951 resultados para Exilio latinoamericano
La reina Juana I se construye discursivamente a partir de las crónicas de sus contemporáneos. Olvidada durante siglos, reaparece en el romanticismo francés y español. La Juana del franquismo estipula intensa intertextualidad con la Juana de la tradición decimonónica. Este texto indaga, con base en Doña Juana la Loca, de Gómez de la Serna, y Juana inventó la noche, de Martín Elizondo, la intertextualidad compleja entre la Juana del franquismo y la Juana de los exiliados.
[ES]El poeta Vicente Aleixandre prestó su apoyo durante la Guerra Civil española al bando republicano, hasta que en los primeros meses de 1937 los mismos republicanos lo detuvieron y lo llevaron a la cárcel, aunque antes de las veinticuatro horas fue puesto en libertad. A partir de ese momento –y tras un intento frustrado de salir del país– se retiró de la vida pública y optó por el silencio. Acabada la guerra, mantuvo una distancia crítica con el régimen franquista e hizo cuanto le fue posible por la reconciliación entre las dos Españas.
This dissertation is aimed at analysing deeply and thoroughly the most significant topics and features reflected in the Latin American literary work of Alberto Manzi. His almost thirty years of travelling and volunteering in the indigenous communities of South America formed a background of knowledge and experiences, which turned out to be crucial for the genesis of his Latin American trilogy. In the light of this, not only are ‘La luna nelle baracche’, ‘El loco’ and ‘E venne il sabato’ a speaking testimony of Manzi’s life and inner development, but they also offer a privileged perspective on the social, historical and religious situation of the people of Latin America. For a better understanding of the books, chapter one provides an extensive historical and economic commentary stretching over a century, from the collapse of the Spanish Empire to the rise of modern dictatorships in the late ‘70s, and the long democratic transition of the ‘80s. As far as the religious background is concerned, it is important to mention the influence of the liberation theology in the shaping of Manzi’s revolutionary thought. Indeed, chapter two identifies the precursors of the liberation theology, considers the effects of the Second Vatican Council on Latin America’s Catholic Church, and presents the methodology and the most powerful intuitions of the liberation theology. Finally, chapter three employs a critical analysis of Manzi’s Latin American trilogy, which focuses on his personal journal of his time in the austral continent, and Sonia and Giulia Manzi’s testimony published in a book entitled ‘Non è mai troppo tardi’. Chapter three provides an in-depth analysis of the evolution of the author’s revolutionary thought and plot dynamics; it discusses the psychological profile of the characters, the cultural features of the indigenous traditions, and the author’s urge to involve the readership in a permanent process of self-questioning.
Con un sugerente prólogo del Profesor José Andrés-Gallego comienza este trabajo de Carlos A. Page. Una de las personas que más interés ha mostrado por los territorios, la arquitectura y el funcionamiento de las misiones emplazadas en lo que fuera la Provincia de Paraguay, en la Antigua Compañía de Jesús.