969 resultados para Frequency dependent transmission lines
This layer is a digital raster graphic of the historic 15-minute USGS topographic map of the Sandisfield, Massachusetts quadrangle. The survey date (ground condition) of the original paper map is 1886. A digital raster graphic (DRG) is a scanned image of a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) standard series topographic map, including all map collar information. The image inside the map neatline is geo-referenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Universal Transverse Mercator projection. The horizontal positional accuracy and datum of the DRG matches the accuracy and datum of the source map.
This layer is a digital raster graphic of the historic 15-minute USGS topographic map of the Salem, Massachusetts quadrangle. The survey date (ground condition) of the original paper map is 1886, the edition date is October, 1893 and this map has a reprint date of December, 1897. A digital raster graphic (DRG) is a scanned image of a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) standard series topographic map, including all map collar information. The image inside the map neatline is geo-referenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Universal Transverse Mercator projection. The horizontal positional accuracy and datum of the DRG matches the accuracy and datum of the source map.
This layer is a digital raster graphic of the historic 15-minute USGS topographic map of the Provincetown, Massachusetts quadrangle. The survey date (ground condition) of the original paper map is 1887, the edition date is July, 1889 and this map has a reprint date of January, 1900. A digital raster graphic (DRG) is a scanned image of a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) standard series topographic map, including all map collar information. The image inside the map neatline is geo-referenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Universal Transverse Mercator projection. The horizontal positional accuracy and datum of the DRG matches the accuracy and datum of the source map.
This layer is a digital raster graphic of the historic 15-minute USGS topographic map of the Taunton, Massachusetts quadrangle. The survey date (ground condition) of the original paper map is 1885, the edition date is September, 1893 and this map has a reprint date of 1940. A digital raster graphic (DRG) is a scanned image of a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) standard series topographic map, including all map collar information. The image inside the map neatline is geo-referenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Universal Transverse Mercator projection. The horizontal positional accuracy and datum of the DRG matches the accuracy and datum of the source map.
We present detailed paleomagnetic and rock magnetic results of rock samples recovered during Leg 173. The Leg 173 cores display a multicomponent magnetization nature. Variations in magnetic properties correlate with changes in lithology that result from differences in the abundance and size of magnetic minerals. The combined investigation suggests that the magnetic properties of the "fresher" peridotite samples from Site 1070 are controlled mainly by titanomagnetite, with a strong Verwey transition in the vicinity of 110 K, and with field- and frequency-dependent susceptibility curves that resemble those of titanomagnetites. These results are in excellent agreement with thermomagnetic characteristics where titanomagnetites with Curie temperature ~580°C were identified from the "fresher" peridotites. In contrast to the magnetic properties observed from the "fresher" peridotites, the low-temperature curves for the "altered" peridotites did not show any Verwey transition. Thermomagnetic analysis using the high-temperature vibrating sample magnetometer also failed to show evidence for titanomagnetites. The remanent magnetization is carried by a thermally unstable mineral that breaks down at ~420°C, probably maghemite. The field- and frequency-dependent relationships are also directly opposite to those in the reversal zone, with no signs of titanomagnetite characteristics. Altogether, these rock magnetic data seem to be sensitive indicators of alteration and support the contention that maghemite is responsible for the magnetic signatures displayed in the altered peridotites of the upper section. The magnetic minerals of the basement rocks from Sites 1068, 1069, and 1070 are of variable particle size but fall within the pseudo-single-domain size range (0.2-14 µm). The average natural remanent magnetization (NRM) intensity of recovered serpenitinized peridotite is typically on the order of 20 mA/m for samples from Site 1068, but ~120 mA/m for samples from Site 1070. The much stronger magnetization intensity of Site 1070 is apparently in excellent agreement with the observed magnetic anomaly high. Nearly half of the NRM intensity remained after 400°C demagnetization, suggesting that the remanence can contribute significantly to the marine magnetic anomaly.
Measurements of natural remanent magnetization (NRM), initial susceptibility (K), anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, frequency dependent susceptibility (Xfd), and viscous remanent magnetization (VRM) are reported from volcanic rocks recovered during ODP Leg 127 in the Japan Sea. The results indicate a significant difference between the basalts drilled in the Yamato Basin (Site 794 and 797) and in the Japan Basin (Site 795). The Koenigsberger ratios (Q) show very low values in the Yamato Basin attesting that the remanence is not dominant over the induced magnetization. This evidence could explain why no magnetic anomaly pattern has been recognized in this basin. Experiments of VRM acquisition and decay show that both the processes are multistage with the acquisition process proceeding more rapidly and deviates more from a log (t) law than the corresponding decay. The sediments interlayered with the basalts in the acoustic basement of the Yamato Basin show processes of remagnetization related to the emplacement of the dikes. Temperatures of heating between 200° and 250°C were estimated from the different unblocking temperatures of the two components of magnetization.
Includes bibliographies.
In many neurons, trains of action potentials show frequency-dependent broadening. This broadening results from the voltage-dependent inactivation of K+ currents that contribute to action potential repolarisation. In different neuronal cell types these K+ currents have been shown to be either slowly inactivating delayed rectifier type currents or rapidly inactivating A-type voltage-gated K+ currents. Recent findings show that inactivation of a Ca2+-dependent K+ current, mediated by large conductance BK-type channels, also contributes to spike broadening. Here, using whole-cell recordings in acute slices, we examine spike broadening in lateral amygdala projection neurons. Spike broadening is frequency dependent and is reversed by brief hyperpolarisations. This broadening is reduced by blockade of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels and BK channels. In contrast, broadening is not blocked by high concentrations of 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) or alpha-dendrotoxin. We conclude that while inactivation of BK-type Ca2+-activated K+ channels contributes to spike broadening in lateral amygdala neurons, inactivation of another as yet unidentified outward current also plays a role.
Primates have X chromosome genes for cone photopigments with sensitivity maxima from 535 to 562 nm. Old World monkeys and apes (catarrhines) and the New World ( platyrrhine) genus Alouatta have separate genes for 535-nm ( medium wavelength; M) and 562-nm ( long wavelength; L) pigments. These pigments, together with a 425-nm ( short wavelength) pigment, permit trichromatic color vision. Other platyrrhines and prosimians have a single X chromosome gene but often with alleles for two or three M/L photopigments. Consequently, heterozygote females are trichromats, but males and homozygote females are dichromats. The criteria that affect the evolution of M/L alleles and maintain genetic polymorphism remain a puzzle, but selection for finding food may be important. We compare different types of color vision for detecting more than 100 plant species consumed by tamarins ( Saguinus spp.) in Peru. There is evidence that both frequency-dependent selection on homozygotes and heterozygote advantage favor M/L polymorphism and that trichromatic color vision is most advantageous in dim light. Also, whereas the 562-nm allele is present in all species, the occurrence of 535- to 556-nm alleles varies between species. This variation probably arises because trichromatic color vision favors widely separated pigments and equal frequencies of 535/543- and 562-nm alleles, whereas in dichromats, long-wavelength pigment alleles are fitter.
The efficiency of numerous mineral processing operations can be determined by measuring the magnetic properties of the process streams. This measurement, if done at all, is currently performed by laboratory testing of spot samples. This is an inherently slow process and, where feed grades are variable, optimum performance is generally not achieved. This paper describes the rapid measurement of the magnetic properties of minerals. AC measurement techniques, including the analysis of the phase component of the magnetic vector; frequency dependent magnetic susceptibility and the effect of applied magnetic field strength will be discussed. Industrial applications in mineral sands, copper smelting, ferrosilicon testing and drill core scanning will be reported. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This article presents various novel and conventional planar electromagnetic bandgap (EBG)-assisted transmission lines. Both microstrip lines and coplanar waveguides (CPWs) are designed with circular, rectangular, annular, plus-sign and fractal-patterned EBGs and dumbbell-shaped defected ground structure (DGS). The dispersion characteristics and the slow-wave factors of the design are investigated. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
We studied the relationship between the decline in sensitivity that occurs with eccentricity for stimuli of different spatial scale defined by either luminance (LM) or contrast (CM) modulation. We show that the detectability of CM stimuli declines with eccentricity in a spatial frequency-dependent manner, and that the rate of sensitivity decline for CM stimuli is roughly that expected from their 1st order carriers, except, possibly, at finer scales. Using an equivalent noise paradigm, we investigated the possible reasons for why the foveal sensitivity for detecting LM and CM stimuli differs as well as the reason why the detectability of 1st order stimuli declines with eccentricity. We show the former can be modeled by an increase in internal noise whereas the latter involves both an increase in internal noise and a loss of efficiency. To encompass both the threshold and suprathreshold transfer properties of peripheral vision, we propose a model in terms of the contrast gain of the underlying mechanisms.
We experimentally investigate the use of an arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) to interrogate fibre Bragg grating (FBG) sensors. A broadband light source is used to illuminate the FBG sensors. Reflected spectral information is directed to the AWG containing integral photodetectors providing 40 electrical outputs. Three methods are described to interrogate FBG sensors. The first technique makes use of the wavelength-dependent transmission profile of an AWG channel passband, giving a usable range of 500 µe and a dynamic strain resolution of 96 ne Hz-1/2 at 13 Hz. The second approach utilizes wide gratings larger than the channel spacing of the AWG; by monitoring the intensity present in several neighbouring AWG channels an improved range of 1890 µe was achieved. The third method improves the dynamic range by utilizing a heterodyne approach based on interferometric wavelength shift detection, providing an improved dynamic strain resolution of 17 ne Hz-1/2 at 30 Hz.
Objective of this work was to explore the performance of a recently introduced source extraction method, FSS (Functional Source Separation), in recovering induced oscillatory change responses from extra-cephalic magnetoencephalographic (MEG) signals. Unlike algorithms used to solve the inverse problem, FSS does not make any assumption about the underlying biophysical source model; instead, it makes use of task-related features (functional constraints) to estimate source/s of interest. FSS was compared with blind source separation (BSS) approaches such as Principal and Independent Component Analysis, PCA and ICA, which are not subject to any explicit forward solution or functional constraint, but require source uncorrelatedness (PCA), or independence (ICA). A visual MEG experiment with signals recorded from six subjects viewing a set of static horizontal black/white square-wave grating patterns at different spatial frequencies was analyzed. The beamforming technique Synthetic Aperture Magnetometry (SAM) was applied to localize task-related sources; obtained spatial filters were used to automatically select BSS and FSS components in the spatial area of interest. Source spectral properties were investigated by using Morlet-wavelet time-frequency representations and significant task-induced changes were evaluated by means of a resampling technique; the resulting spectral behaviours in the gamma frequency band of interest (20-70 Hz), as well as the spatial frequency-dependent gamma reactivity, were quantified and compared among methods. Among the tested approaches, only FSS was able to estimate the expected sustained gamma activity enhancement in primary visual cortex, throughout the whole duration of the stimulus presentation for all subjects, and to obtain sources comparable to invasively recorded data.
We investigate the feasibility of simultaneous suppressing of the amplification noise and nonlinearity, representing the most fundamental limiting factors in modern optical communication. To accomplish this task we developed a general design optimisation technique, based on concepts of noise and nonlinearity management. We demonstrate the immense efficiency of the novel approach by applying it to a design optimisation of transmission lines with periodic dispersion compensation using Raman and hybrid Raman-EDFA amplification. Moreover, we showed, using nonlinearity management considerations, that the optimal performance in high bit-rate dispersion managed fibre systems with hybrid amplification is achieved for a certain amplifier spacing – which is different from commonly known optimal noise performance corresponding to fully distributed amplification. Required for an accurate estimation of the bit error rate, the complete knowledge of signal statistics is crucial for modern transmission links with strong inherent nonlinearity. Therefore, we implemented the advanced multicanonical Monte Carlo (MMC) method, acknowledged for its efficiency in estimating distribution tails. We have accurately computed acknowledged for its efficiency in estimating distribution tails. We have accurately computed marginal probability density functions for soliton parameters, by numerical modelling of Fokker-Plank equation applying the MMC simulation technique. Moreover, applying a powerful MMC method we have studied the BER penalty caused by deviations from the optimal decision level in systems employing in-line 2R optical regeneration. We have demonstrated that in such systems the analytical linear approximation that makes a better fit in the central part of the regenerator nonlinear transfer function produces more accurate approximation of the BER and BER penalty. We present a statistical analysis of RZ-DPSK optical signal at direct detection receiver with Mach-Zehnder interferometer demodulation