores obtidos na participação nos ambientes. Os resultados apontaram diferenças significativas nos escores da participação nos ambientes Transporte e Pátio/Recreio, Transporte e Transições, Transporte e Classe, Transporte e Lanche, Banheiro e Classe, Banheiro e Lanche. As crianças tiveram boa participação na classe, porém, a presença de barreiras arquitetônicas interferiu no desempenho de tarefas no banheiro, como sentar-se no vaso sanitário e levantar-se dele, lavar as mãos, assim como o transporte não adaptado. Notou-se, ainda, que recursos para mobilidade, como andador ou muletas, consistiram em importantes facilitadores da participação no pátio/recreio e transições. Esta pesquisa evidenciou a necessidade de ações de esferas governamentais para implementação de adaptações ambientais nas escolas, especialmente aquelas relativas aos transportes e transições.


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OBJETIVOS: avaliar as modificações na prática de atividade física (AF) e as barreiras para adoção de um estilo de vida saudável em mulheres que receberam orientações nutricionais e de AF durante a gestação e no primeiro ano após o parto. MÉTODOS: estudo de coorte com 57 mulheres (Grupo Controle = 29 e Grupo Intervenção = 28), e idade média igual a 28 (±6) anos. As informações foram obtidas através de entrevistas em visita domiciliar (durante a intervenção) e inquérito telefônico (um ano após o término da intervenção), utilizou-se questionário de AF. Para análise das barreiras foi realizada uma entrevista semiestruturada com questões abertas, as quais foram codificadas e agrupadas para análise dos dados. Foram realizados testes de qui-quadrado, Mann-Whitney U e Friedman. RESULTADOS: aos seis meses, apenas 30% das mulheres do grupo Intervenção realizavam AF no lazer pelo menos 120 minutos por semana, contra 10% do grupo Controle, reduzindo para 18% e 4%, respectivamente, dois anos após o parto. As principais barreiras à prática de AF regular foram: falta de tempo (44%), cuidado com os filhos (37%), trabalho (21%), afazeres domésticos (21%) e comodismo (26%). CONCLUSÕES: futuros programas devem priorizar a aquisição de conhecimento, visando à adoção de um estilo de vida ativo no pós-parto, considerando as barreiras maternas.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar o impacto de treino auditivo na avaliação perceptivo-auditiva da voz realizada por estudantes de Fonoaudiologia. MÉTODOS: Durante dois semestres, 17 estudantes que cursavam disciplinas teóricas de fonação (Fonação/Distúrbios da Fonação) analisaram amostras de vozes alteradas e não alteradas (selecionadas para este estudo), por meio da escala GRBAS. Todos receberam treinamento auditivo durante um total de nove encontros semanais, com cerca de 15 minutos de duração cada. Em cada encontro foi apresentado um parâmetro, por meio de vozes diferentes da amostra avaliada, com predominância no aspecto treinado. A avaliação das amostras por meio da escala foi realizada pré e pós o treinamento e em outros quatro momentos ao longo dos encontros. As avaliações dos alunos foram comparadas com uma avaliação de juízas, realizada previamente por três fonoaudiólogos, especialistas em voz. Para verificar a efetividade do treinamento foi usado o teste de Friedman e Índice de Concordância Kappa. RESULTADOS: O índice de acertos dos alunos no momento pré-treinamento foi considerado entre regular e bom. Observou-se manutenção do número de acertos ao longo das avaliações realizadas, para a maioria dos parâmetros da escala. No momento pós-treinamento observou-se melhora na análise da astenia, parâmetro enfatizado a partir das dificuldades apresentadas pelos alunos. Houve diminuição dos acertos no parâmetro rugosidade após este ter sido trabalhado de maneira segmentada em rouquidão e aspereza, e associado a diferentes diagnósticos e parâmetros acústicos. CONCLUSÃO: O treino auditivo potencializa as habilidades iniciais dos alunos, refinando-as para realização da avaliação, além de nortear ajustes em dinâmicas das disciplinas.


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This paper investigates the use of explicit structures of information in architectural design. Particularly, it approaches the use of diagrams related to cybernetics and information theory in experimental practices in the 1960’s and 1970’s. It analyses the diagram of cybernetic control proposed by the cybernetician Gordon Pask for the Fun Palace, the diagrams produced by the utopian architect Yona Friedman in the conceptual description of the Flatwriter program and Christopher Alexander’s diagrams and his theories of Synthesis of Form and Pattern Language. Finally it establishes a brief parallel between current domestication and use of dataflow programming with the cybernetic diagrams, highlighting differences in their complexity approach.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die sprachlichen Handlungen von Massenmedien bei der Skandalisierung gesellschaftlicher und politischer Ereignisse nach konzeptionellen und funktionalen Gesichtspunkten. Die Untersuchung knüpft dabei an die Vorleistungen der sozial- und kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Skandalforschung an. Der hier eingeführte handlungstheoretische Ansatz zur Untersuchung der sprecherseitigen kommunikativen Handlungen im Prozess der Skandalisierung fußt auf den Erkenntnissen der gegenwärtigen Skandalforschung unter Berücksichtigung ihrer Leistungen und Grenzen. Er dient dabei dem genauen Verständnis der Kommunikationsstrategien der Medien bei der Skandalisierung.rnGleichzeitig geht die Arbeit der Frage nach der unterschiedlichen Struktur verschiedener Skandale auf den Grund. Dazu wird bei der empirischen Untersuchung von Fallbeispielen der funktionale Zusammenhang von ereignis- und kommunikationsspezifischen Aspekten der Skandalisierung genauer betrachtet. Grundlegend im methodischen Vorgehen bei der Analyse ist ein sprachwissenschaftlicher Ansatz, der durch eine kultursemiotische Betrachtung ereignisspezifischer Vorgaben der Skandalisierung ergänzt wird. Das daraus entwickelte Zweiebenenmodell in der Untersuchung ermöglicht es, skandaltypische Kommunikationsschemata zu identifizieren und gleichzeitig fallspezifische Besonderheiten in der kommunikativen Umsetzung zu erkennen und einzuordnen.rnDas systematisch und intersubjektiv konzipierte Analyseverfahren wird exemplarisch an zwei Skandalbeispielen, dem Friedman-Skandal 2003 und dem BND-Spitzelskandal 2006, überprüft. Die Datenbasis dafür ergibt sich aus der jeweiligen Vollerhebung der Printberichterstattung in drei überregionalen deutschen Tageszeitungen. rnDie Arbeit ist in acht Kapitel untergliedert. Eingangs werden die zentralen Erkenntnisse und Grenzen der Skandalforschung betrachtet, um darauf aufbauend die Vorgehensweise in der vorliegenden Untersuchung abzuleiten. Die anschließenden Ausführungen zum methodischen Vorgehen bilden die Grundlage für die Fallanalyse. Abschließend werden die empirischen Erkenntnisse der Analysen ausgewertet und die Eignung der angewandten Vorgehensweise zur interdisziplinären Untersuchung von Skandalen überprüft.rn


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Vibrational energy flow and conformational transitions following excitation of the OH stretching mode of the most stable conformer of glycine are studied by classical trajectories. "On the fly" simulations with the PM3 semiempirical electronic structure method for the potential surface are used. Initial conditions are selected to correspond to the v = 1 excitation of the OH stretch. The main findings are: (1) An an equilibrium-like ratio is established between the populations of the 3 lowest-lying conformers after about 10 picoseconds. (2) There is a high probability throughout the 150 ps of the simulations for finding the molecule in geometries far from the equilibrium structures of the lowest-energy conformers. (3) Energy from the initial excited OH (v = 1) stretch flows preferentially to 5 other vibrational modes, including the bending motion of the H atom. (4) RRK theory yields conformational transition rates that deviate substantially from the classical trajectory results. Possible implication of these results for vibrational energy flow and conformational transitions in small biological molecules are discussed.


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Background and purpose: Numerous interventions have been proposed to improve balance in older adults with varying degrees of success. A novel approach may be to use an off-the-shelf video game system utilizing real-time force feedback to train older adults. The purpose of this study is to investigate the feasibility of using Nintendo's Wii Fit for training to improve clinical measures of balance in older adults and to retain the improvements after a period of time. Methods: Twelve healthy older adults (aged >70 years) were randomly divided into two groups. The experimental group completed training using Nintendo's Wii Fit game three times a week for 3 weeks while the control group continued with normal activities. Four clinical measures of balance were assessed before training, 1 week after training, and 1 month after training: Berg Balance Scale (BBS), Fullerton Advanced Balance (FAB) scale, Functional Reach (FR), and Timed Up and Go (TUG). Friedman two-way analysis of variance by ranks was conducted on the control and experimental group to determine if training using the Wii Balance Board with Wii Fit had an influence on clinical measures of balance. Results: Nine older adults completed the study (experimental group n = 4, control group n = 5). The experimental group significantly increased their BBS after training while the control group did not. There was no significant change for either group with FAB, FR, and TUG. Conclusion: Balance training with Nintendo's Wii Fit may be a novel way for older adults to improve balance as measured by the BBS.


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Apical surgery is an important treatment option for teeth with post-treatment apical periodontitis. Knowledge of the long-term prognosis is necessary when weighing apical surgery against alternative treatments. This study assessed the 5-year outcome of apical surgery and its predictors in a cohort for which the 1-year outcome was previously reported.


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The aim of this in vitro study was to assess the agreement among four techniques used as gold standard for the validation of methods for occlusal caries detection. Sixty-five human permanent molars were selected and one site in each occlusal surface was chosen as the test site. The teeth were cut and prepared according to each technique: stereomicroscopy without coloring (1), dye enhancement with rhodamine B (2) and fuchsine/acetic light green (3), and semi-quantitative microradiography (4). Digital photographs from each prepared tooth were assessed by three examiners for caries extension. Weighted kappa, as well as Friedman's test with multiple comparisons, was performed to compare all techniques and verify statistical significant differences. Results: kappa values varied from 0.62 to 0.78, the latter being found by both dye enhancement methods. Friedman's test showed statistical significant difference (P < 0.001) and multiple comparison identified these differences among all techniques, except between both dye enhancement methods (rhodamine B and fuchsine/acetic light green). Cross-tabulation showed that the stereomicroscopy overscored the lesions. Both dye enhancement methods showed a good agreement, while stereomicroscopy overscored the lesions. Furthermore, the outcome of caries diagnostic tests may be influenced by the validation method applied. Dye enhancement methods seem to be reliable as gold standard methods.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the peri-operative analgesic efficacy of intra-articular bupivacaine administered before or after stifle arthrotomy. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective, randomized, blind, placebo-controlled experimental trial. ANIMALS: Thirty-nine healthy goats. METHODS: The goats were allocated randomly to one of three intra-articular treatment groups: group PRE (bupivacaine before and saline after surgery), group POST (saline before and bupivacaine after surgery) and group CON (saline before and after surgery). Anaesthesia was maintained with a constant end-tidal sevoflurane of 2.5%. Intra-operatively heart rate (HR), respiratory rate and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) after critical surgical events (CSE) were recorded and compared with pre-incision values. Propofol requirements to maintain surgical anaesthesia were recorded. Flunixin was administered for 5 days. Post-operative pain assessment at 20 minutes, 2 hours, 4 hours after recovery and on day 2 and 3 included a multidimensional pain score (MPS), a lameness score and mechanical nociceptive threshold (MNT) testing. Rescue analgesia consisted of systemic opioids. Data were analysed using Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney, Friedman or chi-square tests as appropriate. RESULTS: Intra-operatively, group PRE had lower HR and MAP at several CSEs than groups POST/CON and required less propofol [0 mg kg(-1) (0-0 mg kg(-1))] than group POST/CON [0.3 mg kg(-1) (0-0.6 mg kg(-1))]. Post-operatively, group POST had significantly higher peri-articular MNTs than groups PRE and CON up to 4 hours after recovery. No treatment effect was detected for MPS, lameness scores and rescue analgesic consumption at any time point. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Pre-operative intra-articular bupivacaine provided notable intra-operative analgesia in goats undergoing stifle arthrotomy but did not reduce post-operative pain. Post-operative intra-articular bupivacaine provided a short lasting reduction of peri-articular hyperalgesia without affecting the requirements for systemic analgesia. Multimodal perioperative pain therapy is recommended to provide adequate analgesia for stifle arthrotomy in goats.


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This study examines the influence of recovery-oriented peer events on participants' recovery attitudes and explores who benefits most from such events. Changes in participants' recovery attitudes were evaluated (pre, post, follow-up), and compared with changes of control groups. Distributions of recovery-related values in subgroups were analyzed descriptively. The results of non-parametric tests (Friedman) showed participants with significantly higher values in the dimension Recovery is possible directly after the interventions (P = 0.006), but not 6 months later, and not in comparison with members of control groups. On a descriptive level, women, participants with schizophrenia and with two or more episodes of the disorder showed higher recovery-related values compared to men, participants with an affective disorder and only one episode. Within their feedback, organizations and peers express a positive view of peer support, but evidence for a positive impact of the evaluated peer events on recovery attitude is limited.