797 resultados para Encapsulated


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Tin glycolate particles were prepared by a simple, one-step, polyol-mediated synthesis in air in which tin oxalate precursor was added to ethylene glycol and heated at reflux. Hexagonal-shaped, micron-sized tin glycolate particles were formed when the solution had cooled. A series of tin oxides was produced by calcination of the synthesized tin glycolate at 600-800 degrees C. It was revealed that the micron-sized, hexagonal-shaped tin glycolate now consisted of nanosized tin-based particles (80-120 nm), encapsulated within a tin glycolate shell. XRD, TGA, and FT-IR measurements were conducted to account for the three-dimensional growth of the tin glycolate particles. When applied as an anode material for Li-ion batteries, the synthesized tin glycolate particles showed good electro-chemical reactivity in Li-ion insertion/ deinsertion, retaining a specific capacity of 416mAhg(-1) beyond 50cycles. Ibis performance was significantly better than those of all the other tin oxides nanoparticles (< 160mAhg(-1)) obtained after heat treatment in air. We strongly believe that the buffering of the volume expansion by the glycolate upon Li-Sn alloying is the main factor for the improved cycling of the electrode.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The influence of four resistant and two susceptible genotypes of sweet potato to Euscepes postfasciatus Fairmaire on parasitism and biology of Catolaccus grandis Burks were evaluated under laboratory conditions. Six sweet potato roots of each genotype were infested with E. postfasciatus adults during 40 days. After this period the larvae were taken, weighted and encapsulated in parafilm. Five larvae were offered in free choice and no choice tests to C. grandis pregnant females for 12h. Five replications were used. The parasitized larvae and the eggs of the parasitoid were counted. Three daily observations were made to determine the developmental time of phases and parasitoid survival. C. grandis females can distinguish E. postfasciatus larvae reared on susceptible and resistant roots, prefering to parasitize larvae reared on susceptible roots. C. grandis survival was higher when the parasitoid was reared on larvae originated from susceptible roots and the number of emerged females was higher on larvae reared on hosts originated from susceptible roots.


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An outbreak of cryptococcosis occurred in a breeding aviary in São Paulo, Brazil. Seven psittacine birds (of species Charmosyna papou, Lorius lory, Trichoglossus goldiei, Psittacula krameri and Psittacus erithacus) died of disseminated cryptococcosis. Incoordination, progressive paralysis and difficulty in flying were seen in five birds, whereas superficial lesions coincident with respiratory alterations were seen in two birds. Encapsulated yeasts suggestive of Cryptococcus sp. were seen in faecal smears stained with India ink in two cases. Histological examination of the birds showed cryptococcal cells in various tissues, including the beak, choana, sinus, lungs, air sacs, heart, liver, spleen, kidneys, intestines and central nervous system. High titres of cryptococcal antigen were observed in the serum of an affected bird. In this case, titres increased during treatment and the bird eventually died. Yeasts were isolated from the nasal mass, faeces and liver of one bird. Cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii serovar B was identified based on biochemical, physiological and serological tests. These strains were resistant (minimum inhibitory concentration 64 μ g/ml) to fluconazole. This is the first report of C. neoformans var. gattii occurring in psittacine birds in Brazil. © 2004 ISHAM.


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The objective of the present study was the development and characterization of ethylcellulose microspheres containing diclofenac and the determination of the in vitro drug release profile. Microspheres were prepared by emulsification/solvent evaporation method using ethyl acetate as solvent for the polymer and water as non solvent. The microspheres were characterized by morphologic and granulometric analyses. The amount of encapsulated drug as well as its release profile in vitro were also determined. The product obtained was microparticles with smooth surface and narrow size distribution, about 50% of the particles being smaller than 5 μm. The methodology used allowed drug encapsulation with a good yield and the system provided a controlled release of diclofenac.


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MgB2 bulk samples containing different proportions of Mg-Ga powder were prepared by an in situ reaction technique. The Mg-Ga powder was obtained via high energy ball milling of a Mg-10 at.% Ga composite, which was fabricated by melting of pure magnesium and gallium metals inside encapsulated stainless steel tube at 655 °C in a controlled atmosphere. The MgB2 samples containing 0, 1, 3, 5 and 7 wt.% of MgGa addition were sintered at 650 °C for 30 min in argon atmosphere. Magnetic measurements performed at 5 K and 20 K showed improved critical current density, Jc, in the low magnetic field range for samples with MgGa addition. The critical temperature, Tc, for all samples with gallium additions is consistently higher when compared to the pure MgB2. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mansonian schistosomiasis is caused by an intravascular digenetic trematode Schistosoma mansoni. Praziquantel (PZQ) and oxamniquine (OXA) are the drugs of choice for the treatment of this disease. However, both drugs are subject to some limitations in their action and cases of tolerance and resistance have been reported. Moreover, tolerance and resistance cases have been reported. For this reason, there is an urgent need for research on new alternatives aimed at improving the action of existing drugs, such as the incorporation of these drugs into liposomes. In this study, the efficiency of action of liposome- encapsulated praziquantel (lip.PZQ) on oviposition by S. mansoni, strain BH, was assessed in Mus musculus mices (SPF Swiss mice). Four PZQ and lip.PZQ doses (47; 60; 250 e 300mg/kg) were tested. Some mice were treated 30 days post-infection and others after 45 days. The oogram analyses showed that the most effective lip.PZQ treatment was 300mg/kg dose given on the 45th day post infection, which reduced the number of S. mansoni eggs per gram of tissue.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Wollastonite bioceramics prepared from synthetic and natural precursors were implanted in rats in bone and subcutaneous tissues. The implant sites were excised after 7, 30 and 120 days, fixed, dehydrated, embedded in paraffin wax for serial cutting and examined under transmitted light microscope. It was found a very similar behavior for both wollastonite bioceramics. They were biocompatible, bioactive and biodegradable when implanted in rat bone. The synthetic ceramic was more reabsorbable than the one from natural powder. When implanted in subcutaneous rat tissue, both materials elicited a mild initial inflammatory reaction that practically disappeared after 120 days. Both materials were encapsulated with a very thin fibrous capsule and slightly reabsorbed at their surfaces. None of the materials induced ectopic osteogenesis. According to the results, the studied materials seem to be able for manufacturing reabsorbable bone implants.


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Purpose: The present study aimed to evaluate an injectable extended-release formulation of prednisolone acetate (PA) for orbital administration. Methods: Microspheres (MEs) of poly-ε-caprolactone (PCL) containing PA were developed by the method of solvent evaporation. The MEs obtained were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), encapsulation efficiency and in vitro release profile. The in vivo release profile was evaluated in rabbits after periocular injection of an aqueous suspension of MEs. The local biocompatibility of the system was verified by histopathologic analysis of the deployment region. Results: After MEs preparation, morphological analysis by SEM showed the feasibility of the employed method. The content of PA encapsulated was 43 ± 7% and can be considered as satisfactory. The system characterization by DSC technique, in addition to confirm the system stability, did not indicate the existence of interaction between the drug and the polymer. The in vitro release study showed the prolonged-release features of the developed system. Preliminary in vivo study showed the absence of local toxicity and confirmed the prolonged release profile of PA from MEs, suggesting the viability of the developed system for the treatment of orbital inflammatory diseases. Conclusion: The results obtained in this work are relevant and accredit the system developed as a possible alternative to the treatment of inflammatory orbitopathy.


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Since Sharir and Pnueli, algorithms for context-sensitivity have been defined in terms of 'valid' paths in an interprocedural flow graph. The definition of valid paths requires atomic call and ret statements, and encapsulated procedures. Thus, the resulting algorithms are not directly applicable when behavior similar to call and ret instructions may be realized using non-atomic statements, or when procedures do not have rigid boundaries, such as with programs in low level languages like assembly or RTL. We present a framework for context-sensitive analysis that requires neither atomic call and ret instructions, nor encapsulated procedures. The framework presented decouples the transfer of control semantics and the context manipulation semantics of statements. A new definition of context-sensitivity, called stack contexts, is developed. A stack context, which is defined using trace semantics, is more general than Sharir and Pnueli's interprocedural path based calling-context. An abstract interpretation based framework is developed to reason about stack-contexts and to derive analogues of calling-context based algorithms using stack-context. The framework presented is suitable for deriving algorithms for analyzing binary programs, such as malware, that employ obfuscations with the deliberate intent of defeating automated analysis. The framework is used to create a context-sensitive version of Venable et al.'s algorithm for analyzing x86 binaries without requiring that a binary conforms to a standard compilation model for maintaining procedures, calls, and returns. Experimental results show that a context-sensitive analysis using stack-context performs just as well for programs where the use of Sharir and Pnueli's calling-context produces correct approximations. However, if those programs are transformed to use call obfuscations, a contextsensitive analysis using stack-context still provides the same, correct results and without any additional overhead. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011.


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Purpose: This study aims to review anatomical, clinical, and pathological concepts as well as to discuss the most adequate therapeutic approach to the mucoceles of the glands of Blandin-Nuhn. Discussion: The glands of Blandin-Nuhn are localized in the ventral part of the tongue, next to the apex in the lingual median plane. Development of a mucocele in this site is rarely seen; besides, as the glands of Blandin-Nuhn are not encapsulated and are directly overlapped to the muscle tissues, their manipulation tends to be different from the other oral mucoceles. Conclusion: As Blandin-Nuhn mucoceles are uncommon and their clinical appearance could be similar to other lesions, it is important that health professionals know their clinical and histopathological features to avoid having them misdiagnosed. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.


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Three different types of maltodextrin encapsulated dehydrated blackberry fruit powders were obtained using vibrofluidized bed drying (VF), spray drying (SD), vacuum drying (VD), and freeze drying (FD). Moisture equilibrium data of blackberry pulp powders with 18% maltodextrin were determined at 20, 30, 40, and 50°C using the static gravimetric method for the water activity range of 0.06-0.90. Experimental equilibrium moisture content data versus water activity were fit to the Guggenheim-Anderson-de Boer (GAB) model. Agreement was found between experimental and calculated values. The isosteric heat of sorption of water was determined using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation from the equilibrium data; isosteric heats of sorption were found to increase with increasing temperature and could be adjusted by an exponential relationship. For freeze dried, vibrofluidized, and vacuum dried pulp powder samples, the isosteric heats of sorption were lower (more negative) than those calculated for spray dried samples. The enthalpy-entropy compensation theory was applied to sorption isotherms and plots of ΔH versus ΔS provided the isokinetic temperatures, indicating an enthalpy-controlled sorption process.


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Cryptococcosis in animals is an important fungal disease caused by the encapsulated yeast Cryptococcus neoformans. This report describes the occurrence of Cryptococcus gattii and Cryptococcus albidus in domestic pigeon (Columba livia), living together with other birds in a breeding center. The animal presented a pinkish, vascularized mass with gelatinous aspect localized subcutaneously under the right lower eyelid, with approximately 2cm in diameter. At microbiological exam it was isolated Cryptococcus gatti from the eyelid mass, lungs and liver, C. albidus from the trachea and both Cryptococcus species from muscle and kidney.