1000 resultados para Fragaria x ananassaDuch
Mammalian sex chromosomes have undergone profound changes since evolving from ancestral autosomes. By examining retroposed genes in the human and mouse genomes, we demonstrate that, during evolution, the mammalian X chromosome has generated and recruited a disproportionately high number of functional retroposed genes, whereas the autosomes experienced lower gene turnover. Most autosomal copies originating from X-linked genes exhibited testis-biased expression. Such export is incompatible with mutational bias and is likely driven by natural selection to attain male germline function. However, the excess recruitment is consistent with a combination of both natural selection and mutational bias.
Until recently, the hard X-ray, phase-sensitive imaging technique called grating interferometry was thought to provide information only in real space. However, by utilizing an alternative approach to data analysis we demonstrated that the angular resolved ultra-small angle X-ray scattering distribution can be retrieved from experimental data. Thus, reciprocal space information is accessible by grating interferometry in addition to real space. Naturally, the quality of the retrieved data strongly depends on the performance of the employed analysis procedure, which involves deconvolution of periodic and noisy data in this context. The aim of this article is to compare several deconvolution algorithms to retrieve the ultra-small angle X-ray scattering distribution in grating interferometry. We quantitatively compare the performance of three deconvolution procedures (i.e., Wiener, iterative Wiener and Lucy-Richardson) in case of realistically modeled, noisy and periodic input data. The simulations showed that the algorithm of Lucy-Richardson is the more reliable and more efficient as a function of the characteristics of the signals in the given context. The availability of a reliable data analysis procedure is essential for future developments in grating interferometry.
A Ciência do Solo procura compreender e modelar os fenômenos ocorridos no solo, principalmente na zona não saturada. Como o entendimento de muitos desses fenômenos exige determinações em escalas que permitam incorporar aos modelos a variabilidade de poros e agregados, desenvolveu-se, na Embrapa Instrumentação Agropecuária, um tomógrafo de raios-X, de resolução micrométrica, com o objetivo de se obterem imagens, de forma não-destrutiva, de amostras de solo, com resolução espacial igual ou inferior a 100 μm. Foi possível projetar e construir um equipamento, de alta resolução, com baixo custo, comparativamente aos equipamentos comerciais disponíveis, cujos preços são proibitivos para aplicações em solo. Obtiveram-se imagens de amostras de solos com estrutura deformada, compostos por agregados de 212 a 250 μm, nos quais foram identificados poros medindo 100 μm ou menos. Poros dessas dimensões foram visualizados, também, em tomografias de amostras compostas de grãos de areia de 1 mm e capilares de vidro com diâmetros internos de 100, 200 e 300 μm. Tomografias de amostras não deformadas de solos evidenciaram, além de poros de 200 a 800 μm, partículas de alta densidade não-detectáveis com a tomografia de resolução milimétrica.
Risperidone is metabolized by polymorphic enzymes, and a large variability in plasma concentration and therapeutic response is observed. Risperidone long-acting injection (RLAI) avoids the first-pass effect, and little is known about the influence of gene polymorphisms involved in its pharmacokinetics. The influence on plasma concentrations of risperidone (RIS), its metabolite 9-hydroxy-risperidone, and on adverse effects were investigated for polymorphisms of cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) (*3, *4, *5, *6), CYP3A (CYP3A4*1B, CYP3A4 rs4646437, CYP3A5*3, CYP3A7*1C), ABCB1 (1236C>T, 2677G>T, 3435C>T), NR1/2 coding for pregnane X receptor (rs1523130, rs2472677, rs7643645), and for CYP3A activity measured by a phenotyping test. Forty-two patients with at least 4 consecutive unchanged doses of RLAI were included in a multicenter cross-sectional study. A 55% lower dose-adjusted plasma levels of RIS were observed for CYP2D6 ultrarapid metabolizers (n = 5) as compared with CYP2D6 intermediate metabolizers (P < 0.007). NR1/2 polymorphism (rs7643645A>G) influenced RIS exposure with a 2.8-fold lower active moiety (P = 0.031) in GG compared with the AA genotype. This was confirmed in a second independent cohort (n = 16). Furthermore, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol was positively correlated with CYP3A activity (P = 0.01), and the NR1/2 (rs2472677) polymorphism was associated with different adverse effects including prolactin plasma levels adjusted for age and sex. In conclusion, our results confirmed the influence of CYP2D6 genotype on plasma levels of RIS. This is the first report on the influence of NR1/2 polymorphisms on RLAI exposure and on drug-induced adverse effects. These results should be validated in larger cohorts.
We report millimetre-wave continuum observations of the X-ray binaries Cygnus X-3, SS 433, LSI+61 303, Cygnus X-1 and GRS 1915+105. The observations were carried out with the IRAM 30 m-antenna at 250 GHz (1.25 mm) from 1998 March 14 to March 20. These millimetre measurements are complemented with centimetre observations from the Ryle Telescope, at 15 GHz (2.0 cm) and from the Green Bank Interferometer at 2.25 and 8.3 GHz (13 and 3.6 cm). Both Cygnus X-3 and SS 433 underwent moderate flaring events during our observations, whose main spectral evolution properties are described and interpreted. A significant spectral steepening was observed in both sources during the flare decay, that is likely to be caused by adiabatic expansion, inverse Compton and synchrotron losses. Finally, we also report 250 GHz upper limits for three additional undetected X-ray binary stars: LSI+65 010, LSI+61 235 and X Per.