907 resultados para Flexible shafting


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Die Automatisierung logistischer Prozesse stellt aufgrund dynamischer Prozesseigenschaften und wirtschaftlicher Anforderungen eine große technische Herausforderung dar. Es besteht der Bedarf nach neuartigen hochflexiblen Automatisierungs- und Roboterlösungen, die in der Lage sind, variable Güter zu handhaben oder verschiedene Prozesse bzw. Funktionalitäten auszuführen. Im Rahmen dieses Beitrages wird die Steigerung der Flexibilität anhand von zwei konkreten Beispielen aus den Bereichen Stückguthandhabung und Materialflusstechnik adressiert.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Abstract not available


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In modern society, the body health is a very important issue to everyone. With the development of the science and technology, the new and developed body health monitoring device and technology will play the key role in the daily medical activities. This paper focus on making progress in the design of the wearable vital sign system. A vital sign monitoring system has been proposed and designed. The whole detection system is composed of signal collecting subsystem, signal processing subsystem, short-range wireless communication subsystem and user interface subsystem. The signal collecting subsystem is composed of light source and photo diode, after emiting light of two different wavelength, the photo diode collects the light signal reflected by human body tissue. The signal processing subsystem is based on the analog front end AFE4490 and peripheral circuits, the collected analog signal would be filtered and converted into digital signal in this stage. After a series of processing, the signal would be transmitted to the short-range wireless communication subsystem through SPI, this subsystem is mainly based on Bluetooth 4.0 protocol and ultra-low power System on Chip(SoC) nRF51822. Finally, the signal would be transmitted to the user end. After proposing and building the system, this paper focus on the research of the key component in the system, that is, the photo detector. Based on the study of the perovskite materials, a low temperature processed photo detector has been proposed, designed and researched. The device is made up of light absorbing layer, electron transporting and hole blocking layer, hole transporting and electron blocking layer, conductive substrate layer and metal electrode layer. The light absorbing layer is the important part of whole device, and it is fabricated by perovskite materials. After accepting the light, the electron-hole pair would be produced in this layer, and due to the energy level difference, the electron and hole produced would be transmitted to metal electrode and conductive substrate electrode through electron transporting layer and hole transporting layer respectively. In this way the response current would be produced. Based on this structure, the specific fabrication procedure including substrate cleaning; PEDOT:PSS layer preparation; pervoskite layer preparation; PCBM layer preparation; C60, BCP, and Ag electrode layer preparation. After the device fabrication, a series of morphological characterization and performance testing has been done. The testing procedure including film-forming quality inspection, response current and light wavelength analysis, linearity and response time and other optical and electrical properties testing. The testing result shows that the membrane has been fabricated uniformly; the device can produce obvious response current to the incident light with the wavelength from 350nm to 800nm, and the response current could be changed along with the light wavelength. When the light wavelength keeps constant, there exists a good linear relationship between the intensity of the response current and the power of the incident light, based on which the device could be used as the photo detector to collect the light information. During the changing period of the light signal, the response time of the device is several microseconds, which is acceptable working as a photo detector in our system. The testing results show that the device has good electronic and optical properties, and the fabrication procedure is also repeatable, the properties of the devices has good uniformity, which illustrates the fabrication method and procedure could be used to build the photo detector in our wearable system. Based on a series of testing results, the paper has drawn the conclusion that the photo detector fabricated could be integrated on the flexible substrate and is also suitable for the monitoring system proposed, thus made some progress on the research of the wearable monitoring system and device. Finally, some future prospect in system design aspect and device design and fabrication aspect are proposed.


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In this study, the dynamic response of a vertical flexible cylinder vibrating at low mode numbers with combined x-y motion was investigated in a towing tank. The uniform flow was simulated by towing the flexible cylinder along the tank in still water; therefore, the turbulence intensity of the free flow was negligible in obtaining more reliable results. A lower branch of dominant frequencies with micro vibration amplitude was found in both cross-flow and in-line directions. This justifiable discrepancy was likely caused by an initial lock-in. The maximum attainable amplitude, modal analysis and x-y trajectory in cross-flow and in-line directions are reported here and compared with previous literature, along with some good agreements and different observations that were obtained from the study. Drag and lift coefficients are also evaluated by making use of a generalized integral transform technique approach, yielding an alternative method to study fluid force acting upon a flexible cylinder.


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Acoplamiento flexible de seguridad frente a impactos, del tipo de los utilizados en eslabones de brazos robóticos y que incorporan algún mecanismo que permite variar el nivel de carga a partir del cual entra en funcionamiento la flexibilidad del acoplamiento. El acoplamiento incorpora una pieza (1) y una pieza (2) cilíndricas huevas enfrentadas por sus bases, las cuales disponen de una multitud de hendiduras (5) y protuberancias (6) que insertan perfectamente. Un resorte helicoidal (3) apoya en la cara interior de la base de la pieza (1) y en el otro extremo del resorte (3) se fija el extremo de un cable (8), el cual atraviesa las bases de las piezas (1) y (2). El otro extremo del cable (8) se fija a la cabeza de un tornillo (7) roscado a la base de la pieza (2) y que permite tensar el cable (8) y comprimir el resorte (3).


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Presented at the 2016 Library Research and Innovative Practice Forum, this poster provides an overview of a successful partnership between the University of Maryland Archives and UMD's Gymkana Troupe to publicize Gymkana's 70th anniversary and to digitize the troupe's holdings in the Archives. Gymkana is an exhibition gymnastics troupe founded on campus in 1946 which runs a variety of educational and healthy-living outreach programs. Various stages of the project are highlighted, including an exhibit in McKeldin Library, a LaunchUMD fundraising campaign, and the troupe's participation in metadata creation for digital objects. By maintaining an open and flexible dialogue throughout the project planning and execution, both the library and the troupe members ultimately benefited from this collaboration.


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This paper considers the recent focus on citizenship within education by taking curricular reform within Scottish secondary schooling and its linkage with higher education as a case study. In Scotland the Curriculum for Excellence reform places citizenship as one of the four main capacities that pupils must work towards as part of their education. This is echoed to some extent within higher education through the Enhancement Theme reforms and the focus on graduate attributes. A unifying theme in these reforms is the need for students to work across different disciplines, to develop a cross-disciplinary perspective on the world by, for example, considering issues of sustainability in relation to scientific or technological developments. In this model of curriculum development teaching staff are considered as agents of change, enabling learners to develop their sense of citizenship in response to a fast-paced world of innovation and change. This kind of change is objectified as a need that must be responded to and met if tomorrow’s citizens are to be able to not only cope, but thrive in the world in which they inhabit. As such, the citizen is positioned as an ongoing project, as something to be worked at and worked on. However, this kind of notion of agency cloaks an neoliberal ideological construction of the citizen as a flexible resource for society, and usually in relation to economic output. The paper seeks to subject this construction of the citizen to critical scrutiny in relation to the idea that, in education, learners are developing their ability to be creative and enquiring in order to be adaptive to change.


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The aim of this dissertation was to investigate flexible polymer-nanoparticle composites with unique magnetic and electrical properties. Toward this goal, two distinct projects were carried out. The first project explored the magneto-dielectric properties and morphology of flexible polymer-nanoparticle composites that possess high permeability (µ), high permittivity (ε) and minimal dielectric, and magnetic loss (tan δε, tan δµ). The main materials challenges were the synthesis of magnetic nanoparticle fillers displaying high saturation magnetization (Ms), limited coercivity, and their homogeneous dispersion in a polymeric matrix. Nanostructured magnetic fillers including polycrystalline iron core-shell nanoparticles, and constructively assembled superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles were synthesized, and dispersed uniformly in an elastomer matrix to minimize conductive losses. The resulting composites have demonstrated promising permittivity (22.3), permeability (3), and sustained low dielectric (0.1), magnetic (0.4) loss for frequencies below 2 GHz. This study demonstrated nanocomposites with tunable magnetic resonance frequency, which can be used to develop compact and flexible radio frequency devices with high efficiency. The second project focused on fundamental research regarding methods for the design of highly conductive polymer-nanoparticle composites that can maintain high electrical conductivity under tensile strain exceeding 100%. We investigated a simple solution spraying method to fabricate stretchable conductors based on elastomeric block copolymer fibers and silver nanoparticles. Silver nanoparticles were assembled both in and around block copolymer fibers forming interconnected dual nanoparticle networks, resulting in both in-fiber conductive pathways and additional conductive pathways on the outer surface of the fibers. Stretchable composites with conductivity values reaching 9000 S/cm maintained 56% of their initial conductivity after 500 cycles at 100% strain. The developed manufacturing method in this research could pave the way towards direct deposition of flexible electronic devices on any shaped substrate. The electrical and electromechanical properties of these dual silver nanoparticle network composites make them promising materials for the future construction of stretchable circuitry for displays, solar cells, antennas, and strain and tactility sensors.


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Discovering scalable routes to fabricate large scale electronic devices on flexible substrates has been the goal of the newly emerging field of flexible macroelectronics. Thin film transistors (TFTs) have been fabricated on flexible substrates by using organic small-molecule and polymer-based materials, or thin layers of crystalline inorganic semiconductors. Recently, films of carbon nanotubes have been proposed as electronic materials with superior electrical performance due to exceptional electrical and mechanical properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). In this thesis, some aspects of recent research efforts on integrating arrays of carbon nanotubes into macroelectronic devices are described. Carbon nanotube films have two major uses for flexible macroelectronics. The first approach uses carbon nanotube thin films as active semiconducting materials in the channel of flexible TFTs. Even though, high-performance carbon nanotube thin film transistors have been realized, the electronic non-homogeneity of the as-grown carbon nanotubes in the film limits the device performance for some applications. In this thesis, the application of electrochemical functionalization on carbon nanotube films to improve the electronic homogeneity of the film is described. The effect of the crystal quartz substrates on the growth rate of carbon nanotubes, and whether this can be used to sort out as-grown carbon nanotubes by electronic type is also discussed. Finally, I argue that high density carbon nanotube films can also be used as highly conducting stretchable interconnects on mechanically flexible electronic circuits. The sheet resistance and the nature of the buckling of carbon nanotube films on flexible substrates are discussed.


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Current practice for analysing functional neuroimaging data is to average the brain signals recorded at multiple sensors or channels on the scalp over time across hundreds of trials or replicates to eliminate noise and enhance the underlying signal of interest. These studies recording brain signals non-invasively using functional neuroimaging techniques such as electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) generate complex, high dimensional and noisy data for many subjects at a number of replicates. Single replicate (or single trial) analysis of neuroimaging data have gained focus as they are advantageous to study the features of the signals at each replicate without averaging out important features in the data that the current methods employ. The research here is conducted to systematically develop flexible regression mixed models for single trial analysis of specific brain activities using examples from EEG and MEG to illustrate the models. This thesis follows three specific themes: i) artefact correction to estimate the `brain' signal which is of interest, ii) characterisation of the signals to reduce their dimensions, and iii) model fitting for single trials after accounting for variations between subjects and within subjects (between replicates). The models are developed to establish evidence of two specific neurological phenomena - entrainment of brain signals to an $\alpha$ band of frequencies (8-12Hz) and dipolar brain activation in the same $\alpha$ frequency band in an EEG experiment and a MEG study, respectively.


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Ein institutionell durchlässiges Bildungssystem ist … eine grundlegende Voraussetzung für die Ermöglichung flexibler Bildungsbiographien und damit auch die Verwirklichung von gleichen Bildungschancen. Aber wie kann institutionelle Durchlässigkeit zwischen beruflicher und akademischer Bildung in Deutschland gefördert werden? Und wie kann dafür Sorge getragen werden, dass trotz einer Flexibilisierung die jeweilige Kernlogik von beruflicher und akademischer Bildung aufrecht erhalten wird, die von vielen Akteuren in ihrer Komplementarität als Träger eines erfolgreichen Bildungssystems gesehen werden? In dieser Expertise werden … die Teildimensionen institutioneller Durchlässigkeit genauer betrachtet: (I.) Zugang in Bildungsbereiche, (II.) Anrechnung von Erlerntem, (III.) organisationale Verbindung von Bildungsbereichen und (IV.) Umgang mit heterogenen Bedürfnissen (Abschnitt 2). Im nächsten Schritt wird ein Überblick über wichtige Initiativen und Regelungen zu Durchlässigkeit in Deutschland gegeben (Abschnitt 3). Es folgt eine kurze Vorstellung des methodischen Vorgehens und Begründung der Fallauswahl (Sektion 4.1). Darauf aufbauend werden drei (über-)regionale Initiativen, in denen Durchlässigkeit zwischen Berufs- und Hochschulbildung innovativ gefördert wird, genauer vorgestellt und analysiert. Dabei handelt es sich um die "Offene Hochschule Niedersachsen", die Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg und den Modellversuch "Duale Berufsausbildung mit Abitur in Sachsen" (DuBAS) (Abschnitt 4). Übergeordnetes Ziel ist es, anhand des Überblicks über durchlässigkeitsfördernde Programme, aber insbesondere auch durch die vertiefende Darstellung der regionalen Fallstudien, mögliche Bedingungen für erfolgreiche Durchlässigkeitsstrukturen zwischen Berufs- und Hochschulbildung, aber auch Barrieren zu identifizieren und daraus relevante Schlussfolgerungen abzuleiten (Abschnitt 5). (DIPF/Orig.)