970 resultados para FF Summer School - 6 - 2002 - Lammi
Report on a special investigation of the Cedar Rapids Community School District for the period July 1, 2002 through August 24, 2009
Letter to the Colo-Nesco Community School District as a result of reaudit procedures performed at the request of the Superintendent pursuant to Chapter 11.6(4)(a)(2) of the Code of Iowa for the period July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008
In advance of the 2012 legislative session, I am pleased to provide for your review this legislative brief on Gov. Terry E. Branstad’s and Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds’ education reform package. The purpose is to provide a broad overview of the components of the package, give some examples of where similar approaches are in place, and provide cost estimates. In collaboration with the Governor’s Office, the staff at the Iowa Department of Education and I have worked intensively to prepare a set of legislative proposals worthy of careful consideration. I believe this package puts us on the path to our unshakable vision of having one of the best school systems in the world. Iowa’s children deserve nothing less.
We received a complaint in late September 2011 that an Earlham School District employee had borrowed a school vehicle for her personal use for one month, with the Superintendent’s permission. The school board had discussed the circumstances of the borrowed district vehicle in closed session. The complainant believed this was contrary to Iowa law and also believed no action had been taken against the school employee who borrowed the vehicle or the superintendent who allowed the personal use of the vehicle. He was aware the school district’s attorney reviewed the matter and determined the employee and superintendent violated no law or district policies. Since the school board discussed the matter only in closed session, it was unknown what, if any, discipline was taken against the employees and whether such actions were condoned by the district. We agreed to investigate to determine if the actions of school officials or employees violated Iowa law and if the response from the school board was appropriate.
IPERS is prefunded, which means that while members are working they contribute to IPERS for their own future retirements. Contributions from employees and their employers, plus investment income, must be enough to cover the costs of future benefits that IPERS promises to pay.
IPERS is prefunded, which means that while members are working they contribute to IPERS for their own future retirements. Contributions from employees and their employers, plus investment income, must be enough to cover the costs of future benefits that IPERS promises to pay.
IRENE’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of Iowans through collaboration in practice-based research on questions important to primary care physicians and their patients. IRENE’s purpose is to create and foster a network of research collaboration between the academic medical center and primary care physicians through out the state of Iowa with a particular focus on improving rural health.
Newsletter from the University of Iowa School of Library and Information Science.
A Business Newsletter for Agriculture
A Business Newsletter for Agriculture
A Business Newsletter for Agriculture
Newsletter for those who reside on acreages in Iowa. Produced by the Iowa State University Extension Office.