909 resultados para Finite volume method.
Sandwich geometries, mainly in the form of panels and beams, are commonly applied in various transportation industries, such as aerospace, aeronautic and automotive. Sandwich geometries represent important advantages in structural applications, namely high specific stiffness, low weight, and possibility of design optimization prior to manufacturing. The aim of this paper is to uncover the influence of the number of reinforcements (ribs), and of the thickness on the mechanical behavior of all-metal sandwich panels subjected to uncoupled bending and torsion loadings. In this study, four geometries are compared. The orientation of the reinforcements and the effect of transversal ribs are also considered in this study. It is shown that the all the relations are non-linear, despite the elastic nature of the analysis in the Finite Element software ANSYS MECHANICAL APDL.
Several types of internally reinforced thin-walled beams are subjected to a feasibility evaluation of its mechanical behavior for industrial applications. The adapting of already existing efficient sandwich geometries to hollow-box beams of larger dimensions may reveal promising results. Novel types of sandwich beams under bending and torsion uncoupled loadings are studied in terms of stiffness behavior in static analysis. For the analysis of the solutions, the models are built using the Finite Element Method (FEM) software ANSYS Mechanical APDL. The feasibility of the novel beams was determined by the comparison of the stiffness behavior of the novel hollow-box beams with conventional hollow-box beams. An efficiency parameter was defined in order to determine the feasibility. It is found that the novel geometries represent an excellent improvement under bending loadings, better than under torsion loadings. Nevertheless, for bending and torsion combined loadings, if bending loads are predominant, the beams can still be interesting for some applications, in particular those with mobile parts.
Elliptic differential equations, finite element method, mortar element method, streamline diffusion FEM, upwind method, numerical method, error estimate, interpolation operator, grid generation, adaptive refinement
Dendritic Growth, Stefan-Problem, Finite-Element-Method, Level-Set-Method
Bundle of capillaries, drying kinetics, continuous model, relative permeability, capillary pressure, control volume method
Polycrystal viscoplasticity, Aluminum, Taylor model, Two-scale approach, Codf, Mises-Fisher distributions, Tensorial Fourier coefficients, Finite element method, Deep drawing, Earing, Yield stresses, R values
Report for the scientific sojourn carried out in the International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) –state agency – from February until November 2007. The work within the project Technology innovation in underground construction can be grouped into the following tasks: development of the software for modelling underground excavation based on the discrete element method - the numerical algorithms have been implemented in the computer programs and applied to simulation of excavation using roadheaders and TBM-s -; coupling of the discrete element method with the finite element method; development of the numerical model of rock cutting taking into account of wear of rock cutting tools -this work considers a very important factor influencing effectiveness of underground works -.
A study of the main types of coatings and its processes that modern industry commonly apply to prevent to the corrosion due to the environmental effects to energetic market pipelines have been done. Extracting main time and temperature range values, coating heat treatment recreation have been applied to x65 pipelines steel grade samples obtained from a pipe which was formed using UOE forming process. Experimental tensile tests and Charpy V‐Notch Impact test have been carried out for a deeply knowledge of the influence on the steel once this recreations are applied. The Yield Strength and toughness have been improved despite lower values in rupture strain and ductile‐brittle temperature transition have been obtained. Finite Element Method have been applied to simulate the entirely pipe cold bending process to predict the mechanical properties and behaviour of the pipe made from x65 steel grade under different conditions.
We introduce and analyze two new semi-discrete numerical methods for the multi-dimensional Vlasov-Poisson system. The schemes are constructed by combing a discontinuous Galerkin approximation to the Vlasov equation together with a mixed finite element method for the Poisson problem. We show optimal error estimates in the case of smooth compactly supported initial data. We propose a scheme that preserves the total energy of the system.
Aquest projecte consisteix en aplicar el càlcul no lineal en la modelització volumètricanumèrica de l’estructura del sistema de descàrrega d’una columna del claustre de lacatedral de Girona mitjançant el mètode dels elements finits. A la Universitat de Gironas’ha fet diferents estudis del claustre de la catedral de Girona però sempre simulant uncomportament lineal de les característiques dels materials. El programa utilitzat és la versió docent del programa ANSYS disponible al Dept.d’EMCI i l’element emprat ha sigut el SOLID65. Aquest element permet introduircaracterístiques de no linealitat en els models i és adequat per a anàlisi no lineald’elements com la pedra de Girona
L’objectiu d’aquest treball és desenvolupar una metodologia per realitzar l’anàlisiparamètrica de l’assaig de compressió d’un panell de material compost rigiditzat ambtres nervis. En primer lloc és necessari desenvolupar un sistema automatitzat per generar i avaluar el conjunt de parametritzacions. A continuació, s’estudiaran quines variables d’estat són les més adequades per representar el vinclament local, la flexió global, la càrrega crítica de desestabilització i l’índex de fallada en l’anàlisi paramètrica. La modelització amb el mètode dels elements finits serveix per simular l’assaig a compressió del panell. La simulació es realitza mitjançant un càlcul no lineal, per estudiar la desestabilització i els fenòmens no lineals que pateix el panell. L’estudi es complementa amb una anàlisi modal i una anàlisi lineal
The failure mechanism of a voided CFRP 0-90° cross-ply laminate under tensile loads applied in one direction was studied in this Final Degree Project. For this purpose, voided coupons were manufactured for being tested and a FEA was done. In both investigations, voids were placed in 90º and 0º direction, in order to understand the void location influence. On the one hand, the behaviour of the voided laminates was investigated through a FEM in order to preview the stress distribution within the material. On the other hand, voided specimens where manufactured by applying blowing agent in between the inner layers. These specimens were tested by a quasi-static step wise tensile test where data showing its real behaviour was collected. Specimens were X-rayed after each step of the test in order to investigate the failure mechanism of the composite. Data from the test was studied so that relations such as strength of the laminates, crack density per stress, void length per first crack at the void and void area per first crack at the specimen could be characterized
El projecte és l’inici de la creació d’un nou prototip per a poder competir la temporada 2008 a la cursa de vehicles de baix consum Shell Eco-Marathon. El principal objectiu és aconseguir un xassís que redueixi, en la mesura del possible, el pes del prototip a la vegada que asseguri una millor rigidesa i millori l’ergonomia de tot el conjunt. Es dissenyarà tota la part estructural de la carrosseria, que serà sotmesa a càlcul mitjançant la tècnica dels elements finits i posteriorment es realitzarà una guia de producció per tal de guiar els membres de l’equip que en realitzin la producció
Microtubules are long, filamentous protein complexes which play a central role in several cellular physiological processes, such as cell division transport and locomotion. Their mechanical properties are extremely important since they determine the biological function. In a recently published experiment [Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 (2002) 248101], microtubule's Young's and shear moduli were simultaneously measured, proving that they are highly anisotropic. Together with the known structure, this finding opens the way to better understand and predict their mechanical behavior under a particular set of conditions. In the present study, we modeled microtubules by using the finite elements method and analyzed their oscillation modes. The analysis revealed that oscillation modes involving a change in the diameter of the microtubules strongly depend on the shear modulus. In these modes, the correlation times of the movements are just slightly shorter than diffusion times of free molecules surrounding the microtubule. It could be therefore speculated that the matching of the two timescales could play a role in facilitating the interactions between microtubules and MT associated proteins, and between microtubules and tubulins themselves.
In the last few years, there has been a growing focus on faster computational methods to support clinicians in planning stenting procedures. This study investigates the possibility of introducing computational approximations in modelling stent deployment in aneurysmatic cerebral vessels to achieve simulations compatible with the constraints of real clinical workflows. The release of a self-expandable stent in a simplified aneurysmatic vessel was modelled in four different initial positions. Six progressively simplified modelling approaches (based on Finite Element method and Fast Virtual Stenting – FVS) have been used. Comparing accuracy of the results, the final configuration of the stent is more affected by neglecting mechanical properties of materials (FVS) than by adopting 1D instead of 3D stent models. Nevertheless, the differencesshowed are acceptable compared to those achieved by considering different stent initial positions. Regarding computationalcosts, simulations involving 1D stent features are the only ones feasible in clinical context.