726 resultados para Farman, Jason
A new chewing louse genus and species belonging to the Philopteridae, namely, Palmaellus inespectatus n. gen., n. sp., is described. The new genus is distinguished from the other ischnoceran genera hitherto described by its peculiar characters of the dorsal anterior head plate with 2 postero-lateral projections, pterothorax and abdomen with scarce chaetotaxy, male genitalia with simple mesomere and paramere lacking inner digitiform projection, and the genital region of female with postero-vulvar plates bearing setae. It is a parasite of the trumpeters, an avian family endemic to South America's Amazon Basin.
This article reports the findings from an online survey of nursing faculty from the United States, Canada, Latin America, and Caribbean countries to identify their perceptions about global health competencies for undergraduate nursing students. A list of global health competencies for medical students developed by the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada Resource Group on Global Health and the Global Health Education Consortium was adapted for nurses and translated from English to Spanish and Portuguese. The competencies were divided into six subscales, and respondents rated each competency on a 4-point Likert scale, with high scores reflecting strong agreement that the competency was essential for undergraduate nursing students. E-mail invitations and links to the online survey were distributed using a nonprobability convenience sampling strategy. This article reports findings only from the respondents to the English and Spanish surveys. The final sample included 542 responses to the English survey and 51 responses to the Spanish survey. Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficients for the subscales ranged from .78 to .96. The mean values for all 6 subscales and for each of the 30 items were greater than 3.0 for the respondents to the Spanish survey, and the mean values for 27 of the items were greater than 3.0 for the respondents to the English survey. These findings suggest that respondents perceived the competencies as essential global health competencies for undergraduate nursing students in the Americas. Narrative comments written by respondents indicate additional competencies and specific concerns about adding additional content to an already full curricula. Results of this study can be used to guide faculty deliberations about global health competencies that should be incorporated in the nursing curricula.
The ALICE experiment at the LHC has studied J/psi production at mid-rapidity in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV through its electron pair decay on a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity L-int = 5.6 nb(-1). The fraction of J/psi from the decay of long-lived beauty hadrons was determined for J/psi candidates with transverse momentum p(t) > 1,3 GeV/c and rapidity vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.9. The cross section for prompt J/psi mesons, i.e. directly produced J/psi and prompt decays of heavier charmonium states such as the psi(2S) and chi(c) resonances, is sigma(prompt J/psi) (p(t) > 1.3 GeV/c, vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.9) = 8.3 +/- 0.8(stat.) +/- 1.1 (syst.)(-1.4)(+1.5) (syst. pol.) mu b. The cross section for the production of b-hadrons decaying to J/psi with p(t) > 1.3 GeV/c and vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.9 is a sigma(J/psi <- hB) (p(t) > 1.3 GeV/c, vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.9) = 1.46 +/- 0.38 (stat.)(-0.32)(+0.26) (syst.) mu b. The results are compared to QCD model predictions. The shape of the p(t) and y distributions of b-quarks predicted by perturbative QCD model calculations are used to extrapolate the measured cross section to derive the b (b) over bar pair total cross section and d sigma/dy at mid-rapidity.
Cockayne syndrome (CS) is a human premature aging disorder associated with neurological and developmental abnormalities, caused by mutations mainly in the CS group B gene (ERCC6). At the molecular level, CS is characterized by a deficiency in the transcription-couple DNA repair pathway. To understand the role of this molecular pathway in a pluripotent cell and the impact of CSB mutation during human cellular development, we generated induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from CSB skin fibroblasts (CSB-iPSC). Here, we showed that the lack of functional CSB does not represent a barrier to genetic reprogramming. However, iPSCs derived from CSB patients fibroblasts exhibited elevated cell death rate and higher reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. Moreover, these cellular phenotypes were accompanied by an up-regulation of TXNIP and TP53 transcriptional expression. Our findings suggest that CSB modulates cell viability in pluripotent stem cells, regulating the expression of TP53 and TXNIP and ROS production.
A 2-day method using flow cytometry and FISH for interphase cells was developed to detect monosomy 7 cells in myelodysplastic syndrome patients. The method, Interphase Chromosome Flow-FISH (IC Flow-FISH), involves fixation of leukocytes from blood, membrane permeabilization, hybridization of cellular DNA with peptide nucleic acid probes with cells intact, and analysis by flow cytometry. Hundreds to thousands of monosomy 7 cells were consistently detected from 10-20 mL of blood in patients with monosomy 7. Proportions of monosomy 7 cells detected in IC Flow-FISH were compared with results from conventional cytogenetics; identification of monosomy 7 populations was verified with FACS; and patient and donor cells were mixed to test for sensitivity. IC Flow-FISH allows for detecting monosomy 7 without requiring bone marrow procurement or the necessity of metaphase spreads, and wider applications to other chromosomal abnormalities are in development. (Blood. 2012; 120(15): e54-e59)
Abstract Background The aim of this study was to identify dietary strategies for physically active individuals with muscle dysmorphia based on a systematic literature review. Method References were included if the study population consisted of adults over 18 years old who were physically active in fitness centers. We identified reports through an electronic search ofScielo, Lilacs and Medline using the following keywords: muscle dysmorphia, vigorexia, distorted body image, and exercise. We found eight articles in Scielo, 17 in Medline and 12 in Lilacs. Among the total number of 37 articles, only 17 were eligible for inclusion in this review. Results The results indicated that the feeding strategies used by physically active individuals with muscle dysmorphia did not include planning or the supervision of a nutritionist. Diet included high protein and low fat foods and the ingestion of dietary and ergogenic supplements to reduce weight. Conclusion Physically active subjects with muscle dysmorphia could benefit from the help of nutritional professionals to evaluate energy estimation, guide the diet and its distribution in macronutrient and consider the principle of nutrition to functional recovery of the digestive process, promote liver detoxification, balance and guide to organic adequate intake of supplemental nutrients and other substances.
Biomarkers and Bacterial Pneumonia Risk in Patients with Treated HIV Infection: A Case-Control Study
Background: Despite advances in HIV treatment, bacterial pneumonia continues to cause considerable morbidity and mortality in patients with HIV infection. Studies of biomarker associations with bacterial pneumonia risk in treated HIVinfected patients do not currently exist. Methods: We performed a nested, matched, case-control study among participants randomized to continuous combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) in the Strategies for Management of Antiretroviral Therapy trial. Patients who developed bacterial pneumonia (cases) and patients without bacterial pneumonia (controls) were matched 1:1 on clinical center, smoking status, age, and baseline cART use. Baseline levels of Club Cell Secretory Protein 16 (CC16), Surfactant Protein D (SP-D), C-reactive protein (hsCRP), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and d-dimer were compared between cases and controls. Results: Cases (n = 72) and controls (n = 72) were 25.7% female, 51.4% black, 65.3% current smokers, 9.7% diabetic, 36.1% co-infected with Hepatitis B/C, and 75.0% were on cART at baseline. Median (IQR) age was 45 (41, 51) years with CD4+ count of 553 (436, 690) cells/mm3. Baseline CC16 and SP-D were similar between cases and controls, but hsCRP was significantly higher in cases than controls (2.94 mg/mL in cases vs. 1.93 mg/mL in controls; p = 0.02). IL-6 and d-dimer levels were also higher in cases compared to controls, though differences were not statistically significant (p-value 0.06 and 0.10, respectively). Conclusions: In patients with cART-treated HIV infection, higher levels of systemic inflammatory markers were associated with increased bacterial pneumonia risk, while two pulmonary-specific inflammatory biomarkers, CC16 and SP-D, were not associated with bacterial pneumonia risk.
A reassessment of the taxonomic status of Amblyomma cajennense based on the morphological analyses of ticks from the whole distribution area of the species resulted in the redescription of A. cajennense, the validation of 2 species which had been reduced to synonymy in the past, Amblyomma mixtum and Amblyomma sculptum, and the description and definition of 3 new species, Amblyomma tonelliae n. sp., Amblyomma interandinum n. sp., and Amblyomma patinoi n. sp. This study provides descriptions and redescriptions, scanning electron microscopic and stereomicroscopic images, updated synonymies, information on geographical distributions, and host associations for each of the 6 species. Amblyomma cajennense s.s. is found in the Amazonian region of South America, A. interandinum is reported from the northern part of the Inter-Andean valley of Peru, A. mixtum is present from Texas (U.S.A.) to western Ecuador, A. patinoi occurs in the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia, A. tonelliae is associated with the dry areas of the Chaco region which spans from central-northern Argentina to Bolivia and Paraguay, whereas A. sculptum is distributed from the humid areas of northern Argentina, to the contiguous regions of Bolivia and Paraguay and the coastal and central-western states of Brazil.
Questa tesi si basa su una serie di lavori precedenti, volti ad analizzare la correlazione tra i modelli AUML e le reti di Petri, per riuscire a fornire una metodologia di traduzione dai primi alle seconde. Questa traduzione permetterà di applicare tecniche di model checking alle reti così create, al fine di stabilire le proprietà necessarie al sistema per poter essere realizzato effettivamente. Verrà poi discussa un'implementazione di tale algoritmo sviluppata in tuProlog ed un primo approccio al model checking utilizzando il programma Maude. Con piccole modifiche all'algoritmo utilizzato per la conversione dei diagrammi AUML in reti di Petri, è stato possibile, inoltre, realizzare un sistema di implementazione automatica dei protocolli precedentemente analizzati, verso due piattaforme per la realizzazione di sistemi multiagente: Jason e TuCSoN. Verranno quindi presentate tre implementazioni diverse: la prima per la piattaforma Jason, che utilizza degli agenti BDI per realizzare il protocollo di interazione; la seconda per la piattaforma TuCSoN, che utilizza il modello A&A per rendersi compatibile ad un ambiente distribuito, ma che ricalca la struttura dell'implementazione precedente; la terza ancora per TuCSoN, che sfrutta gli strumenti forniti dalle reazioni ReSpecT per generare degli artefatti in grado di fornire una infrastruttura in grado di garantire la realizzazione del protocollo di interazione agli agenti partecipanti. Infine, verranno discusse le caratteristiche di queste tre differenti implementazioni su un caso di studio reale, analizzandone i punti chiave.
La crescente disponibilità di dispositivi meccanici e -soprattutto - elettronici le cui performance aumentano mentre il loro costo diminuisce, ha permesso al campo della robotica di compiere notevoli progressi. Tali progressi non sono stati fatti unicamente per ciò che riguarda la robotica per uso industriale, nelle catene di montaggio per esempio, ma anche per quella branca della robotica che comprende i robot autonomi domestici. Questi sistemi autonomi stanno diventando, per i suddetti motivi, sempre più pervasivi, ovvero sono immersi nello stesso ambiente nel quale vivono gli essere umani, e interagiscono con questi in maniera proattiva. Essi stanno compiendo quindi lo stesso percorso che hanno attraversato i personal computer all'incirca 30 anni fa, passando dall'essere costosi ed ingombranti mainframe a disposizione unicamente di enti di ricerca ed università, ad essere presenti all'interno di ogni abitazione, per un utilizzo non solo professionale ma anche di assistenza alle attività quotidiane o anche di intrattenimento. Per questi motivi la robotica è un campo dell'Information Technology che interessa sempre più tutti i tipi di programmatori software. Questa tesi analizza per prima cosa gli aspetti salienti della programmazione di controllori per robot autonomi (ovvero senza essere guidati da un utente), quindi, come l'approccio basato su agenti sia appropriato per la programmazione di questi sistemi. In particolare si mostrerà come un approccio ad agenti, utilizzando il linguaggio di programmazione Jason e quindi l'architettura BDI, sia una scelta significativa, dal momento che il modello sottostante a questo tipo di linguaggio è basato sul ragionamento pratico degli esseri umani (Human Practical Reasoning) e quindi è adatto alla implementazione di sistemi che agiscono in maniera autonoma. Dato che le possibilità di utilizzare un vero e proprio sistema autonomo per poter testare i controllori sono ridotte, per motivi pratici, economici e temporali, mostreremo come è facile e performante arrivare in maniera rapida ad un primo prototipo del robot tramite l'utilizzo del simulatore commerciale Webots. Il contributo portato da questa tesi include la possibilità di poter programmare un robot in maniera modulare e rapida per mezzo di poche linee di codice, in modo tale che l'aumento delle funzionalità di questo risulti un collo di bottiglia, come si verifica nella programmazione di questi sistemi tramite i classici linguaggi di programmazione imperativi. L'organizzazione di questa tesi prevede un capitolo di background nel quale vengono riportare le basi della robotica, della sua programmazione e degli strumenti atti allo scopo, un capitolo che riporta le nozioni di programmazione ad agenti, tramite il linguaggio Jason -quindi l'architettura BDI - e perché tale approccio è adatto alla programmazione di sistemi di controllo per la robotica. Successivamente viene presentata quella che è la struttura completa del nostro ambiente di lavoro software che comprende l'ambiente ad agenti e il simulatore, quindi nel successivo capitolo vengono mostrate quelle che sono le esplorazioni effettuate utilizzando Jason e un approccio classico (per mezzo di linguaggi classici), attraverso diversi casi di studio di crescente complessità; dopodiché, verrà effettuata una valutazione tra i due approcci analizzando i problemi e i vantaggi che comportano questi. Infine, la tesi terminerà con un capitolo di conclusioni e di riflessioni sulle possibili estensioni e lavori futuri.
Saccadic performance depends on the requirements of the current trial, but also may be influenced by other trials in the same experiment. This effect of trial context has been investigated most for saccadic error rate and reaction time but seldom for the positional accuracy of saccadic landing points. We investigated whether the direction of saccades towards one goal is affected by the location of a second goal used in other trials in the same experimental block. In our first experiment, landing points ('endpoints') of antisaccades but not prosaccades were shifted towards the location of the alternate goal. This spatial bias decreased with increasing angular separation between the current and alternative goals. In a second experiment, we explored whether expectancy about the goal location was responsible for the biasing of the saccadic endpoint. For this, we used a condition where the saccadic goal randomly changed from one trial to the next between locations on, above or below the horizontal meridian. We modulated the prior probability of the alternate-goal location by showing cues prior to stimulus onset. The results showed that expectation about the possible positions of the saccadic goal is sufficient to bias saccadic endpoints and can account for at least part of this phenomenon of 'alternate-goal bias'.
Hemianopic patients make a systematic error in line bisection, showing a contra-lesional bias towards their blind side, which is the opposite of that in hemineglect patients. This error has been attributed variously to the visual field defect, to long-term strategic adaptation, or to independent effects of damage to extrastriate cortex. To determine if hemianopic bisection error can occur without the latter two factors, we studied line bisection in healthy subjects with simulated homonymous hemianopia using a gaze-contingent display, with different line-lengths, and with or without markers at both ends of the lines. Simulated homonymous hemianopia did induce a contra-lesional bisection error and this was associated with increased fixations towards the blind field. This error was found with end-marked lines and was greater with very long lines. In a second experiment we showed that eccentric fixation alone produces a similar bisection error and eliminates the effect of line-end markers. We conclude that a homonymous hemianopic field defect alone is sufficient to induce both a contra-lesional line bisection error and previously described alterations in fixation distribution, and does not require long-term adaptation or extrastriate damage.
New treatment options for Niemann-Pick Type C (NPC) have recently become available. To assess the efficiency and efficacy of these new treatment markers for disease status and progression are needed. Both the diagnosis and the monitoring of disease progression are challenging and mostly rely on clinical impression and functional testing of horizontal eye movements. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) provides information about the microintegrity especially of white matter. We show here in a case report how DTI and measures derived from this imaging method can serve as adjunct quantitative markers for disease management in Niemann-Pick Type C. Two approaches are taken--first, we compare the fractional anisotropy (FA) in the white matter globally between a 29-year-old NPC patient and 18 healthy age-matched controls and show the remarkable difference in FA relatively early in the course of the disease. Second, a voxelwise comparison of FA values reveals where white matter integrity is compromised locally and demonstrate an individualized analysis of FA changes before and after 1year of treatment with Miglustat. This method might be useful in future treatment trials for NPC to assess treatment effects.
Antisaccade errors are attributed to failure to inhibit the habitual prosaccade. We investigated whether the amount of information about the required response the patient has before the trial begins also contributes to error rate. Participants performed antisaccades in five conditions. The traditional design had two goals on the left and right horizontal meridians. In the second condition, stimulus-goal confusability between trials was eliminated by displacing one goal upward. In the third, hemifield uncertainty was eliminated by placing both goals in the same hemifield. In the fourth, goal uncertainty was eliminated by having only one goal, but interspersed with no-go trials. The fifth condition eliminated all uncertainty by having the same goal on every trial. Antisaccade error rate increased by 2% with each additional source of uncertainty, with the main effect being hemifield information, and a trend for stimulus-goal confusability. A control experiment for the effects of increasing angular separation between targets without changing these types of prior response information showed no effects on latency or error rate. We conclude that other factors besides prosaccade inhibition contribute to antisaccade error rates in traditional designs, possibly by modulating the strength of goal activation.
A 51-year-old Chinese man presented with gaze-evoked nystagmus, impaired smooth pursuit and vestibular ocular reflex cancellation, and saccadic dysmetria, along with a family history suggestive of late-onset autosomal dominant parkinsonism. MRI revealed abnormalities of the medulla and cervical spinal cord typical of adult-onset Alexander disease, and genetic testing showed homozygosity for the p.D295N polymorphic allele in the gene encoding the glial fibrillary acidic protein. A review of the literature shows that ocular signs are frequent in adult-onset Alexander disease, most commonly gaze-evoked nystagmus, pendular nystagmus, and/or oculopalatal myoclonus, and less commonly ptosis, miosis, and saccadic dysmetria. These signs are consistent with the propensity of adult-onset Alexander disease to cause medullary abnormalities on neuroimaging.