921 resultados para Fennell, David A.: Tourism ethics


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The main theme"In a Better World" (S. Bier, 2011), is violence and its possible answers: forgiveness and revenge. The film revolves around a doctor Anton who works in a refugee camp in sub-Saharan Africa. His family lives in a quiet village in Denmark, where his teenage son suffers bullying at school. This movie shows the fragility of a modern society, normal in appearance but with deep fissures that reflect the tragedies plaguing much of the African continent. It helps to understand the reality experienced by more than 10 million refugees and 15 million internally displaced persons surviving in sub-Saharan Africa. Hævnen, the original title whose meaning in Spanish is revenge, invites reflection on another possible response to violence-forgiveness. It is an excellent film for teaching and learning issues related to humanitarian work developed by health professionals in refugee camps around world.


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El escritor David Roas acaba de publicar su novela La estrategia del koala (Barcelona, Candaya, 2013, 234 pp.). Le pedimos que nos desvele alguno de sus entresijos, y la novela se vuelve aún más sugerente. En alguna de sus respuestas nos parece seguir escuchando a su personaje Marcos Fontana


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The main theme"In a Better World" (S. Bier, 2011), is violence and its possible answers: forgiveness and revenge. The film revolves around a doctor Anton who works in a refugee camp in sub-Saharan Africa. His family lives in a quiet village in Denmark, where his teenage son suffers bullying at school. This movie shows the fragility of a modern society, normal in appearance but with deep fissures that reflect the tragedies plaguing much of the African continent. It helps to understand the reality experienced by more than 10 million refugees and 15 million internally displaced persons surviving in sub-Saharan Africa. Hævnen, the original title whose meaning in Spanish is revenge, invites reflection on another possible response to violence-forgiveness. It is an excellent film for teaching and learning issues related to humanitarian work developed by health professionals in refugee camps around world.


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La reflexió efectuada per la teoria contemporania sobre la representació del genere es materialitza d'una manera privilegiada en el teatre. Esta clar que la perforrnativitat intrinseca del fenomen teatral és un espai idoni per qüestionar la construcció de la representació generica. No hi ha dubte que I'especificitat comunicativa del teatre es troba en la «fisicalitat)): I'element corporal té una importancia clau, ja síguí per la presencia física de I'equip actoral i del públic i per la condició efímera (el fet que cap representació no és igual a cap altra). Judith Butler ha escrit sobre el fet que els actes que constitueixen el genere tenen un paral.lelisrne en les actes performatius dels contextos teatrals. La identitat de genere no és una identitat completa, sinó que és una identitat que es construeix, una realització performativa en la qual creiern, i que representem corn si fos una creenca, com si fos una qüestió de fe. Per tant, les possibilitats de transformació del genere es troben en la relació arbitraria d'aquests actes i en la possibilitat d'un altre tipus de repetició (Butler, 1990: 33). L'obra del dramaturg, director, guionista i assagista nord-america David Marnet pot considerar-se una reflexió sobre la construcció de la masculinitat i, de retruc, de les tensions i reptes a que la masculinitat es troba sotmesa en el tornbant de segle. 1. ES


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Un equip d"investigadors de la Universitat de Harvard crea una interfície que recull els impulsos nerviosos d"una persona i els envia al cervell d"una rata, de tal manera que es podria provocar que mogués la cua.


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Hi ha científics que van un pas més enllà i traspassen la línia vermella que separa la lícita competitivitat de la irresponsabilitat


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It is usually argued that tourism exerts negative economic impacts in host jurisdictions through the increase in prices linked to increasing demand for basic services and goods from tourists. This paper surveys 149 products in 45 tourism and non-tourism jurisdictions in Catalonia (which represent a total of 18,500 prices) in order to test empirically several hypotheses related to differences in price levels in tourism and non-tourism jurisdictions. The main results show that prices in tourism jurisdictions are not significantly higher than those in non-tourism ones. The analysis suggests that tourists are likely to pay higher prices than natives for some products


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In this paper, we devise a methodology that is able to objectively quantify the impact of tourism on the urban economy. This methodology takes various dimensions into account. First, to analyse the impact at sectoral level, it should bear in mind that tourism is a cross-sectional activity which affects many sectors, both directly and indirectly. Therefore, it is important to consider the impact of urban tourism on sectors traditionally defined as tourism-related, -that is, hotels, restaurants, shops, etc.- but also its impact on other sectors -for instance, textiles, food, construction, to name only a few- due to the intersectoral relationships that emerge. Second, we need to calculate the percentage of the turnover of each sector that is due to the tourism industry. Third, it is important to establish the geographic distribution of this impact: how is the effect shared between the city and its neighbouring areas QUESTION Finally, the effect of urban tourism should be quantified not only in terms of turnover, but also in terms of its contribution to GDP and employment.


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Aquest treball és una adaptació d'una obra literària a guió cinematogràfic d'un llargmetratge.


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There is a lack of studies on tourism demand in Catalonia. To fill the gap, this paper focuses on detecting the macroeconomic factors that determine tourism demand in Catalonia. We also analyse the relation between these factors and tourism demand. Despite the strong seasonal component and the outliers in the time series of some countries, overnight stays give a better indication of tourism demand in Catalonia than the number of tourists. The degree of linear association between the macroeconomic variables and tourism demand is also higher when using quarterly rather than monthly data. Finally, there are notable differences between the results obtained for the different countries analysed. These results indicate that the best way to model tourism demand in Catalonia is to specify a quarterly model of overnight stays, differentiating between an aggregate demand model for the total number of tourists and specific models for each of the countries analysed.


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The tourism image is an element that conditions the competitiveness of tourism destinations by making them stand out in the minds of tourists. In this context, marketers of tourism destinations endeavour to create an induced image based on their identity and distinctive characteristics.A number of authors have also recognized the complexity of tourism destinations and the need for coordination and cooperation among all tourism agents, in order to supply a satisfactory tourist product and be competitive in the tourism market. Therefore, tourism agents at the destination need to develop and integrate strategic marketing plans.The aim of this paper is to determine how cities of similar cultures use their resources with the purpose of developing a distinctive induced tourism image to attract tourists and the extent of coordination and cooperation among the various tourism agents of a destination in the process of induced image creation.In order to accomplish these aims, a comparative analysis of the induced image of two cultural cities is presented, Girona (Spain) and Perpignan (France). The induced image is assessed through the content analysis of promotional brochures and the extent of cooperation with in-depth interviews of the main tourism agents of these destinations.Despite the similarities of both cities in terms of tourism resources, results show the use of different attributes to configure the induced image of each destination, as well as a different configuration of the network of tourism agents that participate in the process of induced image creation


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A comparative study of the two published Catalan translations of Charles Dickens’ David Copperfield, the first translated by Josep Carner in 1930 but not published until 1964, and the second by Joan Sellent in 2003. The analysis shows that both translations, magnificent, reflect the unique evolution of the language model that the translators pass on to their readers, an evolution shaped by the complex history of the Catalan language in the 20th century, which is still to be written


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¿Cómo encaja esta última obra del Roas escritor en una trayectoria que parece tan homogénea y definitoria de su estilo como la esbozada más arriba? ¿Se encontrará el lector que se acerque a La estrategia del koala con una nueva exploración de las posibilidades de lo fantástico?