990 resultados para F359I POINT MUTATION


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Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy (APECED, APS1) is an autoimmune disease caused by a loss-of function mutation in the autoregulator gene (AIRE). Patients with APECED suffer from chronic mucocutaneous candidosis (CMC) of the oral cavity and oesophagus often since early childhood. The patients are mainly colonized with Candida albicans and decades of exposure to antifungal agents have lead to the development of clinical and microbiological resistance in the treatment of CMC in the APECED patient population in Finland. A high incidence of oral squamous cell carcinoma is associated with oral CMC lesions in the APECED patients over the age of 25. The overall aim of this study was firstly, to investigate the effect of long-term azole exposure on the metabolism of oral C. albicans isolates from APECED patients with CMC and secondly, to analyse the specific molecular mechanisms that are responsible for these changes. The aim of the first study was to examine C. albicans strains from APECED patients and the level of cross-resistance to miconazole, the recommended topical compound for the treatment of oral candidosis. A total of 16% of the strains had decreased susceptibility to miconazole and all of these isolates had decreased susceptibility to fluconazole. Miconazole MICs also correlated with MICs to voriconazole and posaconazole. A significant positive correlation between the years of miconazole exposure and the MICs to azole antifungal agents was also found. These included azoles the patients had not been exposed to. The aim of our second study was to determine if the APECED patients are continuously colonized with the same C. albicans strains despite extensive antifungal treatment and to gain a deeper insight into the genetic changes leading to azole resistance. The strains were typed using MLST and our results confirmed that all patients were persistently colonized with the same or a genetically related strain despite antifungal treatment between isolations. No epidemic strains were found. mRNA expression was analysed by Northern blotting, protein level by western blotting, and TAC1 and ERG11 genes were sequenced. The main molecular mechanisms resulting in azole resistance were gain-of-function mutations in TAC1 leading to over expression of CDR1 and CDR2, genes linked to azole resistance. Several strains had also developed point mutations in ERG11, another gene linked to azole resistance. In the third study we used gas chromatography to test whether the level of carcinogenic acetaldehyde produced by C. albicans strains isolated from APECED patients were different from the levels produced by strains isolated from healthy controls and oral carcinoma patients. Acetaldehyde is a carcinogenic product of alcohol fermentation and metabolism in microbes associated with cancers of the upper digestive tract. In yeast, acetaldehyde is a by-product of the pyruvate bypass that converts pyruvate into acetyl-CoA during fermentation. Our results showed that strains isolated from APECED patients produced mutagenic levels of acetaldehyde in the presence of glucose (100mM, 18g/l) and the levels produced were significantly higher than those from strains isolated from controls and oral carcinoma patients. All strains in the study, however, were found to produce mutagenic levels of acetaldehyde in the presence of ethanol (11mM). The glucose and ethanol levels used in this study are equivalent to those found in food and beverages and our results highlight the role of dietary sugars and ethanol on carcinogenesis. The aims of our fourth study were to research the effect of growth conditions in the levels of acetaldehyde produced by C. albicans and to gain deeper insight into the role of different genes in the pyruvate-bypass in the production of high acetaldehyde levels. Acetaldehyde production in the presence of glucose increased by 17-fold under moderately hypoxic conditions compared to the levels produced under normoxic conditions. Under moderately hypoxic conditions acetaldehyde levels did not correlate with the expression of ADH1 and ADH2, genes catalyzing the oxidation of ethanol to acetaldehyde, or PDC11, the gene catalyzing the oxidation of pyruvate to acetaldehyde but correlated with the expression of down-stream genes ALD6 and ACS1. Our results highlight a problem where indiscriminate use of azoles may influence azole susceptibility and lead to the development of cross-resistance. Despite clinically successful treatment leading to relief of symptoms, colonization by C. albicans strains is persistent within APECED patients. Microevolution and point mutations that occur in strains may lead to the development of azole-resistant isolates and metabolic changes leading to increased production of carcinogenic acetaldehyde.


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Escherichia coli RNA polymerase is a multi-subunit enzyme containing alpha(2)beta beta'omega sigma, which transcribes DNA template to intermediate RNA product in a sequence specific manner. Although most of the subunits are essential for its function, the smallest subunit omega (average molecular mass similar to 10,105 Da) can be deleted without affecting bacterial growth. Creating a mutant of the omega subunit can aid in improving the understanding of its role. Sequencing of rpoZ gene that codes for omega subunit from a mutant variant suggested a substitution mutation at position 60 of the protein: asparagine (N) -> aspartic acid (D). This mutation was verified at the protein level by following a typical mass spectrometry (MS) based bottom-up proteomic approach. Characterization of in-gel trypsin digested samples by reverse phase liquid chromatography (LC) coupled to electrospray ionization (ESI)-tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) enabled in ascertaining this mutation. Electron transfer dissociation (ETD) of triply charged (M + 3H)(3+)] tryptic peptides (residues 53-67]), EIEEGLINNQILDVR from wild-type and EIEEGLIDNQILDVR from mutant, facilitated in unambiguously determining the site of mutation at residue 60.


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Unsteady laminar compressible boundary-layer flow with variable properties at a three-dimensional stagnation point for both cold and hot walls has been studied for the case when the velocity of the incident stream varies arbitrarily with time. The partial differential equations governing the flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. Computations have been carried out for two particular unsteady free-stream velocity distributions: (i) an accelerating stream and (ii) a fluctuating stream. The results indicate that the variation of the density-viscosity product across the boundary layer, the wall temperature and the nature of stagnation point significantly affect the skin friction and heat transfer.


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The curvature of the line of critical points in a reentrant ternary mixture is determined by approaching the double critical point (DCP) extremely closely. The results establish the continuous and quadratic nature of this line. Out study encompasses as small a loop size (ΔT) as 663 mK. The DCP is realized when ΔT becomes zero.


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The nonlinear current voltage characteristics of a point contact convey information about various excitations in the metal. We have made a poin~ contact study on a superconductor to see the band gap and on a normal metal to see Ihe transport characteristics.


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The effect of massive blowing rates on the steady laminar hypersonic boundary‐layer flow of an electrically conducting fluid in the stagnation region of an axisymmetric body with an applied magnetic field has been studied. The governing equations have been solved numerically by combining the implicit finite‐difference scheme with the quasi‐linearization technique. It is observed that the effect of massive blowing rates is to remove the viscous layer away from the boundary, whereas the effect of the magnetic field is just the opposite. It is also found that the velocity overshoot increases with blowing rates and also with magnetic field. The effect of the variation of the density‐viscosity product across the boundary layer is strong only when the blowing rate is small, but for the massive blowing rate the effect is negligible.


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Extracting features from point-based representations of geometric surface models is becoming increasingly important for purposes such as model classification, matching, and exploration. In an earlier paper, we proposed a multiphase segmentation process to identify elongated features in point-sampled surface models without the explicit construction of a mesh or other surface representation. The preliminary results demonstrated the strength and potential of the segmentation process, but the resulting segmentations were still of low quality, and the segmentation process could be slow. In this paper, we describe several algorithmic improvements to overcome the shortcomings of the segmentation process. To demonstrate the improved quality of the segmentation and the superior time efficiency of the new segmentation process, we present segmentation results obtained for various point-sampled surface models. We also discuss an application of our segmentation process to extract ridge-separated features in point-sampled surfaces of CAD models.


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This paper may be considered as a sequel to one of our earlier works pertaining to the development of an upwind algorithm for meshless solvers. While the earlier work dealt with the development of an inviscid solution procedure, the present work focuses on its extension to viscous flows. A robust viscous discretization strategy is chosen based on positivity of a discrete Laplacian. This work projects meshless solver as a viable cartesian grid methodology. The point distribution required for the meshless solver is obtained from a hybrid cartesian gridding strategy. Particularly considering the importance of an hybrid cartesian mesh for RANS computations, the difficulties encountered in a conventional least squares based discretization strategy are highlighted. In this context, importance of discretization strategies which exploit the local structure in the grid is presented, along with a suitable point sorting strategy. Of particular interest is the proposed discretization strategies (both inviscid and viscous) within the structured grid block; a rotated update for the inviscid part and a Green-Gauss procedure based positive update for the viscous part. Both these procedures conveniently avoid the ill-conditioning associated with a conventional least squares procedure in the critical region of structured grid block. The robustness and accuracy of such a strategy is demonstrated on a number of standard test cases including a case of a multi-element airfoil. The computational efficiency of the proposed meshless solver is also demonstrated. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A critical test has been presented to establish the nature of the kinetic pathways for the decomposition of Fe-12 at.% Si alloy below the metastable tricritical point. The results, based on the measurements of saturation magnetization, establish that a congruent ordering from B2 --> D0(3) precedes the development of a B2 + D0(3) two-phase field, consistent with the predictions in 1976 of Allen and Cahn.


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To investigate the nature of the curve of critical exponents (as a function of the distance from a double critical point), we have combined our measurements of the osmotic compressibility with all published data for quasibinary liquid mixtures. This curve has a parabolic shape. An explanation of this result is advanced in terms of the geometry of the coexistence dome, which is contained in a triangular prism.