961 resultados para Fort Sheridan (Ill.)
Periodizität: unregelmäßig
La forêt primaire de la région de Mandraka a été classée par le gouvernement en station forestière pour être conservée et restaurée. Suite à cette décision, tous prélèvements y sont interdits. Pourtant, aucune étude n’a évalué sa viabilité depuis cette restriction. Ce mémoire a ainsi comme objectif l’estimation de cette viabilité par le suivi permanent de l’état actuel de la forêt comprenant la végétation, la biodiversité et les pressions. La collecte de données y afférentes a eu recours à une étude bibliographique, à des enquêtes socio-économiques, à un inventaire des pressions, à un inventaire forestier et à une distance sampling. L’état a été évalué par l’analyse de ces composants. Cette recherche a fait ressortir que la forêt est soumise à des pressions anthropiques et biologiques : coupes illicites, collecte de Dioscorea sp., feux de forêt, envahissement des lianes. Ces pressions ont réduit la superficie de la forêt, modifié sa structure et celle de la faune : les régénérations naturelles sont abondantes, les arbres émergents et de diamètre supérieur à 40 cm sont rares, certaines essences floristiques et les lémuriens risquent de disparaître. Puis, les lianes remplacent successivement la forêt. Malgré ces pressions, la forêt a pu conserver certaines caractéristiques de son état originel : l’abondance élevée des tiges et la réduction de leur taille sur les crêtes, l’allure exponentielle de la structure totale, la présence des genres Tambourissa et Weinmannia. En outre, la forêt est encore riche en avifaune. Après analyse de viabilité, elle est classée comme un écosystème viable. Mais ces potentialités sont insuffisantes : il faut réduire les pressions et reconstituer la forêt pour une meilleure conservation de l’écosystème. A cet effet, la présente étude suggère l’aménagement, en premier lieu de la forêt par des interventions sylvicoles favorisant les régénérations comme l’enrichissement en placeaux, le délianage et en second lieu, celui de ses environs par des vulgarisations d’activités génératrices de revenu autres que l’exploitation des forêts naturelles telles l’agroforesterie, le reboisement, l’apiculture. Des patrouilles fréquentes et une délimitation de la station forestière s’avèrent aussi nécessaires.
mimmenî Śimḥā Hallas
Boberach: Die gleichnamige Denkschrift ... wird zusätzlich begründet. Die österreichische Verfassung von 1849 hat sich im Gegensatz zur gescheiterten Frankfurter Reichsverfassung durchgesetzt. Statt des Dreikönigsbündnisses muß der Deutsche Bund wieder belebt werden. - Wentzke: Entwicklung der in der Denkschrift unter gleichem Titel ... ausgeführten Gedanken für weitere Kreise. - Nach der Niederwerfung der Magyaren und der Übergabe Venedigs ist Österreichs Ausschließung vom deutschen Bundesstaate unmöglich geworden: es kann sich jetzt nur noch darum handeln, für die unabweisbaren Forderungen die angemessenste Form zu finden. Der deutsche Bund mit gleicher Berechtigung der Bundesstaaten besteht rechtlich und tatsächlich fort, also auch die drei Stimmen, die er mit seinen beiden Großmächten bisher im Völkerrate gehabt hat. Von den drei bisher aufgestellten Entwürfen ist der der Paulskirche unausführbar und rechtlich unhaltbar. In Österreichs Vorschlag, Direktorium aus 7 Kreisen mit 9 Stimmen, erhalten Österreich und Preußen ein unbegründetes Übergewicht und hemmen durch einen beratenden Reichstag, der nicht die Form einer gesetzgebenden Versammlung hat, die vollziehende Gewalt. Engere Verbindung österreichs aber jetzt ermöglicht, nachdem durch die Gleichberechtigung der Slaven und Magyaren diesen jeder Grund zum Haß gegen das Deutschtum entzogen, die Zollgrenze zwischen Österreich und Ungarn gefallen ist. Die Selbstverwaltung, die Aufgabe aller heutigen Staaten, ist in Österreich großzügig durchgeführt worden: damit Raum geschaffen zur Lösung der sozialen Frage. Dagegen ist Preußen ein erobernder Staat. Aber wie es selbst zu große Erinnerungen hat, seinen Namen aufzugeben, so auch Deutschland. "Wenn das übrige Deutschland nur die Wahl hätte, an Österreich oder Preußen sich anzuschließen, müßte es sich notwendig für Österreich entscheiden. Preußen selbst bedarf Deutschlands; mit demselben wird es zur Großmacht, ohne dasselbe ist es nicht mächtiger als dieses ohne Österreich."
Blood loss and bleeding complications may often be observed in critically ill patients on renal replacement therapies (RRT). Here we investigate procedural (i.e. RRT-related) and non-procedural blood loss as well as transfusion requirements in regard to the chosen mode of dialysis (i.e. intermittent haemodialysis [IHD] versus continuous veno-venous haemofiltration [CVVH]). Two hundred and fifty-two patients (122 CVVH, 159 male; aged 61.5±13.9 years) with dialysis-dependent acute renal failure were analysed in a sub-analysis of the prospective randomised controlled clinical trial-CONVINT-comparing IHD and CVVH. Bleeding complications including severity of bleeding and RRT-related blood loss were assessed. We observed that 3.6% of patients died related to severe bleeding episodes (between group P=0.94). Major all-cause bleeding complications were observed in 23% IHD versus 26% of CVVH group patients (P=0.95). Under CVVH, the rate of RRT-related blood loss events (57.4% versus 30.4%, P=0.01) and mean total blood volume lost was increased (222.3±291.9 versus 112.5±222.7 ml per patient, P <0.001). Overall, transfusion rates did not differ between the study groups. In patients with sepsis, transfusion rates of all blood products were significantly higher when compared to cardiogenic shock (all P <0.01) or other conditions. In conclusion, procedural and non-procedural blood loss may often be observed in critically ill patients on RRT. In CVVH-treated patients, procedural blood loss was increased but overall transfusion rates remained unchanged. Our data show that IHD and CVVH may be regarded as equivalent approaches in critically ill patients with dialysis-dependent acute renal failure in this regard.
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Ankündigung, die unerlaubte Entfernung von der Truppe mit Ehren- statt bisher Geldstrafen zu ahnden (öffentliche Anprangerung auf Plakaten)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the stability of Le Fort I maxillary inferior repositioning surgery in patients with a vertical maxillary deficiency at least 6 months after surgery. The electronic databases were searched to identify all articles reporting the long-term effects of one-piece maxillary inferior repositioning with rigid fixation. Methodological quality was evaluated according to 15 criteria related to study design, measurements, and statistical analysis. Two articles were identified, with a total of 22 patients. The maxilla was repositioned inferiorly from a mean 3.2 to 4.5mm in the anterior part and from a mean 0.1 to 1.8mm in the posterior part. At 6 months post-treatment, absolute relapse of a mean 1.6mm was measured for the anterior part of the maxilla and 0.3mm for the posterior part of the maxilla. The stability of maxillary inferior repositioning surgery could not be confirmed due to the small sample size, unclear diagnosis, and potential confounding factors.
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Heftige, in der Form einer Unterhaltung zwischen drei Berlinern geäußerte Kritik an der Bürgerwehr sowie an den Konstabler-Schutzmannschaften wegen ihres rücksichtslosen Vorgehens gegen die Zivilbevölkerung. Forderung nach Entwaffnung der Bürgerwehr durch das Militär
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Rachegedicht an die Adresse Friedrich Wilhelms IV. nach den Berliner Barrikadenkämpfen vom 18. und 19. März 1848: "Zittre nun, du Menschenschlächter, vor der blut'gen Rechenschaft! Diese Saat, die du gesäet, wird zur Ernte blutig reifen, Wenn die Völker zu dem Schwerte mit dem starken Arme greifen."
BACKGROUND Patients with electrolyte imbalances or disorders have a high risk of mortality. It is unknown if this finding from sodium or potassium disorders extends to alterations of magnesium levels. METHODS AND PATIENTS In this cross-sectional analysis, all emergency room patients between 2010 and 2011 at the Inselspital Bern, Switzerland, were included. A multivariable logistic regression model was performed to assess the association between magnesium levels and in-hospital mortality up to 28days. RESULTS A total of 22,239 subjects were screened for the study. A total of 5339 patients had plasma magnesium concentrations measured at hospital admission and were included into the analysis. A total of 6.3% of the 352 patients with hypomagnesemia and 36.9% of the 151 patients with hypermagnesemia died. In a multivariate Cox regression model hypermagnesemia (HR 11.6, p<0.001) was a strong independent risk factor for mortality. In these patients diuretic therapy revealed to be protective (HR 0.5, p=0.007). Hypomagnesemia was not associated with mortality (p>0.05). Age was an independent risk factor for mortality (both p<0.001). CONCLUSION The study does demonstrate a possible association between hypermagnesemia measured upon admission in the emergency department, and early in-hospital mortality.
BACKGROUND Phosphate imbalances or disorders have a high risk of morbidity and mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease. It is unknown if this finding extends to mortality in patients presenting at an emergency room with or without normal kidney function. METHODS AND PATIENTS This cross sectional analysis included all emergency room patients between 2010 and 2011 at the Inselspital Bern, Switzerland. A multivariable cox regression model was applied to assess the association between phosphate levels and in-hospital mortality up to 28 days. RESULTS 22,239 subjects were screened for the study. Plasma phosphate concentrations were measured in 2,390 patients on hospital admission and were included in the analysis. 3.5% of the 480 patients with hypophosphatemia and 10.7% of the 215 patients with hyperphosphatemia died. In univariate analysis, phosphate levels were associated with mortality, age, diuretic therapy and kidney function (all p<0.001). In a multivariate Cox regression model, hyperphosphatemia (OR 3.29, p<0.001) was a strong independent risk factor for mortality. Hypophosphatemia was not associated with mortality (p>0.05). CONCLUSION Hyperphosphatemia is associated with 28-day in-hospital mortality in an unselected cohort of patients presenting in an emergency room.
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY Many persons are travelling all over the world; the elderly with pre-existing diseases also travel to places with less developed health systems. Reportedly, fewer than 0.5% of all travellers need repatriation. We aimed to analyse and examine people who are injured or ill while abroad, where they travelled to and by what means they were repatriated. METHODS Retrospective cross-sectional study with adult patients repatriated to a single level 1 trauma centre in Switzerland (2000-2011). RESULTS A total of 372 patients were repatriated, with an increasing trend per year. Of these, 67% were male; the median age was 56 years. Forty-nine percent sustained an injury, and 13% had surgical and 38% medical pathologies. Patients with medical conditions were older than those with injuries or surgical emergencies (p <0.001). Seventy-three percent were repatriated from Europe. For repatriation from Africa trauma was slightly more frequent (53%, n = 17) than illnesses, whereas for most other countries illnesses and trauma were equally distributed. Injured patients had a median Injury Severity Score of 8. The majority of illnesses involved the nervous system (38%), mainly stroke. Forty-five percent were repatriated by Swiss Air Ambulance, 26% by ground ambulance, 18% by scheduled flights with or without medical assistance and two patients injured near the Swiss boarder by helicopter. The 28-day mortality was 4%. CONCLUSIONS The numbers of travellers repatriated increased from 2000 to 2011. About half were due to illnesses and half due to injuries. The largest group were elderly Swiss nationals repatriated from European countries. As mortality is relatively high, special consideration to this group of patients is warranted.