519 resultados para Exhaled breath
The aim of this study was to explore symptom burden and its relationship to functional performance in patients with COPD. A descriptive, cross-sectional, correlational survey design was used and a sample of 214 patients with COPD. The sample was recruited from patients attending one of the major teaching hospitals in Dublin. Symptom burden was measured using the Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale (MSAS), and the functional performance was measured using the Functional Performance Inventory-Short Form (FPISF). Findings revealed that participants experienced a median of 13 symptoms. The most burdensome symptoms were shortness of breath, lack of energy, difficulty sleeping, worrying, dry mouth, feeling nervous, feeling irritable, and feeling sad. Participants with very severe COPD had the greatest symptom burden, followed by those with severe COPD, moderate COPD, and mild COPD. Symptom burden was higher for the psychological symptoms compared to the physical symptoms. Participants with mild COPD had the highest functional performance, followed by those with moderate COPD, very severe COPD, and severe COPD. Twenty symptoms were negatively correlated with overall functional performance, indicating that high symptom burden for those symptoms was associated with low overall functional performance. Moderate, negative, statistically significant correlations were found between the total symptom burden and overall functional performance, physical symptom burden and overall functional performance and psychological symptom burden and overall functional performance. A negative linear relationship was found between total symptom burden and overall functional performance among all stages of COPD except the mild group. No relationship was found between total symptom burden and overall functional performance for the moderate group. Healthcare professionals need to broaden the clinical and research assessment of physical and psychological symptoms in COPD; alleviating the burden of these symptoms may promote improved functional performance.
The Great Book of Ireland, Leabhar Mór na hÉireann, is an extraordinary modern vellum manuscript in a single volume which comprises the original work of 120 artists, 140 poets and nine composers. Produced in Dublin between 1989 and 1991, it has been acquired by University College Cork to be preserved in posterity on behalf of the Irish people. Conceived originally as a venture to create a saleable artefact which would help to fund the development plans of two arts organizations in Ireland, the original architects of the idea and editors of the end product were Theo Dorgan of Poetry Ireland and Gene Lambert of Clashganna Mills, with Eamonn Martin as business manager. Out of their initial meeting in March 1989 came the first tentative idea of producing an original artefact that would raise substantial funds for their charitable-status arts organizations, while at the same time being a venture worthwhile in itself. What was to emerge was a project of breath-taking ambition and scale – The Great Book of Ireland, Leabhar Mór na hÉireann, completed in 1991. Artists, poets, and composers were asked to contribute in their own medium what they believed represented their hopes, fears, dreams, or imaginings in the Ireland of that particular time, and which would have resonance in a thousand years - as the longevity of vellum allows. Each page of The Great Book is a unique artefact in itself, often multi-layered or palimpsestial in nature. The whole “united” in design by the work of the scribe, Denis Brown. This paper will describes the creation process of the book, its subsequent history, and future plans for the book at University College Cork.
RATIONALE: As more preterm infants recover from severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), it is critical to understand the clinical consequences of this condition on the lung health of adult survivors.
OBJECTIVES: To assess structural and functional lung parameters in young adult BPD survivors and preterm and term controls Methods: Young adult survivors of BPD (mean age 24) underwent spirometry, lung volumes, transfer factor, lung clearance index and fractional exhaled nitric oxide measurements together with high-resolution chest tomographic (CT) imaging and cardiopulmonary exercise testing.
MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: 25 adult BPD survivors, (mean ± SD gestational age 26.8 ± 2.3 weeks; birth weight 866 ± 255 g), 24 adult prematurely born non-BPD controls (gestational age 30.6 ± 1.9 weeks; birth weight 1234 ± 207 g) and 25 adult term birth control subjects (gestational age 38.5 ± 0.9 weeks; and birth weight 3569 ± 2979 g) were studied. BPD subjects were more likely to be wakened by cough (OR 9.7, 95% CI: 1.8 to 52.6), p<0.01), wheeze and breathlessness (OR 12.2, 95%CI: 1.3 to 112), p<0.05) than term controls after adjusting for sex and current smoking. Preterm subjects had greater airways obstruction than term subjects. BPD subjects had significantly lower values for FEV1 and FEF25-75 (% predicted and z scores) than term controls (both p<0.001). Although non-BPD subjects also had lower spirometric values than term controls, none of the differences reached statistical significance. More BPD subjects (25%) had fixed airflow obstruction than non-BPD (12.5%) and term (0%) subjects (p=0.004). Both BPD and non-BPD subjects had significantly greater impairment in gas transfer (KCO % predicted) than term subjects (both p<0.05). Eighteen (37%) preterm participants were classified as small for gestational age (birth weight < 10th percentile for gestational age). These subjects had significantly greater impairment in FEV1 (% predicted and z scores) than those born appropriate for gestational age. BPD survivors had significantly more severe radiographic structural lung impairment than non-BPD subjects. Both preterm groups had impaired exercise capacity compared to term controls. There was a trend for greater limitation and leg discomfort in BPD survivors.
CONCLUSIONS: Adult preterm birth survivors, especially those who developed BPD, continue to experience respiratory symptoms and exhibit clinically important levels of pulmonary impairment.
Ce projet illustre cinq études, mettant l'emphase sur le développement d'une nouvelle approche diagnostique cardiovasculaire afin d'évaluer le niveau d’oxygène contenu dans le myocarde ainsi que sa fonction microvasculaire. En combinant une séquence de résonance magnétique cardiovasculaire (RMC) pouvant détecter le niveau d’oxygène (OS), des manœuvres respiratoires ainsi que des analyses de gaz artériels peuvent être utilisés comme procédure non invasive destinée à induire une réponse vasoactive afin d’évaluer la réserve d'oxygénation, une mesure clé de la fonction vasculaire. Le nombre de tests diagnostiques cardiaques prescrits ainsi que les interventions, sont en pleine expansion. L'imagerie et tests non invasifs sont souvent effectués avant l’utilisation de procédures invasives. L'imagerie cardiaque permet d’évaluer la présence ou absence de sténoses coronaires, un important facteur économique dans notre système de soins de santé. Les techniques d'imagerie non invasives fournissent de l’information précise afin d’identifier la présence et l’emplacement du déficit de perfusion chez les patients présentant des symptômes d'ischémie myocardique. Néanmoins, plusieurs techniques actuelles requièrent la nécessité de radiation, d’agents de contraste ou traceurs, sans oublier des protocoles de stress pharmacologiques ou physiques. L’imagerie RMC peut identifier une sténose coronaire significative sans radiation. De nouvelles tendances d’utilisation de RMC visent à développer des techniques diagnostiques qui ne requièrent aucun facteur de stress pharmacologiques ou d’agents de contraste. L'objectif principal de ce projet était de développer et tester une nouvelle technique diagnostique afin d’évaluer la fonction vasculaire coronarienne en utilisant l' OS-RMC, en combinaison avec des manœuvres respiratoires comme stimulus vasoactif. Ensuite, les objectifs, secondaires étaient d’utilisés l’OS-RMC pour évaluer l'oxygénation du myocarde et la réponse coronaire en présence de gaz artériels altérés. Suite aux manœuvres respiratoires la réponse vasculaire a été validée chez un modèle animal pour ensuite être utilisé chez deux volontaires sains et finalement dans une population de patients atteints de maladies cardiovasculaires. Chez le modèle animal, les manœuvres respiratoires ont pu induire un changement significatif, mesuré intrusivement par débit sanguin coronaire. Il a été démontré qu’en présence d'une sténose coronarienne hémodynamiquement significative, l’OS-RMC pouvait détecter un déficit en oxygène du myocarde. Chez l’homme sain, l'application de cette technique en comparaison avec l'adénosine (l’agent standard) pour induire une vasodilatation coronarienne et les manœuvres respiratoires ont pu induire une réponse plus significative en oxygénation dans un myocarde sain. Finalement, nous avons utilisé les manœuvres respiratoires parmi un groupe de patients atteint de maladies coronariennes. Leurs myocardes étant altérées par une sténose coronaire, en conséquence modifiant ainsi leur réponse en oxygénation. Par la suite nous avons évalué les effets des gaz artériels sanguins sur l'oxygénation du myocarde. Ils démontrent que la réponse coronarienne est atténuée au cours de l’hyperoxie, suite à un stimuli d’apnée. Ce phénomène provoque une réduction globale du débit sanguin coronaire et un déficit d'oxygénation dans le modèle animal ayant une sténose lorsqu’un supplément en oxygène est donné. En conclusion, ce travail a permis d'améliorer notre compréhension des nouvelles techniques diagnostiques en imagerie cardiovasculaire. Par ailleurs, nous avons démontré que la combinaison de manœuvres respiratoires et l’imagerie OS-RMC peut fournir une méthode non-invasive et rentable pour évaluer la fonction vasculaire coronarienne régionale et globale.
Statistics published by the National Health Service Litigation Authority relating to ten years of maternity claims provoke a sharp intake of breath. The total value of these claims over the first decade of the 21st century was £3,117,649,888 (NHS Litigation Authority 2012). The United Kingdom is not the only country to witness an astronomical increase in the level of litigation relating to maternity services. As far afield as Saudi Arabia (Henary et al 2012) and the United States (Berkowitz 2011), reports are being published of the demands on maternity budgets as a result of dissatisfaction with care received during pregnancy, labour and birth. The papers referenced above attribute adverse outcomes to negligence, misdiagnosis, surgical blunders and inefficient administration. Berkowitz(2011:7) suggests that what is needed is wholesale and whole-hearted adoption of ‘…electronic fetal monitoring [EFM] certification for all staff working on their Labor and Delivery floor, protocols for managing common clinical scenarios, simulation drills for dealing with uncommon dangerous events, and pre-procedure checklists’. The NHS Litigation Authority (2012:5) recommends that Trusts ‘…engage with the risk management process at all levels; provide suitable learning and training; ensure appropriate supervision and support; have in place up-to-date protocols and guidance with which staff are familiar; learn lessons from claims’. It is relatively easy to ensure that staff are sent on fetal heart rate (FHR) training days (although whether use of EFM produces better outcomes has, of course, never been clearly demonstrated (Alfirevic et al 2013) and that protocols for managing events during labour and birth are drawn up and even put into practice. It’s uncertain, however, whether doing so will make the problem of maternity litigation go away. There is something ‘rotten in the state of Denmark’ that is fuelling women’s dissatisfaction and which ‘the system’ has not been able to get its head round.
The provocation and point of this paper is that universities of the North during the era of neoliberalism of have been sucked of their human life-giving capacities. What remains are closed doors and bare walls. Lest we give the impression of a hopelessly romantic view of the university (and embark upon a lament for some paradise lost), let us be clear from the outset: there is no such place – and there never has been. As will be outlined below, a consideration of the history of the university reveals it was born and has persistently drawn its life breath from oxygen formed in the tension ridden mix of an impulse to human freedom and accommodation to powers of church, state and capital. But, we contend, history is now the witness to the almost complete dissolution of that tension: to the exhaustion of emancipatory impulses in the service of indoctrination, regulation and accumulation. In the church-state-capital triad, it is the latter that has emerged hegemonic. Importantly, we argue, its dominance has emerged with the rise of what Paul Baran and Paul Sweezy describe as monopoly capital: the move from competitive (small entrepreneurial business) forms to monopolistic (large corporate business) regimes of accumulation (Baran & Sweezy 1966). A central feature of monopoly capitalism is its need for significant financial support of national states and the harnessing of public resources such as universities to feed accumulation. It is no surprise that neoliberalism, despite its neoclassical economic pronouncements, is a ‘big state’ advocate (Harvey 2005). Our argument is that neoliberalism, as the political workhorse of monopoly capitalism, has overseen a makeover of universities so they might behave like a monopoly capitalist corporation. Our time is the time of the near global domination of capital. The university has succumbed. In its colonisation – its capitalisation – the university has not only reinvented itself as a willing ally of capital but has also set about remaking itself in its image.
The chapter discusses the notion of the ‘operatic’ with particular reference to movement. Through observation of singers in rehearsal and through interviews with singers over two years, the research posits that ‘operatic’ movement may be identified and explored as a discrete quality of movement in performance and recognised as an, albeit underappreciated, aspect of the artistry of the opera singer. The paper explores the effects of the demands of singing on the dramatic expressivity of the body and the strategies employed by singers to navigate, the sometimes conflicting demands of the composer and the director. ‘Operatic’ movement is regarded as that which is not generated through character or narrative (positioned as a normative approach to acting) but through the negotiation of the physical constrictions and artificiality of breath associated with operatic singing, combined with sensitivity towards opera’s non-normative performance conventions. This position is aided by an interrogation of opera through the lens of gender theory. The chapter makes two propositions, that the ‘operatic’, which does not form part of the formal pedagogy of singers, is an emergent property, especially evident at the intersection of the various creative disciplines that contribute to opera, such as when the orchestra is introduced to the rehearsal process, and that ‘operaticness’ is acquired and passed on through a process of kinaesthetic empathy.
Se realizó un estudio descriptivo- retrospectivo desde enero de 2007 a diciembre del 2011. El universo estuvo constituido por los pacientes de 18 años y más con diagnóstico de Neumotórax, internados en los departamentos de cirugía del Hospital Regional Vicente Corral Moscoso y Hospital Teófilo Dávila. Para el levantamiento de la información se utilizó un formulario previamente diseñado. Los datos se transcribieron de las historias clínicas a los formularios respectivos. Resultados: Se incluyeron 73 pacientes del HTD y 52 del HVCM, el neumotórax de mayor prevalencia fue el traumático con el 85.6% de los casos, izquierdo en el 54.4%; las características clínicas de mayor relevancia fueron: dolor moderado 40.8%; taquicardia 15.2%; desviación de la tráquea hacia la derecha 32.8%; distención de las venas del cuello 38.4%; hipersonoridad 76.8%; murmullo vesicular disminuido 80%; disnea 99.2%; cianosis 22.4%; los método diagnósticos presentaron la siguiente prevalencia: radiografía de tórax 100%; tomografía 27.2% y resonancia en el 0.8% de los casos; el tratamiento fue en el 16% toracocentesis con aspiración de aguja y en el 100% tubo de tórax. La media de días de hospitalización fue de 5 días y la mortalidad fue del 10.4%.- Conclusiones: Se registraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ambas instituciones en las características clínicas en cuanto a la procedencia, intensidad del dolor, frecuencia cardiaca, murmullo vesicular disminuido y presentación de cianosis. Además se evidencia una alta mortalidad.au
A halitose é uma condição ou alteração do hálito, sendo caracterizada por um hálito desagradável emitido pela expiração. Segundo a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), é considerado um problema de saúde, visto que afeta cerca de 40% da população mundial. Este problema causa desconforto e constrangimento social, sendo assim um limitador da qualidade de vida e da autoestima de quem a padece. Atualmente sabe-se que a halitose pode ser caracterizada como verdadeira, pseudo-halitose ou halitofobia. A halitose verdadeira pode ser uma halitose patológica ou fisiológica. A sua etiologia é multifatorial e o seu tratamento é multidisciplinar. Por outro lado, tanto a pseudo-halitose como a halitofobia provêm do foro psicológico, sendo necessário a ajuda de um psicólogo ou psiquiatra. Existem vários testes de diagnóstico (halímetro, cromatografia gasosa, BANA, entre outros) para avaliar a presença e a severidade desta patologia. O tratamento desta patologia consiste na eliminação das cáries e doenças periodontais, dando instruções de higiene oral para reforçar a escovagem dentária, o uso do fio dentário e a higiene das próteses. O aconselhamento dietético e a limpeza da língua também são essenciais, como também o controlo do biofilme com anti-séticos orais (Abreu et alii., 2011; Machado et alii., 2008). O objetivo desta revisão bibliográfica assenta na determinação de diversas possibilidades de prevenção e tratamento bem como a sua eficácia, sendo esta fundamental para o reconhecimento e correta interpretação da halitose. A pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o tema “Halitose: da etiologia ao tratamento” foi realizada essencialmente em motores de busca como o Pubmed e a Scielo, em três idiomas, Português, Inglês e Espanhol. selecionando artigos na sua maioria entre os anos 2006-2016. O médico médico dentista tem como função, na maioria dos casos, de tratar esta patologia ou então, quando não está associada à cavidade oral, reencaminhar o paciente para a especialidade médica adequada. Contudo, é de salientar que o paciente também possui um papel ativo no tratamento e na manutenção da halitose.
Coronary heart disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has become the most widely used method of coronary artery revascularisation. The use of stents to hold open atherosclerosis induced arterial narrowing has significantly reduced elastic recoil and acute vessel occlusion following balloon angioplasty. However, bare metal stents have been associated with in-stent restenosis attributed to vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) hyperplasia and excessive neointimal formation. The resultant luminal renarrowing may manifest clinically with the return of symptoms such as chest pain or shortness of breath. The development of drug eluting stents has significantly reduced the incidence of in-stent restenosis (ISR). Unfortunately the antiproliferative medications used not only inhibit VSMC proliferation but also re-endothelialisation of the stented vessel. In addition, the drug impregnated polymer coating has been associated with a chronic inflammatory response within the vessel wall predisposing patients to stent thrombosis. Thus the identification of novel therapies which promote vessel healing without excessive proliferative or inflammatory response may improve long term outcome and reduce the need for repeated revascularisation. MicroRNAs (miRs) are short (18-25 nucleotide) non-coding RNAs acting to regulate gene expression. By binding to the 3’untranslated region of mRNA they act to fine tune gene expression either by mRNA degradation or translational repression. Originally identified in coordinating tissue development microRNAs have also been shown to play important roles coordinating the inflammatory response and in numerous cardiovascular diseases. MiR-21 has been identified in human atherosclerotic plaques, arteriosclerosis obliterans and abdominal aortic aneurysms. In addition, its up regulation has been documented in preclinical models of vascular injury. This study sought to identify the role of miR-21 in the development of ISR. Utilising a small animal model of stenting and in vitro techniques, we sought to investigate its influence upon VSMC and immune cell response following stenting. 19 The refinement of a murine stenting model within the Baker laboratory and the electrochemical dissolution of the metal stent from within harvested vascular tissues significantly improved the ability to perform detailed histological analysis. In addition, identification of miRNAs using in situ hybridisation was achieved for the first time within stented tissue. Neointimal formation and ISR was significantly reduced in mice in which miR-21 had been genetically deleted. In addition, neointimal composition was found to be altered in miR-21 KO mice with reductions in VSMC and elastin content demonstrated. Importantly, no difference in re-endothelialisation was observed. In vitro analysis demonstrated that VSMCs from miR-21 KO mice had both reduced proliferative and migratory capacity following platelet derived growth factor stimulation. Molecular analysis revealed that these differences may, at least in part, be due to de-repression of programmed cell death 4 (PDCD4). PDCD4 is a known miR-21 target within VSMCs implicated in the suppression of proliferation and promotion of apoptosis. Unfortunately, initial attempts at antimiR mediated knockdown of miR-21 in vivo, failed to produce a similar change in the suppression of ISR. Furthermore, a significant alteration in macrophage polarisation state within the neointima of miR-21 WT and KO mice was noted. Immunohistochemical staining revealed a preponderance of anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages in KO mice. Analysis of bone marrow derived macrophages from miR-21 KO mice demonstrated an increased level of the peroxisome proliferation activating receptor-γ (PPARγ) which facilitates M2 polarisation. Importantly, significant alterations in numerous pro-inflammatory cytokines, which also have mitogenic effects, were also found following genetic deletion of miR-21. In Summary, this is the first study to look at miRs in the development of ISR. MiR-21 plays an important role in the development of ISR by influencing the proliferative response of VSMCs and modulating the immune response following stent deployment. Further attempts to modulate miR-21 expression following PCI may reduce ISR and the need for repeat revascularisation while also reducing the risk of stent thrombosis.
Background Physical activity in children with intellectual disabilities is a neglected area of study, which is most apparent in relation to physical activity measurement research. Although objective measures, specifically accelerometers, are widely used in research involving children with intellectual disabilities, existing research is based on measurement methods and data interpretation techniques generalised from typically developing children. However, due to physiological and biomechanical differences between these populations, questions have been raised in the existing literature on the validity of generalising data interpretation techniques from typically developing children to children with intellectual disabilities. Therefore, there is a need to conduct population-specific measurement research for children with intellectual disabilities and develop valid methods to interpret accelerometer data, which will increase our understanding of physical activity in this population. Methods Study 1: A systematic review was initially conducted to increase the knowledge base on how accelerometers were used within existing physical activity research involving children with intellectual disabilities and to identify important areas for future research. A systematic search strategy was used to identify relevant articles which used accelerometry-based monitors to quantify activity levels in ambulatory children with intellectual disabilities. Based on best practice guidelines, a novel form was developed to extract data based on 17 research components of accelerometer use. Accelerometer use in relation to best practice guidelines was calculated using percentage scores on a study-by-study and component-by-component basis. Study 2: To investigate the effect of data interpretation methods on the estimation of physical activity intensity in children with intellectual disabilities, a secondary data analysis was conducted. Nine existing sets of child-specific ActiGraph intensity cut points were applied to accelerometer data collected from 10 children with intellectual disabilities during an activity session. Four one-way repeated measures ANOVAs were used to examine differences in estimated time spent in sedentary, moderate, vigorous, and moderate to vigorous intensity activity. Post-hoc pairwise comparisons with Bonferroni adjustments were additionally used to identify where significant differences occurred. Study 3: The feasibility on a laboratory-based calibration protocol developed for typically developing children was investigated in children with intellectual disabilities. Specifically, the feasibility of activities, measurements, and recruitment was investigated. Five children with intellectual disabilities and five typically developing children participated in 14 treadmill-based and free-living activities. In addition, resting energy expenditure was measured and a treadmill-based graded exercise test was used to assess cardiorespiratory fitness. Breath-by-breath respiratory gas exchange and accelerometry were continually measured during all activities. Feasibility was assessed using observations, activity completion rates, and respiratory data. Study 4: Thirty-six children with intellectual disabilities participated in a semi-structured school-based physical activity session to calibrate accelerometry for the estimation of physical activity intensity. Participants wore a hip-mounted ActiGraph wGT3X+ accelerometer, with direct observation (SOFIT) used as the criterion measure. Receiver operating characteristic curve analyses were conducted to determine the optimal accelerometer cut points for sedentary, moderate, and vigorous intensity physical activity. Study 5: To cross-validate the calibrated cut points and compare classification accuracy with existing cut points developed in typically developing children, a sub-sample of 14 children with intellectual disabilities who participated in the school-based sessions, as described in Study 4, were included in this study. To examine the validity, classification agreement was investigated between the criterion measure of SOFIT and each set of cut points using sensitivity, specificity, total agreement, and Cohen’s kappa scores. Results Study 1: Ten full text articles were included in this review. The percentage of review criteria met ranged from 12%−47%. Various methods of accelerometer use were reported, with most use decisions not based on population-specific research. A lack of measurement research, specifically the calibration/validation of accelerometers for children with intellectual disabilities, is limiting the ability of researchers to make appropriate and valid accelerometer use decisions. Study 2: The choice of cut points had significant and clinically meaningful effects on the estimation of physical activity intensity and sedentary behaviour. For the 71-minute session, estimations for time spent in each intensity between cut points ranged from: sedentary = 9.50 (± 4.97) to 31.90 (± 6.77) minutes; moderate = 8.10 (± 4.07) to 40.40 (± 5.74) minutes; vigorous = 0.00 (± .00) to 17.40 (± 6.54) minutes; and moderate to vigorous = 8.80 (± 4.64) to 46.50 (± 6.02) minutes. Study 3: All typically developing participants and one participant with intellectual disabilities completed the protocol. No participant met the maximal criteria for the graded exercise test or attained a steady state during the resting measurements. Limitations were identified with the usability of respiratory gas exchange equipment and the validity of measurements. The school-based recruitment strategy was not effective, with a participation rate of 6%. Therefore, a laboratory-based calibration protocol was not feasible for children with intellectual disabilities. Study 4: The optimal vertical axis cut points (cpm) were ≤ 507 (sedentary), 1008−2300 (moderate), and ≥ 2301 (vigorous). Sensitivity scores ranged from 81−88%, specificity 81−85%, and AUC .87−.94. The optimal vector magnitude cut points (cpm) were ≤ 1863 (sedentary), ≥ 2610 (moderate) and ≥ 4215 (vigorous). Sensitivity scores ranged from 80−86%, specificity 77−82%, and AUC .86−.92. Therefore, the vertical axis cut points provide a higher level of accuracy in comparison to the vector magnitude cut points. Study 5: Substantial to excellent classification agreement was found for the calibrated cut points. The calibrated sedentary cut point (ĸ =.66) provided comparable classification agreement with existing cut points (ĸ =.55−.67). However, the existing moderate and vigorous cut points demonstrated low sensitivity (0.33−33.33% and 1.33−53.00%, respectively) and disproportionately high specificity (75.44−.98.12% and 94.61−100.00%, respectively), indicating that cut points developed in typically developing children are too high to accurately classify physical activity intensity in children with intellectual disabilities. Conclusions The studies reported in this thesis are the first to calibrate and validate accelerometry for the estimation of physical activity intensity in children with intellectual disabilities. In comparison with typically developing children, children with intellectual disabilities require lower cut points for the classification of moderate and vigorous intensity activity. Therefore, generalising existing cut points to children with intellectual disabilities will underestimate physical activity and introduce systematic measurement error, which could be a contributing factor to the low levels of physical activity reported for children with intellectual disabilities in previous research.
The problem: Around 300 million people worldwide have asthma and prevalence is increasing. Support for optimal self-management can be effective in improving a range of outcomes and is cost effective, but is underutilised as a treatment strategy. Supporting optimum self-management using digital technology shows promise, but how best to do this is not clear. Aim: The purpose of this project was to explore the potential role of a digital intervention in promoting optimum self-management in adults with asthma. Methods: Following the MRC Guidance on the Development and Evaluation of Complex Interventions which advocates using theory, evidence, user testing and appropriate modelling and piloting, this project had 3 phases. Phase 1: Examination of the literature to inform phases 2 and 3, using systematic review methods and focussed literature searching. Phase 2: Developing the Living Well with Asthma website. A prototype (paper-based) version of the website was developed iteratively with input from a multidisciplinary expert panel, empirical evidence from the literature (from phase 1), and potential end users via focus groups (adults with asthma and practice nurses). Implementation and behaviour change theories informed this process. The paper-based designs were converted to the website through an iterative user centred process (think aloud studies with adults with asthma). Participants considered contents, layout, and navigation. Development was agile using feedback from the think aloud sessions immediately to inform design and subsequent think aloud sessions. Phase 3: A pilot randomised controlled trial over 12 weeks to evaluate the feasibility of a Phase 3 trial of Living Well with Asthma to support self-management. Primary outcomes were 1) recruitment & retention; 2) website use; 3) Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ) score change from baseline; 4) Mini Asthma Quality of Life (AQLQ) score change from baseline. Secondary outcomes were patient activation, adherence, lung function, fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO), generic quality of life measure (EQ-5D), medication use, prescribing and health services contacts. Results: Phase1: Demonstrated that while digital interventions show promise, with some evidence of effectiveness in certain outcomes, participants were poorly characterised, telling us little about the reach of these interventions. The interventions themselves were poorly described making drawing definitive conclusions about what worked and what did not impossible. Phase 2: The literature indicated that important aspects to cover in any self-management intervention (digital or not) included: asthma action plans, regular health professional review, trigger avoidance, psychological functioning, self-monitoring, inhaler technique, and goal setting. The website asked users to aim to be symptom free. Key behaviours targeted to achieve this include: optimising medication use (including inhaler technique); attending primary care asthma reviews; using asthma action plans; increasing physical activity levels; and stopping smoking. The website had 11 sections, plus email reminders, which promoted these behaviours. Feedback during think aloud studies was mainly positive with most changes focussing on clarification of language, order of pages and usability issues mainly relating to navigation difficulties. Phase 3: To achieve our recruitment target 5383 potential participants were invited, leading to 51 participants randomised (25 to intervention group). Age range 16-78 years; 75% female; 28% from most deprived quintile. Nineteen (76%) of the intervention group used the website for an average of 23 minutes. Non-significant improvements in favour of the intervention group observed in the ACQ score (-0.36; 95% confidence interval: -0.96, 0.23; p=0.225), and mini-AQLQ scores (0.38; -0.13, 0.89; p=0.136). A significant improvement was observed in the activity limitation domain of the mini-AQLQ (0.60; 0.05 to 1.15; p = 0.034). Secondary outcomes showed increased patient activation and reduced reliance on reliever medication. There was no significant difference in the remaining secondary outcomes. There were no adverse events. Conclusion: Living Well with Asthma has been shown to be acceptable to potential end users, and has potential for effectiveness. This intervention merits further development, and subsequent evaluation in a Phase III full scale RCT.
A cross-sectional survey was conducted to characterize the indoor air quality (IAQ) in schools and its relationship with children's respiratory symptoms. Concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOC), aldehydes, PM2.5, PM10, carbon dioxide, bacteria and fungi were assessed in 73 classrooms from 20 public primary schools located in Porto, Portugal. Children who attended the selected classrooms (n = 1134) were evaluated by a standardised health questionnaire completed by the legal guardians; spirometry and exhaled nitric oxide tests. The results indicated that no classrooms presented individual VOC pollutant concentrations higher than the WHO IAQ guidelines or by INDEX recommendations; while PM2.5, PM10 and bacteria levels exceeded the WHO air quality guidelines or national limit values. High levels of total VOC, acetaldehyde, PM2.5 and PM10 were associated with higher odds of wheezing in children. Thus, indoor air pollutants, some even at low exposure levels, were related with the development of respiratory symptoms. The results pointed out that it is crucial to take into account the unique characteristics of the public primary schools, to develop appropriate control strategies in order to reduce the exposure to indoor air pollutants and, therefore, to minimize the adverse health effects.
The main aim of the research project "On the Contribution of Schools to Children's Overall Indoor Air Exposure" is to study associations between adverse health effects, namely, allergy, asthma, and respiratory symptoms, and indoor air pollutants to which children are exposed to in primary schools and homes. Specifically, this investigation reports on the design of the study and methods used for data collection within the research project and discusses factors that need to be considered when designing such a study. Further, preliminary findings concerning descriptors of selected characteristics in schools and homes, the study population, and clinical examination are presented. The research project was designed in two phases. In the first phase, 20 public primary schools were selected and a detailed inspection and indoor air quality (IAQ) measurements including volatile organic compounds (VOC), aldehydes, particulate matter (PM2.5, PM10), carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), bacteria, fungi, temperature, and relative humidity were conducted. A questionnaire survey of 1600 children of ages 8-9 years was undertaken and a lung function test, exhaled nitric oxide (eNO), and tear film stability testing were performed. The questionnaire focused on children's health and on the environment in their school and homes. One thousand and ninety-nine questionnaires were returned. In the second phase, a subsample of 68 children was enrolled for further studies, including a walk-through inspection and checklist and an extensive set of IAQ measurements in their homes. The acquired data are relevant to assess children's environmental exposures and health status.
Introdução: A tosse constitui um dos principais motivos de consulta médica e, apesar de na maioria dos casos ser de etiologia vírica ou alérgica, por vezes surgem diagnósticos inesperados. Caso Clínico: Criança do sexo feminino, 19 meses, sem antecedentes relevantes. Recorreu ao Serviço de Urgência por tosse produtiva há 3 semanas e rinorreia serosa, sem febre. Noção materna de dificuldade respiratória e recusa alimentar parcial. À admissão, polipneica, com tiragem subcostal e gemido expiratório. Auscultatoriamente, murmúrio vesicular globalmente diminuído, tempo expiratório aumentado e sibilos dispersos. Analiticamente sem alterações. A radiografia torácica evidenciou volumosa imagem quística no hemitórax direito. A TC to- rácica documentou estômago intratorácico. Foi submetida a laparoscopia que constatou hérnia do hiato paraesofágica. Após Fundoplicatura de Nissen ficou assintomática. Discussão: A hérnia do hiato é rara em idade Pediátrica, tendo sido um achado inesperado no caso clínico descrito. Consideramos assim que, apesar da sua raridade, as anomalias anatómicas devem ser consideradas no diagnóstico diferencial da tosse persistente.