993 resultados para Format


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Este proyecto tiene como objetivo desarrollar una aplicación en formato web capaz de dar soporte a la gestión de los pedidos de restaurante. El proyecto incluye un entorno de trabajo para un administrador con pequeños módulos que ayudaran a realizar un buen mantenimiento del sistema. Nuestro objetivo comprenderá la creación de un pedido y sus posteriores fases hasta su finalización.


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InterPro, an integrated documentation resource of protein families, domains and functional sites, was created in 1999 as a means of amalgamating the major protein signature databases into one comprehensive resource. PROSITE, Pfam, PRINTS, ProDom, SMART and TIGRFAMs have been manually integrated and curated and are available in InterPro for text- and sequence-based searching. The results are provided in a single format that rationalises the results that would be obtained by searching the member databases individually. The latest release of InterPro contains 5629 entries describing 4280 families, 1239 domains, 95 repeats and 15 post-translational modifications. Currently, the combined signatures in InterPro cover more than 74% of all proteins in SWISS-PROT and TrEMBL, an increase of nearly 15% since the inception of InterPro. New features of the database include improved searching capabilities and enhanced graphical user interfaces for visualisation of the data. The database is available via a webserver (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro) and anonymous FTP (ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/interpro).


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The EHLASS survey was set up in April 1986 as a five-year demonstration project. The objective was to monitor home and leisure accidents in a harmonised manner, throughout the EU, to determine their causes, the circumstances of their occurrence, their consequences and, most importantly, to provide information on consumer products involved. Armed with accurate information, it was felt that consumer policy could be directed at the most serious problems andthe best use could be made of available resources.   Data collection systems were set up for the collection of EHLASS data in the casualty departments of selected hospitals in each of the member states. The information was subsequently gathered together by the European Commission in Brussels. Extensive analysis was undertaken on 778,838 accidents reported throughout the EU. Centralised analysis of EHLASS data proved problematic due to lack of  co-ordination in data quality. In 1989 it was decided that each member state should  produce its own annual EHLASS report in a harmonised format specified by the European Commission. This report is the ninth such report for Ireland. Download the Report here


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Aquest projecte mostra la importància que pot tenir un sistema basat en Business Intelligence, dins d’una empresa o organització, donant una eina per augmentar la competitivitat, treballant les dades que s’obtenen dels diferents sistemes de gestió que hi ha dins l’empresa. Aquest gran nombre de dades històriques les transformarem per formar una base de dades de qualitat, i les explorarem per tal d’extreure’n informació útil en format gràfic, per ajudar a la pressa de decisions per part dels directius.


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In Our Own Words: Report of the Consultation Process on the National Positive Ageing Strategy If you wish to receive this document in an alternative format, please email positiveageing@health.gov.ie or telephone 01-635 3184


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Summary of Findings (PDF 9.4mb) Alongside the executive summary above, this report is further broken into 3 technical reports and an appendix, which are available below. Because of their size, Technical Reports 2 and 3 are available in low-resolution format and are also broken into 4-part higher resolution versions. Technical Report 1 features the findings of the Census of Traveller Population and a Quantitative Study of Health Status and Health Utilisation Technical Report 1: Health Survey Findings (PDF 10mb) Technical Report 2 reports on Demography and Vital Statistics including mortality and life expectancy data, an initial report of the Birth Cohort Study and a report on Travellers in Institutions. The Birth Cohort Study was a 1 year follow-up of all Traveller babies born on the island of Ireland between 14th October 2008 and 13th October 2009, with data collection up to 13th October 2010. Part D of Technical Report 2 is the Birth Cohort Study Follow Up and was published in September 2011. Technical Report 2 – Parts A, B & C (PDF 12mb) Demography & Vital Statistics: Part A of Technical Report 2 (PDF 5.3mb) The Birth Cohort Study: Part B of Technical Report 2 (PDF 9.6mb) Travellers in Institutions: Part C of Technical Report 2 (PDF 4.3mb) Technical Report 2 Bibliography – Parts A, B & C (PDF 2.7mb) The Birth Cohort Study Follow Up: Part D of Technical Report 2 (including bibliography) (PDF 7.1mb) Technical Report 3 reports on Consultative Studies including qualitative studies based on focus groups and semi-structured interviews with Travellers and key discussants, and a survey of Health Service Providers Technical Report 3 : Full Report (PDF 11.8mb) Qualitative Studies: Part A of Technical Report 3 (PDF 4.2mb) Health Service Provider Study: Part B of Technical Report 3 (PDF 5.4mb) Discussion & Recommendations: Part C of Technical Report 3 (PDF 3.1mb) Technical Report 3 Bibliography (PDF 2.6mb) Preamble Health Service Providers Questionnaire for the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland (PDF 75kb) Questionnaire for the Republic of Ireland (PDF 326kb) Questionnaire for Northern Ireland (PDF 140kb)


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La División Española de Voluntarios, nom oficial de la División Azul, ni va ser tan de voluntaris, ni va ser tan "azul", i això es va anar fent més evident a mesura que avançava la campanya. No va ser, tal com va vendre la propaganda oficial, un cos voluntari format per falangistes impulsats pel seu idealisme; un grup homogeni i ideològicament bel·ligerant. Va ser una unitat força heterogènia marcada fonamentalment pels militars i formada en gran part per altres col·lectius diferents del voluntariat falangista fidel al règim, sense excloure personal forçat i fins i tot opositors al franquisme.


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Projecte d'exposició virtual de fotografies antigues de Traiguera (Baix Maestrat). L'estudi de les transformacions en les formes de vida del poble al llarg del segle XX es realitza mitjançant la principal font de la memòria visual que és la fotografia. El format d'exposició virtual respon a la intenció preservar i projectar el patrimoni local de la memòria visual, i també suposa una mirada des del present mitjançant les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació sobre la nostra societat del passat.


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Amb aquest treball de final de carrera vull divulgar en format hipertextual el conjunt dels Dolors de Santa Maria de Mataró, que és segurament el conjunt de pintures més complet i més ben conservat del Barroc català. Totes són obra d'Antoni Viladomat i Manalt, el pintor barceloní més destacat de la seva època.


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L'objectiu principal d'aquest treball és mostrar la història de l'Escola Universitària d'Infermeria de Creu Roja a Madrid, a través dels alumnes que s'han format en ella, des de 1918 fins a l'època actual.


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Les médias de masse, en particulier Internet, ont profondément modifié la distribution du pouvoir dans notre société. Sous l'oeil des caméras et des citoyens-reporters, le pouvoir policier est l'objet d'une intense « sous-veillance » publique et médiatique. Pourquoi et comment sensibiliser les nouveaux entrants aux « risques médiatiques » de leur future profession ?


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La aplicación Log2XML tiene como objeto principal la transformación de archivos log en formato texto con separador de campos a un formato XML estandarizado. Para permitir que la aplicación pueda trabajar con logs de diferentes sistemas o aplicaciones, dispone de un sistema de plantillas (indicación de orden de campos y carácter separador) que permite definir la estructura mínima para poder extraer la información de cualquier tipo de log que se base en separadores de campo. Por último, la aplicación permite el procesamiento de la información extraída para la generación de informes y estadísticas.Por otro lado, en el proyecto se profundiza en la tecnología Grails.


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Format: 8 page A5 leaflet Target group: Prospective participants in the Northern Ireland Bowel Screening Programme. Description: This leaflet provides information on bowel cancer and the Northern Ireland Bowel Cancer Screening Programme.


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This leaflet provides more detailed information in a question and answer format about the HPV vaccine offered to girls in Year 9 which can help protect against cervical cancer.