997 resultados para Fermion masses


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Com o presente documento pretende-se abordar e identificar os diferentes factores que influenciam directamente a produção e execução de uma escavação subterrânea, com especial relevo sobre a influência exercida pela geotecnia do maciço intersectado. Inicialmente são focados os principais aspectos a ter em conta na caracterização geotécnica de um maciço, seguindo-se uma introdução a diferentes métodos de escavação actuais e metodologias de suporte de uma obra subterrânea, com particular realce para os utilizados em maciços brandos. Depois de tratados estes conceitos, é apresentada uma obra subterrânea em execução que foi acompanhada durante 4 meses para efeitos de desenvolvimento deste estudo. Assim, são abordados neste documento diferentes aspectos construtivos, no que diz respeito à mão-de-obra utilizada, metodologias e técnicas aplicadas, redes técnicas auxiliares instaladas, produções e rendimentos verificados. De seguida e de modo a atestar a importância da caracterização geotécnica ao longo da obra, foi feito um estudo do maciço intersectado, relativamente às descontinuidades que o intersectam, litologia, alteração, e resistência à compressão. Para este último parâmetro foram utilizadas técnicas distintas mas complementares, nomeadamente o ensaio de carga pontual (em laboratório), e o esclerómetro portátil (in situ). Por último, tendo em conta os parâmetros e características presentes e as implicações que uma obra do género acarreta, são propostas de modo sucinto, técnicas alternativas de escavação do maciço cuja viabilidade de implementação seja possível no contexto em questão.


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As classificações geomecânicas são uma das abordagens mais reconhecidas para estimar a qualidade do maciço rochoso, face à sua simplicidade e competência para gerir incertezas. As incertezas geológicas e geotécnicas podem ser avaliadas de forma eficaz usando classificações adequadas. Este estudo pretende enfatizar a importância das classificações geomecânicas e índices geomecânicos, tais como a Rock Mass Rating (RMR), a Rock Tunnelling Quality Index (Qsystem), o Geological Strength Index (GSI) e o Hydro‐Potential (HP) Value, para ajuizar a qualidade do maciço rochoso granítico das galerias subterrâneas de Paranhos (setor de Carvalhido ‐ Burgães; área urbana do Porto). Em particular, o valor hidro‐potencial (HP‐value) é uma classificação semi‐quantitativa aplicada a maciços rochosos que permite estimar as infiltrações de água subterrânea em escavações de terrenos rochosos. Para esta avaliação foi compilada e integrada uma extensa base de dados geológico‐geotécnica e geomecânica, apoiada na técnica de amostragem linear de superfícies expostas descontinuidades. Para refinar o zonamento geotécnico do maciço rochoso granítico, previamente realizado em 2010, foram coletadas amostras de rocha em pontos‐chave, com o objetivo de avaliar a sua resistência através do Ensaio de Carga Pontual (PLT). A aplicação das classificações geomecânicas foi realizada de uma forma equilibrada, estabelecendo diferentes cenários e tendo sempre em conta o conhecimento das características do maciço in situ. Apresenta‐se uma proposta de zonamento hidrogeomecânico com o objetivo de compreender melhor a circulação geo‐hidráulica do maciço rochoso granítico. Pretende‐se com esta metodologia contribuir para aprofundar o conhecimento do substrato rochoso do Porto, nomeadamente no que diz respeito ao seu comportamento geomecânico.


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Neste trabalho, apresentam-se e discutem-se os resultados da aplicação da técnica de amostragem linear de descontinuidades em faces expostas do maciço rochoso da pedreira granítica de S. Domingos Nº 2 (Fontelo, Armamar; N de Portugal). É, igualmente, utilizada informação sobre a rede de fracturação regional, obtida através da análise morfoestrutural de mapas topográficos e mapas geológicos. São ainda referidos os métodos utilizados no tratamento dos dados de terreno com o objectivo de definir as famílias de descontinuidades e de caracterizar estatísticamente a sua atitude, espaçamento e extensão. Os resultados obtidos são comparados, à mega escala e macro-escala, no sentido de averiguar a presença de um padrão de fracturação com dimensão multiescala. Esta abordagem foi refinada através da aplicação de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica. A aplicação desta técnica para a caracterização da compartimentação do maciço poderá contribuir para aperfeiçoar a gestão sustentável do georrecurso da pedreira de S. Domingos Nº 2 (Fontelo). O controlo geomecânico do desmonte do maciço rochoso é salientado com o intuito de uma abordagem de geo-engenharia integrada dos maciços rochosos.


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Flavour effects due to lepton interactions in the early Universe may have played an important role in the generation of the cosmological baryon asymmetry through leptogenesis. If the only source of high-energy CP violation comes from the left-handed leptonic sector, then it is possible to establish a bridge between flavoured leptogenesis and low-energy leptonic CP violation. We explore this connection taking into account our present knowledge about low-energy neutrino parameters and the matter-antimatter asymmetry observed in the Universe. In this framework, we find that leptogenesis favours a hierarchical light neutrino mass spectrum, while for quasi-degenerate and inverted hierarchical neutrino masses there is a very narrow allowed window. The absolute neutrino mass scale turns out to be m less than or similar to 0.1 eV. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the scenario of resonant thermal leptogenesis, in which the leptonic asymmetries are generated through renormalization group corrections induced at the leptogenesis scale. In the framework of the standard model extended by three heavy Majorana neutrinos with masses M(1) = M(2) << M(3) at some high scale, we show that the mass splitting and CP-violating effects induced by renormalization group corrections can lead to values of the CP asymmetries large enough for a successful leptogenesis. In this scenario, the low-energy neutrino oscillation data can also be easily accommodated. The possibility of having an underlying symmetry behind the degeneracy in the right-handed neutrino mass spectrum is also discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The most general Two Higgs Doublet Model potential without explicit CP violation depends on 10 real independent parameters. Excluding spontaneous CP violation results in two 7 parameter models. Although both models give rise to 5 scalar particles and 2 mixing angles, the resulting phenomenology of the scalar sectors is different. If flavour changing neutral currents at tree level are to be avoided, one has, in both cases, four alternative ways of introducing the fermion couplings. In one of these models the mixing angle of the CP even sector can be chosen in such a way that the fermion couplings to the lightest scalar Higgs boson vanishes. At the same time it is possible to suppress the fermion couplings to the charged and pseudo-scalar Higgs bosons by appropriately choosing the mixing angle of the CP odd sector. We investigate the phenomenology of both models in the fermiophobic limit and present the different branching ratios for the decays of the scalar particles. We use the present experimental results from the LEP collider to constrain the models.


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A detailed analytic and numerical study of baryogenesis through leptogenesis is performed in the framework of the standard model of electroweak interactions extended by the addition of three right-handed neutrinos, leading to the seesaw mechanism. We analyze the connection between GUT-motivated relations for the quark and lepton mass matrices and the possibility of obtaining a viable leptogenesis scenario. In particular, we analyze whether the constraints imposed by SO(10) GUTs can be compatible with all the available solar, atmospheric and reactor neutrino data and, simultaneously, be capable of producing the required baryon asymmetry via the leptogenesis mechanism. It is found that the Just-So(2) and SMA solar solutions lead to a viable leptogenesis even for the simplest SO(10) GUT, while the LMA, LOW and VO solar solutions would require a different hierarchy for the Dirac neutrino masses in order to generate the observed baryon asymmetry. Some implications on CP violation at low energies and on neutrinoless double beta decay are also considered. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Agência Financiadora: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PEst-OE/FIS/UI0777/2013; CERN/FP/123580/2011; PTDC/FIS-NUC/0548/2012


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado elaborado no Laboratório de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil pelo Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa no âmbito do protocolo de cooperação entre o ISEL e o LNEC


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Dissertation elaborated for the partial fulfilment of the requirements of the Master Degree in Civil Engineering in the Speciality Area of Hydarulics


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This paper studies the dynamical properties of a system with distributed backlash and impact phenomena. This means that it is considered a chain of masses that interact with each other solely by means of backlash and impact phenomena. It is observed the emergence of non-linear phenomena resembling those encountered in the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem.


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Miocene catfishes from Lisbon are dealt with. Two distinct sets of pectoral and dorsal pterygiophores are described. That from the Langhian V-b is referred to Arius sp. probably close to A. heudeloti. Another ser from the uppermost Burdigalian V-a may be ascribed to a bagrid, cf. Chrysichthys sp., identified for the first time in this region. The catfish and Lates association is sctrikingly similar to African, nilotic or sudanian ones as far as freshwaters are concerned. In marine, coastal environments, stenotherm warm-water forms (Polynemids, large barracudas and several sharks) indicate, as a model, faunas like chose from Cape Verde to northern Angola. There is some gradation for brackish waters (fig. 1). Catfishes and Lates probably migrated into the Iberian Peninsule in the lower Miocene. They are unknown after Langhian V-b except for a reappearance of Arius in the middle Tortonian VII-b. Decreasing temperatures and aridity account for local extinction at least in freshwaters. Expansion of these fishes have been made easier owing to the displacement of land masses chat narrowed or closed the marine waterway between Europe and Africa. Salinity tolerance is not necessarily the sole explanation for migration. Catfishes plus Lates associations colonized inland waters from both sides of the Paleomediterranean. Local extinction may have weighed more in the development of modern distribution patterns than migration.


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In an attempt at explaining the observed neutrino mass-squared differences and leptonic mixing, lepton mass matrices with zero textures have been widely studied. In the weak basis where the charged lepton mass matrix is diagonal, various neutrino mass matrices with two zeros have been shown to be consistent with the current experimental data. Using the canonical and Smith normal form methods, we construct the minimal Abelian symmetry realizations of these phenomenological two-zero neutrino textures. The implementation of these symmetries in the context of the seesaw mechanism for Majorana neutrino masses is also discussed. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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To study a flavour model with a non-minimal Higgs sector one must first define the symmetries of the fields; then identify what types of vacua exist and how they may break the symmetries; and finally determine whether the remnant symmetries are compatible with the experimental data. Here we address all these issues in the context of flavour models with any number of Higgs doublets. We stress the importance of analysing the Higgs vacuum expectation values that are pseudo-invariant under the generators of all subgroups. It is shown that the only way of obtaining a physical CKM mixing matrix and, simultaneously, non-degenerate and non-zero quark masses is requiring the vacuum expectation values of the Higgs fields to break completely the full flavour group, except possibly for some symmetry belonging to baryon number. The application of this technique to some illustrative examples, such as the flavour groups Delta (27), A(4) and S-3, is also presented.


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Rationale and Objectives Computer-aided detection and diagnosis (CAD) systems have been developed in the past two decades to assist radiologists in the detection and diagnosis of lesions seen on breast imaging exams, thus providing a second opinion. Mammographic databases play an important role in the development of algorithms aiming at the detection and diagnosis of mammary lesions. However, available databases often do not take into consideration all the requirements needed for research and study purposes. This article aims to present and detail a new mammographic database. Materials and Methods Images were acquired at a breast center located in a university hospital (Centro Hospitalar de S. João [CHSJ], Breast Centre, Porto) with the permission of the Portuguese National Committee of Data Protection and Hospital's Ethics Committee. MammoNovation Siemens full-field digital mammography, with a solid-state detector of amorphous selenium was used. Results The new database—INbreast—has a total of 115 cases (410 images) from which 90 cases are from women with both breasts affected (four images per case) and 25 cases are from mastectomy patients (two images per case). Several types of lesions (masses, calcifications, asymmetries, and distortions) were included. Accurate contours made by specialists are also provided in XML format. Conclusion The strengths of the actually presented database—INbreast—relies on the fact that it was built with full-field digital mammograms (in opposition to digitized mammograms), it presents a wide variability of cases, and is made publicly available together with precise annotations. We believe that this database can be a reference for future works centered or related to breast cancer imaging.